!----- LGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011. ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1. ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License along with this library; if not, see . ! ! contact: delft3d.support@deltares.nl ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ subroutine his_descr_put(datasetName) use Dio_Plt_Rw implicit none ! arguments character(Len=DioMaxStreamLen), dimension(2) :: datasetName ! locals integer, parameter :: numVars = 5 integer, parameter :: numLocs = 3 integer, parameter :: numTimeSteps = 7 character(32), dimension(numVars) :: vars character(64), dimension(numVars) :: parDescr character(40), dimension(numLocs) :: locs character(80), dimension(numLocs) :: locDescr integer, dimension(numLocs) :: intIds real, dimension(numVars,numLocs) :: values type(DioPltType) :: hisOutSet(2) type(TDioIniFile) :: hiaFile ! HIA IniFile Handle data vars / 'Aa', 'Bb', 'Cc', 'Dd', 'Ee' / data parDescr / 'Aa-aa-aa', '', 'Cc-cc-cc', 'Dd-dd-dd', 'Ee-ee-ee' / data locs / '11', '22', '33' / data locDescr / '11-11-11', '22-22-22', '' / data intIds / 111, 222, 333 / integer :: i, j ! Create HIS OUT data set do i = 1, numLocs do j = 1, numVars values(j,i) = j * 0.01 + i * 0.10 enddo enddo write (*, *) 'Creating OUT dataset' hisOutSet(2) = DioPltDefine(datasetName(2), Dio_Plt_Real, vars, intIds, locs) call DioPltAddDescriptions(hisOutSet(2), dio_plt_locs, locDescr) call DioPltAddDescriptions(hisOutSet(2), dio_plt_pars, parDescr) hisOutSet(1) = DioPltDefine(datasetName(1), Dio_Plt_Real, vars, locs) call DioPltAddDescriptions(hisOutSet(1), dio_plt_locs, locDescr) write (*, *) 'OUT Dataset Created' ! Put HIS OUT data for each timestop do i = 1, numTimeSteps call DioPltPut (hisOutSet(1),values) call DioPltPut (hisOutSet(2),values + 2220) values = values + 0.1 write (*, *) 'Reals have been put for Step: ', i ! read (*, *) enddo ! destroy datasets call DioPltDestroy(hisOutSet(1)) call DioPltDestroy(hisOutSet(2)) write (*, *) 'Have destroyed HIS OUT sets' end subroutine his_descr_put subroutine his_descr_get(resFileName, datasetName) use Dio_Plt_Rw implicit none ! arguments character*(*) :: resFileName character(Len=DioMaxStreamLen), dimension(2) :: datasetName ! locals character(Len=DioMaxParLen), dimension(:), pointer :: parDescr character(Len=DioMaxLocLen), dimension(:), pointer :: locDescr integer , dimension(:), pointer :: intIds real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: readValues integer, parameter :: numInSets = 2 type(DioPltType), dimension(numInSets) :: hisInSet integer :: resLun, plt, i ! Open file for storing results resLun = 11 open(resLun,file=resFileName) ! Open data stream ! Get HIS IN data set do plt = 1, numInSets write (resLun, *) 'Getting IN Dataset ', trim(datasetName(plt)) write (*, *) 'Getting IN Dataset ', trim(datasetName(plt)) hisInSet(plt) = DioPltGetDataset(datasetName(plt)) write (*, *) 'Got IN Dataset ', trim(datasetName(plt)), ', IntIds' intIds => DioPltGetIntIds(hisInSet(plt)) if (associated(intIds))then do i = 1, DioPltGetNLoc(hisInSet(plt)) write (resLun, *) 'IntID ', i, ' : ', intIds(i) enddo else write (resLun, *) 'Could not Get IntIDs for ', trim(datasetName(plt)) endif write (*, *) 'Got IN Dataset ', trim(datasetName(plt)), ', parDescr.s' parDescr => DioPltGetDescriptions(hisInSet(plt), dio_plt_pars) if (associated(parDescr))then do i = 1, DioPltGetNPar(hisInSet(plt)) write (resLun, '(A,I2,2A)') ' ParDescr ', i, '): ', trim(parDescr(i)) enddo else write (resLun, *) 'NO parDescr.s for ', trim(datasetName(plt)) endif write (*, *) 'Got IN Dataset ', trim(datasetName(plt)), ', locDescr.s' locDescr => DioPltGetDescriptions(hisInSet(plt), dio_plt_locs) if (associated(locDescr))then do i = 1, DioPltGetNLoc(hisInSet(plt)) write (resLun, '(A,I2,2A)') ' LocDescr ', i, '): ', trim(locDescr(i)) enddo else write (resLun, *) 'NO locDescr.s for ', trim(datasetName(plt)) endif end do ! destroy dataset do plt = 1, numInSets call DioPltDestroy(hisInSet(plt)) end do write (*, *) 'Have destroyed HIS IN sets' write (resLun, *) 'Have destroyed HIS IN sets' ! Close file for with results close(resLun) end subroutine his_descr_get program test_hia_descr use Dio_Plt_Rw character(Len=DioMaxStreamLen), dimension(2) :: datasetName datasetName(1) = 'TESTLocDesc' datasetName(2) = 'TESTParAndLocWithIntIds' call his_descr_put(datasetName) call his_descr_get('TESTDescr-res.txt', datasetName) end