subroutine tricom_init(olv_handle, gdp) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2014. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Read md-file ! - Initialize input arrays and verify input ! ! NOTE: TRICOM called by main module of DELFT3D then ! ITLEN and TSCALE always defined ! TRICOM called by module TRISIM then ITLEN=0 ! and ITLEN can be read from comm. file or are ! defined by the trisula time frame ! ! Method used: ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use meteo use SyncRtcFlow use sync_flm use sync_flowcouple use sync_flowwave use flow2d3d_timers use D3DOnline use D3DPublish use D3D_Sobek use globaldata use dfparall use d3d_olv_class ! implicit none ! type(globdat),target :: gdp ! ! The following list of pointer parameters is used to point inside the gdp structure ! include 'fsm.i' include '' include 'tri-dyn.igd' real(fp) , pointer :: thr integer , pointer :: ncmax integer , pointer :: nmax integer , pointer :: mmax integer , pointer :: nlb integer , pointer :: nub integer , pointer :: mlb integer , pointer :: mub integer , pointer :: ddbound integer , pointer :: nmaxus integer , pointer :: kmax integer , pointer :: nmaxd integer , pointer :: mmaxd integer , pointer :: jstart integer , pointer :: nmmaxj integer , pointer :: nmmax integer , pointer :: lmax integer , pointer :: lsal integer , pointer :: lsts integer , pointer :: lstsc integer , pointer :: lstsci integer , pointer :: lsed integer , pointer :: lsedtot integer , pointer :: lsecfl integer , pointer :: lsec integer , pointer :: ltur integer , pointer :: ltur2d integer , pointer :: noroco integer , pointer :: norow integer , pointer :: nocol integer , pointer :: nto integer , pointer :: kc integer , pointer :: nrob integer , pointer :: nsrc integer , pointer :: nostat integer , pointer :: ntruv integer , pointer :: ntru integer , pointer :: nsluv integer , pointer :: itdate real(fp) , pointer :: tstart real(fp) , pointer :: tstop real(fp) , pointer :: dt real(fp) , pointer :: tunit real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: dm real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: dg real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: frac real(fp) , pointer :: cp real(fp) , pointer :: sarea real(fp) , pointer :: fclou integer , pointer :: lunmd integer , pointer :: lundia integer , pointer :: lunprt integer , pointer :: lunscr real(fp) , pointer :: timsec real(fp) , pointer :: timmin real(fp) , pointer :: timhr integer , pointer :: itstrt integer , pointer :: itstop integer , pointer :: itfinish integer , pointer :: itlfsm integer , pointer :: itmapf integer , pointer :: itmapi integer , pointer :: itmapl integer , pointer :: ithisf integer , pointer :: ithisi integer , pointer :: ithisl integer , pointer :: itcomf integer , pointer :: itcomi integer , pointer :: itcoml integer , pointer :: itdrof integer , pointer :: itdroi integer , pointer :: itnflf integer , pointer :: itnfli integer , pointer :: itnfll integer , pointer :: itrsti integer , pointer :: iphisf integer , pointer :: iphisi integer , pointer :: iphisl integer , dimension(:) , pointer :: ipmap integer , pointer :: itimtt integer , pointer :: ittrtu integer , pointer :: itiwei integer , pointer :: itdiag integer , pointer :: julday integer , pointer :: ntstep real(fp) , pointer :: tmor real(fp) , pointer :: rdc integer , pointer :: itmor type (bedbndtype) , dimension(:) , pointer :: morbnd logical , pointer :: densin logical , pointer :: multi character(256) , pointer :: mmsyncfilnam real(fp) , pointer :: hdt character(6) , pointer :: momsol real(fp) , pointer :: rhow real(fp) , pointer :: ag integer , pointer :: iro logical , pointer :: wind logical , pointer :: temp logical , pointer :: const logical , pointer :: culvert logical , pointer :: dredge logical , pointer :: drogue logical , pointer :: wave logical , pointer :: waveol logical , pointer :: threed logical , pointer :: secflo logical , pointer :: struct logical , pointer :: sedim logical , pointer :: htur2d logical , pointer :: flmd2l logical , pointer :: mudlay logical , pointer :: mudwave logical , pointer :: coupleact logical , pointer :: couplemod logical , pointer :: zmodel logical , pointer :: nonhyd logical , pointer :: roller logical , pointer :: wavcmp logical , pointer :: cnstwv logical , pointer :: lftrto logical , pointer :: snelli logical , pointer :: sbkol logical , pointer :: xbeach integer , pointer :: numdomains integer , pointer :: nummappers integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: alfas integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ampbc integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: c integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: cgc integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ctr integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dircom integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dircos integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dirsin integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dis integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: disch integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: discom integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dp integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dpc integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dps integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dpu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dpv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ewabr0 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ewabr1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ewave0 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ewave1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: grmasu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: grmasv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: gro integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: gsqd integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: gsqs integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: guu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: guv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: gvu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: gvv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: hkru integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: hkrv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: hrmcom integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: hrms integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: hu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: huvw integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: hv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: msucom integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: msvcom integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ombc integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: phibc integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: qu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: qxk integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: qxkr integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: qxkw integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: qyk integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: qykr integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: qykw integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: r0 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: r1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: rbnd integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: rbuff integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: rho integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: rint integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: rlabda integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: rob integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: rtur1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: s0 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: s1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: sbuu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: sbvv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: sig integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ssuu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ssvv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: teta integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: thetbc integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: thick integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: tp integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: tpcom integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: u1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: umean integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: uorb integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ubot integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ubcom integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: uvdist integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: v1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: vmean integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: voldis integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: volum1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wlen integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wlcom integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wphy integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ws integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wsu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wsucom integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wsv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wsvcom integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wsbodyu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wsbodyucom integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wsbodyv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wsbodyvcom integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: xcor integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: xz integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ycor integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: yz integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: zdist integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dzs1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: res integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: rl integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: xj integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: guz integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: gvz integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: gud integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: gvd integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: gsqiu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: gsqiv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ibuff integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: irocol integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: iroll integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: itdro integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kcs integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kcu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kcv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfs integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kspu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kspv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kzs integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kzu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kzv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: mnbnd integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: mnksrc integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfsmin integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfsmax integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: izmodl integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: nambar integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: nambnd integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: namcon integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: namsrc character(256) , pointer :: restid integer , pointer :: rtcmod logical , pointer :: rtcact integer , pointer :: rtc_domainnr character(256) , pointer :: sbkConfigFile logical , pointer :: tstprt logical , pointer :: sferic integer , pointer :: ditcof integer , pointer :: ditcol integer , pointer :: keva integer , pointer :: ktemp integer , pointer :: lturi integer , pointer :: nfltyp integer , pointer :: icreep integer , pointer :: nh_level real(fp) , pointer :: betac real(fp) , pointer :: dml real(fp) , pointer :: grdang real(fp) , pointer :: saleqs real(fp) , pointer :: temeqs character(1) , pointer :: temint character(1) , pointer :: evaint character(1) , pointer :: forfuv character(1) , pointer :: forfww character(4) , pointer :: rouflo character(4) , pointer :: rouwav character(8) , pointer :: method character(8) , pointer :: dischy character(8) , pointer :: solver character(8) , pointer :: disctr character(12) , pointer :: tkemod character(13) , pointer :: trasol character(19) , pointer :: prsmap character(21) , pointer :: selmap character(23) , pointer :: prshis character(23) , pointer :: selhis character(36) , pointer :: tgfcmp integer , pointer :: initia !! if < 0: iteration process of morsys else : equal to INITI =1 initialization =2 initialization and read restart information from the communication file =3 no initialization integer , pointer :: it01 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , pointer :: it02 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , pointer :: itb !! Start time of computational interval for a stand alone system the input value from TRISIM: ITB = 1 integer , pointer :: ite !! End time of computational interval for a stand alone system the input value from TRISIM: ITE = -1 integer , pointer :: itima !! Time to start simulation (N * tscale) according to DELFT3D conventions integer , pointer :: itlen ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 logical , pointer :: alone !! TRUE when flow runs stand-alone, FALSE when flow is part of morsys logical , pointer :: mainys !! Logical flag for FLOW is main program (TRUE) for writing output real(fp) , pointer :: tscale ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 character(256) , pointer :: comfil !! Communication file name character(256) , pointer :: runid !! Run identification code for the current simulation (used to determine the names of the in- /output files used by the system) character(256) , pointer :: trifil !! File name for FLOW NEFIS output files (tri"h/m"-"casl""labl".dat/def) character(5) , pointer :: versio !! Version nr. of the current package integer , pointer :: iphisc ! Current time counter for printing history data integer , pointer :: itcomc ! Current time counter for the communication file integer , pointer :: itcur ! Current time counter for the communication file, where starting point depend on CYCLIC integer , pointer :: itdroc ! Current time counter for the drogue data file integer , pointer :: ithisc ! Current time counter for the history file integer , pointer :: itimc ! Current time step counter for 2D system integer , pointer :: itiwec ! Current time counter for the calibration of internal wave energy integer , pointer :: itlent ! Lenght of the tide cycle in steps of ITP integer , pointer :: itmapc ! Current time counter for the map file integer , pointer :: itp ! Timestep for computation 2D system integer , pointer :: itrstc ! Current time counter for the restart file. Start writing after first interval is passed. Last time will always be written to file for ITRSTI > 0 integer , pointer :: itrw ! Time to read the wave information in case of online wave coupling integer , pointer :: maxmn ! Maximum of MMAX and NMAX integer , pointer :: npmap ! Current array counter for printing map data integer , pointer :: ntcur ! Total number of timesteps on comm. file (to write to) integer , pointer :: ntwav ! Total number of timesteps on comm. file (to read from) for waves integer , dimension(:) , pointer :: timwav ! Array with time steps on comm. file for wave results logical , pointer :: lrdok ! Logical to check if reading phase has been passed. logical , pointer :: waverd ! Flag = TRUE if wave process and communication file exist real(fp) , pointer :: anglat ! Angle of latitude of the model centre (used to determine the coeff. for the coriolis force) real(fp) , pointer :: anglon ! Angle of longitude of the model centre (used to determine solar radiation) real(fp) , pointer :: dtsec ! DT in seconds real(fp) , pointer :: timnow ! Current timestep (multiples of dt) = number of time steps since itdate, 00:00:00 hours ! ! Local parameters ! integer, parameter :: maxtim = 1500 ! ! Global variables ! type(olvhandle) :: olv_handle ! ! Local variables ! integer :: icx integer :: icy integer :: ierror ! Value is non-zero when an error is encountered integer :: initi ! Control parameter integer :: iplus integer :: istat integer :: mmaxddb integer , external :: modlen integer :: mp integer , external :: newlun integer :: nhystp integer :: nmaxddb integer :: nst ! Current time step counter integer :: ntmin integer :: numtimesteps ! total nr of timesteps integer :: timrst ! Restart time in combination with restart option from comm. file integer :: trilen ! Length of trifil integer , dimension(2) :: ifcore ! Time indices (cell id's) of the wave functions which are in core available integer , dimension(maxtim) :: timcur ! Array with time steps on comm. file for restart option integer(pntrsize) , external :: gtcpnt integer(pntrsize) , external :: gtipnt integer(pntrsize) , external :: gtrpnt logical :: commrd logical :: cyclic ! Flag = TRUE if cyclic system assumed logical :: error ! Flag=TRUE if an error is encountered logical :: success ! Flag = false when an error is encountered logical :: ex ! Help flag = TRUE when file is found real(fp) :: dtmin ! DT in minutes real(fp) :: dx ! Uniform grid-distance in the x-dir. real(fp) :: dy ! Uniform grid-distance in the y-dir. real(fp) :: riglid ! Rigid lid factor to reduce horizontal wet area (incompressible) real(fp) :: tdif real(fp) :: vscale ! Difference between the integer value of (dt*tunit) / tscale and it's real value (should be at most correct to machine accuarcy). real(hp) :: delta_T real(hp) :: Tstart_Julian character(1) :: roumet ! Bed stress formulation specified: C : Chezy W : White Colebrook M : Manning Z : roughness par. character(16) :: simdat ! Simulation date representing the flow condition at this date character(256) :: filrgf ! File name for the curvi-linear grid file ( !! file will be read formatted !! character(256) :: filrol character(256) :: fixtri ! fixed size version of trifil, needed for character concatenation character(6) :: soort ! String containing to which output file version group or to diagnostic file should be written character(30) , dimension(10) :: runtxt ! Textual description of model input character(60) :: txtput ! Text to be print character(300) :: message character(256) :: errstring ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! thr => gdp%gdbetaro%thr ncmax => gdp%d%ncmax nmax => gdp%d%nmax mmax => gdp%d%mmax nlb => gdp%d%nlb nub => gdp%d%nub mlb => gdp%d%mlb mub => gdp%d%mub ddbound => gdp%d%ddbound nmaxus => gdp%d%nmaxus kmax => gdp%d%kmax nmaxd => gdp%d%nmaxd mmaxd => gdp%d%mmaxd jstart => gdp%d%jstart nmmaxj => gdp%d%nmmaxj nmmax => gdp%d%nmmax lmax => gdp%d%lmax lsal => gdp%d%lsal lsts => gdp%d%lsts lstsc => gdp%d%lstsc lstsci => gdp%d%lstsci lsed => gdp%d%lsed lsedtot => gdp%d%lsedtot lsecfl => gdp%d%lsecfl lsec => gdp%d%lsec ltur => gdp%d%ltur ltur2d => gdp%d%ltur2d noroco => gdp%d%noroco norow => gdp%d%norow nocol => gdp%d%nocol nto => gdp%d%nto kc => gdp%d%kc nrob => gdp%d%nrob nsrc => gdp%d%nsrc nostat => gdp%d%nostat ntruv => gdp%d%ntruv ntru => gdp%d%ntru nsluv => gdp%d%nsluv itdate => gdp%gdexttim%itdate tstart => gdp%gdexttim%tstart tstop => gdp%gdexttim%tstop dt => gdp%gdexttim%dt tunit => gdp%gdexttim%tunit dm => gdp%gderosed%dm dg => gdp%gderosed%dg frac => gdp%gderosed%frac cp => gdp%gdheat%cp sarea => gdp%gdheat%sarea fclou => gdp%gdheat%fclou lunmd => gdp%gdinout%lunmd lundia => gdp%gdinout%lundia lunprt => gdp%gdinout%lunprt lunscr => gdp%gdinout%lunscr timsec => gdp%gdinttim%timsec timnow => gdp%gdinttim%timnow timmin => gdp%gdinttim%timmin timhr => gdp%gdinttim%timhr itstrt => gdp%gdinttim%itstrt itstop => gdp%gdinttim%itstop itfinish => gdp%gdinttim%itfinish itlfsm => gdp%gdinttim%itlfsm itmapf => gdp%gdinttim%itmapf itmapi => gdp%gdinttim%itmapi itmapl => gdp%gdinttim%itmapl ithisf => gdp%gdinttim%ithisf ithisi => gdp%gdinttim%ithisi ithisl => gdp%gdinttim%ithisl itcomf => gdp%gdinttim%itcomf itcomi => gdp%gdinttim%itcomi itcoml => gdp%gdinttim%itcoml itdrof => gdp%gdinttim%itdrof itdroi => gdp%gdinttim%itdroi itnflf => gdp%gdinttim%itnflf itnfli => gdp%gdinttim%itnfli itnfll => gdp%gdinttim%itnfll itrsti => gdp%gdinttim%itrsti iphisf => gdp%gdinttim%iphisf iphisi => gdp%gdinttim%iphisi iphisl => gdp%gdinttim%iphisl ipmap => gdp%gdinttim%ipmap itimtt => gdp%gdinttim%itimtt ittrtu => gdp%gdinttim%ittrtu itiwei => gdp%gdinttim%itiwei itdiag => gdp%gdinttim%itdiag julday => gdp%gdinttim%julday ntstep => gdp%gdinttim%ntstep tmor => gdp%gdmorpar%tmor rdc => gdp%gdmorpar%rdc itmor => gdp%gdmorpar%itmor morbnd => gdp%gdmorpar%morbnd densin => gdp%gdmorpar%densin multi => gdp%gdmorpar%multi mmsyncfilnam => gdp%gdmorpar%mmsyncfilnam nh_level => gdp%gdnonhyd%nh_level hdt => gdp%gdnumeco%hdt momsol => gdp%gdnumeco%momsol rhow => gdp%gdphysco%rhow ag => gdp%gdphysco%ag iro => gdp%gdphysco%iro wind => gdp%gdprocs%wind temp => gdp%gdprocs%temp const => gdp%gdprocs%const culvert => gdp%gdprocs%culvert dredge => gdp%gdprocs%dredge drogue => gdp%gdprocs%drogue wave => gdp%gdprocs%wave waveol => gdp%gdprocs%waveol threed => gdp%gdprocs%threed secflo => gdp%gdprocs%secflo struct => gdp%gdprocs%struct sedim => gdp%gdprocs%sedim htur2d => gdp%gdprocs%htur2d flmd2l => gdp%gdprocs%flmd2l mudlay => gdp%gdprocs%mudlay mudwave => gdp%gdprocs%mudwave coupleact => gdp%gdprocs%coupleact couplemod => gdp%gdprocs%couplemod zmodel => gdp%gdprocs%zmodel nonhyd => gdp%gdprocs%nonhyd roller => gdp%gdprocs%roller wavcmp => gdp%gdprocs%wavcmp cnstwv => gdp%gdprocs%cnstwv lftrto => gdp%gdprocs%lftrto snelli => gdp%gdprocs%snelli sbkol => gdp%gdprocs%sbkol xbeach => gdp%gdprocs%xbeach numdomains => gdp%gdprognm%numdomains nummappers => gdp%gdprognm%nummappers alfas => gdp%gdr_i_ch%alfas ampbc => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ampbc c => gdp%gdr_i_ch%c cgc => gdp%gdr_i_ch%cgc ctr => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ctr dircom => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dircom dircos => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dircos dirsin => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dirsin dis => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dis disch => gdp%gdr_i_ch%disch discom => gdp%gdr_i_ch%discom dp => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dp dpc => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dpc dps => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dps dpu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dpu dpv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dpv ewabr0 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ewabr0 ewabr1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ewabr1 ewave0 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ewave0 ewave1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ewave1 grmasu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%grmasu grmasv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%grmasv gro => gdp%gdr_i_ch%gro gsqd => gdp%gdr_i_ch%gsqd gsqs => gdp%gdr_i_ch%gsqs guu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%guu guv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%guv gvu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%gvu gvv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%gvv hkru => gdp%gdr_i_ch%hkru hkrv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%hkrv hrmcom => gdp%gdr_i_ch%hrmcom hrms => gdp%gdr_i_ch%hrms hu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%hu huvw => gdp%gdr_i_ch%huvw hv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%hv msucom => gdp%gdr_i_ch%msucom msvcom => gdp%gdr_i_ch%msvcom ombc => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ombc phibc => gdp%gdr_i_ch%phibc qu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%qu qxk => gdp%gdr_i_ch%qxk qxkr => gdp%gdr_i_ch%qxkr qxkw => gdp%gdr_i_ch%qxkw qyk => gdp%gdr_i_ch%qyk qykr => gdp%gdr_i_ch%qykr qykw => gdp%gdr_i_ch%qykw r0 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%r0 r1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%r1 rbnd => gdp%gdr_i_ch%rbnd rbuff => gdp%gdr_i_ch%rbuff rho => gdp%gdr_i_ch%rho rlabda => gdp%gdr_i_ch%rlabda rob => gdp%gdr_i_ch%rob rtur1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%rtur1 s0 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%s0 s1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%s1 sig => gdp%gdr_i_ch%sig teta => gdp%gdr_i_ch%teta thetbc => gdp%gdr_i_ch%thetbc thick => gdp%gdr_i_ch%thick tp => gdp%gdr_i_ch%tp tpcom => gdp%gdr_i_ch%tpcom u1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%u1 umean => gdp%gdr_i_ch%umean uorb => gdp%gdr_i_ch%uorb ubot => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ubot ubcom => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ubcom uvdist => gdp%gdr_i_ch%uvdist v1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%v1 vmean => gdp%gdr_i_ch%vmean voldis => gdp%gdr_i_ch%voldis wlen => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wlen wlcom => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wlcom wphy => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wphy ws => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ws wsu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wsu wsucom => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wsucom wsv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wsv wsvcom => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wsvcom wsbodyu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wsbodyu wsbodyucom => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wsbodyucom wsbodyv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wsbodyv wsbodyvcom => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wsbodyvcom xcor => gdp%gdr_i_ch%xcor xz => gdp%gdr_i_ch%xz ycor => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ycor yz => gdp%gdr_i_ch%yz zdist => gdp%gdr_i_ch%zdist dzs1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dzs1 res => gdp%gdr_i_ch%res rl => gdp%gdr_i_ch%rl xj => gdp%gdr_i_ch%xj guz => gdp%gdr_i_ch%guz gvz => gdp%gdr_i_ch%gvz gud => gdp%gdr_i_ch%gud gvd => gdp%gdr_i_ch%gvd gsqiu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%gsqiu gsqiv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%gsqiv ibuff => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ibuff irocol => gdp%gdr_i_ch%irocol iroll => gdp%gdr_i_ch%iroll itdro => gdp%gdr_i_ch%itdro kcs => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kcs kcu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kcu kcv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kcv kfs => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfs kfu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfu kfv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfv kspu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kspu kspv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kspv kzs => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kzs kzu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kzu kzv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kzv mnbnd => gdp%gdr_i_ch%mnbnd mnksrc => gdp%gdr_i_ch%mnksrc kfsmin => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfsmin kfsmax => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfsmax izmodl => gdp%gdr_i_ch%izmodl nambar => gdp%gdr_i_ch%nambar nambnd => gdp%gdr_i_ch%nambnd namcon => gdp%gdr_i_ch%namcon namsrc => gdp%gdr_i_ch%namsrc rtcmod => gdp%gdrtc%rtcmod rtcact => gdp%gdrtc%rtcact rtc_domainnr => gdp%gdrtc%rtc_domainnr restid => gdp%gdrestart%restid sbkConfigFile => gdp%gdsobek%sbkConfigFile tstprt => gdp%gdtricom%tstprt sferic => gdp%gdtricom%sferic ditcof => gdp%gdtricom%ditcof ditcol => gdp%gdtricom%ditcol keva => gdp%gdtricom%keva ktemp => gdp%gdtricom%ktemp lturi => gdp%gdtricom%lturi nfltyp => gdp%gdtricom%nfltyp icreep => gdp%gdtricom%icreep betac => gdp%gdtricom%betac dml => gdp%gdtricom%dml grdang => gdp%gdtricom%grdang saleqs => gdp%gdtricom%saleqs temeqs => gdp%gdtricom%temeqs temint => gdp%gdtricom%temint evaint => gdp%gdtricom%evaint forfuv => gdp%gdtricom%forfuv forfww => gdp%gdtricom%forfww rouflo => gdp%gdtricom%rouflo rouwav => gdp%gdtricom%rouwav method => gdp%gdtricom%method dischy => gdp%gdtricom%dischy solver => gdp%gdtricom%solver disctr => gdp%gdtricom%disctr tkemod => gdp%gdtricom%tkemod trasol => gdp%gdtricom%trasol prsmap => gdp%gdtricom%prsmap selmap => gdp%gdtricom%selmap prshis => gdp%gdtricom%prshis selhis => gdp%gdtricom%selhis tgfcmp => gdp%gdtricom%tgfcmp it01 => gdp%gdtricom%it01 it02 => gdp%gdtricom%it02 itb => gdp%gdtricom%itb ite => gdp%gdtricom%ite itima => gdp%gdtricom%itima itlen => gdp%gdtricom%itlen alone => gdp%gdtricom%alone mainys => gdp%gdtricom%mainys tscale => gdp%gdtricom%tscale comfil => gdp%gdtricom%comfil runid => gdp%runid trifil => gdp%gdtricom%trifil versio => gdp%gdtricom%versio lrdok => gdp%gdtricom%lrdok initia => gdp%gdtricom%initia iphisc => gdp%gdtricom%iphisc itcomc => gdp%gdtricom%itcomc itcur => gdp%gdtricom%itcur itdroc => gdp%gdtricom%itdroc ithisc => gdp%gdtricom%ithisc itimc => gdp%gdtricom%itimc itiwec => gdp%gdtricom%itiwec itlent => gdp%gdtricom%itlent itmapc => gdp%gdtricom%itmapc itp => gdp%gdtricom%itp itrstc => gdp%gdtricom%itrstc itrw => gdp%gdtricom%itrw maxmn => gdp%gdtricom%maxmn npmap => gdp%gdtricom%npmap ntcur => gdp%gdtricom%ntcur ntwav => gdp%gdtricom%ntwav timwav => gdp%gdtricom%timwav waverd => gdp%gdtricom%waverd anglat => gdp%gdtricom%anglat anglon => gdp%gdtricom%anglon dtsec => gdp%gdtricom%dtsec ! call timer_start(timer_tricomtot, gdp) ! icx = 0 icy = 0 mmaxddb = mmax + 2*gdp%d%ddbound nmaxddb = nmax + 2*gdp%d%ddbound ! initi = abs(initia) error = .false. commrd = .true. ! itstrt = -1 itfinish = -1 ! ifcore(1) = 0 ifcore(2) = 0 ! maxmn = max(mmax, nmax) ! rtcact = .false. lrdok = .false. ! ! Define pointers ! call gtptrs(gdp) ! ! Test value of ITLEN in combination with INITI ! if (itlen==0 .and. initi==3) then call prterr(lundia ,'D001' ,' ' ) error = .true. goto 9996 endif ! ! Put header on the screen ! if (initi==1 .or. initi==2) then txtput = 'Part IV - Reading complete MD-file...' if (.not.parll .or. (parll .and. inode == master)) then write (lunscr, '(a)') txtput endif ! ! Read md-file, only if initialisation is wanted ! call readmd(lunmd ,lundia ,lunscr ,error ,runid ,runtxt , & & filrgf ,dx ,dy ,sferic , & & anglat ,anglon ,grdang ,tgfcmp ,roumet ,rouwav , & & temeqs ,saleqs ,betac ,dml , & & restid ,icreep ,trasol , & & forfuv ,forfww ,ktemp ,keva , & & temint ,evaint , & & lturi ,tkemod ,riglid , & & tstprt ,prsmap ,prshis ,selmap , & & selhis ,filrol ,gdp ) call dfsync (gdp) if (error) goto 9996 ! ! Initialize 2-Layer Fluid Mud communication ! if (flmd2l) then call timer_start(timer_wait, gdp) call syncom_init(mudlay, densin, mlb, mub, nlb, nub) call timer_stop(timer_wait, gdp) endif ! ! Initialize Couple-communication ! if (couplemod) then call timer_start(timer_wait, gdp) write(*,*) 'Initializing communication with COUPLE ...' call syncflowcouple_init(error, gdp%runid , gdp%gdcoup%flowtocouple, & & gdp%gdcoup%pars , gdp%gdcoup%locs ) write(*,*) '... continuing' call timer_stop(timer_wait, gdp) if (error) then coupleact = .false. call prterr(lundia ,'J020' ,'SyncFlowCouple_Init') goto 9996 else coupleact = .true. endif endif ! ! Define time differences for writing output files ! for MAP print the times should be defined ( >= 0) ! ! No resetting of MAP and HIS times ! ditcof = itfinish - itcomf ditcol = itfinish - itcoml ! ! Initialize numerical parameters ! call inimet(lundia ,error ,versio ,wave ,trasol , & & momsol ,method ,dischy ,solver ,icreep , & & disctr ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9996 endif ! ! Check conflicting settings ! call chkset(lundia ,error ,sferic ,method ,trasol , & & dischy ,solver ,disctr ,ktemp , & & keva ,iphisi ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9996 ! ! Test Comm. file version for consistency ! soort = 'com' call chkcom(lundia ,error ,comfil ,soort ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9996 ! ! Read TSCALE and ITLEN from comm. file for ITLEN = 0, ! writing will be done in WRPARM (TRICOM-INIPPR-WRCOMI-WRPARM) ! for ITCOMI > 0 ! if (itlen==0) then call rdtimc(comfil ,lundia ,error ,commrd ,itlen , & & tscale ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9996 ! ! Test value COMMRD in combination with INITI ! if (.not.commrd) then tscale = dt*tunit if (.not.waveol) then itlen = itfinish + 1 endif else ! ! setting itlen to 0 here: ! - makes a mess of time management in tricom and the use of periodic input ! - enables the use of offline wave results from the com-file ! itlen = 0 endif itb = 1 ite = -1 itima = itstrt endif ! ! Test if DT*TUNIT is an integer multiple of TSCALE as defined, ! relative test ! vscale = dt*tunit - int((dt*tunit)/tscale + 1.E-6)*tscale if (abs(vscale) > tscale*1.0e-6) then call prterr(lundia ,'D002' ,' ' ) if (commrd) then write(lundia,'(3a)') ' Tscale is read from files ''com-', trim(runid), '.def'' and ''.dat''. Remove them if not intended.' endif error = .true. goto 9996 endif ! ! Initialize time parameters for stand alone (and 2D/3D system) ! stand alone and no initialisation not permitted !! ! itp = nint(dt*tunit/tscale) if (ite < itb) then if (initi == 3) then call prterr(lundia ,'D003' ,' ' ) error = .true. goto 9996 endif it01 = itdate it02 = 0 itb = itstrt*itp ite = itfinish*itp if (itb > itlen .and. itlen /= 0) then call prterr(lundia ,'D004' ,' ' ) error = .true. goto 9996 endif endif ! ! Initialize time parameters regarding to 2D/3D system parameters ! the time frame can be set N cycli back if ITLEN < itfinish ! For evaluating single time steps (for example, for OMI or OpenDA purposes), ! itstop will be reset to itstrt+1 ! itlent = itlen/itp itstrt = modlen(itb, itlen)/itp itfinish = itstrt + (ite - itb)/itp itstop = itfinish ! ! Initialize itrw on a not used value ! itrw will get a relevant value when the wave executable has run ! itrw = itfinish + 1 ! ! Calculate Julian start day for use in TRISOL ! call juldat(itdate ,julday ) ! ! Define start time and timesteps (in seconds) ! dtsec = dt * tunit dtmin = dtsec / 60.0_fp hdt = 0.5_fp * dtsec ! timnow = real(itstrt,fp) call setcurrentdatetime(timnow, gdp) ! ! According to this new time frame the related times must be redefined ! No resetting of MAP and HIS ! itcomf = itfinish - ditcof itcoml = itfinish - ditcol ! ! If ITLENT =< itfinish the simulation is cyclic. ! NOTE: notify that the time-dependent input is checked and the ! corresponding files are created according to the timeframe ! of the MD-file. If the input is cyclic this will not give ! problems (assuming that the data starts before the beginning ! of the first cycle (t=0), and will be large enough to ! cover the total simulation period). ! cyclic = (itfinish>=itlent) .and. (itlent /= 0) if (itcomi == 0) then if (cyclic) then call prterr(lundia ,'D005' ,' ' ) endif endif if (.not.cyclic) then if (it01 /= itdate) then call prterr(lundia ,'D006' ,' ' ) error = .true. goto 9996 endif endif ! ! Initialisation and Checking ! if (initi==1 .or. initi==2) then ! ! Put header on the screen ! txtput = 'Part V - Initialisation & checking input...' if (.not.parll .or. (parll .and. inode == master)) then write (lunscr, '(a)') txtput endif ! ! calculate timestep number for starting morphological changes ! Need to have delay from simulation start so that can have a ! spin-up time each time simulation starts if have multiple ! continuing simulations ! if (sedim) then tdif = tmor + itstrt*dt itmor = nint(tdif/dt) if (abs(itmor*dt-tdif) > (0.1*dt)) then error = .true. txtput = 'Morphological calculation start time' call prterr(lundia, 'U044', txtput) endif write(txtput,'(a,i0)') 'Morphological Changes Start Time (step) : ',itmor call prterr(lundia, 'G051', txtput) endif ! ! Initialize input arrays and verify input ! INCHKI is placed between semaphores; in case of a fluidmud ! calculation and when both water and mud fraction use the same ! grid-file, they may try to read the grid-file at the same time. ! This was first noticed on an XP-platform. The use of semaphores ! reduces the collapse chance, but does not guarantee that it ! will not happen. ! call inchki(lundia ,error ,runid ,sferic ,filrgf , & & dx ,dy ,anglat ,anglon ,grdang , & & tgfcmp ,riglid , & & temeqs ,saleqs ,ktemp ,fclou , & & sarea ,roumet ,rouflo ,restid , & & lturi ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9996 ! ! Set some single variables in the memory ! comform how they are declared in the initial part of the ! communication file ! i(gtipnt('NMAX', gdp)) = nmax i(gtipnt('NMAXUS', gdp)) = nmaxus i(gtipnt('MMAX', gdp)) = mmax i(gtipnt('NOROW', gdp)) = norow i(gtipnt('NOCOL', gdp)) = nocol i(gtipnt('NOROCO', gdp)) = noroco i(gtipnt('NTO', gdp)) = nto i(gtipnt('NROB', gdp)) = nrob i(gtipnt('KMAX', gdp)) = kmax i(gtipnt('NSRC', gdp)) = nsrc i(gtipnt('ITLEN', gdp)) = itlen i(gtipnt('IT01', gdp)) = it01 i(gtipnt('IT02', gdp)) = it02 r(gtrpnt('AG', gdp)) = ag r(gtrpnt('RHOW', gdp)) = rhow r(gtrpnt('DT', gdp)) = dt r(gtrpnt('TSCALE', gdp)) = tscale ch(gtcpnt('ROUFLO', gdp)) = rouflo(1:1) ch(gtcpnt('ROUFLO', gdp) + 1) = rouflo(2:2) ch(gtcpnt('ROUFLO', gdp) + 2) = rouflo(3:3) ch(gtcpnt('ROUFLO', gdp) + 3) = rouflo(4:4) ! ! User defined functions (reading and checking) ! call usrdef(lundia ,error ,grdang ,secflo ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9996 ! ! Balance output? ! call rdmassbal(r(xz) ,r(yz) ,i(kcs) ,r(gsqs) , & & mmax ,nmax ,nmaxus ,nmmax , & & gdp ) ! ! Read the file with wave components ! if (roller) then if (wavcmp) then call rbsig(ncmax ,r(ampbc) ,r(ombc) ,r(phibc) ,r(thetbc) , & & filrol ,lundia ,gdp ) endif endif if (dredge) then ! ! Read dredge input and initialize related data ! call rddredge(r(xcor) ,r(ycor) ,r(xz) ,r(yz) ,r(gsqs) , & & mmax ,nmax ,nmaxus ,nmmax ,lsedtot , & & gdp ) endif if (multi) then ! ! Initialise parallel online mor run for multiple conditions ! call initmerge(nmmax, lsedtot, runid, gdp) endif ! ! Read culvert input and initialize related data ! if (culvert) then call rdcul(nsrc, ch(namsrc), i(mnksrc) ,r(voldis), gdp) endif endif ! ! Re-define Diagnostic mode start time for INITI = 3 ! if (initi == 3) itdiag = itfinish + 1 ! ! Put header on the screen ! txtput = 'Part VI - Initialisation & checking second part...' if (.not.parll .or. (parll .and. inode == master)) then write (lunscr, '(a)') txtput endif ! ! Read time array in case of wave interaction only if waverd ! Initial value of WAVERD := WAVE .and. COMMRD ! If an error occurred while reading the communication file then ! WAVERD will be set .false. ! waverd = wave .and. commrd if (waverd) then call rdtimw(comfil ,lundia ,error ,ntwav ,timwav , & & maxtim ,waverd ,nmaxus ,mmax ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9996 endif ! ! Wave is true and not able to read wave information from comm-file: ! - Stop when running stand alone ! - Continue when running as part of MOR ! - Continue when online coupling with waves is applied ! if (wave .and. .not.waverd) then if (alone .and. .not. (cnstwv .or. snelli) .and. .not. waveol .and. .not. xbeach) then error = .true. call prterr(lundia ,'D007' ,' ' ) goto 9996 else ! Warning about missing COM-file removed. endif endif ! Read restart information from the communication file ! NOTE: In the past the test was on INITT=2 and gave wrong results ! for INITI=3 In case INITI=3 and CYCLIC=.false. the result ! should be tested for a) read from comm. file or b) not read ! if (initi /= 1) then timrst = modlen(itstrt*itp, itlen) ! ! Read the time array and corresponding water-level and ! velocities, rbuff is used as work array and set smoothing ! time to 0. ! itlfsm = 0 if (initia > 0) then call rstcom(comfil ,lundia ,error ,mmax ,nmax , & & kmax ,nmaxus ,lstsci ,lsecfl ,lsec , & & timrst ,itlen ,timcur ,maxtim ,r(s1) , & & r(u1) ,r(v1) ,r(r1) ,r(rbuff) ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9996 endif endif ! ! Check timeframe before reading/writing to comm. files. ! This check should be executed for all possible initial values ! call chktim(lundia ,nostat ,ntruv ,itstrt ,itfinish , & & prsmap ,prshis ,selmap ,selhis ,ipmap , & & mxprt ,itmapf ,itmapl ,itmapi ,iphisf , & & iphisl ,iphisi ,ithisf ,ithisl ,ithisi , & & itcomf ,itcoml ,itcomi ,itrsti ,itnflf , & & itnfli ,itnfll ,error ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9996 ! ! Write DP to comm. file for INITI=1 and ITCOMI > 0 ! or read DP from comm. file for INITI=2 or 3, a comm. file is ! presumed and if not this will generate an error message ! Subroutines RWBOTC, CALDPS and CALDPU should not be called when ! initi=3 and lsed>0: MOR has calculated dp as the averages of ! dpu/dpv. ! if (initi/=3 .or. lsed==0) then ! ! Calculate DPS depending on DPSOPT ! NFLTYP must be set in CALDPS because it is being used by ! MOR-transport ! icx = nmaxddb icy = 1 call caldps(nmmax ,nfltyp ,icx , & & icy ,i(kcs) ,r(dp) ,d(dps) ,gdp ) if (waveol) then ! ! In case of wave online: write DPS to comm-file instead of DP ! if (prec == hp) then call rwbotc_double(comfil ,lundia ,error ,initi ,itima , & & itcomi ,mmax ,nmax ,nmaxus ,d(dps) , & & r(rbuff) ,ite ,gdp ) else call rwbotc(comfil ,lundia ,error ,initi ,itima , & & itcomi ,mmax ,nmax ,nmaxus ,d(dps) , & & r(rbuff) ,ite ,gdp ) endif else call rwbotc(comfil ,lundia ,error ,initi ,itima , & & itcomi ,mmax ,nmax ,nmaxus ,r(dp) , & & r(rbuff) ,ite ,gdp ) endif if (error) goto 9996 ! ! DD code added: ! This code must be performed before inchkr and caldpu is called ! i(gtipnt('lstsci', gdp)) = lstsci i(gtipnt('ltur' , gdp)) = ltur i(gtipnt('lsed' , gdp)) = lsed i(gtipnt('lsedtt', gdp)) = lsedtot r(gtrpnt('hdt' , gdp)) = hdt i(gtipnt('ddb' , gdp)) = gdp%d%ddbound i(gtipnt('mmaxdb', gdp)) = mmaxddb i(gtipnt('nmaxdb', gdp)) = nmaxddb ! if (zmodel) then izmodl = 1 else izmodl = 0 endif i(gtipnt('izmodl', gdp)) = izmodl ! if (roller) then iroll = 1 else iroll = 0 endif i(gtipnt('iroll', gdp)) = iroll endif ! ! Synchronisation point 1 ! ======================= ! - close semaphore ! - DD synchronisation via nxtstp ! - put new semaphore ! - safe jump to the next synchronisation point (9997) in case of error, inside the new semaphore ! 9996 continue ! ! Related pseminit is in trisim.f90 ! call vseminit ! ! The call to nxtstp: ! - synchronises all subdomains up to this point ! - signals the mappers that they can initialize themselve ! - continues execution of the subdomains after all mappers are initialized ! call timer_start(timer_d3dflowinit, gdp) nhystp = nxtstp(d3dflow_init, gdp) call timer_stop(timer_d3dflowinit, gdp) ! ! related vseminit is in tricom.f90, at label 9997 ! call pseminit ! if (error) goto 9997 ! ! End of synchronisation point 1 ! ============================== ! if (initi/=3 .or. lsed==0) then ! ! Calculate DPU/DPV (depth at velocity points) ! call caldpu(lundia ,mmax ,nmaxus ,kmax , & & zmodel , & & i(kcs) ,i(kcu) ,i(kcv) , & & i(kspu) ,i(kspv) ,r(hkru) ,r(hkrv) , & & r(umean) ,r(vmean) ,r(dp) ,r(dpu) ,r(dpv) , & & d(dps) ,r(dzs1) ,r(u1) ,r(v1) ,r(s1) , & & r(thick) ,gdp ) endif ! ! After Flowmapper has adjusted the KC[UVS] arrays, recalculate some ! geometric information in D3dFlow in vicinity of interfaces ! inigeo_dd must be called before xzyz_dd ! if (.not.parll) then call inigeo_dd(lundia ,mmax ,nmax ,nmaxus ,r(guu) , & & r(gvv) ,r(guv) ,r(gvu) ,r(gsqs) ,r(gsqd) , & & r(guz) ,r(gvz) ,r(gud) ,r(gvd) ,r(gsqiu) , & & r(gsqiv) ,i(kfu) ,i(kfv) ,i(kfs) ,i(kcu) , & & i(kcv) ,i(kcs) ,gdp ) endif ! ! Compute coordinates of water level points at internal subdomain boundaries ! Needed for WaveOL and coarse wind grid ! call xzyz_dd (r(xz) ,r(yz) ,i(kcs) ,nmax ,mmax ,& & nmaxus ,r(xcor),r(ycor),gdp ) ! ! xz and yz are needed by the meteo module ! success = gridtometeo(gdp%runid, nmaxus , mmax , & & gdp%d%nlb, gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb, gdp%d%mub, & & i(kcs) , r(xz) , r(yz) ) call checkmeteoresult(success, gdp) ! ! Set single variable NFLTYP in the memory (initialized in CALDPS) ! comform how they are declared in the initial part of the ! communication file ! i(gtipnt('NFLTYP', gdp)) = nfltyp ! ! Read and interpolate the wave information ! some array names are different in wave group on comm. file ! DIR := teta , DISS := dis , FX := wsu, FY := wsv, ! MX := grmasu, MY := grmasv ! itimc = modlen(itstrt*itp, itlen) if (waverd) then call setwav(comfil ,lundia ,error ,mmax ,nmax , & & nmaxus ,itimc ,ntwav ,itlen ,timwav , & & norow ,noroco ,i(irocol) ,ifcore ,d(dps) , & & r(s1) ,r(uorb) ,r(tp) ,r(teta) ,r(dis) , & & r(wsu) ,r(wsv) ,r(grmasu) ,r(grmasv) ,r(hrms) , & & r(ubot) ,r(wlen) ,r(hrmcom) ,r(tpcom) , & & r(dircom) ,r(discom) ,r(wsucom) ,r(wsvcom) ,r(msucom) , & & r(msvcom) ,r(ubcom) ,r(wlcom) ,r(rlabda) , & & r(dircos) ,r(dirsin) ,r(ewave1) ,roller ,wavcmp , & & r(ewabr1) ,r(wsbodyu) ,r(wsbodyv) ,r(wsbodyucom) ,r(wsbodyvcom) , & & gdp ) if (error) goto 9997 endif ! ! DD code added end ! ! Initialize arithmetic arrays, depending on initial input as well ! as on previous defined input (read from comm. file or in arrays) ! inchkr should not be called when initi == 3 (warm restart in MOR) ! if (initi==1 .or. initi==2) then call inchkr(lundia ,error ,runid ,timhr ,dischy , & & cyclic ,sferic ,grdang ,temeqs ,saleqs , & & lturi ,rouflo ,rouwav ,ktemp ,temint , & & evaint ,initia ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9997 endif ! ! Initialize Delft3D-Sobek after coordinates etc have been set ! if (sbkol) then numTimeSteps = itfinish-itstrt delta_T = dt*60.0_hp Tstart_Julian = real(julday,hp) + real(tstart,hp)/1440.0_hp - 0.5_hp write (message, '(3a)') 'Reading Sobek-Online configuration file "', trim(sbkConfigFile), '"' call prterr(lundia, 'G051', trim(message)) call timer_start(timer_wait, gdp) call D3S_setup('D3D-FLOW' , runid , lundia , sbkConfigFile , & gdp%d%mlb , gdp%d%mub , gdp%d%nlb , gdp%d%nub , & r(xcor) , r(ycor) , nto , ch(nambnd) , i(mnbnd) , & nostat , gdp%gdstations%namst , gdp%gdstations%mnstat , gdp%gdbcdat%ext_bnd, & Tstart_Julian , delta_T , numTimeSteps , errstring , success ) call timer_stop(timer_wait, gdp) ! if (.not. success) then write(message,'(2a)') '*** error D3S_Init: ', trim(errstring) call prterr(lundia, 'P004', trim(message)) call d3stop(1, gdp) endif ! call timer_start(timer_wait, gdp) write(*,*) 'Initialisation: D3S_put_levels' call D3S_put_levels(0 , & gdp%d%mlb, gdp%d%mub, & gdp%d%nlb, gdp%d%nub, & r(s1) , i(kfs) ) write(*,*) 'Initialisation: D3S_put_levels DONE' call timer_stop(timer_wait, gdp) endif ! ! Initial reading phase has been passed ! lrdok = .true. ! ! Put header on the screen ! txtput = 'Part VII - Initialisation output...' if (.not.parll .or. (parll .and. inode == master)) then write (lunscr, '(a)') txtput endif ! ! CMT will create dummy files for all output. Delete FLOW Nefis ! files first for INITI=1 and file requested (times <> 0) ! if (initi == 1) then trilen = min(len(fixtri), len(trifil)) fixtri(1:trilen) = trifil(1:trilen) if (ithisi /= 0) then call delnef(fixtri(1:3) // 'h' // fixtri(5:trilen) ,gdp ) endif if (itmapi /= 0) then call delnef(fixtri(1:3) // 'm' // fixtri(5:trilen) ,gdp ) endif if (drogue) then call delnef(fixtri(1:3) // 'd' // fixtri(5:trilen) ,gdp ) endif ! ! The following files may be generated for "debug" purpose ! Remove them if they are already there from a previous run ! call rmdel('tstprt.'//trim(gdp%runid), gdp) call rmdel('discharge.'//trim(gdp%runid), gdp) call rmdel('averagetemp.'//trim(gdp%runid), gdp) call rmdel('pdfs.'//trim(gdp%runid), gdp) endif ! ! Initialise trachytope roughness time parameter for periodic calculations ! ittrtu = itstrt + itimtt ! ! Initialise FILE time parameters and test values ! npmap = 1 do mp = 2, mxprt if (ipmap(mp) == 0) then exit endif if (ipmap(mp) <= itstrt) npmap = mp enddo iphisc = iphisf ! if (itmapi == 0) then itmapc = -1 elseif (itmapf < itstrt) then iplus = ((itstrt - itmapf)/itmapi)*itmapi if (iplus < (itstrt-itmapf)) iplus = iplus + itmapi itmapc = min(itmapf + iplus, itmapl) else itmapc = min(itmapf, itmapl) endif ! if (ithisi == 0) then ithisc = -1 elseif (ithisf < itstrt) then iplus = ((itstrt - ithisf)/ithisi)*ithisi if (iplus < (itstrt-ithisf)) iplus = iplus + ithisi ithisc = min(ithisf + iplus, itfinish) else ithisc = min(ithisf, itfinish) endif ! if (ithisi == 0) ithisc = -1 itdroc = itdrof if (itdroi == 0) itdroc = -1 itrstc = min(itstrt + itrsti, itfinish) if (itrsti == 0) itrstc = -1 itiwec = itstrt if (itiwei == 0) itiwec = -1 ! itcomc = itcomf if (itcomi > 0) then if (cyclic) then ntcur = (itlent - 1)/itcomi + 1 ! Check if all time points on com-file will be filled ! Note: error message has to be tidied up. ntmin = (itcoml - itcomf)/itcomi + 1 if (ntmin < ntcur) then write (lundia, '(a,a)') '*** error ', & & 'not all time points on com-file will be filled ' error = .true. goto 9997 endif itcur = itcomc/itcomi + 1 if (itcur > ntcur) itcur = mod(itcur, ntcur) if (itcur == 0 ) itcur = ntcur else ntcur = (itcoml - itcomf)/itcomi + 1 itcur = 1 endif endif ! ! Write initial input to output files after checking output file times ! call inippr(lundia ,error ,trifil ,comfil ,mainys , & & initi ,selhis ,selmap ,tscale ,commrd , & & itlen ,itcur ,itimc , & & it01 ,it02 ,sferic ,grdang , & & rouflo ,nfltyp , & & runtxt ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9997 ! ! Re-define default values in depth array for online visualisation ! Hence all 999.999 will be set to 0.0 ! call dp999(r(dp) ,nmax ,mmax ,gdp ) ! ! DD code added: ! ! The new geometric information influences the check on dry points ! A check is necessary at couple boundaries ! icx = nmaxddb icy = 1 call chkdry_dd(jstart ,nmmaxj ,nmmax ,kmax ,icx , & & icy ,i(kcu) ,i(kcv) ,i(kcs) ,i(kfu) , & & i(kfv) ,i(kfs) ,r(hu) ,r(hv) ,r(guu) , & & r(gvv) ,r(thick) ,r(u1) ,r(v1) ,r(qxk) , & & r(qyk) ,gdp ) call chkrefinement(gdp) ! ! DD code added end ! if (wave .and. waveol) then ! ! Onlinecoupling with waves ! Initialise communication with Waves ! Waves needs numdomains, not nummappers ! call timer_start(timer_wait, gdp) if (parll) then ! when parallel, dfsync is needed to make sure the master process is the last one to be finished. call dfsync (gdp) if (inode==master) then ierror = flow_to_wave_init(runid , it01 , tscale , & & nproc , mudlay ,.true. ) endif call dfbroadc_gdp ( ierror, 1, dfint, gdp ) else ierror = flow_to_wave_init(runid , it01 , tscale , & & numdomains, mudlay ,.false. ) endif call timer_stop(timer_wait, gdp) if (ierror /= 0) then txtput = 'Initialization of DelftIO communication with waves failed' write(lunscr,'(a)') trim(txtput) call prterr(lundia, 'P004', trim(txtput)) call d3stop(1, gdp) endif endif if (mudwave) then ! ! Onlinecoupling between mud and waves ! Initialise wave pointering ! call timer_start(timer_wait, gdp) ierror = flow_to_wave_init(runid , it01 , tscale, & & numdomains, mudlay ,.false. ) call timer_stop(timer_wait, gdp) if (ierror /= 0) then txtput = 'Initialization of DelftIO communication with waves failed' write(lunscr,'(a)') trim(txtput) call prterr(lundia, 'P004', trim(txtput)) call d3stop(1, gdp) endif endif ! if ((lsedtot>0) .and. (.not.flmd2l)) then call morbndfill(i(kcs) ,r(guu) ,r(gvv) ,icx , & & icy ,i(mnbnd) ,nto ,gdp ) endif ! ! Write conversion from "n and m" to "nm" and vice versa to diag file ! if (tstprt) then call nm_to_diag(gdp) endif ! ! Make D3D data available to online applications ! call new_olv(olv_handle) call publishGDP(olv_handle, gdp, runid, zmodel) ! ! Not multi threaded ! call publishUtils(olv_handle) call setEndTimeStep(olv_handle, itstop) ! ! Synchronisation point 2 ! ======================= ! - close semaphore ! - DD synchronisation via initfinished ! - safe jump to the next synchronisation point (9998) in case of error, outside any semaphore ! 9997 continue ! ! related pseminit is in tricom.f90 at label 9996 ! call vseminit ! ! Initialize RTC-communication (includes synchronisation across multiple ! domains and hence needs to be outside semaphore block). ! call rtc_comm_init(error ,ch(nambar),i(kfs) ,i(kfsmin) , & & i(kfsmax) ,r(sig) ,r(sig) ,r(s1) , & & d(dps) ,r(r1) ,gdp) if (error) goto 9998 ! ! The call to initfinished synchronises all subdomains up to this point ! (necessary in case of multiple domains and wave online) ! call timer_start(timer_d3dflowinit, gdp) call initfinished(numdomains) call timer_stop(timer_d3dflowinit, gdp) ! if (error) goto 9998 ! ! End of synchronisation point 2 ! ============================== ! ! Put header on the screen ! txtput = 'Part VIII - Start Simulation...' if (.not.parll .or. (parll .and. inode == master)) then call psemnefis write (lunscr, '(a)') txtput write (lunscr, *) call vsemnefis endif ! call timer_stop(timer_init, gdp) ! 9998 continue if (error) then gdp%errorcode = -1 call d3stop(1, gdp) endif end subroutine tricom_init