Module netcdf_nf_interfaces ! Explicit interfaces for Netcdf FORTRAN 2003 nf FORTRAN interface routines ! Generic interfaces are provided for routines that process text data to ! handle the case where you are using this interface module and are passing ! an array of single characters (ala C) instead of a character string. ! We choose not to provide explicit interfaces for the V2 routines and ! newer functions for netCDF4 that pass data of any type to/from void ! pointers in C using a C_CHAR string array. We do provide external ! statements for the V2 functions as done in ! Written by: Richard Weed, Ph.D. ! Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems ! Mississippi State University ! ! License (and other Lawyer Language) ! This software is released under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License. The ! full text of the License can be viewed at : ! ! ! ! The author grants to the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research ! (UCAR), Boulder, CO, USA the right to revise and extend the software ! without restriction. However, the author retains all copyrights and ! intellectual property rights explicitly stated in or implied by the ! Apache license ! Version 1. Sept. 2005 - Initial Cray X1 version ! Version 2. May, 2006 - Updated to support g95 ! Version 3. April 2009 - Updated for netCDF 4.0.1 ! Version 4. April 2010 - Updated for netCDF 4.1.1 ! Version 5. Feb. 2013 - Added nf_inq_path support for fortran 4.4 ! Version 6. Jan. 2016 - General code cleanup, added interface for ! nf_open_mem function ! Most legacy programs don't need to use this module. However, I've created ! it to support FORTRAN programmers who like to provide explicit interfaces ! for all subroutines and functions in their codes. Therefore, this module is ! is primarily for people writting new programs. Implicit NONE #include "" !-------------------- Explicit Interfaces for nf routines ------------------ ! Misc functions first !-------------------------------- nf_inq_libvers ------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_libvers() RESULT(vermsg) Character(LEN=80) :: vermsg End Function nf_inq_libvers End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_strerror --------------------------------- Interface Function nf_strerror(nerr) RESULT(errmsg) Integer, Intent(IN) :: nerr Character(LEN=80) :: errmsg End Function nf_strerror End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_issyserr --------------------------------- Interface Function nf_issyserr(nerr) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: nerr Logical :: status End Function nf_issyserr End Interface ! Control routines !-------------------------------- nf_create ----------------------------------- Interface Function nf_create(path, cmode, ncid) RESULT (status) Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: path Integer, Intent(IN) :: cmode Integer, Intent(OUT) :: ncid Integer :: status End Function nf_create End Interface !-------------------------------- nf__create ---------------------------------- Interface Function nf__create(path, cmode, initialsz, chunksizehintp, ncid) & RESULT(status) Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: path Integer, Intent(IN) :: cmode, initialsz, chunksizehintp Integer, Intent(OUT) :: ncid Integer :: status End Function nf__create End Interface !-------------------------------- nf__create_mp ------------------------------- Interface Function nf__create_mp(path, cmode, initialsz, basepe, chunksizehintp, ncid) & RESULT(status) Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: path Integer, Intent(IN) :: cmode, initialsz, chunksizehintp, basepe Integer, Intent(OUT) :: ncid Integer :: status End Function nf__create_mp End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_open ------------------------------------- Interface Function nf_open(path, mode, ncid) RESULT (status) Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: path Integer, Intent(IN) :: mode Integer, Intent(INOUT) :: ncid Integer :: status End Function nf_open End Interface !-------------------------------- nf__open ------------------------------------ Interface Function nf__open(path, mode, chunksizehintp, ncid) RESULT (status) Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: path Integer, Intent(IN) :: mode, chunksizehintp Integer, Intent(INOUT) :: ncid Integer :: status End Function nf__open End Interface !-------------------------------- nf__open_mp --------------------------------- Interface Function nf__open_mp(path, mode, basepe, chunksizehintp, ncid) RESULT (status) Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: path Integer, Intent(IN) :: mode, chunksizehintp, basepe Integer, Intent(INOUT) :: ncid Integer :: status End Function nf__open_mp End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_open_mem --------------------------------- Interface nf90_open_mem Function nf_open_mem(path, mode, size, memory, ncid) RESULT (status) USE ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY : C_CHAR Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: path Integer, Intent(IN) :: mode Integer, Intent(IN) :: size Character(KIND=C_CHAR), Intent(IN), TARGET :: memory(*) Integer, Intent(INOUT) :: ncid Integer :: status End Function nf_open_mem End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_path --------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_path(ncid, pathlen, path) RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer, Intent(INOUT) :: pathlen Character(LEN=*), Intent(INOUT) :: path Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_path End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_set_fill --------------------------------- Interface Function nf_set_fill(ncid, fillmode, old_mode) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, fillmode Integer, Intent(OUT) :: old_mode Integer :: status End Function nf_set_fill End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_set_default_format ----------------------- Interface Function nf_set_default_format(newform, old_format) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: newform Integer, Intent(OUT) :: old_format Integer :: status End Function nf_set_default_format End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_redef ----------------------------------- Interface Function nf_redef(ncid) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer :: status End Function nf_redef End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_enddef ----------------------------------- Interface Function nf_enddef(ncid) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer :: status End Function nf_enddef End Interface !-------------------------------- nf__enddef --------------------------------- Interface Function nf__enddef(ncid, h_minfree, v_align, v_minfree, r_align) & RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, h_minfree, v_align, v_minfree, r_align Integer :: status End Function nf__enddef End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_sync ------------------------------------- Interface Function nf_sync(ncid) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer :: status End Function nf_sync End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_abort ----------------------------------- Interface Function nf_abort(ncid) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer :: status End Function nf_abort End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_close ------------------------------------- Interface Function nf_close(ncid) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer :: status End Function nf_close End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_delete ----------------------------------- Interface Function nf_delete(path) RESULT(status) Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: path Integer :: status End Function nf_delete End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_delete_mp --------------------------------- Interface Function nf_delete_mp(path, pe) RESULT(status) Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: path Integer, Intent(IN) :: pe Integer :: status End Function nf_delete_mp End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_set_base_pe ------------------------------ Interface Function nf_set_base_pe(ncid, pe) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, pe Integer :: status End Function nf_set_base_pe End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_base_pe ------------------------------ Interface Function nf_inq_base_pe(ncid, pe) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: pe Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_base_pe End Interface ! Dimension definition and inquiry functions !-------------------------------- nf_def_dim ---------------------------------- Interface Function nf_def_dim(ncid, name, dlen, dimid) RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, dlen Integer, Intent(OUT) :: dimid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_def_dim End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_dim ---------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_dim(ncid, dimid, name, dlen) RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, dimid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: dlen Character(LEN=*), Intent(OUT) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_dim End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_dimid -------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_dimid(ncid, name, dimid) RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: dimid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_dimid End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_dimlen ------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid, dlen) RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, dimid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: dlen Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_dimlen End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_dimname ------------------------------ Interface Function nf_inq_dimname (ncid, dimid, name) RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, dimid Character(LEN=*), Intent(OUT) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_dimname End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_rename_dim -------------------------------- Interface Function nf_rename_dim(ncid, dimid, name) RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, dimid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_rename_dim End Interface ! General inquiry functions !-------------------------------- nf_inq -------------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq(ncid, ndims, nvars, ngatts, unlimdimid) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: ndims, nvars, ngatts, unlimdimid Integer :: status End Function nf_inq End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_ndims -------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_ndims(ncid, ndims) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: ndims Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_ndims End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_nvars -------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_nvars(ncid, nvars) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: nvars Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_nvars End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_natts -------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_natts(ncid, ngatts) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: ngatts Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_natts End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_unlimdim ----------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_unlimdim(ncid, unlimdimid) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: unlimdimid Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_unlimdim End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_format ------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_format(ncid, format_type) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: format_type Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_format End Interface ! General variable functions !-------------------------------- nf_def_var ----------------------------------- Interface Function nf_def_var(ncid, name, xtype, nvdims, vdims, varid) RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, xtype, nvdims Integer, Intent(IN) :: vdims(*) Integer, Intent(OUT) :: varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_def_var End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_varndims ----------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, vndims) RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: vndims Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_varndims End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_var ---------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_var(ncid, varid, name, xtype, ndims, dimids, natts) & RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(OUT) :: name Integer, Intent(OUT) :: dimids(*) Integer, Intent(OUT) :: ndims, xtype, natts Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_var End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_vardimid ----------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dimids) RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: dimids(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_vardimid End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_varid -------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_varid(ncid, name, varid) RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_varid End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_varname ------------------------------ Interface Function nf_inq_varname (ncid, varid, name) RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(OUT) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_varname End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_vartype ------------------------------ Interface Function nf_inq_vartype(ncid, varid, xtype) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: xtype Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_vartype End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_varnatts ----------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_varnatts(ncid, varid, nvatts) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: nvatts Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_varnatts End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_rename_var ------------------------------- Interface Function nf_rename_var(ncid, varid, name) RESULT (status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_rename_var End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_copy_var --------------------------------- Interface Function nf_copy_var(ncid_in, varid, ncid_out) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid_in, varid, ncid_out Integer :: status End Function nf_copy_var End Interface ! General attribute functions !-------------------------------- nf_inq_att ---------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_att(ncid, varid, name, xtype, nlen) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: nlen, xtype Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_att End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_atttype --------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_atttype(ncid, varid, name, xtype) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: xtype Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_atttype End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_attlen ------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_attlen(ncid, varid, name, nlen) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: nlen Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_attlen End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_attid -------------------------------- Interface Function nf_inq_attid(ncid, varid, name, attnum) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(OUT) :: attnum Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_attid End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_inq_attname ------------------------------ Interface Function nf_inq_attname(ncid, varid, attnum, name) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid, attnum Character(LEN=*), Intent(OUT) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_inq_attname End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_copy_att --------------------------------- Interface Function nf_copy_att(ncid_in, varid_in, name, ncid_out, varid_out) & RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid_in, varid_in, ncid_out, varid_out Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_copy_att End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_rename_att ------------------------------- Interface Function nf_rename_att(ncid, varid, name, newname) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name, newname Integer :: status End Function nf_rename_att End Interface !-------------------------------- nf_del_att ---------------------------------- Interface Function nf_del_att(ncid, varid, name) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer :: status End Function nf_del_att End Interface ! var1 put and get functions !--------------------------------- nf_put_var1_text --------------------------- Interface Function nf_put_var1_text(ncid, varid, ndex, chval) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: ndex(*) Character(LEN=1), Intent(IN) :: chval Integer :: status End Function nf_put_var1_text End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_var1_int1 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_put_var1_int1(ncid, varid, ndex, ival) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT1 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: ndex(*) Integer(NFINT1), Intent(IN) :: ival Integer :: status End Function nf_put_var1_int1 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_var1_int2 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_put_var1_int2(ncid, varid, ndex, ival) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT2 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: ndex(*) Integer(NFINT2), Intent(IN) :: ival Integer :: status End Function nf_put_var1_int2 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_var1_int ------------------------- Interface Function nf_put_var1_int(ncid, varid, ndex, ival) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: ndex(*) Integer(NFINT), Intent(IN) :: ival Integer :: status End Function nf_put_var1_int End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_var1_real ------------------------ Interface Function nf_put_var1_real(ncid, varid, ndex, rval) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFREAL Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: ndex(*) Real(NFREAL), Intent(IN) :: rval Integer :: status End Function nf_put_var1_real End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_var1_double ---------------------- Interface Function nf_put_var1_double(ncid, varid, ndex, dval) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: RK8 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: ndex(*) Real(RK8), Intent(IN) :: dval Integer :: status End Function nf_put_var1_double End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_var1_text ------------------------ Interface Function nf_get_var1_text(ncid, varid, ndex, chval) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: ndex(*) Character(LEN=1), Intent(OUT) :: chval Integer :: status End Function nf_get_var1_text End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_var1_int1 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_get_var1_int1(ncid, varid, ndex, ival) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT1 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: ndex(*) Integer(NFINT1), Intent(OUT) :: ival Integer :: status End Function nf_get_var1_int1 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_var1_int2 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_get_var1_int2(ncid, varid, ndex, ival) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT2 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: ndex(*) Integer(NFINT2), Intent(OUT) :: ival Integer :: status End Function nf_get_var1_int2 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_var1_int ------------------------- Interface Function nf_get_var1_int(ncid, varid, ndex, ival) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: ndex(*) Integer(NFINT), Intent(OUT) :: ival Integer :: status End Function nf_get_var1_int End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_var1_real ------------------------ Interface Function nf_get_var1_real(ncid, varid, ndex, rval) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFREAL Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: ndex(*) Real(NFREAL), Intent(OUT) :: rval Integer :: status End Function nf_get_var1_real End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_var1_double ---------------------- Interface Function nf_get_var1_double(ncid, varid, ndex, rval) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: RK8 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: ndex(*) Real(RK8), Intent(OUT) :: rval Integer :: status End Function nf_get_var1_double End Interface ! var put and get functions !--------------------------------- nf_put_var_text ------------------------- Interface nf_put_var_text Function nf_put_var_text(ncid, varid, text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: text Integer :: status End Function nf_put_var_text ! Array of characters Function nf_put_var_text_a(ncid, varid, text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=1), Intent(IN) :: text(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_var_text_a End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_var_int1 ------------------------- Interface Function nf_put_var_int1(ncid, varid, i1vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT1 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer(NFINT1), Intent(IN) :: i1vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_var_int1 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_var_int2 ------------------------- Interface Function nf_put_var_int2(ncid, varid, i2vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT2 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer(NFINT2), Intent(IN) :: i2vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_var_int2 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_var_int -------------------------- Interface Function nf_put_var_int(ncid, varid, ivals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer(NFINT), Intent(IN) :: ivals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_var_int End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_var_real ------------------------- Interface Function nf_put_var_real(ncid, varid, rvals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFREAL Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Real(NFREAL), Intent(IN) :: rvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_var_real End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_var_double ----------------------- Interface Function nf_put_var_double(ncid, varid, dvals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: RK8 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Real(RK8), Intent(IN) :: dvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_var_double End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_var_text ------------------------ Interface nf_get_var_text Function nf_get_var_text(ncid, varid, text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(OUT) :: text Integer :: status End Function nf_get_var_text ! array of characters Function nf_get_var_text_a(ncid, varid, text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=1), Intent(OUT) :: text(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_var_text_a End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_var_int1 ------------------------- Interface Function nf_get_var_int1(ncid, varid, i1vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT1 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer(NFINT1), Intent(OUT) :: i1vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_var_int1 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_var_int2 ------------------------- Interface Function nf_get_var_int2(ncid, varid, i2vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT2 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer(NFINT2), Intent(OUT) :: i2vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_var_int2 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_var_int -------------------------- Interface Function nf_get_var_int(ncid, varid, ivals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer(NFINT), Intent(OUT) :: ivals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_var_int End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_var_real ------------------------- Interface Function nf_get_var_real(ncid, varid, rvals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFREAL Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Real(NFREAL), Intent(OUT) :: rvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_var_real End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_var_double ----------------------- Interface Function nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, dvals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: RK8 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Real(RK8), Intent(OUT) :: dvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_var_double End Interface ! vars put and get functions !--------------------------------- nf_put_vars_text ------------------------ Interface nf_put_vars_text Function nf_put_vars_text(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, text) & RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: text Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vars_text ! array of characters Function nf_put_vars_text_a(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, text) & RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Character(LEN=1), Intent(IN) :: text(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vars_text_a End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_vars_int1 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_put_vars_int1(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, i1vals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT1 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Integer(NFINT1), Intent(IN) :: i1vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vars_int1 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_vars_int2 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_put_vars_int2(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, i2vals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT2 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Integer(NFINT2), Intent(IN) :: i2vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vars_int2 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_vars_int ------------------------- Interface Function nf_put_vars_int(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, ivals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Integer(NFINT), Intent(IN) :: ivals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vars_int End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_vars_real ------------------------ Interface Function nf_put_vars_real(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, rvals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFREAL Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Real(NFREAL), Intent(IN) :: rvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vars_real End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_vars_double ---------------------- Interface Function nf_put_vars_double(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, dvals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: RK8 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Real(RK8), Intent(IN) :: dvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vars_double End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_vars_text ------------------------ Interface nf_get_vars_text Function nf_get_vars_text(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, text) & RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Character(LEN=*), Intent(OUT) :: text Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vars_text ! array of characters Function nf_get_vars_text_a(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, text) & RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Character(LEN=1), Intent(OUT) :: text(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vars_text_a End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_vars_int1 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_get_vars_int1(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, i1vals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT1 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Integer(NFINT1), Intent(OUT) :: i1vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vars_int1 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_vars_int2 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_get_vars_int2(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, i2vals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT2 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Integer(NFINT2), Intent(OUT) :: i2vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vars_int2 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_vars_int ------------------------- Interface Function nf_get_vars_int(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, ivals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Integer(NFINT), Intent(OUT) :: ivals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vars_int End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_vars_real ------------------------ Interface Function nf_get_vars_real(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, rvals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFREAL Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Real(NFREAL), Intent(OUT) :: rvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vars_real End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_vars_double ---------------------- Interface Function nf_get_vars_double(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, dvals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: RK8 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*) Real(RK8), Intent(OUT) :: dvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vars_double End Interface ! varm put and get functions !--------------------------------- nf_put_varm_text ------------------------ Interface nf_put_varm_text Function nf_put_varm_text(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: text Integer :: status End Function nf_put_varm_text ! array of characters Function nf_put_varm_text_a(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Character(LEN=1), Intent(IN) :: text(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_varm_text_a End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_varm_int1 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_put_varm_int1(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & i1vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT1 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Integer(NFINT1), Intent(IN) :: i1vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_varm_int1 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_varm_int2 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_put_varm_int2(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & i2vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT2 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Integer(NFINT2), Intent(IN) :: i2vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_varm_int2 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_varm_int ------------------------- Interface Function nf_put_varm_int(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & ivals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Integer(NFINT), Intent(IN) :: ivals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_varm_int End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_varm_real ------------------------ Interface Function nf_put_varm_real(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & rvals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFREAL Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Real(NFREAL), Intent(IN) :: rvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_varm_real End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_varm_double ---------------------- Interface Function nf_put_varm_double(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & dvals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: RK8 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Real(RK8), Intent(IN) :: dvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_varm_double End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_varm_text ------------------------ Interface nf_get_varm_text Function nf_get_varm_text(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Character(LEN=*), Intent(OUT) :: text Integer :: status End Function nf_get_varm_text ! array of characters Function nf_get_varm_text_a(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Character(LEN=1), Intent(OUT) :: text(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_varm_text_a End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_varm_int1 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_get_varm_int1(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & i1vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT1 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Integer(NFINT1), Intent(OUT) :: i1vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_varm_int1 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_varm_int2 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_get_varm_int2(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & i2vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT2 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Integer(NFINT2), Intent(OUT) :: i2vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_varm_int2 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_varm_int ------------------------- Interface Function nf_get_varm_int(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & ivals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Integer(NFINT), Intent(OUT) :: ivals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_varm_int End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_varm_real ------------------------ Interface Function nf_get_varm_real(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & rvals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFREAL Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Real(NFREAL), Intent(OUT) :: rvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_varm_real End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_varm_double ---------------------- Interface Function nf_get_varm_double(ncid, varid, start, counts, strides, maps, & dvals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: RK8 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*), strides(*), maps(*) Real(RK8), Intent(OUT) :: dvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_varm_double End Interface ! vara put and get routines !--------------------------------- nf_put_vara_text ------------------------ Interface nf_put_vara_text Function nf_put_vara_text(ncid, varid, start, counts, text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: text Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vara_text ! array of characters Function nf_put_vara_text_a(ncid, varid, start, counts, text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Character(LEN=1), Intent(IN) :: text(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vara_text_a End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_vara_int1 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_put_vara_int1(ncid, varid, start, counts, i1vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT1 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Integer(NFINT1), Intent(IN) :: i1vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vara_int1 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_vara_int2 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_put_vara_int2(ncid, varid, start, counts, i2vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT2 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Integer(NFINT2), Intent(IN) :: i2vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vara_int2 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_vara_int ------------------------- Interface Function nf_put_vara_int(ncid, varid, start, counts, ivals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Integer(NFINT), Intent(IN) :: ivals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vara_int End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_vara_real ------------------------ Interface Function nf_put_vara_real(ncid, varid, start, counts, rvals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFREAL Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Real(NFREAL), Intent(IN) :: rvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vara_real End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_vara_double ---------------------- Interface Function nf_put_vara_double(ncid, varid, start, counts, dvals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: RK8 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Real(RK8), Intent(IN) :: dvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_vara_double End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_vara_text ------------------------ Interface nf_get_vara_text Function nf_get_vara_text(ncid, varid, start, counts, text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Character(LEN=*), Intent(OUT) :: text Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vara_text ! array of characters Function nf_get_vara_text_a(ncid, varid, start, counts, text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Character(LEN=1), Intent(OUT) :: text(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vara_text_a End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_vara_int1 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_get_vara_int1(ncid, varid, start, counts, i1vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT1 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Integer(NFINT1), Intent(OUT) :: i1vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vara_int1 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_vara_int2 ------------------------ Interface Function nf_get_vara_int2(ncid, varid, start, counts, i2vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT2 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Integer(NFINT2), Intent(OUT) :: i2vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vara_int2 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_vara_int ------------------------- Interface Function nf_get_vara_int(ncid, varid, start, counts, ivals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Integer(NFINT), Intent(OUT) :: ivals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vara_int End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_vara_real ------------------------ Interface Function nf_get_vara_real(ncid, varid, start, counts, rvals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFREAL Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Real(NFREAL), Intent(OUT) :: rvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vara_real End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_vara_double ---------------------- Interface Function nf_get_vara_double(ncid, varid, start, counts, dvals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: RK8 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Integer, Intent(IN) :: start(*), counts(*) Real(RK8), Intent(OUT) :: dvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_vara_double End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_att_text ------------------------- Interface nf_put_att_text Function nf_put_att_text(ncid, varid, name, nlen, text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid, nlen Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name, text Integer :: status End Function nf_put_att_text ! array of characters Function nf_put_att_text_a(ncid, varid, name, nlen, text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid, nlen Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Character(LEN=1), Intent(IN) :: text(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_att_text_a End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_att_int1 ------------------------- Interface Function nf_put_att_int1(ncid, varid, name, xtype, nlen, i1vals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT1 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid, nlen, xtype Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer(NFINT1), Intent(IN) :: i1vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_att_int1 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_att_int2 ------------------------- Interface Function nf_put_att_int2(ncid, varid, name, xtype, nlen, i2vals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT2 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid, nlen, xtype Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer(NFINT2), Intent(IN) :: i2vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_att_int2 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_att_int -------------------------- Interface Function nf_put_att_int(ncid, varid, name, xtype, nlen, ivals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid, nlen, xtype Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer(NFINT), Intent(IN) :: ivals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_att_int End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_att_real ------------------------- Interface Function nf_put_att_real(ncid, varid, name, xtype, nlen, rvals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFREAL Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid, nlen, xtype Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Real(NFREAL), Intent(IN) :: rvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_att_real End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_put_att_double ----------------------- Interface Function nf_put_att_double(ncid, varid, name, xtype, nlen, dvals) & RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: RK8 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid, nlen, xtype Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Real(RK8), Intent(IN) :: dvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_put_att_double End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_att_text ------------------------- Interface nf_get_att_text Function nf_get_att_text(ncid, varid, name, text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Character(LEN=*), Intent(OUT) :: text Integer :: status End Function nf_get_att_text ! Array of characters Function nf_get_att_text_a(ncid, varid, name, text) RESULT(status) Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Character(LEN=1), Intent(OUT) :: text(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_att_text_a End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_att_int1 ------------------------- Interface Function nf_get_att_int1(ncid, varid, name, i1vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT1 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer(NFINT1), Intent(OUT) :: i1vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_att_int1 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_att_int2 ------------------------- Interface Function nf_get_att_int2(ncid, varid, name, i2vals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT2 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer(NFINT2), Intent(OUT) :: i2vals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_att_int2 End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_att_int -------------------------- Interface Function nf_get_att_int(ncid, varid, name, ivals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFINT Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Integer(NFINT), Intent(OUT) :: ivals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_att_int End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_att_real ------------------------- Interface Function nf_get_att_real(ncid, varid, name, rvals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: NFREAL Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Real(NFREAL), Intent(OUT) :: rvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_att_real End Interface !--------------------------------- nf_get_att_double ----------------------- Interface Function nf_get_att_double(ncid, varid, name, dvals) RESULT(status) USE netcdf_nf_data, ONLY: RK8 Integer, Intent(IN) :: ncid, varid Character(LEN=*), Intent(IN) :: name Real(RK8), Intent(OUT) :: dvals(*) Integer :: status End Function nf_get_att_double End Interface ! Externals for functions that use C_CHAR arrays to pass data to void ! pointers Integer, External :: nf_put_var1 Integer, External :: nf_get_var1 Integer, External :: nf_put_vars Integer, External :: nf_get_vars Integer, External :: nf_put_vara Integer, External :: nf_get_vara ! Integer, External :: nf_open_mem #ifndef NO_NETCDF_2 ! External definitons for Netcdf2 functions Integer, External :: nccre Integer, External :: ncopn Integer, External :: ncddef Integer, External :: ncdid Integer, External :: ncvdef Integer, External :: ncvid Integer, External :: nctlen Integer, External :: ncsfil #endif !--------------------------- End Module netcdf_nf_interfaces - ---------------- End Module netcdf_nf_interfaces