!!  Copyright (C)  Stichting Deltares, 2012-2017.
!!  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!!  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3,
!!  as published by the Free Software Foundation.
!!  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!!  GNU General Public License for more details.
!!  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!!  along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
!!  contact: delft3d.support@deltares.nl
!!  Stichting Deltares
!!  P.O. Box 177
!!  2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands
!!  All indications and logos of, and references to registered trademarks
!!  of Stichting Deltares remain the property of Stichting Deltares. All
!!  rights reserved.

!     COMMON  /  SYSA   /   Pointers in real array workspace

      integer IVOL     !    pointer to VOLUME, volumes
      integer IAREA    !    pointer to AREA  , exchange area's
      integer IFLOW    !    pointer to FLOW  , flows
      integer ILENG    !    pointer to LENG  , dispersion lengths
      integer IDISP    !    pointer to DISP  , 3 uniform dispersions
      integer ICONC    !    pointer to CONC  , concentrations
      integer IMASS    !    pointer to MASS  , masses
      integer IDERV    !    pointer to DERIV , derivatives aop
      integer IBOUN    !    pointer to BOUND , used boundary conditions
      integer IBSET    !    pointer to BSET  , set boundary conditions
      integer IBSAV    !    pointer to BSAVE , saved boundary conditions
      integer IWSTE    !    pointer to WASTE , waste loads
      integer ICONS    !    pointer to CONS  , constants
      integer IPARM    !    pointer to PARAM , parameters
      integer IFUNC    !    pointer to FUNC  , functions
      integer ISFUN    !    pointer to SFUNC , segment functions
      integer IDNEW    !    pointer to DISPNW, new dispersion array
      integer IDIFF    !    pointer to DISPER, additional dispersions
      integer IVNEW    !    pointer to VELONW, new velocity array
      integer IVELO    !    pointer to VELO  , additional velocities
      integer IHARM    !    pointer to HARMAT, harmonic constants
      integer IFARR    !    pointer to FARR  , breakpoint functions
      integer IMAS2    !    pointer to MASS2 , mass balance total system
      integer ITIMR    !    pointer to TIMER , restime/matrix st.state
      integer IVOL2    !    pointer to VOL2  , second volume array
      integer ITRAC    !    pointer to TRACE , diagonal of fast matrix            !! obsolete !!
      integer IGWRK    !    pointer to GMRWRK, workspace GMRES                    !! obsolete !!
      integer IGHES    !    pointer to GMRHES, Hessenberg matrix (GMRES)          !! obsolete !!
      integer IGSOL    !    pointer to GMSOL , solution vector for GMRES          !! obsolete !!
      integer IGDIA    !    pointer to DIAGCC, copy of diagonal of matrix A       !! obsolete !!
      integer IGTRI    !    pointer to GMTRI , workspace for tridiagonal solver   !! obsolete !!
      integer ISMAS    !    pointer to ASMAS , segment mass balance
      integer IPLOC    !    pointer to PLOCAL, Parameters local to proces
      integer IDEFA    !    pointer to DEFAUL, Process defaults array
      integer IFLUX    !    pointer to FLUX  , proces fluxes
      integer ISTOC    !    pointer to STOCHI, proces stochiometry
      integer IFLXD    !    pointer to FLXDMP, stored fluxes
      integer IFLXI    !    pointer to FLXINT, integrated stored fluxes
      integer IRIOB    !    pointer to RIOBUF, output buffer
      integer IDSPX    !    pointer to DISPX , extra dispersion array's
      integer IVELX    !    pointer to VELX  , extra velocity array's
      integer ILOCX    !    pointer to VLOCX , vars local on exch. level
      integer IDSTO    !    pointer to DSTO  , stochio extra dispersions
      integer IVSTO    !    pointer to VSTO  , stochio extra velocity
      integer IDMPQ    !    pointer to DMPQ  , dumped exchange fluxes
      integer IDMPS    !    pointer to DMPS  , dumped segment fluxes
      integer ITRRA    !    pointer to TRRAAI, cum tranport over raai
      integer INRSP    !    pointer to INWRSP, time series real space
      integer IVOLL    !    pointer to VOLUML, last volume before rewind solver
      integer IVOL3    !    pointer to VOLUME, volumes                            !! obsolete !!
      integer IR1      !    pointer to R1    , concentrations for meth. 12
      integer IQXK     !    pointer to QXK   , adv. flux in x-direction
      integer IQYK     !    pointer to QYK   , adv. flux in y-direction
      integer IQZK     !    pointer to QZK   , adv. flux in z-direction
      integer IDIFX    !    pointer to DIFX  , difx. flux in x-direction
      integer IDIFY    !    pointer to DIFX  , difx. flux in y-direction
      integer IDIFZ    !    pointer to DIFX  , difx. flux in z-direction
      integer IVOLA    !    pointer to VOL0  , volume at old time level (tris.)
      integer IVOLB    !    pointer to VOL1  , volume at new time level (tris.)
      integer IGUV     !    pointer to GUV   , grid distance in x-direction
      integer IGVU     !    pointer to GVU   , grid distance in y-direction
      integer IGZZ     !    pointer to GZZ   , grid distance in z-direction
      integer IAAK     !    pointer to AAK   , work array
      integer IBBK     !    pointer to BBK   , work array
      integer ICCK     !    pointer to CCK   , work array
      integer IBD3X    !    pointer to BD3X  , work array
      integer IBDDX    !    pointer to BDDX  , work array
      integer IBDX     !    pointer to BDX   , work array
      integer IBU3X    !    pointer to BU3X  , work array
      integer IBUUX    !    pointer to BUUX  , work array
      integer IBUX     !    pointer to BUX   , work array
      integer IWRK1    !    pointer to WRK1  , work array
      integer IWRK2    !    pointer to WRK2  , work array
      integer IAAKL    !    pointer to AAKL  , work array
      integer IBBKL    !    pointer to BBKL  , work array
      integer ICCKL    !    pointer to CCKL  , work array
      integer IDDKL    !    pointer to DDKL  , work array
      integer IWDMP    !    pointer to WSTDMP, accumulated wasteloads

      INTEGER         IASIZE
     &                ICONC  , IMASS  , IDERV  , IBOUN  , IBSET  ,
     &                IBSAV  , IWSTE  , ICONS  , IPARM  , IFUNC  ,
     &                ISFUN  , IDNEW  , IDIFF  , IVNEW  , IVELO  ,
     &                IHARM  , IFARR  , IMAS2  , ITIMR  , IVOL2  ,
     &                ITRAC  , IGWRK  , IGHES  , IGSOL  , IGDIA  ,
     &                IGTRI  , ISMAS  , IPLOC  , IDEFA  , IFLUX  ,
     &                ISTOC  , IFLXD  , IFLXI  , IRIOB  , IDSPX  ,
     &                IVELX  , ILOCX  , IDSTO  , IVSTO  , IDMPQ  ,
     &                IDMPS  , ITRRA  , INRSP  , IVOLL  , IVOL3  ,
     &                IR1    , IQXK   , IQYK   , IQZK   , IDIFX  ,
     &                IDIFY  , IDIFZ  , IVOLA  , IVOLB  , IGUV   ,
     &                IGVU   , IGZZ   , IAAK   , IBBK   , ICCK   ,
     &                IBD3X  , IBDDX  , IBDX   , IBU3X  , IBUUX  ,
     &                IBUX   , IWRK1  , IWRK2  , IAAKL  , IBBKL  ,
     &                ICCKL  , IDDKL  , IWDMP

      PARAMETER ( IASIZE  = 78 )