* * Comments are allowed on several places in this input file * For example here * DredgeInputFileVersion = 0.2 * and here Areas = 1 with or without asterisk SedTyp = #sand# type of sediment MorUpd = true EroPar = #msil.-ep # Erosion parameter (kg/m2/s) [Area 1] * behind chapters Depth = 0.60 DredgePolygonPoints = 4 DredgePoint1 = 14.165256 8.105211E-01 17.768812 -3.751698E-01 DumpPolygonPoints = 4 DumpPoint1 = 18.826632 7.291501E-01 21.070137 -4.100431E-01 FilDRG = # dredge.inp # #####comments## FacDSS = 1.0 factor for D50 determining Ws (def=0.8 range [0.6 - 1]) 2 10.e+5 LSED : (No. of sediment), CREF: ref. conc. (km/m3 = g/l); CSOIL