module read_grids !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2014. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- ! use precision_basics contains ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine get_gri(filnam ,xz ,yz ,guu ,gvv , & & alfas ,kcs ,covered ,mmax ,nmax , & & kmax ,xymiss ,layer_model) implicit none ! ! Local parameters ! integer, parameter :: nelmx = 17 integer, parameter :: nelmx2 = 4 integer, parameter :: nelmx3 = 3 ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(out) :: mmax integer , intent(out) :: nmax integer , intent(out) :: kmax integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: kcs integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: covered ! 0: target point is not covered by source grid ! 1: target point is covered by valid points of source grid ! -1: target point is covered by invalid points of source grid real , intent(out) :: xymiss real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: alfas real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: guu real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: gvv real(kind=hp) , dimension(:,:), pointer :: xz real(kind=hp) , dimension(:,:), pointer :: yz character(*) , intent(in) :: filnam character(*) , intent(out) :: layer_model ! ! Local variables ! integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ibuff real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: rbuff integer :: celidt integer :: error integer :: ielem integer :: ierr integer :: m integer :: n integer, dimension(1) :: ival integer, dimension(6, nelmx) :: elmdms integer, dimension(nelmx) :: nbytsg logical :: wrswch character(16), dimension(1) :: cval character(10), dimension(nelmx) :: elmunt character(16) :: grpnam character(16), dimension(nelmx) :: elmnms character(16), dimension(nelmx) :: elmqty character(16), dimension(nelmx) :: elmtps character(64), dimension(nelmx) :: elmdes integer, dimension(6, nelmx2) :: elmdm2 integer, dimension(nelmx2) :: nbyts2 character(10), dimension(nelmx2):: elmun2 character(16) :: grpna2 character(16), dimension(nelmx2):: elmnm2 character(16), dimension(nelmx2):: elmqt2 character(16), dimension(nelmx2):: elmtp2 character(64), dimension(nelmx2):: elmde2 integer, dimension(6, nelmx3) :: elmdm3 integer, dimension(nelmx3) :: nbyts3 character(10), dimension(nelmx3):: elmun3 character(16) :: grpna3 character(16), dimension(nelmx3):: elmnm3 character(16), dimension(nelmx3):: elmqt3 character(16), dimension(nelmx3):: elmtp3 character(64), dimension(nelmx3):: elmde3 ! ! Define data structure; element dimensions are required only ! in write-mode. ! data grpnam/'GRID'/ data elmnms/'MMAX', 'NMAX', 'XORI', 'YORI', 'ALFORI', 'XCOR', & & 'YCOR', 'GUU', 'GVV', 'GUV', 'GVU', 'GSQS', 'GSQD', & & 'ALFAS','KMAX', 'THICK', 'LAYER_MODEL'/ data elmtps/2*'INTEGER', 12*'REAL','INTEGER','REAL', 'CHARACTER'/ data nbytsg/16*4,16/ data grpna2/'TEMPOUT'/ data elmnm2/'XWAT','YWAT','CODB','CODW'/ data elmtp2/2*'REAL',2*'INTEGER'/ data nbyts2/nelmx2*4/ data grpna3/'KENMCNST'/ data elmnm3/'KCU', 'KCV', 'KCS'/ data elmqt3/3*' '/ data elmun3/3*'[ - ]'/ data elmtp3/3*'INTEGER'/ data nbyts3/3*4/ ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! missing value is currently not available in the com-file ! default is zero ! xymiss = 0.0 ! celidt = 1 call filldm(elmdms ,1 ,1 ,1 ,0 , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,2 ,1 ,1 ,0 , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,15 ,1 ,1 ,0 , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,17 ,1 ,1 ,0 , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) wrswch = .false. ielem = 1 ! MMAX call putgti(filnam ,grpnam ,nelmx ,elmnms ,elmdms , & & elmqty ,elmunt ,elmdes ,elmtps ,nbytsg , & & elmnms(ielem) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,ival(1) ) mmax = ival(1) ielem = 2 ! NMAX call putgti(filnam ,grpnam ,nelmx ,elmnms ,elmdms , & & elmqty ,elmunt ,elmdes ,elmtps ,nbytsg , & & elmnms(ielem) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,ival(1) ) nmax = ival(1) ielem = 15 ! KMAX call putgti(filnam ,grpnam ,nelmx ,elmnms ,elmdms , & & elmqty ,elmunt ,elmdes ,elmtps ,nbytsg , & & elmnms(ielem) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,ival(1) ) kmax = ival(1) ielem = 17 ! LAYER_MODEL call putgtc(filnam ,grpnam ,nelmx ,elmnms ,elmdms , & & elmqty ,elmunt ,elmdes ,elmtps ,nbytsg , & & elmnms(ielem) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,cval ) layer_model = cval(1) call filldm(elmdms ,3 ,1 ,1 ,0 , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,4 ,1 ,1 ,0 , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,5 ,1 ,1 ,0 , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,6 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,7 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,8 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,9 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,10 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,11 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,12 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,13 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,14 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,16 ,1 ,kmax ,0 , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdm2 ,1 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdm2 ,2 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdm2 ,3 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdm2 ,4 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdm3 ,1 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdm3 ,2 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdm3 ,3 ,2 ,nmax ,mmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) ! ! ! Allocate arrays allocate (rbuff (nmax,mmax)) ! Note com-file dimensions are nmax,mmax allocate (ibuff (nmax,mmax)) ! Note com-file dimensions are nmax,mmax allocate (guu (mmax,nmax)) allocate (gvv (mmax,nmax)) allocate (alfas (mmax,nmax)) allocate (xz (mmax,nmax)) allocate (yz (mmax,nmax)) allocate (kcs (mmax,nmax)) allocate (covered(mmax,nmax)) covered = 0 ielem = 8 ! GUU call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam ,nelmx ,elmnms ,elmdms , & & elmqty ,elmunt ,elmdes ,elmtps ,nbytsg , & & elmnms(ielem) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,rbuff ) do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax guu(m, n) = rbuff(n, m) enddo enddo ielem = 9 ! GVV call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam ,nelmx ,elmnms ,elmdms , & & elmqty ,elmunt ,elmdes ,elmtps ,nbytsg , & & elmnms(ielem) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,rbuff ) do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax gvv(m, n) = rbuff(n, m) enddo enddo ielem = 14 ! ALFAS call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam ,nelmx ,elmnms ,elmdms , & & elmqty ,elmunt ,elmdes ,elmtps ,nbytsg , & & elmnms(ielem) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,rbuff ) do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax alfas(m, n) = rbuff(n, m) enddo enddo ielem = 1 ! XZ call putgtr(filnam ,grpna2 ,nelmx2 ,elmnm2 ,elmdm2 , & & elmqt2 ,elmun2 ,elmde2 ,elmtp2 ,nbyts2 , & & elmnm2(ielem) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,rbuff ) do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax xz(m, n) = rbuff(n, m) enddo enddo ielem = 2 ! YZ call putgtr(filnam ,grpna2 ,nelmx2 ,elmnm2 ,elmdm2 , & & elmqt2 ,elmun2 ,elmde2 ,elmtp2 ,nbyts2 , & & elmnm2(ielem) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,rbuff ) do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax yz(m, n) = rbuff(n, m) enddo enddo ielem = 3 ! KCS call putgti(filnam ,grpna3 ,nelmx3 ,elmnm3 ,elmdm3 , & & elmqt3 ,elmun3 ,elmde3 ,elmtp3 ,nbyts3 , & & elmnm3(ielem) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,ibuff ) do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax kcs(m, n) = ibuff(n, m) enddo enddo deallocate (ibuff, stat=ierr) deallocate (rbuff, stat=ierr) end subroutine get_gri ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine readgriddims(filnam, mmax, nmax) implicit none ! ! Global variables ! character(*), intent(in) :: filnam integer , intent(out) :: mmax integer , intent(out) :: nmax ! ! Local variables ! integer :: irgf integer, external :: new_lun character(256) :: rec ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! irgf = new_lun() open (irgf, file = filnam, form = 'formatted', status = 'old') read (irgf, '(a)', end = 7777, err = 8888) rec 10 continue read(irgf,'(a)',end = 7777,err=8888) rec if (rec(1:1) == '*' & & .or. index(rec,'Coordinate System') >= 1 & & .or. index(rec,'Missing Value') >= 1) goto 10 read(rec,*,err=8888) mmax, nmax goto 9999 7777 continue 8888 continue write(*,'(2a)') '*** ERROR: Unable to read dimensions in file ',trim(filnam) close(irgf) stop 9999 continue close(irgf) end subroutine readgriddims ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine read_grd(filnam ,xb ,yb ,codb ,covered, mmax ,nmax ,sferic ,xymiss) implicit none ! ! Global variables ! character(232) , intent(in) :: filnam integer , intent(out) :: mmax integer , intent(out) :: nmax real , intent(out) :: xymiss integer , dimension(:,:), pointer :: codb integer , dimension(:,:), pointer :: covered real(hp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: xb real(hp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: yb logical :: sferic ! ! ! Local variables ! real(hp), dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: xy integer :: etamax integer :: i integer :: ierr integer :: irgf integer :: j integer :: k integer :: ksimax integer :: npareg integer, external :: new_lun integer :: pos logical :: kw_found character(10) :: dum character(256) :: rec ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Default value for missing value: zero ! xymiss = 0.0 sferic = .false. irgf = new_lun() open (irgf, file = filnam, form = 'formatted', status = 'old') ! ! Copied from file rdrgf ! ! Read file, check for end of file or error in file: ! - The first line always contains comments ! sferic is true when the first line contains the keyword Spherical ! - Skip comment lines (starting with a '*'), while trying to read the ! following keywords: 'Coordinate System' ! 'Missing Value' ! If 'Coordinate System' is present, it overrules the sferic-specification ! in the first line! ! - The next line contains the dimensions mc and nc ! Parameter npart may also be on this line, but it is neglected ! - Read the next line containing three zero's ! xori, yori and alfori are not used anymore ! - Read x coordinates ! - Read y coordinates ! read (irgf, '(a)', end = 7777, err = 8888) rec if (index(rec, 'Spherical')>=1 .or. index(rec, 'SPHERICAL')>=1) then sferic = .true. endif 10 continue kw_found = .false. read(irgf,'(a)',end = 7777,err=8888) rec if (rec(1:1) == '*') goto 10 ! pos = index(rec,'Coordinate System') if (pos >= 1) then kw_found = .true. if (index(rec(pos+1:),'spherical') >= 1 .or. & & index(rec(pos+1:),'Spherical') >= 1 .or. & & index(rec(pos+1:),'SPHERICAL') >= 1 ) then sferic = .true. else sferic = .false. endif endif ! pos = index(rec,'Missing Value') if (pos >= 1) then kw_found = .true. pos = index(rec,'=') + 1 read(rec(pos:),*,err=8888) xymiss endif if (kw_found) goto 10 ! if (sferic) then write (*, *) write (*, '(a)') 'Coordinate System: Spherical' write (*, *) endif read(rec,*,err=8888) ksimax, etamax mmax = ksimax nmax = etamax allocate (xy (2,mmax,nmax)) allocate (xb (mmax,nmax)) allocate (yb (mmax,nmax)) allocate (codb (mmax,nmax)) allocate (covered (mmax,nmax)) xy = 0.0_hp xb = 0.0_hp yb = 0.0_hp codb = 0 covered = 0 ! ! read three zero's ! read(irgf,'(a)',end = 7777,err=8888) rec ! ! read X and Y coordinates ! read unformatted: The number of digits of xcor may vary ! do k = 1, 2 do j = 1, etamax read (irgf, *, end = 7777, err = 8888) dum,dum,(xy(k, i, j),i=1, ksimax) enddo enddo close (irgf) goto 9999 ! ! test for reading error : label 7777 end of file ! 8888 error while reading ! 7777 continue 8888 continue goto 999 ! 9999 continue ! npareg = 0 ! if (npareg<=1) then ! ! grid consists of one rectangle ! do j = 1, etamax do i = 1, ksimax codb(i, j) = +1 enddo enddo else ! ! grid consists of more than one rectangle ! endif ! ! correction of code in bottom points ! do i = 1, ksimax do j = 1, etamax if (abs(xy(1, i, j))<1.0e-6_hp .and. abs(xy(2, i, j))<1.0e-6_hp) then codb(i,j) = 0 endif enddo enddo ! ! ! x- and y-coordinates in bottom points ! do i = 1, ksimax do j = 1, etamax xb(i, j) = xy(1, i, j) yb(i, j) = xy(2, i, j) enddo enddo goto 1000 999 continue write(*,'(2a)') '*** ERROR: reading GRD file', trim(filnam) stop 1000 continue deallocate (xy, stat=ierr) end subroutine read_grd ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine readregulargrid(filnam, sferic_exp, xorigin, yorigin, alpha, & & mmax, nmax, dx, dy) implicit none ! ! Global variables ! character(256), intent(in) :: filnam logical, intent(in) :: sferic_exp integer, intent(out) :: mmax integer, intent(out) :: nmax real , intent(out) :: xorigin real , intent(out) :: yorigin real , intent(out) :: alpha real , intent(out) :: dx real , intent(out) :: dy ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: ierr integer :: irgf integer :: j integer :: k integer, external :: new_lun integer :: pos real :: dxx real :: dxy real :: dyx real :: dyy real :: pi real :: x1 real :: x2 real :: y1 real :: y2 real, dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: xy logical :: kw_found logical :: sferic_read character(10) :: dum character(256) :: rec ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! sferic_read = .false. irgf = new_lun() open (irgf, file = filnam, form = 'formatted', status = 'old') ! ! Copied from file rdrgf ! ! Read file, check for end of file or error in file: ! - The first line always contains comments ! sferic is true when the first line contains the keyword Spherical ! - Skip comment lines (starting with a '*'), while trying to read the ! following keywords: 'Coordinate System' ! 'Missing Value' ! If 'Coordinate System' is present, it overrules the sferic-specification ! in the first line! ! - The next line contains the dimensions mc and nc ! Parameter npart may also be on this line, but it is neglected ! - Read the next line containing three zero's ! xori, yori and alfori are not used anymore ! - Read x coordinates ! - Read y coordinates ! read (irgf, '(a)', end = 7777, err = 8888) rec if (index(rec, 'Spherical')>=1 .or. index(rec, 'SPHERICAL')>=1) then sferic_read = .true. endif 10 continue kw_found = .false. read(irgf,'(a)',end = 7777,err=8888) rec if (rec(1:1) == '*') goto 10 ! pos = index(rec,'Coordinate System') if (pos >= 1) then kw_found = .true. if (index(rec(pos+1:),'spherical') >= 1 .or. & & index(rec(pos+1:),'Spherical') >= 1 .or. & & index(rec(pos+1:),'SPHERICAL') >= 1 ) then sferic_read = .true. else sferic_read = .false. endif endif ! pos = index(rec,'Missing Value') if (pos >= 1) then kw_found = .true. endif if (kw_found) goto 10 ! if ( sferic_read .and. .not. sferic_exp) then write (*, '(3a)') '*** ERROR: file ',trim(filnam),' contains Spherical coordinates' write (*, '(11x,3a)') 'Expecting Cartesian coordinates' close (irgf) stop endif if (.not. sferic_read .and. sferic_exp) then write (*, '(3a)') '*** ERROR: file ',trim(filnam),' contains Cartesian coordinates' write (*, '(11x,3a)') 'Expecting Spherical coordinates' close (irgf) stop endif read(rec,*,err=8888) mmax, nmax ! ! poles? no, fences! ! allocate (xy (2,mmax,nmax)) xy = 0. ! ! read three zero's ! read(irgf,'(a)',end = 7777,err=8888) rec ! ! read X and Y coordinates ! read unformatted: The number of digits of xcor may vary ! do k = 1, 2 do j = 1, nmax read (irgf, *, end = 7777, err = 8888) dum,dum,(xy(k, i, j),i=1, mmax) enddo enddo close (irgf) goto 9999 ! ! test for reading error : label 7777 end of file ! 8888 error while reading ! 7777 continue 8888 continue goto 999 ! 9999 continue ! pi = 4.*atan(1.) alpha = atan2(xy(2,mmax,1)-xy(2,1,1),xy(1,mmax,1)-xy(1,1,1))*180./pi xorigin = xy(1,1,1) yorigin = xy(2,1,1) x1 = xy(1,mmax,1) y1 = xy(2,mmax,1) x2 = xy(1,mmax,nmax) y2 = xy(2,mmax,nmax) dxx = (x1 - xorigin)/(mmax - 1) dxy = (x2 - x1)/(nmax - 1) dyy = (y2 - y1)/(nmax - 1) dyx = (y1 - yorigin)/(mmax - 1) dx = sqrt(dxx * dxx + dyx * dyx) dy = sqrt(dyy * dyy + dxy * dxy) ! goto 1000 999 continue write(*,'(2a)') '*** ERROR: reading GRD file', trim(filnam) deallocate (xy, stat=ierr) stop 1000 continue deallocate (xy, stat=ierr) end subroutine readregulargrid ! ! !============================================================================== subroutine write_swan_grid (x,y,mmax,nmax,inest,fname) implicit none ! integer , intent(in) :: mmax integer , intent(in) :: nmax real(hp), dimension(mmax,nmax), intent(in) :: x real(hp), dimension(mmax,nmax), intent(in) :: y character(37) :: fname integer , intent(in) :: inest ! integer :: m integer :: n integer, external :: new_lun integer :: ugrd ! fname = ' ' fname(1:13) = 'TMP_grid2swan' ugrd = new_lun() write (fname(14:15),'(I2.2)') inest open ( unit = ugrd, file = fname(1:15), form ='formatted') write (ugrd,'(A)') 'x-coordinates' do n = 1,nmax write (ugrd,'(6(E25.17,1X))') (x(m,n),m=1,mmax) enddo write (ugrd,'(A)') 'y-coordinates' do n = 1,nmax write (ugrd,'(6(E25.17,1X))') (y(m,n),m=1,mmax) enddo close (ugrd) end subroutine write_swan_grid end module read_grids