module swan_flow_grid_maps !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2014. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision_basics ! type grid_map integer :: n_surr_points ! number of surrounding points ! (4 for curvilin., 3 for triangular grids) integer :: npts_provider ! number of points provider grid integer :: npts_receiver ! number of points receiver grid integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: ref_table ! reference table from client grid point ! to surrounding provider grid points real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: weight_table ! weights of surrounding provider grid ! points character (256) :: provider_name ! name of provider grid character (256) :: receiver_name ! name of receiver grid end type grid_map ! type grid integer :: mmax ! number of columns integer :: nmax ! number of rows integer :: kmax ! number of layers integer :: npts ! number of points integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: kcs ! mask-array inactive points integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: covered ! mask-array points covered by "other" program real :: xymiss ! missing value real(kind=hp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: x ! x-coordinates cell center real(kind=hp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: y ! y-coordinates cell center real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: alfas ! grid direction cell center real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: guu ! grid size u-cell wall real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: gvv ! grid size v-cell wall logical :: sferic ! spherical coordinate system (t/f) character (256) :: grid_name ! name of grid character (37) :: tmp_name ! temporary filename character (4) :: grid_file_type ! type of grid file (SWAN/FLOW/COM/TRIM) character (6) :: xy_loc ! location of xy coords (CORNER/CENTER) character (16) :: layer_model ! Vertical layering type: "Sigma-model" or "Z-model" end type grid ! type input_fields integer :: mmax ! number of columns integer :: nmax ! number of rows integer :: npts ! number of points integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: kfu ! mask array u-velocity points integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: kfv ! mask array v-velocity points real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: s1 ! water level real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: u1 ! u-velocity real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: v1 ! v-velocity real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: dps ! depth in water level points real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: windu ! wind velocity component in x direction real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: windv ! wind velocity component in y direction real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: s1mud ! mud level real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: dpsmud ! mud related depth in water level points real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: veg ! vegetation map - densities of plants per m2 real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: s1veg ! vegetation level - dummy field of zeros end type input_fields ! type output_fields integer :: mmax ! number of columns integer :: nmax ! number of rows integer :: npts ! number of points integer :: n_outpars ! number of additional output parameters real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: hs ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: dir ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: dirc ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: dirs ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: period ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: depth ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: fx ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: fy ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: wsbodyu ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: wsbodyv ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: mx ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: my ! real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: dissip ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: ubot ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: steep ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: wlen ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: u ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: v ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: dspr ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: rleak ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: qb ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: x ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: y ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: rtp ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: hrms ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: tp ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: pdir ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: windu ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: windv ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: tps ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: tm02 ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: tmm10 ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: dhsign ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: drtm01 ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: setup ! real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: add_out_vals ! character(7), dimension(:), pointer :: add_out_names ! end type output_fields ! type (grid) , dimension(:) , pointer, save :: swan_grids ! pointer array swan grids type (grid) , dimension(:) , pointer, save :: flow_grids ! pointer array flow grids type (grid_map) , dimension(:,:), pointer, save :: flow2swan_maps ! mappers flow->swan type (grid_map) , dimension(:,:), pointer, save :: swan2flow_maps ! mappers swan->flow type (input_fields) , save :: swan_input_fields ! pointer to input fields, swan grid type (output_fields) , save :: swan_output_fields ! pointer array to output fields, swan grid type (output_fields), dimension(:) , pointer, save :: flow_output_fields ! pointer array to output fields, flow grid ! contains ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine init_grids (n_swan_grids, n_flow_grids) implicit none ! integer, intent(in) :: n_swan_grids integer, intent(in) :: n_flow_grids ! allocate (swan_grids(n_swan_grids)) allocate (flow_grids(n_flow_grids)) allocate (flow2swan_maps(n_swan_grids,n_flow_grids)) allocate (swan2flow_maps(n_swan_grids,n_flow_grids)) allocate (flow_output_fields(n_flow_grids)) end subroutine Init_grids ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine alloc_and_get_grid(g,grid_name,grid_file_type,xy_loc) use read_grids ! implicit none ! type(grid) :: g character (*), intent(in) :: grid_name ! name of grid character (4), intent(in) :: grid_file_type ! type of grid file (SWAN/FLOW/COM/TRIM) character (6), intent(in) :: xy_loc ! location of xy coords (CORNER/CENTER) ! ! Assign attributes to grid structure ! g%grid_name = grid_name g%grid_file_type = grid_file_type g%xy_loc = xy_loc ! ! Obtain grid dimensions ! select case(grid_file_type) case ('COM') ! ! This is a FLOW grid ! read data from com-file ! call get_gri(g%grid_name ,g%x ,g%y ,g%guu ,g%gvv , & & g%alfas ,g%kcs ,g%covered ,g%mmax ,g%nmax, & & g%kmax ,g%xymiss ,g%layer_model ) ! ! In case of DomainDecomposition, some adaptions are necessary ! call grid_dd_corrections(g%alfas, g%kcs,g%mmax, g%nmax) ! ! array covered is only used for SWAN grids ! Currently it is also generated for FLOW grids ! case ('FLOW') ! ! This is a SWAN grid ! read data from grd-file ! call read_grd(g%grid_name, g%x ,g%y ,g%kcs ,g%covered, g%mmax, g%nmax ,g%sferic, g%xymiss) case default ! grid type not supported write(*,'(a)') '*** ERROR: Grid type ''',trim(grid_file_type), ''' not supported.' stop endselect g%npts = g%mmax*g%nmax end subroutine alloc_and_get_grid ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine grid_dd_corrections(alfas, kcs, mmax, nmax) implicit none ! ! global parameters integer , intent(in) :: mmax integer , intent(in) :: nmax integer, dimension(mmax,nmax), intent(in) :: kcs real , dimension(mmax,nmax) :: alfas ! ! local parameters ! integer :: m integer :: mNeighbour integer :: n integer :: nNeighbour ! ! body ! do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax if (kcs(m,n) == 3) then ! ! alfa is undefined; copy from one of the 4 neighbours with kcs=1 ! mNeighbour = min(m+1,mmax) nNeighbour = n if (kcs(mNeighbour,nNeighbour) == 1) then alfas(m,n) = alfas(mNeighbour,nNeighbour) cycle endif mNeighbour = max(m-1,1) nNeighbour = n if (kcs(mNeighbour,nNeighbour) == 1) then alfas(m,n) = alfas(mNeighbour,nNeighbour) cycle endif mNeighbour = m nNeighbour = min(n+1,nmax) if (kcs(mNeighbour,nNeighbour) == 1) then alfas(m,n) = alfas(mNeighbour,nNeighbour) cycle endif mNeighbour = m nNeighbour = max(n-1,1) if (kcs(mNeighbour,nNeighbour) == 1) then alfas(m,n) = alfas(mNeighbour,nNeighbour) cycle endif ! ! The following statement should not be reached ! write(*,'(a,i0,a,i0,a)') '*** ERROR: alfas(m=', m, ',n=', n, ') is undefined' stop endif enddo enddo end subroutine grid_dd_corrections ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine make_grid_map(g1,g2,gm) implicit none ! type(grid) :: g1,g2 type(grid_map) :: gm ! ! Local work arrays ! integer :: ierr integer :: iprint integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iflag,nrin,nrx,nry real(kind=hp) , dimension(:), allocatable :: xs,ys ! ! Allocate memory local work arrays ! allocate (xs (g2%npts)) allocate (ys (g2%npts)) allocate (iflag(g2%npts)) allocate (nrin (g2%npts)) allocate (nrx (g2%npts)) allocate (nry (g2%npts)) ! ! Set gridmap attributes ! gm%provider_name = g1%grid_name gm%receiver_name = g2%grid_name gm%npts_provider = g1%npts gm%npts_receiver = g2%npts gm%n_surr_points = 4 ! ! Allocate memory reference and weight tables ! allocate(gm%ref_table (gm%n_surr_points,g2%npts)) allocate(gm%weight_table (gm%n_surr_points,g2%npts)) ! ! print option ! iprint=0 call mkmap (g1%kcs, g1%x , g1%y , g1%mmax, g1%nmax, & & g2%x , g2%y , g2%npts, xs ,ys , & & nrx , nry , iflag , nrin , & & gm%weight_table , gm%ref_table , & & iprint, g2%covered, g1%xymiss) ! ! Deallocate memory local work arrays ! deallocate (xs , stat=ierr) deallocate (ys , stat=ierr) deallocate (iflag, stat=ierr) deallocate (nrin , stat=ierr) deallocate (nrx , stat=ierr) deallocate (nry , stat=ierr) end subroutine make_grid_map ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine alloc_input_fields (g,inpfld, mode) use wave_data implicit none ! integer :: mode type(grid) :: g type(input_fields) :: inpfld ! ! Assign grid dimensions ! inpfld%mmax = g%mmax inpfld%nmax = g%nmax inpfld%npts = g%npts ! ! Allocate variables ! allocate (inpfld%s1 (inpfld%mmax,inpfld%nmax)) allocate (inpfld%u1 (inpfld%mmax,inpfld%nmax)) allocate (inpfld%v1 (inpfld%mmax,inpfld%nmax)) allocate (inpfld%kfu (inpfld%mmax,inpfld%nmax)) allocate (inpfld%kfv (inpfld%mmax,inpfld%nmax)) allocate (inpfld%dps (inpfld%mmax,inpfld%nmax)) allocate (inpfld%windu(inpfld%mmax,inpfld%nmax)) allocate (inpfld%windv(inpfld%mmax,inpfld%nmax)) allocate (inpfld%veg (inpfld%mmax,inpfld%nmax)) allocate (inpfld%s1veg(inpfld%mmax,inpfld%nmax)) ! ! Initialise arrays ! inpfld%s1 = 0. inpfld%u1 = 0. inpfld%v1 = 0. inpfld%dps = 0. inpfld%veg = 0. inpfld%s1veg = 0. inpfld%kfu = 0 inpfld%windu = 0. inpfld%windv = 0. ! ! Interaction with Fluid Mud ! if (mode == flow_mud_online) then allocate (inpfld%s1mud (inpfld%mmax,inpfld%nmax)) allocate (inpfld%dpsmud (inpfld%mmax,inpfld%nmax)) inpfld%s1mud = 0.0 inpfld%dpsmud = 0.0 endif end subroutine alloc_input_fields ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine init_input_fields (inpfld,sr,itide) use swan_input ! implicit none ! type(input_fields) :: inpfld type(swan) :: sr integer :: itide ! ! locals ! real :: pi real :: d2r real :: cartDir ! body ! ! Initialise arrays with overall values from swan input ! inpfld%s1 = sr%zeta(itide) inpfld%u1 = sr%ux0(itide) inpfld%v1 = sr%uy0(itide) pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0) d2r = pi / 180.0 if (sr%nautconv) then cartDir = 270.0 - sr%wdir(itide) else cartDir = sr%wdir(itide) endif cartDir = cartDir*d2r inpfld%windu = sr%wvel(itide) * cos(cartDir) inpfld%windv = sr%wvel(itide) * sin(cartDir) end subroutine init_input_fields ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine dealloc_input_fields (inpfld, mode) use wave_data implicit none ! integer :: ierr integer :: mode type(input_fields) :: inpfld ! deallocate (inpfld%s1 , stat=ierr) deallocate (inpfld%u1 , stat=ierr) deallocate (inpfld%v1 , stat=ierr) deallocate (inpfld%kfu , stat=ierr) deallocate (inpfld%kfv , stat=ierr) deallocate (inpfld%dps , stat=ierr) deallocate (inpfld%veg , stat=ierr) deallocate (inpfld%s1veg, stat=ierr) deallocate (inpfld%windu, stat=ierr) deallocate (inpfld%windv, stat=ierr) if (mode == flow_mud_online) then deallocate (inpfld%s1mud , stat=ierr) deallocate (inpfld%dpsmud, stat=ierr) endif end subroutine dealloc_input_fields ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine dealloc_output_fields (outfld) implicit none ! type(output_fields) :: outfld integer :: ierr ! ! Deallocate variables ! deallocate (outfld%hs , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%dir , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%dirc , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%dirs , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%period, stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%depth , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%fx , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%fy , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%wsbodyu, stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%wsbodyv, stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%mx , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%my , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%dissip, stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%ubot , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%steep , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%wlen , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%u , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%v , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%dspr , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%rleak , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%qb , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%x , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%y , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%rtp , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%hrms , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%tp , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%pdir , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%windu , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%windv , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%tps , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%tm02 , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%tmm10 , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%dhsign, stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%drtm01, stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%setup , stat=ierr) if (associated(outfld%add_out_vals)) then deallocate (outfld%add_out_vals , stat=ierr) deallocate (outfld%add_out_names , stat=ierr) endif end subroutine dealloc_output_fields ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine alloc_output_fields (g,outfld) implicit none ! type(grid) :: g type(output_fields) :: outfld ! ! Assign grid dimensions ! outfld%mmax = g%mmax outfld%nmax = g%nmax outfld%npts = g%npts ! ! Allocate variables ! allocate (outfld%hs (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%dir (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%dirc (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%dirs (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%period(outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%depth (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%fx (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%fy (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%wsbodyu(outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%wsbodyv(outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%mx (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%my (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%dissip(outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax,4)) allocate (outfld%ubot (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%steep (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%wlen (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%u (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%v (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%dspr (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%rleak (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%qb (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%x (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%y (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%rtp (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%hrms (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%tp (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%pdir (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%windu (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%windv (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%tps (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%tm02 (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%tmm10 (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%dhsign(outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%drtm01(outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) allocate (outfld%setup (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax)) if (outfld%n_outpars > 0) then allocate (outfld%add_out_vals (outfld%mmax,outfld%nmax,outfld%n_outpars)) allocate (outfld%add_out_names (outfld%n_outpars)) endif ! ! Initialise arrays ! outfld%hs = 0. outfld%dir = 0. outfld%dirc = 0. outfld%dirs = 0. outfld%period = 0. outfld%depth = 0. outfld%fx = 0. outfld%fy = 0. outfld%wsbodyu = 0. outfld%wsbodyv = 0. outfld%mx = 0. outfld%my = 0. outfld%dissip = 0. outfld%ubot = 0. outfld%steep = 0. outfld%wlen = 0. outfld%u = 0. outfld%v = 0. outfld%dspr = 0. outfld%rleak = 0. outfld%qb = 0. outfld%x = 0. outfld%y = 0. outfld%rtp = 0. outfld%hrms = 0. outfld%tp = 0. outfld%pdir = 0. outfld%windu = 0. outfld%windv = 0. outfld%tps = 0. outfld%tm02 = 0. outfld%tmm10 = 0. outfld%dhsign = 0. outfld%drtm01 = 0. outfld%setup = 0. if (outfld%n_outpars > 0) then outfld%add_out_vals = 0. outfld%add_out_names = ' ' endif end subroutine alloc_output_fields end module swan_flow_grid_maps