subroutine flhnew(lunrd ,lundia ,error ,record ,access , & & irecrd ,namloc ,cntent ,interp ,itdate , & & timscl ,ntimrd ,parrd ,npara ,nparrd , & & bubble ,gdp ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2014. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Reads keywords in the Direct access file (new) ! and reads the relevant parameters ! Keywords: table name, contents, location and ! parameter (incl. constituent name) are ! compulsory. If they are not found then ! the errorflag (error) is set to TRUE. ! Method used: ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use globaldata ! implicit none ! type(globdat),target :: gdp ! ! The following list of pointer parameters is used to point inside the gdp structure ! character*20, dimension(:) , pointer :: keywrd ! ! Global variables ! integer :: irecrd !! Counter of records if input file is !! a direct access file integer , intent(in) :: itdate ! Description and declaration in exttim.igs integer :: lundia ! Description and declaration in inout.igs integer , intent(in) :: lunrd !! Unit number with input file integer :: npara !! NR. of parameter records equal to !! number of data values in a record to !! be read integer :: nparrd !! NR. of parameter records actual read integer :: ntimrd logical , intent(in) :: access logical , intent(in) :: bubble ! Description and declaration in procs.igs !! Flag to read file as direct access !! or sequential logical , intent(out) :: error !! Flag=TRUE if an error is encountered real(fp) , intent(out) :: timscl character(*) :: cntent character(*) :: record !! Standard rec. length in an attribute !! file (maximum MXKMAX*24*2 + 48) character(1) :: interp character(20) , intent(in) :: namloc character(36), dimension(npara), intent(out) :: parrd ! ! Local variables ! integer :: idef integer :: iend integer :: ier integer :: ifound integer :: istart integer :: lrec integer :: nkeyfd integer :: timref logical :: ready character(1) :: chlp1 character(10) :: timuni character(15) :: timser character(20) :: chlp20 character(20) :: namhlp character(36) :: chlp36 ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! keywrd => gdp%gdkeywtd%keywrd ! cntent = ' ' ntimrd = 0 timser = ' ' timscl = 1.0_fp timuni = 'minutes' ! ! Initialize local parameters ! nparrd = 0 chlp1 = ' ' chlp20 = ' ' ready = .false. ! ! Test for 1-st Keyword ! ! --> 5 continue istart = 1 iend = len(record) call srckey(record ,istart ,iend ,ifound ,gdp ) ! if (ifound== - 9999 .or. ifound==0) then error = .true. ready = .true. call prterr(lundia ,'V091' ,keywrd(1) ) elseif (ifound == 9999) then if (access) then irecrd = irecrd + 1 read (lunrd, '(a)', rec = irecrd) record else read (lunrd, '(a)') record endif goto 5 ! <-- ! ! IFOUND should be 1 ! elseif (ifound /= 1) then call prterr(lundia ,'V091' ,keywrd(1) ) error = .true. ready = .true. else endif ! ! Read the strings in the file and determine the keywords read ! For direct access files record number IRECRD should be opgehoogd ! ! ==>> 10 continue if (.not.ready) then if (access) then irecrd = irecrd + 1 read (lunrd, '(a)', rec = irecrd) record else read (lunrd, '(a)') record endif iend = len(record) nkeyfd = 0 ! ==>> 20 continue istart = 1 call srckey(record ,istart ,iend ,ifound ,gdp ) ! ! ! IFOUND = -9999 error occurred ! = 9999 comment line ! = 0 not found ! = [1,MXKWTD] found ! if (ifound == -9999) then error = .true. elseif (ifound==0 .and. nkeyfd==0 .and. .not. error) then ready = .true. elseif (ifound==0 .and. nkeyfd==0 .and. error) then ! ! When running parallel, boundaries outside this partition are removed ! The removed boundaries must be skipped in this routine too ! When the boundary name is not correct, error is set to .true. (and ready remains .false.) ! It is assumed that the boundary read should be skipped for this partition ! Some read parameters (related to the boundary to be skipped) are reset here ! and reading continues ! ntimrd = 0 timser = ' ' nparrd = 0 parrd = ' ' goto 10 elseif (ifound==0 .and. nkeyfd>0) then ! ! No second keyword in RECORD, read new RECORD ! goto 10 ! <<== elseif (ifound == 9999) then ! ! Comment string, read new RECORD ! goto 10 ! <<== else ! ! One of the MXKWTD keywords is found ! nkeyfd = nkeyfd + 1 if (ifound == 2) then ! ! Contents keyword found String should not be empty. ! ! For discharge file: ! Max number of parameters to be read depends on CNTENT ! Assumption (1): the default sequence of ! keyword records is used: ! KEYWRD(2) before KEYWRD(14) ! Assumption (2): regular, walking, inoutlet,power and ! culvert are used in the Contents string FOR ! DISCHARGES ONLY. ! call keyinp(record(istart:iend) ,cntent ) if (cntent == ' ') then call prterr(lundia ,'V091' ,keywrd(ifound) ) error = .true. ready = .true. else call small(cntent ,len(cntent) ) if (cntent(:10)=='regular ' .or. cntent(:10) & & =='walking ' .or. cntent(:10)=='inoutlet ' .or. & & cntent(:10)=='power ' .or. cntent(:10)=='culvert ') & & then npara = npara - 2 endif endif elseif (ifound == 3) then ! ! Location keyword found ! call keyinp(record(istart:iend) ,chlp20 ) call small(chlp20 ,len(chlp20) ) ! ! One can program in such a manner that data in the file ! for each location does not have to be specified in ! sequential manner. But for now we will assume this to be ! the case. ! namhlp = namloc call small(namhlp ,len(namhlp) ) if (chlp20 /= namhlp) then if (bubble) then ! ! Do not check on names because of bubble screens ! error = .false. ready = .false. else ! ! Name does not match ! Assumed: this is a parallel run and the boundary read is completely outside this partition ! Set error to .true. and continue reading (ready = .false.) ! The related error message is removed ! error = .true. ready = .false. endif else ! ! Name matches ! error might be set to .true. before (see 6 lines above) ! and must be set to .false. here ! error = .false. endif elseif (ifound == 17) then ! ! xy-function keyword found ! ! The information in this record is not used ! elseif (ifound == 8) then ! ! Time function keyword found ! call keyinp(record(istart:iend) ,timser ) elseif (ifound == 9) then ! ! Reference time keyword found ! lrec = iend - istart + 1 idef = itdate call read1i(record ,lrec ,istart ,iend ,timref , & & idef ,ier ) if (ier <= 0) timref = itdate ! if (timref /= itdate) then call prterr(lundia ,'V093' ,' ' ) error = .true. ready = .true. endif elseif (ifound == 10) then ! !---------------Time unit keyword found ! call keyinp(record(istart:iend) ,timuni ) call small(timuni ,len(timuni) ) if (timuni(:1) == 's') then timscl = 1.0_fp/60.0_fp elseif (timuni(:1) == 'm') then timscl = 1.0_fp elseif (timuni(:1) == 'h') then timscl = 60.0_fp elseif (timuni(:1) == 'd') then timscl = 1440.0_fp elseif (timuni(:1) == 'w') then timscl = 1440.0_fp * 7.0_fp else call prterr(lundia ,'V006' ,' ' ) error = .true. endif elseif (ifound == 12) then ! ! Interpolation keyword found ! value is or which correspond with ! INTERP = 'Y' or 'N' ! call keyinp(record(istart:iend) ,chlp20 ) call small(chlp20 ,len(chlp20) ) chlp1 = 'N' if (chlp20(:6) == 'linear') then chlp1 = 'Y' endif ! ! The interpolation option on this data file will be ! overrulled by the option previous defined when defining ! the location definitions ! if (chlp1 /= interp) then call prterr(lundia ,'V094' ,interp ) endif elseif (ifound == 14) then ! ! Parameter keyword found; contains constituent name ! Only first parameter description record will be used ! call keyinp(record(istart:iend) ,chlp36 ) call small(chlp36 ,len(chlp36) ) nparrd = nparrd + 1 if (nparrd > npara) then call prterr(lundia ,'V096' ,keywrd(ifound) ) error = .true. ready = .true. else parrd(nparrd) = chlp36 endif elseif (ifound == 16) then ! ! Nr. of record keyword found ! Number of time record should be > 0 ! lrec = iend - istart + 1 idef = 0 call read1i(record ,lrec ,istart ,iend ,ntimrd , & & idef ,ier ) if (ier <= 0) then ntimrd = idef endif if (ntimrd == idef) then call prterr(lundia ,'V091' ,keywrd(ifound) ) error = .true. ready = .true. endif else endif ! ! Read rest of RECORD to test for more keywords in one ! record ! ! <-- if (record /= ' ') then goto 20 endif ! ! Read new RECORD ! goto 10 ! <<== endif endif end subroutine flhnew