This directory contains the Fortran interface to KDTREE 2, exported from on Nov 11, 2013. More original and license information in kdtree-README and LICENSE. Additional configuration in this directoy: * Autotools (autoconf+automake) setup for inclusion in other autotools-based packages. * Use libtool to produce both static and dynamic libraries. (libkdtree2f) Inclusion in your own package: * In your own package's include: AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS([third_party_open/kdtree2]) This will run configure recursively when invoked from your toplevel package directory. * In your own package's toplevel include: SUBDIRS = third_party_open/kdtree2 * In the that builds your source files that need kdtree2 include: FCFLAGS = -I$(top_builddir)/third_party_open/kdtree2/src-f90 LDADD = $(top_builddir)/third_party_open/kdtree2/src-f90/ Building instructions/ * Run ./ in this kdtree2 dir (and possibly your own package's toplevel dir) to generate missing libtool and autotools files. * Just run ./configure in your package's toplevel dir. kdtree2 will inherit the Fortran compiler, but needs no further configuration settings. * Run make in your package's toplevel dir.