******************************************************************************** *** *** Deltares, FLOW2D3D Version, Nov 9 2017, 13:53:27 *** built from : https://svn.oss.deltares.nl/repos/delft3d/trunk *** *** runid : sim_L017 *** date,time : 2017-12-05, 09:07:30 *** ******************************************************************************** *** MESSAGE Executable for 32-bits platform. *** MESSAGE Double precision computation using reals of kind 8 *** MESSAGE Using UNESCO density formulation by default *** MESSAGE Momentum solver cyclic method is specified *** MESSAGE DRYFLP and DPSOPT both specified in MD-file. Using DPSOPT: MEAN *** MESSAGE His, map, drogue, and fourier files written in single precision (except for time and horizontal coordinates). Sediment fraction 1: Sediment1 Sediment fraction 2: Sediment2 *** Start of underlayer input Underlayer mechanism : 2 Exchange layer : NO Porosity : Based on CDRYB Number of Lagrangian layers : 0 Number of Eulerian layers : 10 Thickness of Eulerian underlayers : 0.1000E-01 Base layer composition : computed separately Mixing between layers : NO Thickness transport layer : 0.4000E-02 Boundary name : Upstream Composition condition prescribed : fixed Boundary name : Downstream Composition condition prescribed : free Initial bed composition : mini.ini *** End of underlayer input Determining transport formulation(s) Reading: tra.tra Input file : tra.tra File in traditional MOR-format. *** Start of sediment input Ref concentration : 0.1600E+04 Option Dss : 0 Uniform mud content : 0.0000E+00 Sediment number : 1 Name : Sediment1 Type : bedload RHOSOL : 0.2650E+04 sed. distribution : loguniform SedD10 : 0.9920E-03 SedD50 : 0.9999E-03 SedDM : 0.1000E-02 SedD90 : 0.1008E-02 CDRYB : 0.1590E+04 Uniform IniThick : 0.1000E+01 [m] Formula name : Ashida-Michiue (1974) Transport formula used : 14 ACal : 0.1700E+02 ThetaC : 0.5000E-01 PowerM : 0.1500E+01 PowerP : 0.1000E+01 PowerQ : 0.1000E+01 Sediment number : 2 Name : Sediment2 Type : bedload RHOSOL : 0.2650E+04 sed. distribution : loguniform SedD10 : 0.1992E-02 SedD50 : 0.2000E-02 SedDM : 0.2000E-02 SedD90 : 0.2008E-02 CDRYB : 0.1590E+04 Uniform IniThick : 0.1000E+01 [m] Formula name : Ashida-Michiue (1974) Transport formula used : 14 ACal : 0.1700E+02 ThetaC : 0.5000E-01 PowerM : 0.1500E+01 PowerP : 0.1000E+01 PowerQ : 0.1000E+01 *** End of sediment input *** Start of morphological input Morphological Timescale Factor : 0.1000E+01 Morphological Changes Start Time (s) : 0.1200E+03 Fixed Layer Erosion Threshold : 0.1000E-02 Bed level updating : ACTIVE Composition updating : ACTIVE Entrainment/deposition flux in mass bal.: INCLUDED Sand Equili. conc. profs. at boundaries : USED Mud Equili. conc. profs. at boundaries : NOT USED Sediment included in fluid density calc.: NO AKSFAC : 0.1000E+01 RWAVE : 0.1000E+01 Equilibrium sed. conc. profiles :calculated (D3D mix) Suspended sed. multiplication factor : 0.1000E+01 Bed load transp. multiplication factor : 0.1000E+01 wave-rel. susp.sed.transp.fact.(SUSW) : 0.1000E+01 wave-rel. bed-ld.sed.transp.fact.(BEDW) : 0.1000E+01 Min.depth for sed. calculations(SEDTHR) : 0.1000E-02 Glob./max. dry cell erosion fact(THETSD): 0.0000E+00 Max depth for variable THETSD (HMAXTH) : 0.1500E+01 Computing THETSD for dry bank erosion Tuning param. Shields Taucr (FACTCR) : 0.1000E+01 GLM velocities i.s.o Eulerian velocities for bed load transport and reference conc: NO EPSPAR: Always use Van Rijns param. mix. dist. : NO Standard option: Rc from Flow, Rw=RWAVE*0.025 : 1 Update bed level at inflow boundaries : YES Merge bottoms from parallel runs : NO Source/sink limiter DZMAX(depth frac.) : 0.5000E-01 Max. volumetric ref. conc. CAMAX : 0.6500E+00 Hiding & exposure formulation : Ashida & Michiue Bed slope effect formulation : Koch & Flokstra ALFABS : 0.0000E+00 AShield parameter : 0.1700E+01 BShield parameter : 0.5000E+00 CShield parameter : 0.0000E+00 DShield parameter : 0.0000E+00 Requested percentile(s) : 10.0000 : 15.0000 : 50.0000 : 90.0000 Output transport rates : volume excl. pores Boundary name : Upstream Depth prescribed : fixed Boundary name : Downstream Depth prescribed : free *** End of morphological input *** MESSAGE Morphological Changes Start Time (step) : 2400 *** WARNING Latitude of your model is 0 degrees, model located at equator Creating new trim-sim_L017.dat Creating new trim-sim_L017.def *** Simulation finished ******************************************************* Performance timers: |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |Timer name | wall clock | CPU time | | |-----------------------|-----------------------| | | sec | % | sec | % | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |Initialization | 0.09 | 0.0 | 0.08 | 0.0 | |Simulation | 564.94 |100.0 | 563.34 |100.0 | |Close and stop | 0.01 | 0.0 | 0.02 | 0.0 | | |------------- +|----- +|------------- +|----- +| |Total | 565.04 |100.0 | 563.43 |100.0 | |---------------------------------------------|-----------------------| |Momentum eq. | 30.55 | 5.4 | 30.79 | 5.5 | |Continuity eq. | 35.92 | 6.4 | 36.02 | 6.4 | |Transport eq. | 0.00 | 0.0 | 0.00 | 0.0 | |Turbulence | 0.81 | 0.1 | 0.84 | 0.1 | |3D Morphology | 418.02 | 74.0 | 417.76 | 74.1 | |---------------------------------------------|-----------------------| |Wait (dd module) | 0.00 | 0.0 | 0.00 | 0.0 | |Wait (ext. modules) | 0.00 | 0.0 | 0.00 | 0.0 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | Performance = CPU time / (TimeSteps*MMAX*NMAX*KMAX) | | TimeSteps : 14400 | | MMAX : 397 | | NMAX : 17 | | KMAX : 1 | | Performance : 0.57975E-05 [sec] | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |Explanation: | | | |Initialization : Everything up to the first time step | |Simulation : All time steps | |Close and stop : Everything after the last time step | |Total : FLOW for this subdomain, | | excluding allocation/deallocation of global data | | | |Momentum eq. : Part of Simulation ("UZD") | |Continuity eq. : Part of Simulation ("SUD") | |Transport eq. : Part of Simulation ("DIFU") | | Only relevant when constituents are modelled. | |Turbulence : Part of Simulation ("TURCLO, TRATUR, TUR2D") | |3D Morphology : Part of Simulation ("EROSED, BOTT3D") | | Only relevant when sediments are modelled. | |Wait (dd) : Part of Initialization, Simulation and Closing. | | ("NXTSTP, NXTDRY") | | Only relevant when DomainDecomposition is used. | | Communication with and execution of the "mappers". | | Mappers are separate threads, possibly in another | | executable, possibly on another node. They copy | | data from one subdomain to another. | | FLOWs must wait while the mappers are executing, | | mappers must wait while the FLOWs are executing. | |Wait (ext) : Part of Initialization, Simulation and Closing. | | ("SYNC, _TO_, _FROM_") | | Communication with and execution of all "external" | | modules: | | Online WAVES, Online WAQ, Online RTC, Fluid Mud. | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| ******************************************************************************** *** *** FINISHED Delft3D-FLOW *** runid : sim_L017 *** date, time : 2017-12-05, 09:16:55 *** ******************************************************************************** *** MESSAGE Removing file: TMP_sim_L017.grd *** MESSAGE Removing file: TMP_sim_L017.bct