subroutine write_wave_map (sg, sof, n_swan_grids, wavedata, casl) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2012. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use wave_data use swan_flow_grid_maps ! implicit none ! ! Local parameters ! integer, parameter :: nelmx = 29 ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: n_swan_grids ! number of swan grids character(*), intent(in) :: casl ! runid type (grid) :: sg ! swan grid type (output_fields) :: sof ! output fields defined on swan grid type (wave_data_type) :: wavedata ! ! Local variables ! integer :: celidt integer :: error integer :: i integer :: ind integer :: idum integer :: ierror integer :: nelems integer :: nelems2 integer , dimension(6, nelmx) :: elmdms integer , dimension(nelmx) :: nbytsg integer , dimension(:,:), allocatable :: elmdms2 integer , dimension(:) , allocatable :: nbytsg2 logical :: wrswch real :: xdum character(10) , dimension(nelmx) :: elmunt character(16) , dimension(3) :: grpnam character(16) , dimension(nelmx) :: elmnms character(16) , dimension(nelmx) :: elmqty character(16) , dimension(nelmx) :: elmtps character(256) :: filnam character(64) , dimension(nelmx) :: elmdes ! character(10) , dimension(:) , allocatable :: elmunt2 character(16) , dimension(:) , allocatable :: elmnms2 character(16) , dimension(:) , allocatable :: elmqty2 character(16) , dimension(:) , allocatable :: elmtps2 character(64) , dimension(:) , allocatable :: elmdes2 character(256) :: gridnam integer :: it02 integer :: itlen ! integer , dimension(1) :: idummy ! Help array to read/write Nefis files real , dimension(:,:), allocatable :: rbuf ! ! Define data structure; element dimensions are required only ! in write-mode. ! data grpnam/'map-series', 'map-series-add', ' '/ data elmnms/'TIME', 'CODE ', 'HSIGN ', 'DIR ', 'PDIR ', 'PERIOD', 'RTP ', & & 'DEPTH', 'VELOC-X','VELOC-Y', 'TRANSP-X', 'TRANSP-Y', 'DSPR', & & 'DISSIP ', 'LEAK', 'QB','XP', 'YP ', 'UBOT', 'STEEPW', 'WLENGTH', & & 'TPS', 'TM02', 'TMM10', 'DHSIGN', 'DRTM01', 'SETUP', 'FX', 'FY' / data elmdes/'time', & & 'code for HISWA output grid ', & & 'significant wave height ', & & 'mean wave direction ', & & 'peak wave direction ', & & 'mean wave period ', & & 'relative peak wave period ', & & 'water depth ', & & 'x-component current velocity ', & & 'y-component current velocity ', & & 'x-component of energy transport vector ', & & 'y-component of energy transport vector ', & & 'directional spread of the waves ', & & 'energy dissipation ', & & 'leakage of energy over sector boundaries ', & & 'the fraction of breaking waves ', & & 'x coordinate output grid ', & & 'y-coordinate output grid ', & & 'rms value maximum of the orbital velocity near bottom ', & & 'mean wave steepness ', & & 'mean wave length ', & & 'smoothed peak period ', & & 'mean absolute zero-crossing period ', & & 'mean absolute wave period ', & & 'difference in significant wave height (last iterations) ', & & 'difference in average wave period (last iterations) ', & & 'set-up due to waves ', & & 'x-component of wave induced force ', & & 'y-component of wave induced force ' / data elmqty/29*' '/ data elmunt/'[TSCALE] ', '[ - ] ', '[ M ] ', '[ DEG ] ', '[ DEG ] ', & & '[ SEC ] ', '[ SEC ] ',& & '[ M ] ', '[ M/S ] ', '[ M/S ] ', '[ W/M ] ', '[ W/M ] ', & & '[ DEG ] ', '[N/M/SEC]', '[J/M2/S] ', '[ - ] ', '[ M ] ', & & '[ M ] ', '[ M/S ] ', '[ - ] ', '[ M ] ', & & '[ SEC ] ', '[ SEC ] ', '[ SEC ] ', '[ M ] ', '[ SEC ] ', & & '[ M ] ', '[ N/M2 ] ', '[ N/M2 ]' / data elmtps/2*'INTEGER', 27*'REAL'/ data nbytsg/29*4/ ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! idum = -1 xdum = -1.0 ! if (sg%sferic) then elmunt(17) = '[ DEG ]' elmunt(18) = '[ DEG ]' endif ! wrswch = .true. ! ! Allocate and initialise possible additional output parameters ! One extra entry in group 2 for the time information ! nelems2 = sof%n_outpars + 1 ! if (nelems2 > 1) then allocate (elmdms2(6,nelems2)) allocate (nbytsg2(nelems2)) allocate (elmunt2(nelems2)) allocate (elmnms2(nelems2)) allocate (elmqty2(nelems2)) allocate (elmtps2(nelems2)) allocate (elmdes2(nelems2)) ! elmqty2 = ' ' nbytsg2 = 4 ! ! The first element contains the time information ! elmtps2(1) = 'INTEGER' elmdes2(1) = 'time' elmunt2(1) = '[TSCALE]' elmnms2(1) = 'TIME' call filldm(elmdms2 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,0 , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) ! ! The other elements are 2D arrays ! do i = 2, nelems2 elmdes2(i) = sof%add_out_names(i-1) elmtps2(i) = 'REAL' elmnms2(i) = sof%add_out_names(i-1) elmunt2(i) = ' ' call filldm(elmdms2 ,i ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) enddo endif ! if (n_swan_grids == 1) then write(filnam,'(2a)')'wavm-',trim(casl) else gridnam = sg%grid_name ind = index(gridnam, '/', back = .true.) if (ind > 0) gridnam = gridnam(ind+1:) ind = index(gridnam, '\', back = .true.) if (ind > 0) gridnam = gridnam(ind+1:) ind = index(gridnam, '.', back = .true.) if (ind > 0) gridnam = gridnam(:ind-1) write(filnam,'(4a)')'wavm-',trim(casl),'-',trim(gridnam) endif ! ! Write parameters to group PARAMS ! it02 = 0 itlen = 0 call wrpara(filnam, .true., wavedata%time%tscale, idum , 5, ierror) call wrpara(filnam, .true., xdum , wavedata%time%refdate, 6, ierror) call wrpara(filnam, .true., xdum , it02 , 7, ierror) call wrpara(filnam, .true., xdum , itlen , 8, ierror) ! ! Default output parameters ! call filldm(elmdms ,1 ,1 ,1 ,0 , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,2 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,3 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,4 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,5 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,6 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,7 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,8 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,9 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,10 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,11 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,12 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,13 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,14 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,15 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,16 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,17 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,18 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,19 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,20 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,21 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,22 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,23 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,24 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,25 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,26 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,27 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,28 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) call filldm(elmdms ,29 ,2 ,sof%mmax ,sof%nmax , & & 0 ,0 ,0 ) ! ! Write all elements to file; all ! definition and creation of files, data groups, cells and ! elements is handled by PUTGET ! nelems = 29 celidt=wavedata%output%count idummy(1) = wavedata%time%timtscale call putgti(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(1) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,idummy(1) ) write (*,'(a,i10)') ' Time written ', wavedata%time%timtscale call putgti(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(2) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sg%kcs ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(3) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%hs ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(4) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%dir ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(5) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%pdir ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(6) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%period ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(7) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%rtp ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(8) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%depth ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(9) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%u ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(10),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%v ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(11),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%mx ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(12),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%my ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(13),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%dspr ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(14),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%dissip) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(15),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%rleak ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(16),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%qb ) allocate( rbuf(size(sg%x,1),size(sg%x,2)) ) rbuf = real(sg%x,sp) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(17),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,rbuf ) rbuf = real(sg%y,sp) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(18),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,rbuf ) deallocate( rbuf , stat=ierror) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(19),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%ubot ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(20),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%steep ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(21),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%wlen ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(22),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%tps ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(23),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%tm02 ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(24),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%tmm10 ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(25),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%dhsign ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(26),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%drtm01 ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(27),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%setup ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(28),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%fx ) call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(1) ,nelems ,elmnms(1) ,elmdms(1, 1) , & & elmqty(1) ,elmunt(1) ,elmdes(1) ,elmtps(1) ,nbytsg(1) , & & elmnms(29),celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%fy ) ! ! Also write the possible additional output parameters to the map file ! if (nelems2 > 1) then idummy(1) = wavedata%time%timtscale call putgti(filnam ,grpnam(2) ,nelems2 ,elmnms2(1) ,elmdms2(1, 1) , & & elmqty2(1) ,elmunt2(1) ,elmdes2(1) ,elmtps2(1) ,nbytsg2(1) , & & elmnms2(1) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,idummy(1) ) do i = 2, nelems2 call putgtr(filnam ,grpnam(2) ,nelems2 ,elmnms2(1) ,elmdms2(1, 1) , & & elmqty2(1) ,elmunt2(1) ,elmdes2(1) ,elmtps2(1) ,nbytsg2(1) , & & elmnms2(i) ,celidt ,wrswch ,error ,sof%add_out_vals(:,:,i-1) ) enddo ! deallocate (elmdms2) deallocate (nbytsg2) deallocate (elmunt2) deallocate (elmnms2) deallocate (elmqty2) deallocate (elmtps2) deallocate (elmdes2) endif ! ! The wind field is written into another group on the wave-map file ! it is always written! ! call write_wave_map_wind (sg , sof , n_swan_grids, wavedata, & & casl) end subroutine write_wave_map