subroutine SwanInterpolatePoint ( foutp, x, y, finp, excval ) ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmer: Marcel Zijlema | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! Authors ! ! 40.80: Marcel Zijlema ! ! Updates ! ! 40.80, August 2007: New subroutine ! ! Purpose ! ! Interpolates given scalar to given point ! ! Method ! ! First, look for closest vertex and next, interpolate given scalar inside triangle where given point is resided ! ! Modules used ! use ocpcomm4 use swcomm2 use swcomm3 use SwanGriddata use SwanGridobjects ! implicit none ! ! Argument variables ! real, intent(in) :: excval ! exception value for given scalar real, dimension(nverts), intent(in) :: finp ! given scalars defined on the computational grid real, intent(out) :: foutp ! output scalar at given point real, intent(in) :: x ! x-coordinate of given point real, intent(in) :: y ! y-coordinate of given point ! ! Local variables ! integer :: icell ! cell index integer, save :: ient = 0 ! number of entries in this subroutine integer :: ivert ! vertex index integer :: jc ! loop counter integer :: k ! loop counter integer, dimension(3) :: v ! vertices in present cell ! real :: carea ! area of the present cell real :: dxp ! distance between given point and present vertex in x-direction real :: dyp ! distance between given point and present vertex in y-direction real :: eps ! a small number real :: phi1 ! value of given scalar in first vertex of considered cell real :: phi2 ! value of given scalar in second vertex of considered cell real :: phi3 ! value of given scalar in third vertex of considered cell real :: phic ! value of given scalar in centroid of considered cell real :: th ! direction of given point to present vertex real :: th1 ! direction of one face pointing to present vertex real :: th2 ! direction of another face pointing to present vertex real :: thdiff ! difference between th and th2 real, dimension(2) :: vec12 ! translation vector of coordinates: vertex2 - vertex1 real, dimension(2) :: vec23 ! translation vector of coordinates: vertex3 - vertex2 real, dimension(2) :: vec31 ! translation vector of coordinates: vertex1 - vertex3 real :: xc ! x-coordinate of the cell-centroid real :: yc ! y-coordinate of the cell-centroid real :: xgrs ! x-component of gradient scalar vector real :: ygrs ! y-component of gradient scalar vector ! character(80) :: msgstr ! string to pass message ! logical :: cellfound ! indicate whether cell containing given point is found or not logical :: EQREAL ! indicate whether two reals are equal or not ! type(celltype), dimension(:), pointer :: cell ! datastructure for cells with their attributes type(verttype), dimension(:), pointer :: vert ! datastructure for vertices with their attributes ! ! Structure ! ! Description of the pseudo code ! ! Source text ! if (ltrace) call strace (ient,'SwanInterpolatePoint') ! ! point to vertex and cell objects ! vert => gridobject%vert_grid cell => gridobject%cell_grid ! ! assign exception value to output scalar (possibly overwritten by interpolated value) ! foutp = excval ! ! find closest vertex for given point ! call SwanFindPoint ( x, y, ivert ) ! ! if point not found, give warning and return ! if ( ivert < 0 ) then write (msgstr, '(a,f12.4,a,f12.4,a)') ' Point (',x+XOFFS,',',y+YOFFS,') not given in computational grid' call msgerr( 1, trim(msgstr) ) return endif ! ! if exception value found in closest vertex, return ! if ( EQREAL(finp(ivert),excval) ) return ! ! determine direction of given point to closest vertex ! dxp = xcugrd(ivert) - x dyp = ycugrd(ivert) - y ! ! if given point equals closest vertex, determine output quantity and return ! if ( EQREAL(dxp,0.) .and. EQREAL(dyp,0.) ) then foutp = finp(ivert) return endif ! th = atan2(dyp,dxp) ! cellfound = .false. ! ! loop over cells around closest vertex ! celloop: do jc = 1, vert(ivert)%noc ! ! get cell and its vertices ! icell = vert(ivert)%cell(jc)%atti(CELLID) ! v(1) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV1) v(2) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV2) v(3) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV3) ! ! get directions of faces to closest vertex ! do k = 1, 3 if ( v(k) == ivert ) then th1 = cell(icell)%geom(k)%th1 th2 = cell(icell)%geom(k)%th2 exit endif enddo ! thdiff = th - th2 do if ( abs(thdiff) <= PI ) exit th = th - sign (2., thdiff) * PI thdiff = th - th2 enddo ! ! is given point inside considered cell? ! if ( vert(ivert)%atti(VMARKER) == 1 ) then ! boundary vertex eps = PI/360. else eps = 0. endif ! if ( th > th1-eps .and. th <= th2+eps ) then cellfound = .true. exit celloop endif ! enddo celloop ! ! if cell containing given point not found, give warning and return ! if ( .not.cellfound ) then write (msgstr, '(a,f12.4,a,f12.4,a)') ' No triangle containing point (',x+XOFFS,',',y+YOFFS,') is found' call msgerr( 1, trim(msgstr) ) return endif ! ! determine output scalar in vertices ! phi1 = finp(v(1)) phi2 = finp(v(2)) phi3 = finp(v(3)) ! ! 2D linear interpolation on considered triangle is carried out only if there are no exception values ! if ( .not.EQREAL(phi1,excval) .and. .not.EQREAL(phi2,excval) .and. .not.EQREAL(phi3,excval) ) then ! ! determine centroid and area of found cell ! xc = cell(icell)%attr(CELLCX ) yc = cell(icell)%attr(CELLCY ) carea = cell(icell)%attr(CELLAREA) ! ! determine output scalar in centroid ! phic = ( phi1 + phi2 + phi3 ) / 3. ! ! determine translation vectors of found cell ! vec12(1) = xcugrd(v(2)) - xcugrd(v(1)) vec12(2) = ycugrd(v(2)) - ycugrd(v(1)) vec23(1) = xcugrd(v(3)) - xcugrd(v(2)) vec23(2) = ycugrd(v(3)) - ycugrd(v(2)) vec31(1) = xcugrd(v(1)) - xcugrd(v(3)) vec31(2) = ycugrd(v(1)) - ycugrd(v(3)) ! ! determine gradient scalar vector inside found cell based on outward normals ! Note: the outward normal is obtained by rotating the translation vector ! over 90 degrees in clockwise direction ! xgrs = vec23(2)*phi1 + vec31(2)*phi2 + vec12(2)*phi3 ygrs = -vec23(1)*phi1 - vec31(1)*phi2 - vec12(1)*phi3 ! xgrs = -0.5*xgrs/carea ygrs = -0.5*ygrs/carea ! ! determine output scalar inside considered triangle by means of 2D interpolation ! using constant gradient scalar vector ! foutp = phic + xgrs*(x - xc) + ygrs*(y - yc) ! endif ! end subroutine SwanInterpolatePoint