subroutine SwanGridCell ( ncells, nverts, xcugrd, ycugrd, kvertc ) ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmer: Marcel Zijlema | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! Authors ! ! 40.80: Marcel Zijlema ! ! Updates ! ! 40.80, July 2007: New subroutine ! ! Purpose ! ! Fills cell-based data structure ! ! Method ! ! Based on unstructured grid ! Note: we restrict ourselves to triangles only! ! ! Modules used ! use ocpcomm4 use swcomm2 use swcomm3 use SwanGridobjects ! implicit none ! ! Argument variables ! integer, intent(in) :: ncells ! number of cells in grid integer, intent(in) :: nverts ! number of vertices in grid ! integer, dimension(3, ncells), intent(in) :: kvertc ! vertices of the cell ! (must be filled by a gridgenerator!) ! real, dimension(nverts), intent(in) :: xcugrd ! the x-coordinates of the grid vertices real, dimension(nverts), intent(in) :: ycugrd ! the y-coordinates of the grid vertices ! ! Local variables ! integer :: icell ! loop counter over cells / index of present cell integer, save :: ient = 0 ! number of entries in this subroutine integer :: ivert ! loop counter over vertices / index of present vertex integer :: j ! loop counter integer :: jcell ! index of next cell integer :: k ! auxiliary integer / loop counter integer :: l ! loop counter integer :: noc ! number of cells around considered vertex integer, parameter :: nov = 3 ! number of vertices in present cell (triangles only) integer, dimension(3) :: v ! vertices in present cell integer :: vc ! considered vertex integer :: vn ! first upwave vertex of next cell integer :: vp ! last upwave vertex of present cell ! integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ivlist ! list of index vertices ! real :: carea ! area of the present cell (triangles only) real :: dx1 ! first component of covariant base vector a_(1) real :: dx2 ! second component of covariant base vector a_(1) real :: dy1 ! first component of covariant base vector a_(2) real :: dy2 ! second component of covariant base vector a_(2) real :: fac ! factor real :: rdet ! reciproke of determinant real :: th1 ! direction of one face pointing to present vertex real :: th2 ! direction of another face pointing to present vertex real :: thdiff ! difference between th2 and th1 real, dimension(2) :: vec12 ! translation vector of coordinates: vertex2 - vertex1 real, dimension(2) :: vec13 ! translation vector of coordinates: vertex3 - vertex1 real :: x1 ! x-coordinate of first vertex of present cell real :: x2 ! x-coordinate of second vertex of present cell real :: x3 ! x-coordinate of third vertex of present cell real :: xc ! x-coordinate of the cell centroid / circumcenter real :: y1 ! y-coordinate of first vertex of present cell real :: y2 ! y-coordinate of second vertex of present cell real :: y3 ! y-coordinate of third vertex of present cell real :: yc ! y-coordinate of the cell centroid / circumcenter ! logical :: nxtcell ! indicate whether there is next cell in counterclockwise direction ! type(verttype), dimension(:), pointer :: vert ! datastructure for vertices with their attributes type(celltype), dimension(:), pointer :: cell ! datastructure for cells with their attributes ! ! Structure ! ! Description of the pseudo code ! ! Source text ! if (ltrace) call strace (ient,'SwanGridCell') ! ! point to vertex and cell objects ! vert => gridobject%vert_grid cell => gridobject%cell_grid ! ! loop over all cells ! do icell = 1, ncells ! ! determine number of vertices and faces (triangles only!) ! cell(icell)%nov = nov cell(icell)%nof = nov ! ! identification number ! cell(icell)%atti(CELLID) = icell ! ! cell is triangle and initiatively active ! cell(icell)%atti(CELLRECT) = 0 cell(icell)%active = .true. ! ! store vertices of the cell ! v(1) = kvertc(1,icell) v(2) = kvertc(2,icell) v(3) = kvertc(3,icell) cell(icell)%atti(CELLV1) = v(1) cell(icell)%atti(CELLV2) = v(2) cell(icell)%atti(CELLV3) = v(3) ! ! store area of the cell in carea ! vec12(1) = xcugrd(v(2)) - xcugrd(v(1)) vec12(2) = ycugrd(v(2)) - ycugrd(v(1)) vec13(1) = xcugrd(v(3)) - xcugrd(v(1)) vec13(2) = ycugrd(v(3)) - ycugrd(v(1)) carea = 0.5*abs(vec12(1)*vec13(2) - vec13(1)*vec12(2)) cell(icell)%attr(CELLAREA) = carea ! ! store local covariant and contravariant base vectors at each vertex ! next, store directions of faces pointing to present vertex ! dx1 = -vec12(1) dy1 = -vec12(2) dx2 = -vec13(1) dy2 = -vec13(2) ! do j = 1, nov ! rdet = 1./(dy2*dx1 - dy1*dx2) ! cell(icell)%geom(j)%det = dy2*dx1 - dy1*dx2 cell(icell)%geom(j)%dx1 = dx1 cell(icell)%geom(j)%dy1 = dy1 cell(icell)%geom(j)%dx2 = dx2 cell(icell)%geom(j)%dy2 = dy2 cell(icell)%geom(j)%rdx1 = dy2*rdet cell(icell)%geom(j)%rdy1 = -dx2*rdet cell(icell)%geom(j)%rdx2 = -dy1*rdet cell(icell)%geom(j)%rdy2 = dx1*rdet ! th1 = atan2(dy1,dx1) th2 = atan2(dy2,dx2) ! thdiff = th1 - th2 do if ( abs(thdiff) <= PI ) exit th1 = th1 - sign (2., thdiff) * PI thdiff = th1 - th2 enddo ! cell(icell)%geom(j)%th1 = th1 cell(icell)%geom(j)%th2 = th2 ! dx1 = dx2 - dx1 dy1 = dy2 - dy1 dx2 = dx1 - dx2 dy2 = dy1 - dy2 ! enddo ! ! determine orientation of the mesh ! if ( icell == 1 ) then ! if ( dy2*dx1 > dy1*dx2 ) then CVLEFT = .false. ! right-handed else CVLEFT = .true. ! left-handed endif ! endif ! ! store coordinates of centroid ! xc = 0. yc = 0. do j = 1, nov xc = xc + xcugrd(kvertc(j,icell)) yc = yc + ycugrd(kvertc(j,icell)) enddo xc = xc / real(nov) yc = yc / real(nov) ! cell(icell)%attr(CELLCX) = xc cell(icell)%attr(CELLCY) = yc ! ! store coordinates of circumcenter ! x1 = xcugrd(kvertc(1,icell)) y1 = ycugrd(kvertc(1,icell)) x2 = xcugrd(kvertc(2,icell)) y2 = ycugrd(kvertc(2,icell)) x3 = xcugrd(kvertc(3,icell)) y3 = ycugrd(kvertc(3,icell)) fac = ( (x2-x3)*(x3-x1)+(y2-y3)*(y3-y1) )/( (x1-x2)*(y3-y1)-(y1-y2)*(x3-x1) ) xc = 0.5 * ( fac*(y1-y2) + x1+x2 ) yc = 0.5 * ( fac*(x2-x1) + y1+y2 ) ! cell(icell)%attr(CELLCCX) = xc cell(icell)%attr(CELLCCY) = yc ! ! store vertices of each face of the cell ! do j = 1, nov k = mod(j,nov)+1 cell(icell)%face(j)%atti(FACEV1) = kvertc(j,icell) cell(icell)%face(j)%atti(FACEV2) = kvertc(k,icell) enddo ! enddo ! allocate(ivlist(nverts)) ! ! loop over all vertices ! do ivert = 1, nverts ! ! identify the considered vertex and store index ! vc = vert(ivert)%atti(VERTID) ivlist(vc) = ivert ! ! initialize number of cells around vertex ! vert(ivert)%noc = 0 ! enddo ! do icell = 1, ncells ! v(1) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV1) v(2) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV2) v(3) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV3) ! ! add present cell to each of these vertices ! do j = 1, nov ! ivert = ivlist(v(j)) noc = vert(ivert)%noc +1 ! vert(ivert)%noc = noc vert(ivert)%cell(noc)%atti(CELLID) = icell ! enddo ! enddo ! deallocate(ivlist) ! do ivert = 1, nverts ! noc = vert(ivert)%noc ! ! loop over cells around considered vertex ! do j = 1, noc ! ! get cell and its vertices ! icell = vert(ivert)%cell(j)%atti(CELLID) ! v(1) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV1) v(2) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV2) v(3) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV3) ! ! pick up last upwave vertex (counterclockwise counting of vertices is assumed) ! do k = 1, nov if ( v(k) == ivert ) then vp = v(mod(k+1,nov)+1) exit endif enddo ! ! search for next cell in counterclockwise direction ! nxtcell = .false. ! do l = 1, noc ! ! get a cell and its vertices ! jcell = vert(ivert)%cell(l)%atti(CELLID) ! v(1) = cell(jcell)%atti(CELLV1) v(2) = cell(jcell)%atti(CELLV2) v(3) = cell(jcell)%atti(CELLV3) ! ! pick up first upwave vertex (counterclockwise counting of vertices is assumed) ! do k = 1, nov if ( v(k) == ivert ) then vn = v(mod(k,nov)+1) exit endif enddo ! ! check whether first upwave vertex of next cell equals last upwave vertex of present cell ! if ( vn == vp ) then nxtcell = .true. exit endif ! enddo ! if ( .not.nxtcell ) jcell = 0 vert(ivert)%cell(j)%atti(NEXTCELL) = jcell ! enddo ! enddo end subroutine SwanGridCell