The Short And Sweet Of It... +----------------------------------------------------------------------- NetCDF-4 support is added as of R2010b. Please add this directory to your matlab path. You must also have mexnc on your path in order for snctools to work. SNCTOOLS is only supported on R14 or higher. It will not work on MATLAB versions below R14. If you have R13 or earlier and just need mexnc, then you should look at compiling mexnc yourself. +----------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIC INSTALLATION AND USAGE In order to download SNCTOOLS, please refer to the website, R2010b With R2010b, you have native read/write support for netCDF-3 files and classic-model netCDF-4 files. You can also read enhanced model netCDF-4 files, but in order to write to such files, you should drop down to MATLAB's native netcdf package interface. You should also download netcdf-java from Unidata at as this will allow you to read OPeNDAP URLs and GRIB files. See the USE_JAVA section below. After downloading and unpacking the software, issue the following instructions from MATLAB (assuming that your current working directory in MATLAB is where you downloaded and unpacked the software): addpath ([pwd '/mexcdf/mexnc']); addpath ([pwd '/mexcdf/snctools']); javaaddpath([pwd '/netcdfAll-4.2.jar']); setpref('SNCTOOLS','USE_JAVA',true); setpref('SNCTOOLS','USE_MEXNC',false); You can test out your installation with cd mexcdf/snctools/tests test_snctools R2008b, R2009a, R2009b, R2010a With these releases, you have native read/write support for netCDF-3 files. If you wish to have netCDF-4 read support, you will need to download netcdf-java from Unidata at as well. You get more than just netCDF-4 read support with this, you also get read support for OPeNDAP URLs and GRIB files. See the USE_JAVA section below. After downloading and unpacking the software, issue the following instructions from MATLAB (assuming that your current working directory in MATLAB is where you downloaded and unpacked the software): addpath ([pwd '/mexcdf/mexnc']); addpath ([pwd '/mexcdf/snctools']); javaaddpath([pwd '/netcdfAll-4.1.jar']); setpref('SNCTOOLS','USE_JAVA',true); setpref('SNCTOOLS','USE_MEXNC',false); You can test out your installation with cd mexcdf/snctools/tests test_snctools R2006a, R2006b, R2007a, R2007b, R2008a MATLAB has no native netCDF support for these releases. If you only need to read netCDF files, you may do so by retrieving netcdf-java from Unidata and enabling the java backend as described below. After downloading and unpacking the software, issue the following instructions from MATLAB (assuming that your current working directory in MATLAB is where you downloaded and unpacked the software): addpath ([pwd '/mexcdf/mexnc']); addpath ([pwd '/mexcdf/snctools']); javaaddpath([pwd '/netcdfAll-4.1.jar']); setpref('SNCTOOLS','USE_JAVA',true); setpref('SNCTOOLS','USE_MEXNC',false); You can test out your installation with cd mexcdf/snctools/tests test_snctools If you need to write netcdf files, then you need to go back to the sourceforge website and get the mex-file for your release. Then set the USE_MEXNC preference to true: setpref('SNCTOOLS','USE_MEXNC',true); R14 MATLAB has no native netCDF support for R14. If you only need to read netCDF files, you may do so by retrieving netcdf-java from Unidata at, but you will be restricted to the 2.2.20 release, which is rather old (well, so is R14...) It will not allow you to read netCDF-4 files. After downloading and unpacking the software, issue the following instructions from MATLAB (assuming that your current working directory in MATLAB is where you downloaded and unpacked the software): addpath ([pwd '/mexcdf/mexnc']); addpath ([pwd '/mexcdf/snctools']); javaaddpath([pwd '/toolsUI-2.2.20.jar']); setpref('SNCTOOLS','USE_JAVA',true); setpref('SNCTOOLS','USE_MEXNC',false); You can test out your installation with cd mexcdf/snctools/tests test_snctools If you need to write netcdf files, then you need to go back to the sourceforge website and get the mex-file for your release. Then set the USE_MEXNC preference to true: setpref('SNCTOOLS','USE_MEXNC',true); +----------------------------------------------------------------------- SNCTOOLS PREFERENCES USE_JAVA If you wish to enable the netcdf-java backend (useful for reading OPeNDAP URLs, GRIB2 files, netCDF-4 files, and others), then this preference must be turned on. First, go to and make sure you retrieve the correct version... If your version Then you should download of MATLAB is... netcdf-java version... R2010b 4.2 R2010a 4.1 R2009b 4.1 R2009a 4.1 R2008b 4.1 R2008a 4.1 R2007b 4.1 R2007a 4.1 R2006b 4.1 R2006a 4.1 R14 2.2.20 Add the jar file to your MATLAB path with >> javaaddpath ( '/path/to/netcdfAll-4.2.jar' ); You should then turn on the preference. >> setpref('SNCTOOLS','USE_JAVA',true); If you need to access password-protected OPeNDAP resources, you will need one more addition to your javapath, i.e. >> javaaddpath ( '/path/to/snctools/classes' ); PRESERVE_FVD Way back in the old days, when mexnc/mexcdf was the only game in town, data was always transposed when reading/writing netCDF data thru MATLAB. The reason for this was seemingly to make the data look consistent with the way that the netcdf tools such as "ncdump" presented the metadata. "ncdump" is compiled in C, so it is therefore a row-major-order application, whereas MATLAB presents data in column-major order. Transposing large datasets can be a costly operation, however, and it really isn't necessary in all cases. SNCTOOLS can be told to not transpose data by setting the PRESERVE_FVD preference >> setpref('SNCTOOLS','PRESERVE_FVD',true); By default this preference is false. If you set it to true, you may see a big performance boost for large datasets, but you might also end up breaking existing code that expected the data to be permuted to row-major order, so you need to be careful when using this. USE_STD_HDF4_SCALING The CF conventions differ from HDF4 in how scale factors are to be applied; check their respective references for details. By default, HDF4 datasets are scaled according to CF conventions, but setting this preference to true forces NC_VARGET to use standard HDF4 conventions. This preference is only useful when reading HDF4 data (obviously), it has no effect upon netCDF I/O. +----------------------------------------------------------------------- BUG Reports You Should Know About 1) Experimental GRIB2 Support If you have the netcdf-java jar file on your matlab javaclasspath, you can try read GRIB2 files as if they were netcdf files. This is a bit experimental, though. And if your version of MATLAB is R2008a or below, you should take a look at Technical Solution 1-2Z4RS7 on the Mathworks web site, This describes a workaround for dealing with a conflict with the ucarunits.jar file that used to ship with MATLAB until R2008b. As of March 25, 2010, the URL for this technical solution was at 2) Segfaults on certain strided read operations. Affects versions R2008a and R2009a. Please consult this URL. 3) Empty Attributes MATLAB versions R2008b thru R2009b incorrectly disallowed the creation of empty attributes, which are quite clearly legal. The bug is fixed in 2010a, but fixes for 2008b thru 2009b are available. Please consult this URL 4) Out-of-memory error with negative indices. Affects R2008b through R20910a, but this only affects those who would use mexnc or the native netcdf package directly, not snctools users. Please consult this URL. +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Of all the routines in this m-file collection, the most useful (in my humble opinion) are as follows 1. nc_varget - reads a netcdf variable 2. nc_varput - writes to a netcdf variable 3. nc_attget - reads a netcdf attribute 4. nc_attput - writes a netcdf attribute 6. nc_dump - prints netcdf metadata