module mod_trisim !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2014. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Main routine for the 2d / 3d program ! Method used: ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE ! contains ! ! !============================================================================== integer function trisim_init(numdom, nummap, context_id, fsm_flags, runid_arg, olv_handle, gdp) result(retval) ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- ! use precision use SyncRtcFlow use dfparall use flow2d3d_timers use d3d_olv_class ! use m_openda_exchange_items, only : openda_buffer_initialize ! ! global data declaration; compare with include 'globdat.igd' ! use globaldata use string_module implicit none type(globDat) , target :: gdp ! integer , pointer :: lundia integer , pointer :: lunprt integer , pointer :: iphisi integer, dimension(:) , pointer :: ipmap logical , pointer :: dredge logical , pointer :: struct integer , pointer :: numdomains integer , pointer :: nummappers character(6) , pointer :: prognm character(256) , pointer :: runid integer , pointer :: rtcmod include 'fsm.i' ! ! Parameters ! integer , intent(in) :: context_id integer , intent(in) :: fsm_flags integer , intent(in) :: numdom ! Number of subdomains (0 means single domain) ! as detected by hydra integer , intent(in) :: nummap ! Number of mappers (one for each DD boundaries connected with this subdomain) ! as detected by hydra character(*) :: runid_arg type(olvhandle) :: olv_handle ! ! Local variables ! integer , pointer :: itinit integer , pointer :: itstrt integer :: fsmstatus integer :: i integer :: ic ! Length of character parameter CASE integer :: icheck integer , pointer :: initia integer , pointer :: initi ! Control parameter ! = 1 initialization ! = 2 initialization and read restart information from the communication file ! = 3 no initialization integer , pointer :: it01 ! Reference date in yymmdd integer , pointer :: it02 ! Reference time in hhmmss integer , pointer :: itb ! Start time of computational interval integer , pointer :: ite ! End time of computational interval integer , pointer :: itima ! Time to start simulation (N * tscale) according to DELFT3D conventions integer , pointer :: itlen ! Lenght of the tide cycle integer :: lenid integer :: lunid integer :: luntri ! Unit number for trigger file for TRISIM for running programs simultaniously integer :: nhystp integer , external :: newlun integer , external :: fsmtrf logical , pointer :: alone ! TRUE when flow runs stand-alone, FALSE when flow is part of morsys logical :: ex logical :: init ! Flag=TRUE when initialisation is required (always the case if FLOW is used stand alone) logical :: lexist logical , pointer :: mainys ! Logical flag for FLOW is main porgram (TRUE) for writing output logical :: opend ! Help logical var. to determine whether each of the output files was opened real(fp) , pointer :: tscale ! Basic unit time character(12) :: filmrs ! File name for DELFT3D_MOR FLOW input file ( character(12) :: filsim ! Name for trigger file for TRISIM for running programs simultaniously character(256) :: case ! Project identification (a non-blank character string presumed) character(256) , pointer :: comfil ! Communication file name character(256) , pointer :: filmd ! File name for MD FLOW file character(256) , pointer :: trifil ! File name for FLOW NEFIS output files (tri"h/m"-"casl""labl".dat/def) character(5) :: filid character(5) , pointer :: versio ! Version nr. of the current package !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialization using a semaphore ! Related vseminit is in tricom.f90 ! call pseminit ! ! Initializes MPI ! call dfinitmpi ! ! initialize GDP structure ! allocate(gdp) MUST have been done in trisim/trisim_dll ! ! openDA buffer ! call openda_buffer_initialize ! call gdp_alloc(gdp) call initsafe(gdp) call timers_init(gdp) call timer_start(timer_total, gdp) call timer_start(timer_init, gdp) ! ! esm/fsm initialization ! fsmstatus = fsmini (context_id, fsm_flags) ! runid => gdp%runid lundia => gdp%gdinout%lundia lunprt => gdp%gdinout%lunprt iphisi => gdp%gdinttim%iphisi ipmap => gdp%gdinttim%ipmap itinit => gdp%gdinttim%itinit itstrt => gdp%gdinttim%itstrt dredge => gdp%gdprocs%dredge struct => gdp%gdprocs%struct numdomains => gdp%gdprognm%numdomains nummappers => gdp%gdprognm%nummappers prognm => gdp%gdprognm%prognm rtcmod => gdp%gdrtc%rtcmod initia => gdp%gdtricom%initia initi => gdp%gdtricom%initi it01 => gdp%gdtricom%it01 it02 => gdp%gdtricom%it02 itb => gdp%gdtricom%itb ite => gdp%gdtricom%ite itima => gdp%gdtricom%itima itlen => gdp%gdtricom%itlen alone => gdp%gdtricom%alone mainys => gdp%gdtricom%mainys tscale => gdp%gdtricom%tscale comfil => gdp%gdtricom%comfil trifil => gdp%gdtricom%trifil versio => gdp%gdtricom%versio filmd => gdp%gdtricom%filmd ! ! Initialize local parameters, including IPHISI and IPMAP(1) ! in case program crashes the test below can be performed anyway ! init = .true. filmrs = ' ' alone = .true. ! iphisi = 0 ipmap(1) = -1 ! rtcmod = noRTC icheck = 0 ! ! Store numdom (counted by Hydra) in numdomains (in GDP-structure) ! For single domain cases, Hydra does not count at all and numdom is zero. ! numdomains = max(1,numdom) ! ! Store nummap (counted by Hydra) in nummappers (in GDP-structure) ! nummappers = nummap ! ! runid_arg may be set by the C main routines or by OpenDA/OpenMI ! runid = runid_arg if (runid == ' ') then ! ! First try to read runid from file called RUNID ! This simplifies fluidmud synchronisation ! filid = 'runid' inquire (file = filid, exist = ex) if (ex) then lunid = newlun(gdp) open (lunid, file = filid, form = 'formatted', status = 'old') read (lunid, '(a)') runid close (lunid) else runid = ' ' endif else ! ! Remove (possible) trailing '\0' (and all characters behind it) from c-code ! do i = 1, len(runid) if (ichar(runid(i:i)) == 0 .or. ichar(runid(i:i)) == 10) then runid(i:) = ' ' exit endif enddo endif runid = adjustl(runid) ! ! Platform dependent initialization ! call pldep ! ! Run TDATOM ! if (.not.parll .or. inode == master) then call tdatmain(runid, alone, filmrs, icheck, gdp) endif call dfbroadc_gdp(icheck, 1, dfint,gdp) call dfsync(gdp) if (icheck /= 0 ) then write (*, '(a)') 'ABORT: error returned by tdatmain' lundia = 0 call d3stop(1,gdp) endif ! ! Set program name (after running tdatom) ! prognm = 'TRISIM' ! ! Determine by trigger-file if RTC is running as well ! luntri = newlun(gdp) filsim = 'TMP_SYNC.RUN' inquire (file = filsim, exist = lexist) if (lexist) then open (luntri, file = filsim, form = 'unformatted', status = 'unknown') read (luntri) icheck close (luntri) ! ! Check 'RUNRTC' by telephone ! if (icheck==786782) then rtcmod = dataFromRTCToFLOW else write (*, '(a)') 'Trigger-file TMP_SYNC.RUN not made by TDATOM' call d3stop(1 ,gdp ) endif endif ! ! Start FLOW simulation program ! call remove_leading_spaces(runid ,lenid ) if (init) then ! ! Read dimensions of arrays and declare array pointers ! call tripoi(runid, filmrs, versio, filmd, & & alone, gdp) if (gdp%errorcode > 0) then if (rtcmod == dataFromRTCToFLOW) then call timer_start(timer_wait, gdp) call syncflowrtc_quit call timer_stop(timer_wait, gdp) rtcmod = noRTC endif ! ! Error: try to close and return -1 ! call d3stop(1, gdp) retval = trisim_close(gdp) retval = -1 return ! endif endif ! ! Initialize time frame parameters for stand alone program ! initi = 1 ! it01 = 0 it02 = 0 ! itb = 1 ite = -1 itlen = 0 tscale = 1.0 ! itima = 0 ! mainys = .true. itima = 0 ! ! Initialize communication file name ! NOTE: case may never be only blanks ! case = runid call remove_leading_spaces(case ,ic ) ! comfil(1:4) = 'com-' comfil(5:) = case(1:ic) ! trifil(1:5) = 'trix-' trifil(6:) = case(1:ic) ! ! Insert node number in file names ! if ( parll ) then write(comfil(5+ic:5+ic+4),'(a,i3.3)') '-',inode endif ! ! The following is necessary; originally, tricom was called with parameter initi ! while its n-th argument was initia. Confusing. (VT) ! initia = initi ! ! Start FLOW simulation ! olv_handle%fields => null() call tricom_init(olv_handle, gdp) ! ! Error status of tricom_init is returned via gdp%errorcode ! if (gdp%errorcode /= 0) then retVal = -1 else retVal = 0 endif ! ! for OpenDA purposes, itinit and itfinish replace itstrt and itstop ! itinit = itstrt ! end function trisim_init ! ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function trisim_step(olv_handle, gdp) result(retval) use globaldata use string_module use d3d_olv_class ! implicit none ! type(globdat) , target :: gdp type(olvhandle) :: olv_handle ! RetVal = 0 ! ! the subroutine called 'tricom_verify' form the BAW-version contains ! part VII and VIII of the initialisation. That subroutine is not needed here and ! part VII and VIII can be found at the end of tricom_init. (VT) ! call tricom_step(olv_handle, gdp) if (gdp%errorcode /= 0) then retVal = -1 else retVal = 0 endif ! end function trisim_step ! ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function trisim_finish(olv_handle, gdp) result(retVal) use globaldata use string_module use dfparall use d3d_olv_class ! implicit none ! ! global type(olvhandle) :: olv_handle type(globdat) , target :: gdp ! ! local integer :: i integer, pointer :: lundia ! ! body lundia => gdp%gdinout%lundia retval = 0 call tricom_finish(olv_handle, gdp) write(lundia,*) write(lundia,'(a)') '*** Simulation finished *******************************************************' write(lundia,*) if (gdp%errorcode>0) then endif ! ! Write diagnostics and close file ! The "do-loop, dfsync, if i=inode" ensures that trisim_close is called sequentially for all partitions. ! This is needed to avoid clashes, for example on general TMP-files that all partitions want to delete. ! do i=1,nproc call dfsync(gdp) if (i == inode) then retval = trisim_close(gdp) endif enddo ! end function trisim_finish ! ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function trisim_close(gdp) result (retval) use flow2d3d_timers use meteo use globaldata use string_module ! implicit none ! type(globdat), target :: gdp ! character(256) , pointer :: filmd ! File name for MD FLOW file integer , pointer :: lundia integer , pointer :: lunprt integer , pointer :: iphisi integer , pointer :: numdomains integer , pointer :: nummappers integer , dimension(:) , pointer :: ipmap character(256) , pointer :: runid character(5) , pointer :: versio ! include '' ! integer :: nhystp logical :: opend ! Help logical var. to determine whether each of the output files was opened logical :: init ! Flag=TRUE when initialisation is required (always the case if FLOW is used stand alone) ! ! body ! runid => gdp%runid versio => gdp%gdtricom%versio filmd => gdp%gdtricom%filmd lundia => gdp%gdinout%lundia lunprt => gdp%gdinout%lunprt iphisi => gdp%gdinttim%iphisi ipmap => gdp%gdinttim%ipmap nummappers => gdp%gdprognm%nummappers ! ! Write diagnostics and close file ! init = .true. ! call timer_stop(timer_total, gdp) call timers_finish(gdp) if (init) then call triend(runid, gdp) if (gdp%errorcode > 0) then ! ! User interaction is removed ! ! ! To avoid statemachine problems: ! nhystp = nxtstp(d3dflow_init, gdp) endif endif ! ! Close intermediate files TMP//runid//.* ! call delfil(runid ,filmd ,gdp ) ! ! Close diagnostic file, print file and dredge file ! No prints requested (LUNPRT still unit 8 see SYSINI) delete file ! inquire (lundia, opened = opend) if (opend) close (lundia) if (iphisi>0 .or. ipmap(1)>=0) then ! ! Only then the tri-prt file can actually be present ! inquire (lunprt, opened = opend) if (opend) then close (lunprt) endif endif ! call deallocmeteo(gdp%runid) ! ! Tell gaws (Global ADI Wang Solver) and mapper we're done. ! if (nummappers >= 1) then call gwsslv(-1) nhystp = nxtstp(d3dflow_finish, gdp) endif ! ! Stop simulation performance measurement ! ! retval = 0 ! end function trisim_close ! ! ! !============================================================================== integer function trisim_initialise_single_step(gdp) result(retval) use globaldata use string_module ! implicit none ! type(globdat),target :: gdp integer , pointer :: itinit integer , pointer :: itstrt integer , pointer :: itstop integer , pointer :: itfinish ! ! body ! itinit => gdp%gdinttim%itinit itstrt => gdp%gdinttim%itstrt itstop => gdp%gdinttim%itstop itfinish => gdp%gdinttim%itfinish retval = 0 itinit = itstrt itstop = itstrt + 1 if (itstop > itfinish) then retVal = -1 endif end function trisim_initialise_single_step ! ! ! !============================================================================== integer function trisim_prepare_next_step(gdp) result(retval) use globaldata use string_module ! implicit none ! type(globdat),target :: gdp integer , pointer :: itinit integer , pointer :: itstrt integer , pointer :: itstop integer , pointer :: itfinish ! ! body ! itinit => gdp%gdinttim%itinit itstrt => gdp%gdinttim%itstrt itstop => gdp%gdinttim%itstop itfinish => gdp%gdinttim%itfinish retval = 0 itstrt = itstop itstop = itstrt + 1 end function trisim_prepare_next_step ! ! ! !============================================================================== integer function trisim_check_step(gdp) result(retval) use globaldata use string_module ! implicit none ! type(globdat),target :: gdp integer , pointer :: itstop integer , pointer :: itfinish ! ! body ! itstop => gdp%gdinttim%itstop itfinish => gdp%gdinttim%itfinish retval = 0 if (itstop > itfinish) then retVal = -1 endif end function trisim_check_step ! ! ! !--------------------------------------------------------------- end module mod_trisim