=================================== === Delft3D-UTIL_MF README.TXT ==== =================================== About this file: last change date : Feb 01, 2005 last change author : Adri.Mourits@deltares.nl previous authors : Jan.Mooiman@deltares.nl This file descibes how to use the Delft3D-UTIL_MF library. This file contains the following two chapters: 1) Getting the util_mf library 2) Usage ============================== 1 GETTING THE UTIL_MF LIBRARY ============================== On Windows ---------- Name of library : util_mf.lib Name of module files : - To be found in : VSS, $/delft3d/modules/d3d-morflow/util_mf/lib/win32 Compilers used : Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6.C Visual C++ 6.0 On Linux -------- Name of library : libutil_mf.a Name of module file : - To be found in : VSS, $/delft3d/modules/d3d-morflow/util_mf/lib/wlinux Compilers used : Intel Fortran Compiler 8.0 Intel C++ Compiler 8.0 ======== 2 USAGE ======== Util_mf replaces c_util. Replacement was necessary for usage on Red Hat Enterprise. The util library should be removed as soon as possible. ============================== === END OF FILE README.TXT === ==============================