subroutine SwanSweepSel ( idcmin, idcmax, anybin, iscmin, iscmax, & iddlow, iddtop, idtot , isslow, isstop, & istot , cax , cay , rdx , rdy , & spcsig) ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmer: Marcel Zijlema | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! Authors ! ! 40.80: Marcel Zijlema ! ! Updates ! ! 40.80, July 2007: New subroutine ! ! Purpose ! ! computes frequency-dependent counters in directional space ! and the active bins for considered sweep ! ! Method ! ! In order to have stable computation without a CFL restriction ! certain directional bins lying in the domain of dependence ! of present vertex are determined. These bins belong to the ! sweep which is being processed. ! ! The domain of dependence is enclosed by the two upwave faces ! of the present vertex in the considered cell. The following ! set of criterions determine which directional bin belongs to ! the domain of dependence: ! ! Cx * rdx(1) + Cy * rdy(1) >= 0 and ! ! Cx * rdx(2) + Cy * rdy(2) >= 0 ! ! Geometrically, these criterions ensure that the propagation ! direction towards the present vertex is enclosed between ! the upwave faces of that vertex in the considered cell. ! ! The counters of the directional space are frequency dependent. ! Particularly, the higher frequencies are modified by the ambient ! current. The lower frequencies (due to the larger wave transport ! velocity) are less modified by the current. ! ! Next, it is detemined whether a certain bin lies within a specific ! sector enclosure of the considered sweep. This is denoted by a ! logical array anybin. ! ! Modules used ! use ocpcomm4 use swcomm3 use SwanGriddata ! implicit none ! ! Argument variables ! integer, intent(out) :: iddlow ! minimum direction bin that is propagated within a sweep integer, intent(out) :: iddtop ! maximum direction bin that is propagated within a sweep integer, intent(out) :: idtot ! maximum number of bins in directional space for considered sweep integer, intent(out) :: isslow ! minimum frequency that is propagated within a sweep integer, intent(out) :: isstop ! maximum frequency that is propagated within a sweep integer, intent(out) :: istot ! maximum number of bins in frequency space for considered sweep ! integer, dimension(MSC), intent(out) :: idcmax ! maximum frequency-dependent counter in directional space integer, dimension(MSC), intent(out) :: idcmin ! minimum frequency-dependent counter in directional space integer, dimension(MDC), intent(out) :: iscmax ! maximum direction-dependent counter in frequency space integer, dimension(MDC), intent(out) :: iscmin ! minimum direction-dependent counter in frequency space ! real, dimension(MDC,MSC,ICMAX), intent(in) :: cax ! wave transport velocity in x-direction real, dimension(MDC,MSC,ICMAX), intent(in) :: cay ! wave transport velocity in y-direction real, dimension(2), intent(in) :: rdx ! first component of contravariant base vector rdx(b) = a^(b)_1 real, dimension(2), intent(in) :: rdy ! second component of contravariant base vector rdy(b) = a^(b)_2 real, dimension(MSC), intent(in) :: spcsig ! relative frequency bins ! logical, dimension(MDC,MSC), intent(out) :: anybin ! true if bin is active in considered sweep ! ! Local variables ! integer :: id ! loop counter over direction bins integer :: idclow ! minimum counter in directional space for given frequency bin integer :: idchgh ! maximum counter in directional space for given frequency bin integer :: iddum ! counter in directional space for considered sweep integer :: idsum ! total active bins in directional space for given frequency bin integer, save :: ient = 0 ! number of entries in this subroutine integer :: is ! loop counter over frequency bins integer :: isclow ! minimum counter in frequency space for given directional bin integer :: ischgh ! maximum counter in frequency space for given directional bin ! real :: caxloc ! local wave transport velocity in x-direction at present vertex real :: cayloc ! local wave transport velocity in y-direction at present vertex ! logical :: lowbin ! indicates presence of lowest bin in directional space for given frequency bin logical :: hghbin ! indicates presence of highest bin in directional space for given frequency bin ! ! Structure ! ! Description of the pseudo code ! ! Source text ! if (ltrace) call strace (ient,'SwanSweepSel') ! ! initialize parameters and arrays ! iddlow = 9999 iddtop = -9999 idtot = 1 ! isslow = 9999 isstop = -9999 istot = 1 ! idcmin = 0 idcmax = 0 anybin = .false. ! iscmin = 1 iscmax = 1 ! ! loop over all frequency bins ! do is = 1, MSC ! ! determine which bin belongs to considered sweep for propagation ! idsum = 0 ! if ( is == 1 .or. ICUR /= 0 ) then ! do id = 1, MDC ! caxloc = cax(id,is,1)*rdx(1) + cay(id,is,1)*rdy(1) cayloc = cax(id,is,1)*rdx(2) + cay(id,is,1)*rdy(2) ! if ( caxloc >= 0. .and. cayloc >= 0. ) then ! anybin(id,is) = .true. idsum = idsum + 1 isslow = min(is,isslow) isstop = max(is,isstop) ! endif ! enddo ! else ! do id = 1, MDC ! ! in case of no current, when first frequency bin is in considered sweep, ! other bins for given direction are in this sweep as well ! anybin(id,is) = anybin(id,1) ! if ( anybin(id,1) ) then idsum = idsum + 1 isstop = max(is,isstop) endif ! enddo ! endif ! ! determine sector enclosure in directional space for considered sweep ! idclow = 0 idchgh = 0 ! do id = 1, MDC ! lowbin = .false. hghbin = .false. ! if ( anybin(id,is) ) then ! if ( id == 1 ) then ! if ( FULCIR ) then if ( .not.anybin(MDC,is) ) lowbin = .true. else lowbin = .true. endif ! else ! if ( .not.anybin(id-1,is) ) lowbin = .true. ! endif ! if ( id == MDC ) then ! if ( FULCIR ) then if ( .not.anybin(1,is) ) hghbin = .true. else hghbin = .true. endif ! else ! if ( .not.anybin(id+1,is) ) hghbin = .true. ! endif ! endif ! if ( lowbin ) idclow = id if ( hghbin ) idchgh = id ! enddo ! ! set minimum and maximum counters in directional space for considered sweep ! idcmin(is) = 1 idcmax(is) = MDC ! if ( idsum == 0 ) then ! idcmin(is) = 9 idcmax(is) = -9 ! elseif ( idsum /= MDC ) then ! if ( idclow > idchgh ) idclow = idclow - MDC idcmin(is) = idclow idcmax(is) = idchgh ! endif ! if ( idsum /= 0 ) then iddlow = min ( iddlow , idcmin(is) ) iddtop = max ( iddtop , idcmax(is) ) endif ! enddo ! ! compute maximum number of bins in directional space for considered sweep ! if ( iddlow /= 9999 ) then ! if ( iddtop == -9999 ) then call msgerr ( 4, 'inconsistency found in SwanSweepSel: no maximum direction bin ' ) return endif ! idtot = iddtop - iddlow + 1 ! if ( ICUR > 0 ) then ! if ( idtot < 3 ) then iddtop = iddtop + 1 if ( idtot == 1 ) iddlow = iddlow - 1 idtot = 3 endif ! endif else ! if ( iddtop /= -9999 ) then call msgerr ( 4, 'inconsistency found in SwanSweepSel: no minimum direction bin ' ) return endif ! idtot = 0 ! endif ! if ( idtot > MDC ) then iddlow = 1 iddtop = MDC idtot = MDC endif ! ! compute maximum number of bins in frequency space for considered sweep ! if ( isslow /= 9999 ) then ! if ( isstop == -9999 ) then call msgerr ( 4, 'inconsistency found in SwanSweepSel: no maximum frequency bin ' ) return endif ! !if ( isslow /= 1 ) then ! call msgerr ( 4, 'inconsistency found in SwanSweepSel: isslow <> 1 ' ) ! return !endif ! isslow = 1 ! if ( ICUR > 0 ) isstop = max(min(4,MSC),isstop) ! istot = isstop - isslow + 1 ! else ! if ( isstop /= -9999 ) then call msgerr ( 4, 'inconsistency found in SwanSweepSel: no minimum frequency bin ' ) return endif ! istot = 0 ! if ( idtot /= 0 ) then call msgerr ( 4, 'inconsistency found in SwanSweepSel: istot = 0 and idtot <> 0 ' ) return endif ! endif ! ! loop over all direction bins ! do iddum = iddlow, iddtop id = mod ( iddum - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 ! lowbin = .false. ! do is = 1, MSC if ( anybin(id,is) ) then if ( .not.lowbin ) then isclow = is lowbin = .true. endif ischgh = is endif enddo ! ! set minimum and maximum counters in frequency space for considered sweep ! if ( lowbin ) then ! if ( isclow < isslow .or. ischgh > isstop ) then call msgerr ( 4, 'inconsistency found in SwanSweepSel: minimum and maximum counters of frequencies not correct ' ) return endif ! iscmin(id) = isclow iscmax(id) = ischgh ! else ! no frequency bins fall within considered sweep ! iscmin(id) = 0 iscmax(id) = 0 ! endif ! enddo ! end subroutine SwanSweepSel