80 132 ';' ; template file with name delw420.dat was used '****************************************' ; model ID-first line '****************************************' ; model ID-second line '****************************************' ; run ID-first line '****************************************' ; run ID-second line ; nr. active and inactive constituents ( DELWAQ_VERSION_4.20 1 0 ; nr. name of constituent 1 'continuity percent ' #1 ; end of first block of data 86400 'ddhhmmss' 'ddhhmmss' ; system clock in seconds, auxilary in days 1.3 ******** ; integration option 1.3 start at TRISULA-start ******** ; stop at TRISULA-stop 0 ; option for a constant time step ******** ; step at *********-step ***** ; nr of monitoring points ******* '********************' ; segment nr, monitoring point name ; start stop step ; ddhhmmss ddhhmmss ddhhmmss ******** ******** ******** ; of monitoring 0 0 0 ; of dump 0 0 0 ; of history #2 ; end of second block of data ; nr of segments opt ******* 2 ; option 'grid layout not used' 1 ; one time-independent contribution 1 ; number of items 2 ; only feature 2 is specified -1 ; from ascii file '****************************************' ; name of acsii file 0 ; no time-dependent contributions -2 ; volumes from unformatted intermediate file '****************************************' ; name of volumes file #3 ; end of third block of data ; NOQ1 NOQ2 NOQ3 ******* ******* 0 ; nr of exchanges in 3 directions 0 ; zero additional dispersions 0 ; zero additional velocities 1 ; input format 1 0 ; exchange pointers in unformatted file '****************************************' ; name of exchange pointer file 1 ; dispersions in this file 1.0 1.0 1.0 ; scale factors in three directions 0.0 0.0 0.0 ; values in m2/s in three directions -2 ; exchange surfaces in unformatted file '****************************************' ; name of areas file -2 ; flows in unformatted file '****************************************' ; name of flows file 0 ; constant lengths 1.0 ; scale distances ******* ******* 0.0 ; distances in three directions 1 ; lengths vary over the area 0 ; in unformatted file '****************************************' ; name of length file #4 ; end of fourth block of data 1 ; time lags at the boundaries ; nr. ddhhmmss *****00010000 ; nr of boundaries times 1 hour 1 ; boundary concentrations in this file 2 ; constants with defaults 1.0 1.0 ; scale factor and default to be applied 0 ; zero overridings #5 ; end of fifth block of data ***** ; number of waste loads ; location name ******* '********************' -1 ; loads in an auxilary file 40 ; unit nr of that file '****************************************' ; name of auxiliary file #6 ; end of sixth block of data 0 ; zero constants 0 ; zero parameters 0 ; zero functions 0 ; zero segment functions #7 ; end of seventh block of data 1 ; initial conditions in this file 2 ; defaults 1.0 1.0 ; scale factor and value 0 ; zero overridings #8 ; end of eighth block of data