!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! module m_fileio !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! +-------+ ALKYON Hydraulic Consultancy & Research ! | | Gerbrant van Vledder ! | +---+ ! | | +---+ Last update: 8 Feb. 2003 ! +---+ | | ! +---+ ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! Module for storing file i/o related variables ! ! The values for the parameter i_log, i_prt and iw_tst must be set ! in one of the routines of the host program or in subroutine sys_init ! ! Version 1.1 29 May 2000 Initial version ! 1.2 21 Sep. 2001 Form=binary added (B) ! 1.3 5 Oct. 2001 Form=direct access, unformatted, fixed record (R) ! 1.4 24 Aug. 2002 Bug fixed and restructure of test output ! 1.5 8 Feb. 2003 Error check included when incorrect path (Z_FILEIO) ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! The following two parameters must be set by the user ! They define the overall test level and the output channel ! integer,parameter :: i_print=0 ! (0/1/2) Test output printing off/on ! ! Output channel defined by i_out ! integer,parameter :: i_out=6 ! Output channel to screen ! ! ==1 screen output for Unix/Linux systems ! ! ==6 screen output for Windows !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Standard switches to activate Logging, Test and Print ouput ! integer i_log ! (0/1) Logging off/on integer i_prt ! (0/1) Printing off/on integer i_tst ! (0,1,2...) Test level off/on ! ! ! Standard unit numbers of input & output files ! integer lu_err ! standard error file integer lu_inp ! standard input file integer lu_log ! standard logging integer lu_prt ! standard print output integer lu_tst ! standard test output ! character(len=80) :: tempfile ! temporary file to be used for parallel computing ! contains !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! subroutine z_fileio(filename,qual,iufind,iunit,iostat) ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! +-------+ ALKYON Hydraulic Consultancy & Research ! | | Gerbrant van Vledder ! | +---+ ! | | +---+ ! +---+ | | ! +---+ ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! use M_PARALL implicit none ! ! 0. Update history ! ! 24/07/1999 First version ! 28/09/1999 Module name changed from FILEOPEN -> Z_FILEIO ! 27/10/1999 Option to delete an existing file added ! 18/11/1999 Argument IUNIT used to control use of Z_FLUNIT ! 22/11/1999 Parameter iunit not changed unless by z_flunit ! 28/12/1999 Interface with Z_FLUNIT updated and ! input parameter iufind added ! 14/04/2000 Module m_fileio included in this routine ! 25/05/2000 Module m_fileio excluded, if an already opened file is ! found, the corresponding unit number is assigned to output ! 21/09/2001 Form=binary added, extension to Fortran 95 standard ! 5/10/2001 Form=fixed Record length, as specified in input argument ! 17/06/2002 Initialisation of IUNIT=-1 included ! 24/08/2002 Bug fixed when routine called with IUFIND=0 ! 08/02/2003 Bug fixed when file could not be created due to invalid path ! 27/08/2004 Appending node number to FILENAME in case of parallel computing ! ! 1. Purpose ! ! Open file with name FILENAME and determine unit number IUNIT ! With file type determined in QUAL ! ! Depending on the value of IUFIND a search is performed for a ! free unit number ! ! 2. Method ! ! If file exists then ! if QUAL = 'D' ! delete file ! Else ! inquire if file opened ! If opened ! determine unit number ! Else ! If iunit >= 10 Find free unit number ! Open file with unit number and file qualifier ! End if ! End if ! Else ! If QUAL='SNU' ! If iunit >= 10 find free unit number ! Open new file with unit number and qualifier ! Else ! Iunit = -1 File does not exist ! End if ! End if ! ! ! 3. Parameter list ! !Type I/O Name Description !---------------------------------------------------- character(len=*), intent(inout) :: filename ! File name character(len=2), intent(in) :: qual ! File qualifyer integer, intent(in) :: iufind ! Indicator for search of unit number integer, intent(inout) :: iunit ! Unit number integer, intent(out) :: iostat ! Error indicator ! ! 4. Subroutines used ! ! Z_FLUNIT ! ! 5. Error messages ! ! IUNIT > 0 File exists, is (already) connected to unit number IUNIT, or is ! created and connected to unit number ! IUNIT == 0 File has been deleted or does not exist ! < 0 An error occurred, no file or unit number found ! ! IOSTAT = 0 No errors detected ! -1 Incorrect file qualifier ! -2 Unit number does not exist ! -3 Attempt to open non-existing file with status=OLD ! -4 Attempt to open existing file with wrong FORMATTING ! -5 Incorrect value for IUFIND: not in range [0,1] ! -6 File could not be created due to,e.g. incorrect path ! ! 6. Remarks ! ! 1) Use of file qualifier: ! ! 1st char: O(ld),R(eplace),S(cratch), ! U(nknown),(D)elete ! 2nd char: F(ormatted),U(nformatted),B(inary) ! ! 2) Use of IUFIND ! ! if IUFIND==0, No search is performed for a free unit number ! ==1, A search is performed in routine Z_FLUNIT ! ! 3) This routine is based on routine FOR from ! SWAN version 40.00 of Delft University of Technology ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Local variables ! character(len=7) :: cstat ! string with status of file I/O character(len=11) :: cform ! string with format of file I/O integer junit ! temporary unit number logical lexist ! indicator if a file exists logical lopen ! indicator if a file is opened integer iuerr ! error indicator from Z_FLUNIT integer ilpos ! start position for appending node number !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialisations !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iostat = 0 if(iufind==1) iunit = -1 ! ! ! Check value of IUFIND ! if(iufind/=0 .and. iufind/=1) then if(i_print >0) write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO: Incorrect value for IUFIND:',iufind iostat = -5 goto 9999 end if ! if ( PARLL .and. iunit <= 0 ) then ilpos = index ( filename, ' ' )-1 write(filename(ilpos+1:ilpos+4),33) INODE endif 33 format('-',i3.3) ! ! ! check input argument QUAL ! if(i_print>=1) write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO/A:',trim(filename),' ',qual,iunit,iostat ! if (index('ORSUD',qual(1:1)) ==0 .or. index('FUB',qual(2:2)) ==0) then if(i_print > 0) write(i_out,*) 'Incorrect file qualifier' iostat = -1 else if(qual(1:1) == 'O') cstat = 'old' if(qual(1:1) == 'R') cstat = 'replace' if(qual(1:1) == 'S') cstat = 'scratch' if(qual(1:1) == 'U') cstat = 'unknown' if(qual(1:1) == 'D') cstat = 'delete' ! if(qual(2:2) == 'F') cform = 'formatted' if(qual(2:2) == 'U') cform = 'unformatted' if(qual(2:2) == 'B') cform = 'binary' ! extension to FORTRAN 95 standard if(qual(2:2) == 'R') cform = 'unformatted' ! ! Check if file exists ! inquire(file=filename,exist=lexist) if(i_print >=2) write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO file exists?:',trim(filename),':',lexist ! ! delete file if it exists and qual == 'D' ! if(lexist .and. qual(1:1)=='D') then inquire(file=filename,opened=lopen) if(lopen) then inquire(file=filename,number=junit) else if(iufind == 1) call z_flunit(iunit,iuerr) junit = iunit if(junit > 0) then open(file=filename,unit=junit,form=cform,iostat=iostat) if(iostat/=0) then iostat = -4 goto 9999 end if end if end if close(junit,status=cstat) goto 9999 end if ! ! if the file exists, check if it is opened ! if(lexist) then if(i_print >=2) write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO: File exists:',trim(filename) inquire(file=filename,opened=lopen) if(lopen) then if(i_print >=2) write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO: File is opened:',trim(filename) ! ! determine unit number to which this file is connected ! and assign it to the output number ! inquire(file=filename,number=junit) if(i_print >=2) write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO: File is connected to unit:', junit iunit = junit else ! ! if the file exists and not connected to a unit number, search a free unit number ! if(i_print >=2) write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO: File is not connected to a unit number' if(iufind==0) then if(i_print >=2) write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO: Assign user defined unit number:',iunit elseif(iufind==1) then call z_flunit(iunit,iuerr) if(i_print >=2) write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO: New unit number IUNIT:',iunit end if junit = iunit ! if(junit > 0) then open(file=filename,unit=junit,form=cform,status=cstat) else iostat = -2 end if end if ! ! the file does not exist, so open it and find a free unit number ! else ! if(i_print>=2) then write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO: File does not exist !' write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO: Qual:',qual(1:1) end if ! if(index('SRU',qual(1:1)) > 0) then if(iufind==1) then call z_flunit(iunit,iuerr) if(i_print >=1) write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO: New unit number IUNIT:',iunit end if junit = iunit ! ! open file to IUNIT, if possible ! if(junit > 0) then open(file=filename,unit=junit,form=cform,iostat=iuerr) ! ! check added 8/2/2003 ! if(iuerr/=0) then iunit = -1 iostat = -6 end if else iostat = -2 end if ! ! file cannot be opened because it does not exist ! elseif('O'==qual(1:1)) then ! File should exist if(i_print>=2) write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO: File cannot be opened because it does not exist' iostat = -3 end if end if end if ! 9999 continue ! if(i_print>=1) write(i_out,*) 'Z_FILEIO/Z:',trim(filename),' ',qual,iunit,iostat ! return end subroutine ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! subroutine z_fclose(iunit) ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! +-------+ ALKYON Hydraulic Consultancy & Research ! | | Gerbrant van Vledder ! | +---+ ! | | +---+ ! +---+ | | ! +---+ ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! implicit none ! ! 0. Update history ! ! 0.01 24/08/2000 First version ! ! 1. Purpose ! ! Close file with unit number IUNIT, and set IUNIT=-1 ! ! 2. Method ! ! ! 3. Parameter list ! !Type I/O Name Description !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(inout) :: iunit ! Unit number !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- close(iunit) iunit = -1 ! return end subroutine ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! subroutine z_flunit(iunit,ierr) ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! +-------+ ALKYON Hydraulic Consultancy & Research ! | | Gerbrant van Vledder ! | +---+ ! | | +---+ ! +---+ | | ! +---+ ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! implicit none ! ! 0. Update history ! ! Version Date Modification ! ! 0.01 24/07/1999 Initial version ! 0.02 01/10/1999 Extra check added to ensure maximum unit number ! 0.03 07/10/1999 Check of existence of uni number deleted, ! since this test produces different answer ! on Lahey compiler ! 0.04 25/11/1999 Intent added ! 0.05 24/12/1999 Module M_GENVAR added for information about range of unit numbers ! 0.06 27/12/1999 Module M_GENVAR replaced by M_FILEIO ! Check added for forbidden unit numbers ! 0.07 28/12/1999 Internal checks added and IERR added to parameter list ! 0.08 08/02/2000 User of lu_min & lu_max deleted ! 0.09 14/04/2000 Module m_fileio included in this routine ! ! 1. Purpose ! ! Find a free unit number ! ! 2. Method ! ! Starting at LU_MIN till LU_MAX are investigated until ! a free (i.e. not connected to a file) is found. ! Use is made of the standard fortran INQUIRE function. ! The values of LU_MIN and LU_MAX should be specified ! in an initialisation routine ! ! 3. Parameter list ! !Type I/O Name Description !---------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(out) :: iunit ! resulting unit number integer, intent(out) :: ierr ! error level ! ! 4. Subroutines used ! ! None ! ! 5. Error messages ! ! ierr=0 No errors encountered ! 1 Invalud combination lu_low >= lu_high ! 2 Invalid value for lu_low ! 3 Invalid value for lu_high ! 4 No free unit number could be found ! ! 6. Remarks ! ! If no free unit number if found in the range ! lu_min - lu_high, then the function returns IUNIT = -1 ! ! The switch i_print can be used to generate test output ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local parameters ! integer junit ! counter for unit numbers logical lopen ! indicator if a unit number is connected to a file logical lnot ! indicates if a forbidden unit number is checked integer i_not ! counter to check forbidded unit numbers ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! range of unit numbers to search ! integer, parameter :: lu_min=60 ! minimum unit number integer, parameter :: lu_max=200 ! maximum unit number ! ! specification of forbidden unit numbers ! integer, parameter :: lu_nr=3 ! number of forbidden unit numbers integer lu_not(lu_nr) ! list of forbidden unit numbers !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lu_not(1) = 100 lu_not(2) = 101 lu_not(3) = 102 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ierr = 0 ! if(i_print >= 2) then write(i_out,*) 'Z_FLUNIT: forbidden :',lu_not write(i_out,*) 'Z_FLUNIT: lu_min lu_max :',lu_min,lu_max end if ! ! check data specified in Module Z_FILEIO ! if(lu_min >= lu_max) then ierr = 1 write(i_out,*) 'Z_FLUNIT: Incorrect boundaries for LU_MIN & LU_MAX:',& & lu_min,lu_max end if ! junit = lu_min ! iunit = -1 ! do while (iunit ==-1) ! ! Check if unit number is free, i.e. not in use by an opened file ! inquire(unit=junit,opened=lopen) ! ! check if unit number is not a forbidden unit number ! lnot = .false. do i_not=1,lu_nr if(lu_not(i_not)==junit) then lnot = .true. if(i_print >= 1) write(i_out,*) 'Z_FLUNIT: a forbidden unit number was encountered:',junit end if end do ! if(lopen.or.lnot) then junit = junit + 1 else iunit = junit end if if(junit > lu_max) exit end do ! if(iunit < 0) then write(i_out,*) 'ERROR in Z_FLUNIT: No free unit number could be found' end if ! return end subroutine ! end module