[versionnumbers] major = 1 minor = 2 revision = 0 branch = # ^^ branch name is used in dflowfm distribution filenames. Leave empty for trunk. dflowfmversion = 1.2.0 ! date = 20180216 ! dflowfm now fully embedded inside Delft3D source tree on OSS repository. ! bugfix suspended sediment mass balance when neglectentrainment==.true. ! bugfix merging 3D map files ! bugfix multiple pumps in old *.ext file. ! New feature: pumps with start/stop level stages, via structures.ini file. ! Bugfix writing velocity magnitudes in 3D map files (UGRID). unstrucversion = 1.1.294 ! date = 20180709 ! bug of 55433 vLL == 0, 3D discharge boundaries ! Apologies for large commit unstrucversion = 1.1.293 ! date = 20180704 ! change initialisation of bare ! fix by sander in parallel branches reduction ! dumpnetlinks checks for sepehr ! for Remco, zout in de putten, e.g. ! QUANTITY =initialsalinitybot ! FILENAME =put1.pol ! FILETYPE =10 ! METHOD =4 ! OPERAND =O ! VALUE =31 ! UNIFORMSALINITYBELOWZ=-15 unstrucversion = 1.1.292 ! date = 20180622 ! bobs in setfixedweirs revisited ! nonlin2 ! QUANTITY=pump FILENAME=pump.pli FILETYPE=9 METHOD=3 OPERAND=O , only tested on 1 link, either 1D or 2D ! startlevelsuctionside= 0.01 ! stoplevelsuctionside= -1.00 unstrucversion = 1.1.291 ! date = 20180613 ! ongoing nonlin==2 unstrucversion = 1.1.290 ! date = 20180525 ! fixed widthcenteronlink for simple cases general structure unstrucversion = 1.1.289 ! date = 20180523 ! U1 = 0 in gate and general closed part unstrucversion = 1.1.288 ! date = 20180503 ! Roof connections kn3 = 7, uniform roofgutterwidth etc. ! Writing netcdf for kn3 = 7 unstrucversion = 1.1.287 ! date = 20180503 ! automatic 1D2DINTERNALCONNECTIONS for (streetinlets.xyz) and (roofs.pliz) and 2D in general (nofile, press Esc) unstrucversion = 1.1.286 ! date = 20180430 ! checked combination of 1D channels and cutcell unstrucversion = 1.1.285 ! date = 20180423 ! v(LL) was wrong in 2D unstrucversion = 1.1.284 ! date = 20180420 ! solves Micks wave problem in SFB model unstrucversion = 1.1.283 ! date = 20180419 ! undo 282 unstrucversion = 1.1.282 ! date = 20180419 ! one more zero check in Swart( unstrucversion = 1.1.281 ! date = 20180416 ! reorganised some wave arrays, solves Micks problem Jawaveswartdelwaq unstrucversion = 1.1.280 ! date = 20180413 ! wdsu over 2 layers if top layer thickness < 0.05 cm unstrucversion = 1.1.279 ! date = 20180409 ! setbobsongullies: if polygon = 2 point, also set wu(L) to polygon width, call now just before allocflow ! This should be checked for setting fixedweirs etc. as well unstrucversion = 1.1.278 ! date = 20180323 ! allocate zminmaxu also if kmx == 1 ! if zk undef use zkuni+beslope in setaifu unstrucversion = 1.1.277 ! date = 20180316 ! undo code modification for a 1D network icw thin dams of 2 month ago, plus fixed ! small modification to groundlayer unstrucversion = 1.1.276 ! date = 20180314 ! jadismxbnd=1 in mirrorcell, todo: set jadismxbnd=0, to pepair dx on cells with asp. ratio > 1 ! flow_waveinit, todo: only call if jawave > 0 ! vicLu is now resulting hor eddy visc, limited or not, depending on ja_timestep_auto_diff ! initialisation of sedmor only for stm_included unstrucversion = 1.1.275 ! date = 20180215 ! grounlay ! lateral discharge unstrucversion = 1.1.274 ! date = 20180208 ! Fix for 1D branch interpolation in case internal type kn3=3 or 5 also in model Quanduo unstrucversion = 1.1.273 ! date = 20171214 ! Tekal wind Cd output for fetch/depth limited icw Hwang ! Helmert / agp reoperationalised ! for Wilbert, if prev_numlimdt(k) > numlimdt_baorg then ba(k) = baorg(k) in cutcell unstrucversion = 1.1.272 ! date = 20171214 ! restored interpolation of tiles from xyb file, commenting out call setbedlevelfromnetfile() ! removed character chec ! deallocate vegxw etc if not used ! roofs underway ! Hwang twav=0 checked unstrucversion = 1.1.271 ! date = 20171208 ! no more temp1 array during computation ! wu = au/hu in 1D , temporary fix for Sephr ! bug in setbranch if type 6 link is isolated unstrucversion = 1.1.270 ! date = 20171204 ! underway some 3D morf ! delete network on cell centers revisited for Tom ! Analysis Julia's spatially varying patm problems will be solved in januari? by? lowerleftcorner / upperleftcorner in patm ! Restored original layer z-layer behaviour when iStrchType=0 ! icgsolver=10, jacobi ! Riemannbnd in 3D ! jarhoxu in 2D mode corrected unstrucversion = 1.1.269 ! date = 20171117 ! temp bed in tbed instead of in tem1(kb-1) enabling 2D computations ! for Mick, initialsediment1 until initialsediment9 ! jaWriteDFMinterpretedvalues 0/1 ! 3D turbulence now safe for bedfriction 0 unstrucversion = 1.1.268 ! date = 20171103 ! correction 1D2D connections and 1D depth interpolations for jurjen unstrucversion = 1.1.267 ! date = 20171027 ! minbob ! in setfixedweirs soo solly solly sir unstrucversion = 1.1.266 ! date = 20171026 ! timings for verploegh ! further connection type 5 for street drain ! set mxsam optionally zero in interpolationparameters ! repair of discharge bnd in 3D after implementation of full 3D velocity profile specification on bnd unstrucversion = 1.1.265 ! date = 20171010 ! 'Zlayercenterbedvel', improves tidal amplitude for z-layer Roompotmodel ! 'Interceptionlayerthickness' spatially variable unstrucversion = 1.1.264 ! date = 20171010 ! rmmtoy: turkin maxed to epstke in bnd part ! 1d2dcontacts 0 unstrucversion = 1.1.263 ! date = 20171005 ! another small fix due to kn3 = 6 in externalbnds ! plus ka=k1 in recursive subroutine walk1D ! no more bedlevel from restart unless jased > 0 ! rmmtoy: epsilon bed boundary condition for 1 layer unstrucversion = 1.1.262 ! date = 20171003 ! small fix in setbranch unstrucversion = 1.1.261 ! date = 20171003 ! reorganised and bugremoved tabellenboek en villemonte weirs unstrucversion = 1.1.260 ! date = 20170928 ! network links with kn(3,L) == 6 : branches continue across junctions with kn(3,L) == 1 connections ! zmin for other profiles than xyz as well ! remove csfxw ! alfsmo for user defined ubnd profiles unstrucversion = 1.1.259 ! date = 20170927 ! Jajipjan = 0 only for icgsolver .ne. 4 in readmdu unstrucversion = 1.1.258 ! date = 20170926 ! gates in 3D ! jasfer3D in loops, not in functions (saves +- 4 %) ! jajipjan restored to 5 (saves +- 4 %) ! so, fasten your seatbelts ! Riemann also in 3D ! halfway jaLogprofkepsbndin unstrucversion = 1.1.257 ! date = 20170908 ! sorsin histories revisited ivm histories bug tva ! unstrucversion = 1.1.255 ! date = 20170825 ! sorsin for all constituents, sasrc(:) and tmsrc(:) now all in ccsrc(:,:) ! keep constituent ordering in tim file: tim, Q, concentration(1:numconst) ! 1:numconst being all constituents, ordered as follows: ! ISALT, ITEMP , ISED1:ISEDN, ISPIR, ITRA1:ITRAN ! eg. if we have only temperature and two tracers we get 5 columns: ! col1 = tim, col2 = flux, col3 = temp, col4 = tracer1, col5 = tracer2 ! javau default back to 3 ! jacomp = 2: banf oriented ucnx, ucny unstrucversion = 1.1.254 ! date = 20170822 ! jainterpolatezk1D = 1; (default), if zk == dmiss interpolate from profiles specified in xyz style unstrucversion = 1.1.253 ! date = 20170818 ! javau = 7 , limited high order unstrucversion = 1.1.252 ! date = 20170817 ! bug in sorsin (appeared only for coupled and more than one intake layer) unstrucversion = 1.1.251 ! date = 20170809 ! javau = 6 : explicit center based vertical advection, 3D chekerboard unstrucversion = 1.1.250 ! date = 20170710 ! waq_wri_model moved to externaloutput unstrucversion = 1.1.249 ! date = 20170704 ! limtypsa = 7 = central for cursusdemo repaired, idem limtypsa = 6 ! jabarocterm default 2 unstrucversion = 1.1.248 ! date = 20170703 ! try to fix undo network , also undo newfil until repaired by jaap unstrucversion = 1.1.247 ! date = 20170623 ! another bug of Jaoa, combination fetch + thin dams, now also sferic proof, all dirs unstrucversion = 1.1.246 ! date = 20170623 ! another bug of Jaoa, combination fetch + thin dams, now also sferic proof unstrucversion = 1.1.245 ! date = 20170613 ! Jaoa's problem fixed, getlink1(n,LL) ! Fixedweirtalud, changed def, is now inverse of slope ! Seddenscoupling in mdu unstrucversion = 1.1.244 ! date = 20170613 ! fetchlimited waves also in parallel unstrucversion = 1.1.243 ! date = 20170609 ! soiltempminthick ! epshstem ! 1D frcu: ext file now works. If both interpolating profs have both FRCTP= and FRCCF= in profdef, ! then interpolate frcn in profiles, otherwise use frcu unstrucversion = 1.1.242 ! date = 20170602 ! Surftempsmofac, Heatsink on diag ! meteoupdate qstss outside ompsections unstrucversion = 1.1.241 ! date = 20170601 ! visvcor to 0 ! epshstem unstrucversion = 1.1.240 ! date = 20170530 ! visvcor back to org=1 unstrucversion = 1.1.239 ! date = 20170530 ! a1x1a2x2 repaired unstrucversion = 1.1.238 ! date = 20170529 ! jabaptist = javeg in 2D unstrucversion = 1.1.237 ! date = 20170529 ! QUANTITY='weiroutflowbnd' for Stowa case 4. ! another correction for veg2D, in setveg ! a1x1a2x2 needs to be repaired, now replaced by org code unstrucversion = 1.1.236 ! date = 20170524 ! baptist corrected (3D, s1=0.044, 2Dold, s1=0.054, 2Dnew, s1=0.034) unstrucversion = 1.1.235 ! date = 20170516 ! Delwaq integrated fluxes now conserving ! Vegdensminbap ! jaseddenscoupling unstrucversion = 1.1.234 ! date = 20170516 ! ba not corrected for 1d2d link unstrucversion = 1.1.233 ! date = 20170516 ! Tifetchcomp interval ! jadelnetlinktyp unstrucversion = 1.1.232 ! date = 20170510 ! spatial av tempwat for Firmijn's noordzee unstrucversion = 1.1.231 ! date = 20170509 ! Bug in Fetchlimited approach ! visvcor = 0 !< 1 = org, v=v(ucxq,ucyq) , 0 = new, v = v(ucx,ucy) unstrucversion = 1.1.230 ! date = 20170508 ! jalimnor, jasfer3D ! fixes for thin layer evap ! Limtyp6 still not ok ! trsh_u1Lb slightly modified unstrucversion = 1.1.229 ! date = 20170502 ! jawaveSwartDelwaq == 2 writes to DELWAQ taubxu ! jawaveSwartDelwaq == 1 writes to DELWAQ taucur+tauwave ! heatflux of evaporation now also correct in 2D unstrucversion = 1.1.228 ! date = 20170425 ! limtyp6 in verticaltransport now allowed unstrucversion = 1.1.227 ! date = 20170425 ! jawaveSwartDelwaq=1 ! startpetsc only switched on if (numranks > 1) unstrucversion = 1.1.226 ! date = 201704259 ! evaporation computed bij temperature model 5, jaevap = 1 ! added jabarocterm to make switching possible from the standard jabarocterm == 1 to ! jabarocterm == 2, for revised baroclinic term of 20160225 (from ersion nr = 1.1.175) ! Make 2 the new default in a next version ! also, check for unknown astronomic components made effective, ecmessage routine is not working properly yet ! chktempdep, check tempfluxes in shallow parts, evaporation continues ! operationalised Bretschneider fetchlimited wave model in 3D wavecurrent interaction, testcase \markermeer\test3D ! Ti_his, map maxed to dt_user if not zero ! Plotting of wave parameters restored, thanks herman ! also: if ( q1(Lt) >= 0d0 ) instead of > 0 in transport bnd conditions shows more probable initial condition ! rdstm commented out because of some problem with lfbedfrm unstrucversion = 1.1.225 ! date = 20170411 ! for Firmijn also excluded -999.999 in sorsin pli's ! added teksrc unstrucversion = 1.1.224 ! date = 20170411 ! for d:\Dickv3\G05.mdu, general in sethu unstrucversion = 1.1.223 ! date = 20170407 ! for Firmijn, varying sorsin depths in pliz file, uniform if zpl == -999, ! Otherwise zpl = lowest sinsor, dzl = highest sinsor in 5 col file xpl, ypl, zpl, dzl, dzr unstrucversion = 1.1.222 ! date = 20170406 ! O-key for Dick, saving polygon with automatic name and making plot at the same time unstrucversion = 1.1.221 ! date = 20170404 ! Elder was based upon Chezy = 23, now we take user specified Chezy ! General structure correct bedfriction in 3D unstrucversion = 1.1.220 ! date = 20170329 ! c for changevalue in editpol restored, big C now for orthogonal pol copy, ! automatic *.ext file block when saving *.pli unstrucversion = 1.1.219 ! date = 20170327 ! iadv(6) on zbnd restored unstrucversion = 1.1.218 ! date = 20170327 ! General structure and original gate in 3D (last one needs be checked) ! Some groundwater definitions, bgrw spatially varying ! Mass balance plot in windvector ! closed structures (to specify closed: use negative typnr) ! hydraulicallysmooth also in 2D, (frctyp=10) unstrucversion = 1.1.217 ! date = 20170324 ! bug zlayers for dickv, see dickv unstrucversion = 1.1.216 ! date = 20170223 ! Removesmalllinkstrsh and Cosphiutrsh in mdufile ! Volume error, switched pack matrix and s1ini ! Hinterceptionlayer is a simple drainage model ! Jagui in flowfinalize ! Jasfer3D extra check in dlinedis2 unstrucversion = 1.1.215 ! date = 20170222 ! Yesterday after update, but with conflicted unstruc.f90, the old one was taken. ! This is a second try with rewritten code for gullies and criticaloutflowbnd and theo's bug. unstrucversion = 1.1.214 ! date = 20170217 ! jasferdist only switched on for sferic ! saad bug for omega ==0d0 in bcgstab ! gullies.pliz ! criticaloutflowbnd ! removed bug that I introduced en 2016 in addlink2D, causing fail of gate like structures unstrucversion = 1.1.213 ! date = 20170215 ! under construction makeba removed to cure testbank unstrucversion = 1.1.212 ! date = 20170209 ! For Peter Herman: Jabaptist = 1,2 or 3 plus arrays cfuveg and alfaveg ! Bicgstab is restored because of unexplained CG problem in testcase veg2D.mdu ! jasfer3D test temporarily switched off ! Jaorgsethu removed as code cleanup unstrucversion = 1.1.211 ! date = 20170203 ! For Firmijn: Icoriolistype == 6, fcori based upon constant anglat ! For Martin : Helmert=1 in geometry group gives spatially varying gravity in pressureterm in sferic or anglat based constant gravity in cartesian unstrucversion = 1.1.210 ! date = 20170201 ! Smallcaps in extfile deel 3 unstrucversion = 1.1.209 ! date = 20170201 ! Goddamn folks, the previous commit failed. ! Still I maintain it was 100 percent correct. Cause I have great trouble making mistakes. ! So this commit is not really neccesary, doesn't change a bit. ! Still I do it because I feel it is now 200 percent correct. ! Thats right, 200 percent correct. ! So folks, keep up the good work! ! And, DFM FIRST !! unstrucversion = 1.1.208 ! date = 20170201 ! From now on, its gonna be ; DFM FIRST. ! That's correct..., DFM FIRST. ! And that is what this issue is about. ! This commit totally improves reading of the general structure. ! That is what next generation software is about. ! We discard the old stuff. ! Totally overrated software and crap coding. ! Written by a middle aged bunch of freeloaders. ! We will lock em up. And make us great again. Also pipes.pliz ! So I say one more time ; DFM FIRST!!! ! Also check out TheREALHERMAN@twitter.com unstrucversion = 1.1.207 ! date = 20170120 ! solved Theo' Ooosterschelde bug, combination of frictcoeff in ext, frcuni==0 and Jaconv < 1 ! Also directly curable by specifying frcu some small number > 0 unstrucversion = 1.1.206 ! date = 20170119 ! sander : cg instead of bcgstab in saadsolver, fixes saaderror in e:\vanhessel model unstrucversion = 1.1.205 ! date = 20170112 ! jajipjan=5 : also deallocate derived type ! also: only add wavfu for kmx==0 unstrucversion = 1.1.204 ! date = 20170106 ! jipjan==4 : cpu=cpu*0.97 Will this be biggest speedgain of 2017? ! removed embedded stuff ! 1D2D underway ! restored erics modification in fixed weir bobs. bob now again allways gives overtopping level of line elements. unstrucversion = 1.1.203 ! date = 20161215 ! inserted hktrunk code in cleancheckoutdfm, o.a. duikers, jipjan in substi, also some 3Dwave lines unstrucversion = 1.1.202 ! date = 20161214 ! addlink1D2D following 2D land slopes, Singapore1D2D now = ok again unstrucversion = 1.1.201 ! date = 20161208 ! todo: check kcu==3 for wcnxy unstrucversion = 1.1.201 ! date = 20161202 ! setucxucyeuler now also in 3D unstrucversion = 1.1.200 ! date = 20161201 ! fixed high temperatures at low waterdepth, loosing all sun influx at bed ! N.B., Carthesian is wrong, Cartesian was good unstrucversion = 1.1.199 ! date = 20161201 ! Unesco : Idensform=2 unstrucversion = 1.1.198 ! date = 20161020 ! Hersbach Cdcoefficient, CDtype=7 ! resulting Cd line file *_Cdwcoeff.tek unstrucversion = 1.1.197 ! date = 20161011 ! itempforcingtyp 1-4 to prevent ec mess-ups, i.e. not asking for qid's you dont have ! keyword Timestepanalysis for file *.steps unstrucversion = 1.1.196 ! date = 20161011 ! qfreva, qfrcon never positive ! Xlozmidov keyword ! Versionstring in *.dia restored for nogui and possibly also for linux, to be tested... unstrucversion = 1.1.195 ! date = 20161004 ! Relativewind , 1 = yes ! tevolkt repaired ! dzu eps4 unstrucversion = 1.1.194 ! date = 20160930 ! recompile unstrucversion = 1.1.193 ! date = 20160923 ! bug Baptist links=>nodes ! jarhoxu in sorsin ! ln0 in ucx, ucy reconstruction ! jahisheatflux jamapheatflux more useful ! cumulative discharge ! heatsrc rainfall, bug in temp-rainfall combination ! removed mohameds layer weighting in fluxes , see qqq ! Eddyviscositysurfacmax ! unstrucversion = 1.1.192 ! date = 20160717 ! initialbathymetry is now called initialbedlevel in ext file ! missing blu's are set to zkuni ! vicuship negative > back to original square unstrucversion = 1.1.191 ! date = 20160716 ! Rex=min(Rex,Rez_keelclearance) ! Skewness ship, Cf formulation ! Foresterfilter also after transportmethod == 1 ! more waves ! bedlevtyp 1 and 2 also supported in initializebedlevel through ext file ! Baptist vegetation in 2D changed from links to nodes also. unstrucversion = 1.1.190 ! date = 20160705 ! 3D waves underway ! bug in ktau ! Reynolds stresses in tekprofs ! Bruva in tekprofs ! nested Newton : nonlin = 2 unstrucversion = 1.1.189 ! date = 20160513 ! arcinfo defined ships in file hull.asc ! Bedlevelfile instead of bathymetryfile following mooimans advice. unstrucversion = 1.1.188 ! date = 20160509 ! QUANTITY=checkvalve ! FILENAME=klepdicht.pli ! positive *.pli orientation gives allowable flow dir. ! FILETYPE=9 ! METHOD=3 ! OPERAND=O ! ! Solarradiation that hits the bed is put not put in water column anymore but considered lost to the soil unstrucversion = 1.1.187 ! date = 201604-*28 ! Tempmax, Tempmin, Toplayminthick unstrucversion = 1.1.186 ! date = 20160425 ! Dewpointtemperature asked for in GetEC, was missing unstrucversion = 1.1.185 ! date = 20160425 ! Dewpointtemperature asked for in GetEC, was missing ! corrected visualisation of tair, rhum, cloudiness, solrad ! default Jafahrenheit = 0 unstrucversion = 1.1.184 ! date = 20160414 ! Martin's dimension problem n30 = 20 unstrucversion = 1.1.183 ! date = 20160414 ! limtyphu operationalised ! wavestuff underway ! monami's buoyancy and bending stiffness (rhoveg > 0) ! Martin's dimension problem n30 = 10 ! Wind wuest iCdtyp == 6 unstrucversion = 1.1.182 ! date = 20160407 ! Cdveg, Clveg ! jaLogprofatubndin = 1 !< ubnds inflow: 0=uniform U1, 1 = log U1, 2 = log U1 and k-eps accordingly unstrucversion = 1.1.181 ! date = 20160323 ! hk: vertical coordinates in whrihis, sp: copy top layer values up for QUICKPLOT ! WaqStart = ts_waq unstrucversion = 1.1.180 ! date = 20160321 ! gate3D in sethu, gets rid of diffusion through closed part of gate unstrucversion = 1.1.179 ! date = 20160315 ! 'stemdiameter', 'stemdensity', 'stemheight' in *.ext file, Baptist in 2D, Uittenbogaard in 3D ! jaFahrenheit on his output ! 'Zlayeratubybob' in mdu unstrucversion = 1.1.178 ! date = 20160303 ! jarhoxu checked in zlayer unstrucversion = 1.1.177 ! date = 20160225 ! on his output, s1 = s1 + ship static pressures unstrucversion = 1.1.176 ! date = 20160225 ! solves Arthurs 1D2D problem n:\Deltabox\Postbox\Kernkamp, Herman\vanArthur\20151023_AMA_BATH_1d2d_1way.mdu unstrucversion = 1.1.175 ! date = 20160225 ! jacreep == 2 is a correction of baroclinic term used in jacreep == 0 ! this only works with jarhoxu==1 or jarhoxu==2, that also save the day now ! for locxx.mdu in combination with the original anticreep implementation, jacreep = 1 ! 3D gate works (can be used as skimmer) unstrucversion = 1.1.173 ! date = 20160217 ! JAPHIFROMTXY = 0 # compute phi (0/1) from txy series for controltyp 1,2 unstrucversion = 1.1.172 ! date = 20160216 ! TI_XLS restored, extra shipstuff ! start wavecurrentinteraction3D unstrucversion = 1.1.171 ! date = 20160120 ! repaired the comparereals in ti_his that I lost somehow unstrucversion = 1.1.170 ! date = 20160119 ! tim1fld, tim1bnd, now seems ok ! setkbotktop, setdtorg small changes ! Dtfacmax in mdu, max dts increasefactor ! Zwsbtol ! u1q1 : zero u1,q1,qa for dry points in loop instead of all zero at subroutine start unstrucversion = 1.1.169 ! date = 20151222 ! limtypsa=6 now also for transport module ! cured division by zero in AC unstrucversion = 1.1.168 ! date = 20151217 ! netfile ipv mdufile in partpol unstrucversion = 1.1.167 ! date = 20151217 ! Time1bnd = as in 164, now 3 lines up ! partitionmduparse, as partitionformcommandline, now if mdu file also specified, writes mdu's, as well, e.g. ! --partition:ndomains=2:icgsolver=7 bbb.mdu unstrucversion = 1.1.166 ! date = 20151216 ! Time1bnd = .. 5 lines up, locxx testcase as before ! libsigiwatch removed from 2010, in 2012 first set HAVE_SIGIWATCH unstrucversion = 1.1.164 ! date = 20151210 ! Changeplotcolournumbers unstrucversion = 1.1.163 ! date = 20151208 ! added the L to dpbdx0(LL) in anticreep AB unstrucversion = 1.1.162 ! date = 20151204 ! sorsin looks for extra sink cells above specified sink cell (and premixes) unstrucversion = 1.1.161 ! date = 20151120 ! fix sorsin in advec unstrucversion = 1.1.160 ! date = 20151119 ! info for too much extraction at sinks unstrucversion = 1.1.159 ! date = 20151119 ! setsorsin refactored for parallel unstrucversion = 1.1.158 ! date = 20151119 ! QUANTITY=windstresscoefficient ! FILENAME=Cdwspatial.xyz ! FILETYPE=7 ! METHOD=5 ! OPERAND=O unstrucversion = 1.1.157 ! date = 20151118 ! limtypmom == 6 deals with Regina's 3D problem unstrucversion = 1.1.156 ! date = 20151030 ! vicww in wiu(L) unstrucversion = 1.1.155 ! date = 20151028 ! jabaroctimeint = 5 : propagate rho to n+1/2 ! bobs repaired for tiledepth icw jaconv2D < 1 ! ustb = 0.0 repaired in turbulence model ! pipe ready for use ! abs(CFL) in HO vertical explicit ! cffacver to this CFL ! LTS switchable interactively unstrucversion = 1.1.154 ! date = 20151012 ! sign of tidp in 3D unstrucversion = 1.1.153 ! date = 20151008 ! friction in general structure ! bobmin fix in qbnd by removing setting of inside point in last loop unstrucversion = 1.1.152 ! date = 20151005 ! removed slay, zlay always use zslay unstrucversion = 1.1.151 ! date = 20151005 ! banf dealloc ! Tspinupturblogprof = 0d0 !< From Tstart to Tstart+Tspinupturblogprof, Turbulent profiles based on log profiles unstrucversion = 1.1.150 ! date = 20150928 ! setaifu for jaconveyance2D, reorganised and bug removed, setaifu called from setbathy also ! (skewness was double counted for jaconveyance2D==1) unstrucversion = 1.1.149 ! date = 20150909 ! density in momentum advection jarhoxu == 1 improves salinity intrusion ! sqa sign correction in sorsin ! turkinepsws in vectormax = 2 and verjampied ! removed unnecessary second call to getustbcfuhi, revert of revert ! density controlled sigma timescale ! fixed Dicks Oosterschelde gate width problem, please check closing of Stormstuw. ! Sideway opening probably caused the problem ! (This is a complicated code each step in case just initialising would be sufficient) ! ba in renumberflownodes unstrucversion = 1.1.148 ! date = 20150818 ! Sideways opening/closing of gate structures now possible. ! Initial velocity fields possible (in particular via map files, FILETYPE=12 (ncflow)) ! 3D: first version of density controlled sigma, layertype=4 ! d_hydro/cli package distribution set up. unstrucversion = 1.1.147 ! date = 20150814 ! Sources not found now give errormessage ! Ifixedweirscheme = 8 , tabellenboek, inline weir tested o.k., 45 degree weir tested not totally wrong ! module d_flooding renamed to m_sobekdfm, because it is about Sobek-DFM coupling unstrucversion = 1.1.146 ! date = 20150810 ! Parallel models now also are globally mass-conserving. ! Interacter GUI has been fully removed from the CLI version of dflowfm. ! Added small timestep check to validation, use MDU setting: [numerics] MinTimestepBreak = ... # seconds ! Signal handling feature: press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break/Z to interrupt run and write emergency snapshot in outout files. ! MATROOS-NetCDF files with windx/windy/airpressure data. Coordinate rotation issue still pending. ! Flow node renumbering has been tested ok and re-enabled. ! Improvements to error messages for boundaries and other external forcings ! Mass balance output in his file: use MDU setting: [output] Wrihis_balance=1 ! Time series output across structures in his file: use MDU setting: [output] Wrihis_structure* ! Integrated modelling: Coupling with WAVE and WAQ now possible via d_hydro, also parallel. ! + misc bugfixes unstrucversion = 1.1.145 ! date = 20150714 ! vol0ini and some more waqua weirstuff unstrucversion = 1.1.144 ! date = 20150709 ! zlayer toplayminthick = 1d-2 unstrucversion = 1.1.143 ! date = 20150703 ! revert of revert, setextforce tidp for 3D instead of patm twice ! LL instead of L in writing viuspl field ! ifixedweirscheme 7 with weir velocities as if no weir present, waqua style unstrucversion = 1.1.142 ! date = 20150623 ! bed / top layer equithickness removed ! adamsb in barocp anticr unstrucversion = 1.1.141 ! date = 20150620 ! reorganised heatu for OMP ! halfway adamsb in barocp anticr unstrucversion = 1.1.140 ! date = 20150610 ! adams bashford for baroclinic pressure ! ncwalcnw and sfcnw are back again, need finishing touch unstrucversion = 1.1.139 ! date = 20150609 ! fix of 3D bug identified by mohamed unstrucversion = 1.1.138 ! date = 20150430 ! velocities of netnodes on walls for irov = 1,2 nrcnw and sfcnw ! pipe half open ! error handling in prop_get_double (needs some more attention) , see ' Error reading double precision nr in input file ' ! subgrid weir friction, see 'Fixedweirtopwidth' and 'Fixedweirtalud' in mdu file ! alfabed alfasus morf calibration parameters ! viu redefined as modeled part of horizontal turbulent eddy viscosity ! Engelund, jased = 3 unstrucversion = 1.1.137 ! date = 20150319 ! javakeps progress ! sigmalike advection in zlayer, jahazlayer ! for mohamed, corner wall admin unstrucversion = 1.1.136 ! date = 20150319 ! initial condition in z-layering ! zlayers through keywords Dztop and Zbotuni => kmx then automatic, uniform dz at top, sigmagrowthfactor below Zbotuni ! horizontaleddydiffusivitycoefficient in ext file ! baroclinic pressure term in 2Dh unstrucversion = 1.1.135 ! date = 20150305 ! update, sortccw weer uit, nog checken, abs(kcu(L)) == 2 in kbotc etc ! zlayering (zws) strictly uniform unstrucversion = 1.1.134 ! date = 20150216 ! error in (numkmin, numkmax) counting resolved ! names in jamap * more logical ! transport openmpsave again ! added bl and zk to time varying map if jased>0 unstrucversion = 1.1.133 ! date = 20150212 ! initialise vismol after reading mdufile so that backgroundwatertemperature takes effect ! Some more under- and overgateflow ! remove zk(1) = 1 debug statement (Theo) ! sets01zbnd out of volsur and in s1nod unstrucversion = 1.1.132 ! date = 20150205 ! bugfix in zlayer if sini < bl (solves Micks problem) ! Backgroundwatertemperature in mdu unstrucversion = 1.1.131 ! date = 20150203 ! higher order now safe in z layers if uniform z or sigma ! horizontal eddy viscosity safe for z-layers ! more general structure overgateflow ! qid=bathymetry at proper moment, see subroutine setbathymetryfromextfile, old __bathymetry__ kept as it was ! findcells AFTER geominit is not allowed ==> commented out , see ! hk: this should not be done here anymore unstrucversion = 1.1.130 ! date = 20150123 ! Pavini in for setting wave free initial waterlevel field, icm spatially varying pressures, see lake geneva ! Gapres out of mdf file (because it is a fixed value in meteo anyway) ! Patm fixed in 3D unstrucversion = 1.1.129 ! date = 20150121 ! starting generalstructure overgateflow ! and terug van weggeweest: exact circumcentres for triangles, except now for global models unstrucversion = 1.1.128 ! date = 20150116 ! jaustarint = 0; small bug fixed convergence now ok ! 3austarint = 1; used till 201501, convergence not really okay ! jaustarint = 2; restored 2013 original, convergence ok unstrucversion = 1.1.127 ! date = 20150115 ! ifrctyp == 10, glass ; ifrctyp == 11 , noslip ! ecfilereader bug theo fixed by edwin unstrucversion = 1.1.126 ! date = 20150114 ! fix for fcru initialfield bug introduced at frculin correction for andrea ! no more vicwwu = 0d0 at bed and surface ! sigdifi for all constituents ! fix in getucxucynowier for non iadvl==generalstructure ! iturbulencemodel == 4: ktau unstrucversion = 1.1.125 ! date = 20141211 ! javasal=6 ==> transport module explicit ho vertical, no vertical forester, fix epshsdif ! blminabove, blmeanbelow (gives DPSMEAN) ! jaorgsethu back ! setkbotktop fix for lowest layer in z-layers ! fix in cut cell, completely shut of very small cells using wu ! uxuyadvectionvelocitybnd unstrucversion = 1.1.124 ! date = 20141208 ! Gate structures now also open sideways (advection treatment still pending). ! Point sources/sinks supported if .pli(z)-file only contains a single point location. ! sinks in 3D: linearized in transport module. ! API/library cleanup: use of integer error states from bottom to top level. ! Misc. bugfixes. unstrucversion = 1.1.123 ! date = 20141121 ! ! New structures 'gate' and 'weir' available via 'new' structures.ini file. ! New structures support REALTIME in addition to scalar and .tim file as righthandside value. ! FM DLL has now extended API, largely BMI-based, to get/set gates/pumps/weirs/observation stations/crosssections. unstrucversion = 1.1.122 ! date = 20141121 ! griddepencyfix in getucxucynoweir unstrucversion = 1.1.121 ! date = 20141120 ! Edwin needed to fix ecprovider for generalstructure, ! alhtough ec worked correctly for sorsin, both of which have kx=4 ! Some selfattraction work, e.g. avhs and self unstrucversion = 1.1.120 ! date = 20141031 ! Numtopsig nr of top layers in fixed layer area ! sobekgeneralstructure in progress ! uniform curvilinear, automaticly make aspect == 1d0 for sferical grids ! add network: reinstalled reajanet for *.jan files and added readadcirc for *.adc files ! Renamed all ThinDyke-input in MDU (File/Scheme/Contraction) to FixedWeir*. unstrucversion = 1.1.119 ! date = 20140929 ! sobekstructures in progress ! thindykecontraction also > 1 unstrucversion = 1.1.118 ! date = 20140926 ! sobekstructures in progress ! gridcell averaging also in 1D unstrucversion = 1.1.117 ! date = 20140922 ! sobekstructure in progress ! also velocities in Tlfsmo procedure unstrucversion = 1.1.116 ! date = 20140826 ! netcdf missing value => 0 instead of interpolating with -999 for Bas and Hessel Curacao ! ithindykescheme 5 : 6 without flux overshoot in supercritical regime straight case ! add testcase barocin in code and idensform=3 ! unstrucversion = 1.1.115 ! date = 20140814 ! small modifications timespaceinitialfield calls, operand instead of 'O' ! added waterdepth to map file for Hessel unstrucversion = 1.1.114 ! date = 20140812 ! repair initialisation of thindykes, fix getcellweigthedcentre in wriflowgeom for zz value of 1D nodes ! meaning of this parameter in the file is not clear, it is written together with xcc and ycc unstrucversion = 1.1.113 ! date = 20140710 ! beta version of sorsin, plus extend operand with X and N : ! * OPERAND =O : Override at all points ! * =+ : Add to previously specified value ! * =* : Multiply with previously specified value ! * =A : Apply only if no value specified previously (For Initial fields, similar to Quickin preserving best data specified first) ! * =X : MAX with prev. spec. ! * =N : MIN with prev. spec. unstrucversion = 1.1.112 ! date = 20140709 ! attempt to connect qid=discharge_salinity_temperature_sorsin to EC module, e.g. ! ! QUANTITY=discharge_salinity_temperature_sorsin ! FILENAME=leftsor.pli ! FILETYPE=9 ! METHOD=3 ! OPERAND=O ! DISCHARGE=1.0 ! SALINITY=2.2 ! TEMPERATURE=2.4 ! AREA=1.0 unstrucversion = 1.1.111 ! date = 20140702 ! strictly horizontal zws for z layer model ! Averaging2: only fill in missings and inside polygon if npl > 0 ! 'initialtemperature' also in ext file unstrucversion = 1.1.110 ! date = 20140627 ! excess temperature model jatemp == 3 ! qid == 'initialverticaltemperatureprofile' ! qid == 'initialverticalsalinityprofile' ! initial vertical profiles for salinity and temperature (spatially uniform) unstrucversion = 1.1.109 ! date = 20140627 ! numlimdt to mapfile, finally unstrucversion = 1.1.108 ! date = 20140620 ! 3D temp bnd's unstrucversion = 1.1.107 ! date = 20140618 ! simplified addbaroc unstrucversion = 1.1.106 ! date = 20140617 ! now correct unstrucversion = 1.1.105 ! date = 20140617 alf3 in addbaroc for rose unstrucversion = 1.1.104 ! date = 20140617 ! temperature boundary conditions, in 3D make sure you also have salinity bnd's on same position ! spares one sigmabnds unstrucversion = 1.1.103 ! date = 20140616 ! copy whole net to polygon unstrucversion = 1.1.102 ! date = 20140612 ! delnetabovezkuni also removes default zk from network unstrucversion = 1.1.101 ! date = 20140612 ! qhrelax unstrucversion = 1.1.100 ! date = 20140611 ! fix in ecItemGetValues, allways update to current value, even after asking for the same moment twice. unstrucversion = 1.1.99 ! date = 20140606 ! METHOD =6 ! OPERAND =O ! AVERAGINGTYPE=2 ! RELATIVESEARCHCELLSIZE=2.0 ! xzw, yzw on boundaries tbv averaging2 on boundaries ! also, flappering Q bnd resolved in testcase curvigriddistortion, ! (no keyword jbasqbnddownwindhs in mdu, or set jbasqbnddownwindhs=0) unstrucversion = 1.1.98 ! date = 20140602 ! station not found message removed if parallel run ! maxfaces in netwparameters for removesmallflowlinks, (was 4) ! intake/outfall ! sidereal day in Coriolis parameter, findings of Niels. unstrucversion = 1.1.97 ! date = 20140519 ! cfuhi for willem conv0 icm ifrctyp3 unstrucversion = 1.1.96 ! date = 20140507 ! plus call to heatu unstrucversion = 1.1.95 ! date = 20140507 ! spatially flexible vertical layering through polygonfile *_vlay.pliz ! improvement to fixed layer advection for scheme 33, see case wetbed ! horizontal background eddy viscosity separated from horizontal viscosity array ! dzv back to dzu, formulation of 1.1.93 reinstated in vertical_profile_u0 unstrucversion = 1.1.94 ! date = 20140422 ! jagrw == 1 : interception layer through meteo module ! jagrw == 2 : org model ! jasal in mdu has full control, ext file has no control anymore ! iets met polygoontekenen in OpenGL opgelost ! cfu renamed to cfuhi, (g/CCh) ! temperature model jatem == 5 is heat flux model nr 5 in D3D ! wind and pressure, tem,rhum,clou forcings, all heat fluxes added to history output ! 3D velocity bnd fixed for outflow ! set external forcingsonbnd (time0+dts) ! yzprofiles through *_crs.pliz files ! saad safe for case voorneputten, removed non-connected nodes from matrix ! Non connected nodes (ccr == 0) result after gauss elimination ! wsu (windstress) renamed to wdsu to make room for wave couplings wavestress = wsu, ! wdsu also set on bnd links unstrucversion = 1.1.93 ! date = 20140314 ! -D-Flow FM - WAQ 3D/sigma coupling ! ! -trachytopes ! ! -acceleration of: ! * thin dams, and ! * floodfill of initial water-level ! ! -3D salinity boundary conditions ! ! -use restart-file for (interpolation of) intitial water-levels, non-matching meshes allowed ! ! -allow spaces in *.ext-file ! ! -ec-module (no changes of model input required) ! ! -fixes: ! * vertical diffusion in small water depths ! * RD to WGS84 coordinate transformation ! * horizontal salt diffusion monotonicity unstrucversion = 1.1.92 ! date = 20140121 ! Produce error message if obsfile not present , just use oldfil, without first inquiring. ! Oldfile already does that plus produces the message if file not present. unstrucversion = 1.1.91 ! date = 20140114 ! Ithindykescheme == 3 : error in cell center velocity found. Practically no influence on results, but use ! Ithindykescheme == 6 instead. ! ! Also, adjacentbob at kades for links on the kade parallel to the flow now at correct kade level ! See report DFM model Waal ! ! 3D : Pointing error removed in vertical implicit transport, mailed to Rose just before newyear ! ! ustb: uumin=1d-4 unstrucversion = 1.1.90 ! date = 20131212 ! ** NGHS-0.1 release** ! ! ! ! Structures with timeseries are now working based on new StructureFile=.. in MDU, as produced by 3D3D DeltaShell plugin: ! * pump, weir (=controllable dam), and orifice (=gate with lower edge level) ! * the value of each structure (capacity, crest_level, lower_level, resp.) can be either a constant, or a .tim time series file. ! * the [structure] blocks should generally appear in the .ini-formatted file as specified in StructureFile in MDU under [geometry], ! * but may also appear anywhere in the MDU. All blocks will be aggregated. ! * Old-style structures in .ext file still work for backwards compatibility. ! * Limitation: New-style and old-style structures can not be mixed in a single model input. unstrucversion = 1.1.89 ! date = 20131211 ! AvD en HK : eenmalig doen 1e time window open bnd's, m.a.w., terug naar org. ! dit betekent dat het weer fout gaat als t0max niet t1min is geweest, en dat kan gebeuren als ! de tijdseries een hogere resolutie hebben dan de rekendtijdstap ! dit is ooit gefixed, maar de fix gaf nu een probleem bij een gewone waalsom met drie tijden ! ! In controllable dam ook ithindyke scheme = 3 ! ! Error in pump fluxes fixed => one unneeded call to addlink removed unstrucversion = 1.1.88 ! date = 20131204 ! linearfrictioncoefficient now spatially variable , frculin unstrucversion = 1.1.87 ! date = 20131128 ! slopedrop2D bug introduced in .85 corrected ! 1d2d links follow frcuni instead of frcuni1D unstrucversion = 1.1.86 ! date = 20131127 ! delnet no harkjes anymore unstrucversion = 1.1.85 ! date = 20131115 ! frcuni1D, grw flow, twothrd hs added to droploss, saves 15 % in case Stamford Singapore unstrucversion = 1.1.84 ! date = 20131115 ! delnetzkabovezkuni unstrucversion = 1.1.83 ! date = 20131311 ! names dfm_interpreted.xyz jampi compatible unstrucversion = 1.1.82 ! date = 20131211 ! error message handling component sets in *.cmp ! Ongoing fixed layer transport. ! Firmijn's sfer bnd problem solved anno 2013 , setting polyindexweight ruimer ! Regrid1D (Unidx1D) if 1D netw present and ldb not present. Press copyldbto1Dnetw ! Averagingoption in external forcing, supported for cell centre and midface positions ! See also example.ext file unstrucversion = 1.1.81 ! date = 20131002 ! frcunilin (m/s), linear bed friction ! 3D salinity mass error at drying-flooding introduced few weeks ago, (testbank) now solved, transport now after reduce ! colour scheme screen and plot now also in opengl ! Jaconveyance2D=1 now based on proper hydraulic radius unstrucversion = 1.1.80 ! date = 20130920 ! wcxyL split too ! volsur moved to in reduce ! getdx now 360 safe ! Gravitational Accelleration Ag in mdu ! Ithindykescheme = 1 corrected, was not ok in not subversioned nr 79 unstrucversion = 1.1.78 ! date = 20130906 ! wcnxyL split into 4 1D arrays wcnx3, wcny3, wcnx4, wcny4 unstrucversion = 1.1.77 ! date = 20130905 ! Icgsolver 4 = Saad threadsafe, 44 = Saad orig. ! Bathymetryfile in mdu now supported, for non-netnode bedlevtypes ! Specify area covering xyz file, e.g. tiledepths for tiles for ibedlevtype = 1 ! On Windows machines, use SET OMP_NUM_TRHREADS=3 on a quadcore in the run.bat file unstrucversion = 1.1.76 ! date = 20130903 ! Iadvec 33 is iadvec 3 now looped over link using sqa, uqcx, uqcy, +/- 15 % faster ! min velocity in 3D ustb, value = 0.01 m/s, solves roses underflow problem ustb**3 with ustb = 1.1d-104 unstrucversion = 1.1.75 ! date = 20130826 ! Tlfsmo (seconds from Tstart) on waterlevel boundaries, relaxation period from initial bc condition to prescribed boundary signal see d3d manual unstrucversion = 1.1.74 ! date = 20130823 ! Ithindykescheme = 3 (=subgrid weir O.K. for tests weir1.mdu and weir2.mdu) ! Rhomean, Rhoair, Averageairpressureonopenboundaries from/to mdu ! Tekbathy for not yet flooded area's, see last item changedisplayparameters ! Less textfontsize settings for opengl, see plotcrosssectionpath unstrucversion = 1.1.73 ! date = 20130708 ! In 3D mode, logarithmic velocity profiles on Q and u bnd's. unstrucversion = 1.1.72 ! date = 20130701 ! Higher order in 3D implemented correctly only just now. Never worked correctly before earlier. ! Please rerun and apologies ! Can anybody please check why the 64 bits version is not able to run with Openmp? The 32 bits seems O.k. unstrucversion = 1.1.71 ! date = 20130628 ! tekprofs now safe, pcx automatic if jaopngl == 1 unstrucversion = 1.1.70 ! date = 20130627 ! thanks Tiemen for fast Opengl sizeview and profiles unstrucversion = 1.1.69 ! date = 20130625 ! thanks for debugging, Herman (sethu where is was) unstrucversion = 1.1.68 ! date = 20130619 ! fix of small timesstep in *.tim on polyint bnd. unstrucversion = 1.1.67 ! date = 20130618 ! inactivating dry cell setkbotktop admin was incorrect. lines removed solve 3D transport problem ! testcase weir1.mdu slinks srechts nrs. fixed unstrucversion = 1.1.66 ! date = 20130605 ! switch off ho limiter if hs(k12) < chkadvd=0.1 , switch of also at thin dyke links unstrucversion = 1.1.65 ! date = 20130529 ! qid='airpressure_windx_windy', kx = 3, defined on curvilinear grid, see testcase, ! realdb fout hersteld unstrucversion = 1.1.64 ! date = 20130524 ! Charnock Cdw formulation ! horizontal transport separation first order inflow, Higher order inflow+outflow ! 2D limiters tested, crude one selected, switch off Ho if sal>salmax .or. sal<0 ! timestep limiter 1 : only outflow, 2, in+out, and only for kmax > 0: 3=1, all layers, 4=2, all layers ! maxitverticalForester ! javasal, javakeps, javau, vertical advection switches, 3=impl upw, 4 =impl central ! testbank problem was caused by icgsolver changing from 1 to 4. This is solved by jagauss = 0 on bnd. ! no more write restart at mouse interrupt ! some omp unstrucversion = 1.1.63 ! date = 20130516 unstrucversion = 1.1.62 ! date = 20130408 ! '.dry' ! All refs to 'bot' or 'bottom' changed in 'bed' bedlevtyp, bedslope, bedlevuni etc ! No-update as of yet unstrucversion = 1.1.61 ! date = 20130227 ! Inlinked channels, separate directories output and delwaq, some fixes unstrucversion = 1.1.60 ! date = 20130215 ! Mick, polgon and ldb faster tek, settaus to function unstrucversion = 1.1.59 ! date = 20130123 ! Eelco, copyldbto1Dnetw, use all ldbsegments, even very short ones unstrucversion = 1.1.58 ! date = 20130123 ! This version functions very similar to the version for Dano at the end of 2011. ! Depth averaged timestep estimator ! 3D tests are loc.mdu and slope.mdu for lock exchange and log profiles. ! horizontal viscosity also included in 3D ! k-epsilon vertical implicit, horizontal not yet treated ! scalar transport vertical upwind or central implicit, horizontal limited higher order explicit ! More 3D and isoscale for netnode only restored unstrucversion = 1.1.54 ! date = 20121017 ! * Google Earth/KML export now with 3D depth grid ('Files' menu) ! * Display cross section names *before* model initialization already ! * 'H'-key in edit sample mode toggles samples on and off. ! * Misc. bugfixes + 3D progress unstrucversion = 1.1.53 ! date = 20121009 ! inilev na setthindykes unstrucversion = 1.1.52 ! date = 20121004 ! taus (cell centres) to WAQ , now also for non-uniform coefficients ! horvic: a change only affecting links with alfa not 0.5, also include stress on link itself instead of equalising out right away unstrucversion = 1.1.51 ! date = 20121003 ! ithindykescheme 1: supercritical part checked ! crsnames restored unstrucversion = 1.1.50 ! date = 20120926 ! show polygon isocolour zpl ! save cfg ndrawobs etc ! read cfg: also reread unstruc.ini, to change background colour etc ! write bottom stress in cell centres (taus) to DELWAQ, only tested for uniform friction ! some check for subgrid weirs unstrucversion = 1.1.49 ! date = 20120914 ! also z-array in copyldbtopol en copypoltoldb ! if present, also read column 4 and 5 in polygon, for sill depths left and right ! keyword Sillheightmin in mdu unstrucversion = 1.1.47 ! date = 20120913 ! display thin dykes options unstrucversion = 1.1.46 ! date = 20120912 ! ifrcutp deallocated if not used ! changed velocity-x-component to eastward_sea_water_velocity to facilitate QP plotting ! Cfl > 0.9: always semi implicit japiaczeck, Cfl < 0.71, back to explicit unstrucversion = 1.1.45 ! date = 20120910 ! friction types now specified on last Line, IFRCTYP= , instead of by same polygon unstrucversion = 1.1.44 ! date = 20120910 ! spatially variable frictiontypes unstrucversion = 1.1.43 ! date = 20120906 ! operations in timespaceinitialfield unstrucversion = 1.1.42 ! date = 20120903 ! thindykecontraction, icgsolver naar mdu unstrucversion = 1.1.41 ! date = 20120831 ! mnbar files unstrucversion = 1.1.40 ! date = 20120827 ! Start- and end-times in *.dia unstrucversion = 1.1.39 ! date = 20120824 ! ndraw(37)=0, no probe, no bnd texts ! datetime format on screen ! runid on screen ! DFMinterpreted.xyz unstrucversion = 1.1.38 ! date = 20120823 ! Wind Cd : , ICdtyp: 1=Const; 2=Smith&Banke; 3=Smith&Banks, 3 breakpoints ! 3D ongoing unstrucversion = 1.1.37 ! date = 20120822 ! Linux version available: ! * Without user interface, only commandline/batchmode ! * Build environment with automake/autoconf ! ! Enhanced curvilinear grid generation (and interpolation) ! * Grow curvlinear grid layers from net boundary (e.g., to fill up flood plains with curvi ! grid instead of triangles), key 'E' in edit network-mode. ! * New spline-to-land function 'L' in edit spline-mode, fits a spline to landboundary by ! optimizing spline points. ! * curvi-based sample interpolation to interpolate samples (e.g. from 1D profiles) along the ! 'length' and 'cross' directions from a reference curvilinear grid. (Operations menu) ! ! Delft3D-builtin conversions: ! When loading a curvilinear grid (.grd), D-Flow FM loads automatically the following files" ! * .dep : tile depths (existing functionality) ! * .weir : Weir file (both D3D and SIMONA-format), will produce a weirs.pol to be added to 'ThinDykeFile' in MDU. ! * .thd : Thin dam file, will produce a _thd.pli to be added to 'ThinDamFile' in MDU. ! * .obs : Observation stations, will produce a _obs.xyn to be added to 'ObsFile' in MDU. ! * .crs : Monitoring cross sections file, will produce a sections_crs.pli, to be added to 'CrsFile' in MDU. ! ! Misc. features: ! * External forcing: initial spatial fields with method 'inside_polygon' now support ! multipe polygons in a single *.pol file (applies to initialsalinity, initialwaterlevel, ! frictioncoefficient, horizontaleddyviscositycoefficient, advectiontype, ibedlevtype). ! * Experimental ridge-detection 'Q' in edit sample-mode. To create polygons on dykes/roads. ! * Work-in-progress on 3D modelling, k-epsilon turbulence. unstrucversion = 1.1.36 ! date = 20120530 ! netlinkpath commented out, not used ! output weirtheo for submergence plot memodfmwaquawaal.doc unstrucversion = 1.1.35 ! date = 20120522 ! output spatialfrictioncoefficent.xyz ! output spatialhorizontaleddyviscositycoefficient.xyz ! thindykes compact scheme, see test \structures\weir1D.mdu, ithindykesdefault=1 ! ndraw(36) substract plotlin from znod for comparing with other model results ! bugfix tekrailines banf fernanda unstrucversion = 1.1.34 ! date = 20120503 ! more Z and sigma ! Orthocentres only if Makeorthocentres = 1 in *.mdu, fixes bug of Micks model, also fixes jglobe=1 models ! Controllable dam now behaves as fixed subgrid dam specified through hdam ! riemannbnd and outflowbnd slightly modified, see: \unstruc_testmodels_svn\f05_boundary_conditions\ ! Thindykes back to org for Waalgoedesieben model ! For all output types: output interval 0.0 means no output of that type. Stat lines: same. ! Let's add version date in version line unstrucversion = 1.1.33 ! Sediment transport (2D): ! * Bathymetry update in cell centres (jaceneqtr==1 and ibedlevtyp==1 or 6) ! * Bathymetry update in net nodes/corners (jaceneqtr==2 and ibedlevtyp==3) ! ! 3D admin: ! * More flexible, kbot, ktop rfer to global k nrs ! * tekrai : tiledepth (ibedlevtyp=1,6) / netwdepth (ibedlevtyp=3) dependent ! * ucm removed, in chase for less arrays. ! * Always allocate ban, for vorticity at netnodes ! ! Grid manipulations: ! * spherical coordinates bugfixes ! * directional Casulli refinement ! * refinecellsandfaces2: (adaptive) properly nested quadtree-like mesh refinement, ! with or without hanging nodes. ! refinement criterion based on structured sample data (ArcInfo raster/ASC file). ! * split and automatically connect a link ("s"-key in network mode) ! * insert and connect a whole meshline ("S"-key in network mode) ! ! Read samples from ArcInfo raster (ASC) file, in addition to .xyz files. unstrucversion = 1.1.32 ! Grid manipulations: ! * Orthogonalization: new parameter to specify minimum ortho on boundaries. ! * De-refinement of curvilinear grids: 'K'-key or 'Operations > Derefine. ! * spline2curvi generation now supports spherical coordinates too. ! * Triangular grid generation now supports spherical coordinates too. ! * Snap network boundaries to land is now faster inside a polygon. ! ! Suspended transport: multiple fractions. ! ! Several bugfixes related to spherical plotting, cross section orientation, ! salinity, merge nodes, 1D networks, spline2curvi, and more. unstrucversion = 1.1.31 ! New spline and curvilinear grid generation functionality: ! * copy spline: spline orthogonal copy (C-key in gui) ! * move spline: spline move/translate (M-key in gui) ! * spline2curvi: generate curvilinear grid from center and/or bounding splines. Various options available; see user manual for details. ! ! More options for displaying grid cell quantities. ! UnSWAN preprocessing: save *.node and *.ele files. ! Boundary conditions 'poly_tim' do NOT need .cmp/.tim files on *all* polyline points anymore (e.g., use only _0001 for constant signal). unstrucversion = 1.1.30 ! Ships defined in file basename.shd ! icontroltyp = !< 1 = prescribed t,x,y and flow blocakage sluices, !< 2 = prescribed t,x,y, ship !< 3 = prescribed t,u,v, ship !< 4 = keycontrolled ship !< 5 = keycontrolled ship plus gyring ! sediment transport, ! put 'Sediment = 1' n mdu file and re-save MDU from D-Flow FM gui to get all available settings. ! simple fetchlength based wave model, put 'Wavemodel = 1' for Hurdle/Stive, or 2 for Young/Verhagen ! Moving observation stations, based on txy file in .ext file. QUANTITY=movingobservationtxy unstrucversion = 1.1.29 ! 24-08-2011 Major improvements to net smoother, orthogonalizer and refiner: ! * inverse map smoother for better ortho+smoothing at net boundaries. ! * sample-based mesh adaptation to refine while smoothing (esp. curvi grids). ! * Casulli-type quadrilateral mesh refinement ! * 'Flip links' for improving smooth topology. ! * Coarsen mesh option + kill cell functionality ('K' key) ! * More robust folded mesh handling. ! * Snap net to land boundary: both in edit network, and during smooth/ortho (also in inner net parts). ! GUI: use backspace key to delete network/splines/etc. at once. ! New file reader for GSHHS worldwide landboundary files. ! NetCDF-output: CF-compliant coordinate variables and grid_mapping. ! Program name is now D-Flow FM. dia/hlp/ini files remain as 'unstruc.dia/hlp/ini'. ! Misc. bugfixes. unstrucversion = 1.1.28 ! 20-05-2011 Bugfixes: polygon area, sample reading speedup, 1D boundary links correctly opened. unstrucversion = 1.1.27 ! 27-04-2011 Added meteo (.ext)-option: initialsalinity, similar to initialwaterlevel. unstrucversion = 1.1.26 ! 20-04-2011 Solvers modified: iCGsolver==1: CG Stelling+OpenMP, 2: CG Stelling +OpenMPsafe, 3: CG Stelling, 4: Saad (=ILUD+BiCG-STAB). unstrucversion = 1.1.25 ! 15-04-2011 Solvers modified: iCGsolver==1: CG Stelling+OpenMP, 2: CG Stelling, 3: Saad (=ILUD+BiCG-STAB). ! for 2 (Stelling), preconditioner ipre==0: rowscaling ! 1: GS ! 2: incomp.Cholesky ! Advection treatment: 5=3 + Piaczek, 6=4 + Piaczek (1 < CFL < 3). unstrucversion = 1.1.24 ! 12-04-2011 Bugfix release: decrease memory use in triangle when used for interpolation only. unstrucversion = 1.1.23 ! 11-04-2011 Bugfix release: triangulation in comb. with existings nets. unstrucversion = 1.1.22 ! 29-03-2011 IADVEC=5,6 => Cflmax > 1 also allowed (apart from time, 5,6 behave like 3,4) ! YZprof1d further elaborated ! bug bendcutcell now hopefully removed, filelist through interacter ! ibedlevtype local override in polygons in *.ext, 4 = min, 5 = max of neighbouring ZK values on u-pts unstrucversion = 1.1.21 ! 15-03-2011 Improved cross sections, thin dykes, thin dams (all by polylines). ! Flood fill-type setting of initial water levels (WaterLevIniFile). ! Minor DELWAQ mods. ! Misc. mesh smoothing+ortho improvements. unstrucversion = 1.1.20 ! 26-01-2011 bug refinequads, bug atmosphericpressure unstrucversion = 1.1.19 ! 26-01-2011 automatische stop if autostart ==2 or if commandargument is: -autostartstop unstrucversion = 1.1.18 ! 25-01-2011 Fixes sferic orthogonise, smooth, boundaries, etc ! 1D profielrefs etc hk unstrucversion = 1.1.17 ! 14-01-2011 Fix of flux ubnd type in 1D ! Show on net/flow nodes: isofil smooth (works only for 2D flow nodes) unstrucversion = 1.1.16 ! 06-01-2011 Field move operation in Edit Network mode ('V' key). unstrucversion = 1.1.15 ! 06-01-2011 earlier checks on mesh quality: bad orthogonality and short flow links. ! Minor improvements in GUI (kb shortcuts and quicksetting isocolour for flow nodes). unstrucversion = 1.1.14 ! 29-12-2010 convert 2D net to curvigrid ('G' in edit net). ! misc GUI improvements. ! Read USGS DEM files. ! Interactive sample color scaling ('m' and 'M' in edit samples). 4 unstrucversion = 1.1.13 ! 24-12-2010 pump through EC module based on pli, 1 -> 2 convention, pli through 3,4 3 unstrucversion = 1.1.12 ! 17-12-2010 LDB to 1D network, branch identificatie, profiel intp. op branches. unstrucversion = 1.1.11 ! 24-11-2010 Controllable damlevel unstrucversion = 1.1.10 ! 23-11-2010 Easier visualisation of critic Courant cells in nodes unstrucversion = 1.1.9 ! 19-11-2010 Hydraulic head in crosssections unstrucversion = 1.1.8 ! 18-11-2010 Smagorinsky and Elder unstrucversion = 1.1.7 ! 15-11-2010 Check link orthogonality (in geominit) + display problems unstrucversion = 1.1.6 ! 12-11-2010 dumstations bij save s1u1 *.rst (voor plotten raai van stations als name = length coordinate) ! copy waterlevels to samples en ! nog extra checkje in setdt, squ> 0 .and. vol1 > 0. (squ=oud, vol1=nieuw) ! interpolate waterlevels in samples (snelle roosteronafhankelijke restart) ! flux boundary outflow: minimum depth treshold ! plot user defined friction coefficients on links, (use link display mode isofil) ! plot network outline separately ! nog afmaken de netcdf4 reader voor vaklodingen, zie readarcsets, waarbij ! een hele lijst van lodingenfiles rechtstreeks via bilin op het network zk wordt gezet. unstrucversion = 1.1.5 ! 25-10-2010 2D conveyance more final, + keyword in mdu, some plotting stuff unstrucversion = 1.1.4 ! 22-09-2010 foutje uit cornervelocity met rand alignment icm spherical ! nonlin2D, icm jaconveyance2D >= 1 en ibedlevtyp ==3 unstrucversion = 1.1.3 ! 17-09-2010 mdu issues van Gerben, crosssecties en thindams files nu autmatisch nu in mdu, ! alle attribuutzaken moeten in 1 file per attribuut dat soort polyg zijn niet meer actief na inladen unstrucversion = 1.1.2 ! 16-09-2010 Slijpwerk conveyance unstrucversion = 1.1.1 ! 16-09-2010 Current development version, conveyance, user-feedback, etc. ! Jaconveyance2D : (1-4 only for ibedlevtype == 3) ! 0 = R=H ! 1 = R=A/P, link based ! 2 = R=A/P, node based ! 3 = R=1D analytic conveance, link based ! 4 = R=1D analytic conveance, node based !------------------------------------------------------------ unstrucversion = 1.0.11 ! 09-08-2010 Cleanup, new I/O, much modelling functionality ! 28-07-2010 Feedback Jan-Joost and Gerben: * Snapshotdir option in MDU file keeps workdir clean The sequence of snapshot BMP files polluted one's workdir too much. Add Snapshotdir=dirname under the[output chapter in your MDU. Enter the directoryname relative to current/work dir where all BMPs should be saved. * Connect DD-type curvilinear grids improved 'Operations > Connect curvilinear quads dd-type' contained a bug that is now fixed. Also see the Unstruc manual, chapter 4 'Tutorials' for some guidelines. * Link editing Clicking a network link is easier, high tolerance in center, but also possible to click near endpoints. Pressing 'S' in edit network mode and clicking a link splits the link in two. * Triangulation to interpolate samples to depth values still requires a global masking polygon. Will change soon. * In your current Unstruc session, it should be possible to switch between/load new MDU files, with proper resetting of all numerical/physical/geometrical parameters. * Orthogonalisation settings are in separate 'Various > Change orthogonalisation parameters' dialog. Same parameters apply to regular grids and unstructured nets. * Docs on specifying boundary conditions/time series follow soon. See e-mail for now. * Misc minor fixes. * Still pending: density forcing, dt steps in tunit instead of seconds, replace ext-file by ini-format, scalefactor for vectors more intuitive, Courant network documentation. Older features: * bodemfrictie (type+coeff) in deeldomeinen (was: toevoegen binnen meteo, type 10==binnen polygon constant, nu uit meteo gehouden) * toevoegen fluxrandjes * bug: als er nog geen prev state net is, crasht het plotten ervan. idem voor grid * tangential velocity bnd's * orthogonize net op rand. * Bij foutief starten tweede polygoon en weer verwijderen zodat 1 poly over blijft, faalt vervolgens de refinepolygon. * Cross sectie flux control areas. * drukken + atmosferische drukcorrectie op waterstandsranden (bndz) * wegschrijven commentaar/uitleg in mdf (ini) files. * waterbalansen in his file * timestepping automatisch aangepast om exact dt_user te bereiken. * netlinktypes documenteren in netcdf * nettere oplossing voor reset van his/map files (met name de saved it/tim) * Cache gewichten in meteo's polyint * getdx toch gebruiken voor rx, maar dan terug naar grad * lengte rx/ry van randnormaal bepalen uit afstand interne punten tot rand. * Vervangen proximity check by randvw door normaallijn en cross check (o.a. via selectelset in meteo1) * cross sectie files (meerdere) opnemen in MDF * Cross secties poly door cellen, kortste pad zoeker. * save actieve polylines als cross secties, save huidige crs naar file, idem voor lezen * cross sections + gesommeerde data erover wegschrijven in his files. * mdf file opslaan, ook automatisch in dia file * mdf inladen via file menu. * De flowcell contours (nd(i)%x en nd(i)%y opschonen zodat lijnsegmenten niet onderling kruisen. Dit om lege 'witte' plekken in pfiller (en matlabs patch) te voorkomen. * Versie en WHATST-spul in nieuwe module unstruc_version.f90. * volgorde netlinks in nod%lin altijd counterclockwise * setnodadm knopje. * voortgangsbalkje bij tweede fase flow_geominit * [R] outer net bd to polygon * Dedicated warning colors * [R] analyse van netten, tonen van fouten aan gebruiker? * Locally (de-)refine grid * hernummeren (reverse Cuthill--McKee) * edit netwerk in replace mode starten, rest al ok. * grid edit functionaliteit * netwerk edit functionaliteit * Auto close van 'gewone' files, net zoals bij NetCDF. * misc num/phys parameters in mdf toevoegen + autostart optie * grid to net * splrgfr functionaliteit overnemen. * delete splines enkel binnen poly * coord type in _net.nc files (spher=WGS84) of cart [default] ook jsferic en jsfertek op 1 zetten dan + schrijven. * ihishile sluiten aan eind * time na xyn in his_nc * voortgangsbalkjes bij unc_read/write net/map * derde kolom net files (optioneel) * Splines toevoegen (module/klikbaar, etc.) * overal common /mfiles/ verwijderen. * zoek alle niet-igr reals. * plotSol in matlab (flow data op unstruc net), vectortjes, hoogtes. * overal common /mfiles/ verwijderen. * Als geen mdu is ingeladen/niet gevonden is, default modelname zetten * dtini in mdu voor initiele dt * cross secties over 1D kanaaltjes goed doen. !------------------------------------------------------------ unstrucversion = 1.0011 ! WL | Deltares, Unstruc, Version 1.0011; 01-06-2009 unstrucversion = 1.0000 ! WL | Deltares, Unstruc, Version 1.0000; 20-03-2007 ! Starting date unstrucversion = 1.0000 ! Kernkamp Herman, NETWORK, Version 1.0000; 04-07-2001 !------------------------------------------------------------ [todo] * Meerdere grootheden op cross secties configureren in MDU. * Reset van net/lan/obs/sam/... zit verspreid over inidat en loadmodel. Centraliseren. * if no *.cmp or *.tim files on pli, no error, just crash * datumchecker over 1 jaar licnetie nemen * spatially varying rainfall (via meteo) * Baptist formulering voor vegetatie resistance (# stengels/m2 + representatieve diameter als functie van verticaal) * Maak volgorde in flownodes (nd) consistent met flowlinks en netlinks, namelijk: eerst alle 1D nodes, daarna 2D, daarna 2D boundary. (Dus ndx1D vervangen door ndx2D en DO-loops overal vervangen.) * tijdig dealloceren in findlinks om zodoende grotere modellen te kunnen initialiseren. * 1D Advectie. * Bug in triangularisatie/remove small tris? * verplaats doclose, oldfil, etc. naar unstruc_files, zodat optional istat gebruikt kan worden * in orthogonise: disjuncte cellen werkt niet (eigenlijk door makenetnodescoding) En: bij veel kromming misschien niet projecteren/schuiven. * analyse van netten uitbreiden * poltoland faalt in allerlei plaatsen. * Maasvlakte triangulisatie, probleempje met 'wegknippen'. * Toevoegen derefine across line onder edit grid * Bij 1D netnodes opnemen (in var en file) of ze open of dicht staan (voor pijpen onder 2D stromingsgebieden) * kleine driehoekjes op lbds elimineren * profielmetingen fileformaat definieren + inlezen (variant op Netter-CP file?) * delpol + auto savepol * boundary lus in RGFSTUFF tranfn2 voor beter uniforme grids in poly