subroutine z_taubotmodifylayers(nmmax ,kmax ,lstsci ,icx ,icy , & & kfs ,kfsmin ,kfsmax ,dps ,dzs1 , & & kfu ,kfumin ,kfumax ,dpu ,dzu1 , & & kfv ,kfvmin ,kfvmax ,dpv ,dzv1 , & & r0 ,s0 ,s1 ,zk ,modify_dzsuv , & & dtsec ,gsqs ,kfsmx0 ,qzk ,umean , & & vmean ,dzs0 ,ztbml_upd_r1 ,gdp ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2014. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id: z_taubotmodifylayers.f90 1246 2012-02-09 11:25:49Z platzek $ ! $HeadURL: $ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Computes inproduct between two vectors. ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use globaldata ! implicit none ! type(globdat),target :: gdp ! ! The following list of pointer parameters is used to point inside the gdp structure ! ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: icx ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , intent(in) :: icy ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , intent(in) :: kmax ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , intent(in) :: nmmax integer , intent(in) :: lstsci integer , dimension(3) :: modify_dzsuv integer , dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) , intent(in) :: kfs ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) , intent(in) :: kfu ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) , intent(in) :: kfv ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) , intent(in) :: kfsmin ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) , intent(in) :: kfumin ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) , intent(in) :: kfvmin ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) , intent(in) :: kfsmx0 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) , intent(in) :: kfsmax ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) , intent(in) :: kfumax ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) , intent(in) :: kfvmax ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 real(fp) , intent(in) :: dtsec real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) , intent(in) :: gsqs ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(prec), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) , intent(in) :: dps ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) :: dpu ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) :: dpv ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) :: s0 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) :: s1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) :: umean ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub) :: vmean ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(0:kmax) :: zk ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub, kmax) :: dzs0 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub, kmax) :: dzs1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub, kmax) :: dzu1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub, kmax) :: dzv1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub, kmax, lstsci) :: r0 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nmlb:gdp%d%nmub, 0:kmax) :: qzk ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 logical :: ztbml_upd_r1 ! Determines whether the concentrations in the 2 bottom layers ! need to be updated or not ! ! Local variables ! integer :: k integer :: l integer :: nm real(fp) :: dzh ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Modification of near bed layer thicknesses to obtain ! a smoother approximation of the bed shear stress, ! ! Modification of layer thickness in cell centres ! (including mass conserving approach for constituents) ! Modification of layer thickness in velocity points ! (is additionally done in subroutine z_checku in case of flooding) ! ! First ensure conservation of constituents for the modified layering ! if (modify_dzsuv(1)==1) then ! ! First ensure conservation of constituents for the modified layering ! do nm = 1, nmmax ! ! Only in case of more than 1 layer ! if (kfs(nm)==1 .and. kfsmax(nm)>kfsmin(nm)) then k = kfsmin(nm) if (ztbml_upd_r1) then if (dzs1(nm,k) < dzs1(nm,k+1)) then do l = 1, lstsci r0(nm,k,l) = ( r0(nm,k+1,l)*(dzs1(nm,k+1)-dzs1(nm,k)) + & & 2.0_fp*r0(nm,k ,l)* dzs1(nm,k) ) / & & (dzs1(nm,k+1) + dzs1(nm,k)) enddo elseif (dzs1(nm,k) > dzs1(nm,k+1)) then do l = 1, lstsci r0(nm,k+1,l) = ( r0(nm,k ,l)*(dzs1(nm,k)-dzs1(nm,k+1)) + & & 2.0_fp*r0(nm,k+1,l)* dzs1(nm,k+1) ) / & & (dzs1(nm,k+1) + dzs1(nm,k)) enddo endif endif ! ! Take the movement of the free surface into account if it is or was located ! in the second layer from the bottom. ! Specifically if the water level crosses the interface between layers ! kfsmin(nm)+1 and kfsmin(nm)+2, the modification is adapted. ! These effects are taken into account via a balancing flux qzk(nm,kfsmin(nm)) ! across the interface between layers kfsmin(nm) and kfsmin(nm)+1 ! if (ztbml_upd_r1 .or. dzs1(nm,k)+dzs1(nm,k+1)/=dzs0(nm,k)+dzs0(nm,k+1)) then if (kfsmax(nm) == k+1) then if (kfsmx0(nm) > k+1) then qzk(nm,k) = qzk(nm,k) - 0.5_fp*gsqs(nm)*(s1(nm)-zk(k+1))/dtsec else qzk(nm,k) = qzk(nm,k) - 0.5_fp*gsqs(nm)*(s1(nm)-s0(nm))/dtsec endif elseif (kfsmx0(nm) == k+1) then if (kfsmax(nm) > k+1) then qzk(nm,k) = qzk(nm,k) + 0.5_fp*gsqs(nm)*(s0(nm)-zk(k+1))/dtsec else qzk(nm,k) = qzk(nm,k) - 0.5_fp*gsqs(nm)*(s1(nm)-s0(nm))/dtsec endif endif endif ! ! Now the actual layer remapping to an equidistant distribution of the ! two near-bed layers ! dzh = 0.5_fp*(dzs1(nm, k) + dzs1(nm, k+1)) dzs1(nm, k ) = dzh dzs1(nm, k+1) = dzs1(nm,k) endif enddo endif ! ! Modification of layer thickness in U-velocity points ! if (modify_dzsuv(2)==1) then do nm = 1, nmmax if (kfu(nm)==1 .and. kfumax(nm)>kfumin(nm)) then k = kfumin(nm) dzu1(nm, k ) = 0.5_fp*(dzu1(nm,k)+dzu1(nm,k+1)) dzu1(nm, k+1) = dzu1(nm,k) endif enddo endif ! ! Modification of layer thickness in V-velocity points ! if (modify_dzsuv(3)==1) then do nm = 1, nmmax if (kfv(nm)==1 .and. kfvmax(nm)>kfvmin(nm)) then k = kfvmin(nm) dzv1(nm, k ) = 0.5_fp*(dzv1(nm,k)+dzv1(nm,k+1)) dzv1(nm, k+1) = dzv1(nm,k) endif enddo endif end subroutine z_taubotmodifylayers