r.avaflow 2.4 represents a GIS-supported open source software tool for the simulation of complex, cascading mass flows over arbitrary topography. It empoys the NOC-TVD numerical scheme (Wang et al., 2004) along with a Voellmy-type model, or with an enhanced version of the Pudasaini multi-phase flow model (Pudasaini and Mergili, 2019). Complementary functions include entrainment, deposition, stopping, and phase transformations. The starting mass may be defined through raster maps and/or hydrographs. r.avaflow 2.4 includes the possibility to explore multi-core computing environments to run multiple simulations at once as a basis for parameter sensitivity analysis and optimization.


Please visit the r.avaflow web site for further information and a detailed manual:


Martin Mergili, University of Graz, Austria and Shiva P. Pudasaini, University of Bonn, Germany

The support of Massimiliano Alvioli, Matthias Benedikt, Emmanuel Delage, Wolfgang Fellin, Jan-Thomas Fischer, Sigridur S. Gylfadottir, Andreas Huber, Ivan Marchesini, Markus Metz, Markus Neteler, Alexander Ostermann, and Matthias Rauter is acknowledged.

Funding 2014-2017: German Research Foundation DFG and Austrian Research Fund FWF

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