!! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2012-2016. !! !! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify !! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, !! as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! along with this program. If not, see . !! !! contact: delft3d.support@deltares.nl !! Stichting Deltares !! P.O. Box 177 !! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands !! !! All indications and logos of, and references to registered trademarks !! of Stichting Deltares remain the property of Stichting Deltares. All !! rights reserved. ! COMMON / SYSN / System characteristics integer :: insize ! the size of this common block integer :: noseg ! number of elements integer :: nolay ! number of layers in the water integer :: nseg2 ! number of bottom elements integer :: nosys ! number of active systems integer :: notot ! total number of systems integer :: nodisp ! number of dispersion arrays integer :: novelo ! number of velocity arrays integer :: noq1 ! number of exch. 1st direction integer :: noq2 ! number of exch. 2nd direction integer :: noq3 ! number of exch. 3rd direction integer :: noq4 ! number of exch. bottom direction integer :: noq ! number of exchanges integer :: nodump ! number of points monit. outp. integer :: nobnd ! number of boundaries integer :: nowst ! number of waste loads integer :: nocons ! number of constants integer :: nopa ! number of parameters integer :: nofun ! number of functions integer :: nosfun ! number of segment functions integer :: nharms ! total space of harmonics integer :: niharm ! total number of harmonics integer :: nlines ! cumulative record space integer :: npoins ! cumulative pointer space integer :: nolun ! number of unit numbers integer :: nx ! width of grid integer :: ny ! depth of grid integer :: noitem ! number of items with time-functions integer :: jtrack ! number of codiagonals integer :: nipmsa ! Length IPMSA integer :: nproc ! Number of called processes integer :: noloc ! Number of local vars in the proces subsystem integer :: nflux ! total number of fluxes integer :: nodef ! Number of defaults in proces subsystem integer :: noutp ! Number of files in OUTPUT system integer :: nrvart ! Number of extra output variables integer :: nbufmx ! Length output buffer integer :: ifiopk ! File option kenmerk array integer :: ipbloo ! Number of Bloom module (if >0) integer :: ipchar ! Number of Charon module (if >0) integer :: ioffbl ! Offset in IPMSA for Bloom integer :: ioffch ! Offset in IPMSA for Charon integer :: ndspx ! Number of extra dispersion array's integer :: nvelx ! Number of extra velocity array's integer :: nlocx ! Number of local variables on exch. level integer :: ndspn ! Number of new dispersion array's integer :: nveln ! Number of new velocity array's integer :: ndmpar ! Number of dump area's for balance output integer :: ndmpq ! Number of exchanges of interest for balance integer :: ndmps ! Number of segments of interest for balance integer :: ntdmpq ! Number of times exchanges contribute to balance integer :: ntdmps ! Number of times segments contribute to balance integer :: ncbufm ! Length character array buffer. integer :: noraai ! Number of raaien integer :: ntraaq ! Total number of times exchanges contribute to raai integer :: newrsp ! Integer array size for new time functions integer :: newisp ! Real array size for new time functions integer :: nobtyp ! Nr of boundary types integer :: nowtyp ! Nr of wasteload types integer :: nomat ! Size of the fast solvers matrix integer :: novec ! Number of fast solve vectors integer :: mmax ! Number of columns in regular grid integer :: nmax ! Number of rows in regular grid integer :: kmax ! Number of layers in regular grid integer :: novar ! Number of variables integer :: noarr ! Number of array's in workspace integer :: nogrid ! Number of defined grids integer :: nufil ! Number of extra unformatted files integer :: npartp ! number of parts/processors used in the computation integer :: mypart ! part-number of the current computing process integer :: nrref ! Maximum nr of input references for processes integer :: nothrd ! Nr of threads to be used for parallel processing integer :: nototp ! Total number of substances inclusive of particle tracking common / sysn / noseg , nolay , nseg2 , nosys , notot , & nodisp , novelo , noq1 , noq2 , noq3 , & noq4 , noq , nodump , nobnd , nowst , & nocons , nopa , nofun , nosfun , nharms , & niharm , nlines , npoins , nolun , nx , & ny , noitem , jtrack , nipmsa , nproc , & noloc , nflux , nodef , noutp , nrvart , & nbufmx , ifiopk , ipbloo , ipchar , ioffbl , & ioffch , ndspx , nvelx , nlocx , ndspn , & nveln , ndmpar , ndmpq , ndmps , ntdmpq , & ntdmps , ncbufm , noraai , ntraaq , newrsp , & newisp , nobtyp , nowtyp , nomat , novec , & mmax , nmax , kmax , novar , noarr , & nogrid , nufil , npartp , mypart , nrref , & nothrd , nototp parameter ( insize = 72 )