module test_time_module !----- LGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2021. ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1. ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License along with this library; if not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Tests for various time and date processing routines ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision_basics, only : hp use time_module use ftnunit implicit none private real(kind=hp), parameter :: tol = 1d-9 public :: tests_time_module contains subroutine tests_time_module call test( testconversion1, 'Test CalendarYearMonthDayToJulianDateNumber' ) call test( testconversion2, 'Test julian' ) call test( test_split_date_time, 'Test split_date_time' ) call test( test_split_date_time_invalid, 'Test split_date_time with invalid input') call test( test_parse_time_valid, 'Test parse_time with valid input') call test( test_parse_time_invalid, 'Test parse_time with invalid input') end subroutine tests_time_module !> test CalendarYearMonthDayToJulianDateNumber subroutine testConversion1() integer :: jdn1, jdn2, jdn3, jdn4, yyyymmdd, yyyymmdd2, istat real(kind=hp) :: mjd, mjd2 jdn1 = CalendarYearMonthDayToJulianDateNumber(1, 1, 1) jdn2 = CalendarYearMonthDayToJulianDateNumber(1582, 10, 4) jdn3 = CalendarYearMonthDayToJulianDateNumber(1582, 10, 15) jdn4 = CalendarYearMonthDayToJulianDateNumber(2001, 1, 1) call assert_equal(jdn1, 1721424, 'error for 1-1-1') call assert_equal(jdn2, 2299160, 'error for 4-10-1582') call assert_equal(jdn3, 2299161, 'error for 15-10-1582') call assert_equal(jdn4, 2451911, 'error for 1-1-2001') mjd = 55833.5_hp istat = mjd2date(mjd, yyyymmdd) mjd2 = date2mjd(yyyymmdd) call assert_comparable (mjd, mjd2, tol, 'error for mjd=55833.5') yyyymmdd = 15821015 mjd = date2mjd(yyyymmdd) istat = mjd2date(mjd, yyyymmdd2) call assert_equal (yyyymmdd, yyyymmdd2, 'error for yyyymmdd = 15821015') yyyymmdd = 15821004 mjd2 = date2mjd(yyyymmdd) istat = mjd2date(mjd2, yyyymmdd2) call assert_equal (istat, 1, 'mjd2date failed for yyyymmdd = 15821004') call assert_equal (yyyymmdd, yyyymmdd2, 'error for yyyymmdd = 15821004') call assert_false (abs(mjd - mjd2 - 1d0) > 1d-4, 'error for jump 15821004 -> 15821015') end subroutine testConversion1 !> test julian subroutine testConversion2() real(kind=hp) :: jdn1, jdn2, jdn3, jdn4 jdn1 = julian(00010101, 0) jdn2 = julian(15821004, 0) jdn3 = julian(15821015, 0) jdn4 = julian(20010101, 0) call assert_comparable(jdn1, -678577.0_hp, tol, 'error for 1-1-1') call assert_comparable(jdn2, -100841.0_hp, tol, 'error for 4-10-1582') call assert_comparable(jdn3, -100840.0_hp, tol, 'error for 15-10-1582') call assert_comparable(jdn4, 51910.0_hp, tol, 'error for 1-1-2001') end subroutine testConversion2 !> test split_date_time with valid input subroutine test_split_date_time character(len=16) :: date, time, tz character(len=26) :: date_time logical :: success character(len=26), parameter :: date_times (9) = (/ & "2010-04-04 00:07:02 ", & "2011-05-05T01:08:03 ", & "2012-06-06 02:09:04 +02:00", & "2013-07-07T03:10:05 +01:00", & "2014-08-08 04:11:06 -01:00", & "2015-09-09T05:12:07 -02:00", & "2016-10-10 06:13:08Z ", & "2017-11-11T07:14:09Z ", & "2018-12-12 " /) integer :: i do i = 1, size(date_times) date_time = date_times(i) success = split_date_time(date_time, date, time, tz) call assert_true(success, 'success for ' // date_time) call assert_equal(date, date_time(1:10), 'diff. in date for ' // date_time) call assert_equal(time, date_time(12:19), 'diff. in time for ' // date_time) call assert_equal(tz, adjustl(date_time(20:)), 'diff. in time zone for ' // date_time) end do date_time = "2014-08-08 04:11:06.123" ! longer time: has a fractial number of seconds success = split_date_time(date_time, date, time, tz) call assert_true(success, 'success for ' // date_time) call assert_equal(date, date_time(1:10), 'diff. in date for ' // date_time) call assert_equal(time, date_time(12:), 'diff. in time for ' // date_time) call assert_equal(tz, ' ', 'diff. in time zone for ' // date_time) end subroutine test_split_date_time !> test split_date_time with invalid input subroutine test_split_date_time_invalid character(len=16) :: date, time, tz character(len=26) :: date_time logical :: success character(len=26), parameter :: date_times (3) = (/ & "2010-04 ", & ! date to short "2011-05-05t01:08:03 ", & ! t as separator (must be upper case) "2012-06-06 02:09:04 02:00" /) ! no sign in time zone integer :: i do i = 1, size(date_times) date_time = date_times(i) success = split_date_time(date_time, date, time, tz) call assert_false(success, 'unexpected success for ' // date_time) end do end subroutine test_split_date_time_invalid !> test parse time with valid input subroutine test_parse_time_valid integer, parameter :: nr_cases = 7 character(len=16), parameter :: times(nr_cases) = (/ & "01:02:03 ", & "04:05:06.7 ", & "07:47:33 ", & "8:10:20.3 ", & ! one digit for hour and with fractional seconds (is allowed) "8:10:20 ", & ! one digit for hour (is allowed) "123456 ", & ! no splitters "014554.44 "/) ! no splitter, but with fractional seconds real(kind=hp), parameter :: fraction_expected(nr_cases) = (/ 0.0430902777778_hp, 0.170216435185_hp, 0.3246875_hp, & 0.340512731481_hp, 0.340509259259_hp, 0.524259259259_hp, & 0.073546759259_hp /) integer :: i logical :: ok real(kind=hp) :: fraction do i = 1, nr_cases fraction = parse_time(times(i), ok) call assert_true( ok, "unexpected success status (must succeed)") call assert_comparable(fraction, fraction_expected(i), tol, "difference in fraction") end do end subroutine test_parse_time_valid !> test parse time !! both valid and invalid input subroutine test_parse_time_invalid character(len=20), parameter :: times(9) = (/ & " ", & ! no time at all "25:00:00 ", & ! invalid hh "23:65:28 ", & ! invalid mm "12:00:99 ", & ! invalid ss "12:22:206577.31415 ", & ! invalid ss combined with fractional seconds "250000 ", & ! invalid hh, without ':' "236528 ", & ! invalid mm, without ':' "120099 ", & ! invalid ss, without ':' "1222206577.31415 " /) ! invalid ss, without ':', combined with fractional seconds integer :: i logical :: ok real(kind=hp) :: fraction do i = 1, size(times) fraction = parse_time(times(i), ok) call assert_false( ok, "unexpected success status (must fail)") end do end subroutine test_parse_time_invalid end module test_time_module