subroutine iniid(error ,soort ,runid ,filmd ,filmrs , & & gdp ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2014. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Reads RUN IDentification code from file 'runid' ! - Opens MD-file, and one of the following : ! MD-diag.runid, TD-diag.runid or TRI-diag.runid ! - If error occurred (error = TRUE) then an error mes- ! sage will be put on the screen ! Method used: ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use properties use dfparall ! use globaldata use string_module use system_utils, only: exifil ! implicit none ! type(globdat),target :: gdp ! ! The following list of pointer parameters is used to point inside the gdp structure ! integer , pointer :: lunmd integer , pointer :: lundia integer , pointer :: lunprt integer , pointer :: lunscr ! ! Global variables ! logical , intent(out) :: error ! Flag=TRUE if an error is encountered character(*) :: filmd ! File name for MD FLOW file character(*) :: runid ! Run identification character(12), intent(in) :: filmrs ! File name for DELFT3D_MOR FLOW input file ( character(6) , intent(in) :: soort ! Help var. determining the prog. name currently active ! ! Local variables ! integer :: iocond integer :: lfil integer :: linod ! Help variable to extend length file name with node number integer :: lrid ! Help var. to determine the actual length of RUNID integer :: lunid ! Unit nr. for the file 'runid' where the runid is specified : 'pc ' or 'unix' integer :: luntmp integer :: n integer, external :: newlun integer :: nrec integer :: pos ! Help var. for adjusting runid logical :: ex ! Help flag = TRUE when file is found logical :: found ! Flag to see if MD file name is found logical :: mdfile_ptr_isnull ! F: Contents of mdfile are already placed in gdp%mdfile_ptr logical :: opend ! Help flag = TRUE when file is still open (DELFT3D) character(256) :: errmsg ! String containing error messages character(256) :: filtmp ! Help var. to specify file name character(5) :: filid ! Var. containing file name 'runid' character(512) :: outlin ! Output line ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! lunmd => gdp%gdinout%lunmd lundia => gdp%gdinout%lundia lunprt => gdp%gdinout%lunprt lunscr => gdp%gdinout%lunscr ! if (associated(gdp%mdfile_ptr)) then ! ! Contents of mdfile are already placed in gdp%mdfile_ptr ! Don't add it again ! mdfile_ptr_isnull = .false. else mdfile_ptr_isnull = .true. call tree_create_node(gdp%input_tree, "md-file", gdp%mdfile_ptr) endif filmd = ' ' ! ! In Delft3D version 3.00 and higher the new convention for mdf ! files is .mdf Older versions use md-file. or for ! Morsys md-flow. ! Open the MD file after testing on the actual name (3 options) ! if (filmrs==' ') then ! ! Initialize file to read RUNID ! filid = 'runid' ! ! Read RUN-id if runid = ' ' ! if (runid==' ') then if (exifil(filid)) then lunid = newlun(gdp) open (lunid, file = filid, form = 'formatted', status = 'old') read (lunid, '(a)') runid close (lunid) else call prterr(lunscr, 'G003', 'dummy') error = .true. goto 9999 endif endif ! ! Common error: runid = .mdf ! Remove extension in this case ! lrid = index(runid, '.mdf') if (lrid /= 0) then runid = runid(:lrid-1) endif ! ! Define length of RUNID ! call remove_leading_spaces(runid ,lrid ) ! Overall maximum allowed length is 200 if (lrid>200) then call prterr(lunscr ,'G907' ,'.mdf, md-file. and md-flow.' ) endif found = .false. ! ! First look for .mdf ! lfil = lrid + 4 filmd(1:lfil) = runid(1:lrid) // '.mdf' inquire (file = filmd(1:lfil), exist = ex) if (ex) then found = .true. ! ! New way of reading md-file: use property read library ! Subroutine prop_file must be called before the md-file ! is opened for a long time. ! if (mdfile_ptr_isnull) then call tree_put_data( gdp%mdfile_ptr, transfer(filmd(1:lfil),node_value), "STRING" ) call prop_file('ini',filmd(1:lfil),gdp%mdfile_ptr,iocond) if (iocond /= 0) then write(errmsg,'(i0,a)') iocond,' occured on reading md-file' call prterr(lunscr ,'P004' ,errmsg ) error = .true. goto 9999 endif endif ! lunmd = newlun(gdp) open (lunmd, file = filmd(1:lfil), form = 'formatted') endif ! ! Second look for md-file. ! if (.not.found) then lfil = lrid + 8 filmd(1:lfil) = 'md-file.' // runid(1:lrid) inquire (file = filmd(1:lfil), exist = ex) if (ex) then found = .true. ! ! New way of reading md-file: use property read library ! Subroutine prop_file must be called before the md-file ! is opened for a long time. ! if (mdfile_ptr_isnull) then call tree_put_data( gdp%mdfile_ptr, transfer(filmd(1:lfil),node_value), "STRING" ) call prop_file('ini',filmd(1:lfil),gdp%mdfile_ptr,iocond) if (iocond /= 0) then write(errmsg,'(i0,a)') iocond,' occured on reading md-file' call prterr(lunscr ,'P004' ,errmsg ) error = .true. goto 9999 endif endif ! lunmd = newlun(gdp) open (lunmd, file = filmd(1:lfil), form = 'formatted') endif endif ! ! Last look for md-flow. ! if (.not.found) then lfil = lrid + 8 filmd(1:lfil) = 'md-flow.' // runid(1:lrid) inquire (file = filmd(1:lfil), exist = ex) if (ex) then found = .true. ! ! New way of reading md-file: use property read library ! Subroutine prop_file must be called before the md-file ! is opened for a long time. ! if (mdfile_ptr_isnull) then call tree_put_data( gdp%mdfile_ptr, transfer(filmd(1:lfil),node_value), "STRING" ) call prop_file('ini',filmd(1:lfil),gdp%mdfile_ptr,iocond) if (iocond /= 0) then write(errmsg,'(i0,a)') iocond,' occured on reading md-file' call prterr(lunscr ,'P004' ,errmsg ) error = .true. goto 9999 endif endif ! lunmd = newlun(gdp) open (lunmd, file = filmd(1:lfil), form = 'formatted') endif endif ! ! Nothing found, exit program ! if (.not.found) then errmsg = 'MD file for ' // runid(1:lrid) call prterr(lunscr, 'G004', errmsg(:12 + lrid)) error = .true. call d3stop (1, gdp) endif else ! filmd = filmrs found = .false. ! ! Check which file name of FLOW is used ! Start with .mdf ! lrid = index(filmd, '.mdf') if (lrid/=0) then lrid = lrid - 1 if (lrid>len(runid)) then error = .true. call prterr(lunscr ,'G907' ,'.mdf' ) goto 9999 else found = .true. runid = filmd(1:lrid) lfil = lrid + 4 endif endif ! ! Second md-file. ! if (.not.found) then lfil = index(filmd, 'md-file.') if (lfil/=0) then lfil = lfil + 8 filtmp = filmd(lfil:) call remove_leading_spaces(filtmp ,lrid ) if (lrid>len(runid)) then error = .true. call prterr(lunscr ,'G907' ,'md-file.') goto 9999 else found = .true. runid = filtmp lfil = lfil - 1 + lrid endif endif endif ! ! Last md-flow. ! if (.not.found) then lfil = index(filmd, 'md-flow.') if (lfil/=0) then lfil = lfil + 8 filtmp = filmd(lfil:) call remove_leading_spaces(filtmp ,lrid ) if (lrid>len(runid)) then error = .true. call prterr(lunscr ,'G907' ,'md-flow.') goto 9999 else found = .true. runid = filtmp lfil = (lfil - 1) + lrid endif endif endif ! ! No proper file name found ! if (.not.found) then error = .true. call remove_leading_spaces(filmd ,lfil ) errmsg(1:12) = 'MD file for ' errmsg(13:lfil + 12) = filmd(1:lfil) call prterr(lunscr ,'G004' ,errmsg(1:lfil + 12) ) goto 9999 endif ! ! Check file existence ! if (exifil(filmd, lunscr)) then inquire (file = filmd(1:lfil), opened = opend) if (opend) then inquire (file = filmd(1:lfil), number = luntmp) close (luntmp) endif ! ! New way of reading md-file: use property read library ! Subroutine prop_file must be called before the md-file ! is opened for a long time. ! if (mdfile_ptr_isnull) then call tree_put_data( gdp%mdfile_ptr, transfer(filmd(1:lfil),node_value), "STRING" ) call prop_file('ini',filmd(1:lfil),gdp%mdfile_ptr,iocond) if (iocond /= 0) then write(errmsg,'(i0,a)') iocond,' occured on reading md-file' call prterr(lunscr ,'P004' ,errmsg ) error = .true. goto 9999 endif endif ! lunmd = newlun(gdp) open (lunmd, file = filmd(1:lfil), form = 'formatted') else error = .true. goto 9999 endif endif ! ! open LUNDIA (depends on value of SOORT = verify) ! if (soort=='verify') then filtmp(1:8 + lrid) = 'md-diag.' // runid(1:lrid) inquire (file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), exist = ex) lundia = newlun(gdp) if (ex) then open (lundia, file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), form = 'formatted') close (lundia, status = 'delete') endif open (lundia, file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), form = 'formatted', & & status = 'new') ! ! open LUNDIA (depends on value of SOORT = tdatom) ! for DELFT3DMOR test if lundia was already in use by tri-diag ! elseif (soort=='tdatom') then filtmp(1:9 + lrid) = 'tri-diag.' // runid(1:lrid) inquire (file = filtmp(1:9 + lrid), opened = opend) if (opend) then inquire (file = filtmp(1:9 + lrid), number = luntmp) close (luntmp) endif ! filtmp(1:8 + lrid) = 'td-diag.' // runid(1:lrid) inquire (file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), exist = ex) if (ex) then inquire (file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), opened = opend) if (.not.opend) then luntmp = newlun(gdp) open (luntmp, file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), form = 'formatted') else inquire (file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), number = luntmp) endif close (luntmp, status = 'delete') endif ! lundia = newlun(gdp) open (lundia, file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), form = 'formatted', & & status = 'new') ! ! open LUNDIA (depends on value of SOORT = trisim) ! else ! ! for DELFT3DMOR test if lundia was already in use by td-diag ! if so close this file first ! filtmp(1:8 + lrid) = 'td-diag.' // runid(1:lrid) inquire (file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), opened = opend) if (opend) then inquire (file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), number = luntmp) close (luntmp) endif ! ! Initial open for FILMRS = ' ' (not DELFT3D-MOR) ! when file tri-prt exists delete it ! if (filmrs==' ') then filtmp(1:8 + lrid) = 'tri-prt.' // runid(1:lrid) inquire (file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), exist = ex) if (ex) then inquire (file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), opened = opend) if (opend) then inquire (file = filtmp(1:8 + lrid), number = luntmp) close (luntmp, status = 'delete') endif endif endif ! ! if the tri-diag file exists an append should be performed ! in case of FLOW in combination with other parts of DELFT3D ! filtmp(1:9 + lrid) = 'tri-diag.' // runid(1:lrid) ! append node number to file name in case of parallel computing within single-domain case ! linod = 0 if ( parll ) then linod = 4 write(filtmp(9+lrid+1:9+lrid+linod),'(a,i3.3)') '-', inode endif inquire (file = filtmp(1:9 + lrid+linod), exist = ex) if (ex .and. .not. parll) then ! ! Not parallel: append to existing tri-diag file ! if LUNDIA is closed, then re-open file and read to end of ! file before appending (presumed is that the LUNDIA unit ! number is coupled to the diagnostic file !!) ! inquire (file = filtmp(1:9 + lrid+linod), opened = opend) if (.not.opend) then luntmp = newlun(gdp) open (luntmp, file = filtmp(1:9 + lrid+linod), form = 'formatted') lundia = luntmp nrec = 0 ! --> 110 continue nrec = nrec + 1 read (luntmp, '(a)', iostat = iocond) if (iocond==0) goto 110 ! <-- ! ! End-of-file encountered, read till end ! and write 1 blank line ! if (iocond<0) then nrec = nrec - 1 rewind (luntmp) do n = 1, nrec read (luntmp, '(a)') outlin enddo write (lundia, '(a)') else ! ! error occurred while reading, delete file and re-open ! close (lundia, status = 'delete') lundia = newlun(gdp) open (lundia, file = filtmp(1:9 + lrid + linod), form = 'formatted', & & status = 'new') endif else ! ! Define unit number ! inquire (file = filtmp(1:9 + lrid+linod), number = lundia) endif else ! ! Not parallel: ! tri-diag file did not exist. Create a new one ! Parallel: ! appending to existing tri-diag file is not supported ! always create a new one, replace one if it existed ! lundia = newlun(gdp) open (lundia, file = filtmp(1:9 + lrid + linod), form = 'formatted', & & status = 'replace') endif endif ! 9999 continue end subroutine iniid