subroutine SwanConvAccur ( accur, hscurr, tmcurr, delhs, deltm, xytst, spcsig, ac2, ivlow, ivup ) ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmer: Marcel Zijlema | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! Authors ! ! 40.80: Marcel Zijlema ! 41.10: Marcel Zijlema ! ! Updates ! ! 40.80, October 2007: New subroutine ! 41.10, August 2009: parallelization using OpenMP directives ! ! Purpose ! ! Determine accuracy of some integral parameters for convergence check ! ! Modules used ! use ocpcomm4 use swcomm3 use swcomm4 use SwanGriddata use SwanGridobjects ! implicit none ! ! Argument variables ! integer, intent(in) :: ivlow ! lower index in range of vertices in calling thread integer, intent(in) :: ivup ! upper index in range of vertices in calling thread integer, dimension(NPTST), intent(in) :: xytst ! test points for output purposes ! real, intent(out) :: accur ! percentage of active vertices in which required accuracy has been reached real, dimension(MDC,MSC,nverts), intent(in) :: ac2 ! action density at current time level real, dimension(nverts), intent(out) :: delhs ! difference in wave height between last 2 iterations in all vertices real, dimension(nverts), intent(out) :: deltm ! difference in mean period between last 2 iterations in all vertices real, dimension(nverts), intent(inout) :: hscurr ! wave height at current iteration level real, dimension(nverts), intent(inout) :: tmcurr ! mean period at current iteration level real, dimension(MSC), intent(in) :: spcsig ! relative frequency bins ! ! Local variables ! integer :: id ! loop counter over direction bins integer, save :: ient = 0 ! number of entries in this subroutine integer :: is ! loop counter over frequency bins integer :: ivert ! loop counter over vertices integer :: j ! loop counter ! real :: fact ! auxiliary factor real :: hsabs ! absolute difference in wave height between last 2 iterations real :: hsoval ! required accuracy with respect to overall error in wave height real :: hsprev ! wave height at previous iteration level real :: hsrel ! required accuracy with respect to relative error in wave height real :: hsmean ! space-averaged wave height at previous iteration level real :: hsmeant ! hsmean variable for calling thread real :: m0 ! moment of zeroth order real :: m1 ! moment of first order real :: npacc ! number of vertices in which required accuracy has been reached real :: npacct ! npacc counter for calling thread real :: nwetp ! total number of active vertices real :: nwetpt ! nwetp counter for calling thread real :: tmmean ! space-averaged mean period at previous iteration level real :: tmmeant ! tmmean variable for calling thread real :: tmabs ! absolute difference in mean period between last 2 iterations real :: tmoval ! required accuracy with respect to overall error in mean period real :: tmprev ! mean period at previous iteration level real :: tmrel ! required accuracy with respect to relative error in mean period ! logical :: lhead ! logical indicating to write header logical :: tstfl ! indicates whether vertex is a test point ! type(verttype), dimension(:), pointer :: vert ! datastructure for vertices with their attributes ! Common variables ! common/convaccur/npacc,nwetp,hsmean,tmmean ! ! Structure ! ! Description of the pseudo code ! ! Source text ! if (ltrace) call strace (ient,'SwanConvAccur') ! ! point to vertex object ! vert => gridobject%vert_grid ! !$omp single npacc = 0. nwetp = 0. ! hsmean = 0. tmmean = 0. !$omp end single ! npacct = 0. nwetpt = 0. ! deltm = 0. delhs = 0. ! lhead = .true. ! ! calculate space-averaged wave height and mean period ! hsmeant = 0. tmmeant = 0. ! do ivert = ivlow, ivup ! if ( vert(ivert)%active ) then ! nwetpt = nwetpt + 1. ! hsmeant = hsmeant + hscurr(ivert) tmmeant = tmmeant + tmcurr(ivert) ! endif ! enddo ! ! global sum to nwetp, hsmean and tmmean ! !$omp atomic nwetp = nwetp + nwetpt !$omp atomic hsmean = hsmean + hsmeant !$omp atomic tmmean = tmmean + tmmeant ! !PUN ! perform global reductions in parallel run !PUN ! !PUN call SwanSumOverNodes ( nwetp ) !PUN call SwanSumOverNodes ( hsmean ) !PUN call SwanSumOverNodes ( tmmean ) !PUN ! !$omp barrier !$omp single hsmean = hsmean/nwetp tmmean = tmmean/nwetp !$omp end single ! ! calculate a set of accuracy parameters based on relative and overall accuracy measures for Hs and Tm ! do ivert = ivlow, ivup ! if ( vert(ivert)%active ) then ! ! determine whether the present vertex is a test point ! tstfl = .false. if ( NPTST > 0 ) then do j = 1, NPTST if ( ivert /= xytst(j) ) cycle tstfl = .true. enddo endif ! ! store wave height and mean period of previous iteration level ! hsprev = max( 1.e-20, hscurr(ivert) ) tmprev = max( 1.e-20, tmcurr(ivert) ) ! ! compute wave height and mean period for present vertex ! m0 = 0. m1 = 0. do is = 1, MSC do id = 1, MDC fact = spcsig(is)**2 * ac2(id,is,ivert) m0 = m0 + fact m1 = m1 + fact * spcsig(is) enddo enddo m0 = m0 * FRINTF * DDIR m1 = m1 * FRINTF * DDIR ! if ( m0 > 0. ) then hscurr(ivert) = max ( 1.e-20, 4.*sqrt(m0) ) else hscurr(ivert) = 1.e-20 endif if ( m1 > 0. ) then tmcurr(ivert) = max ( 1.e-20, PI2*(m0/m1) ) else tmcurr(ivert) = 1.e-20 endif ! ! compute absolute differences in wave height and mean period between last 2 iterations ! hsabs = abs ( hscurr(ivert) - hsprev ) tmabs = abs ( tmcurr(ivert) - tmprev ) ! delhs(ivert) = hsabs deltm(ivert) = tmabs ! ! compute required accuracies for wave height and mean period ! hsrel = PNUMS( 1) * hsprev hsoval = PNUMS(15) * hsmean ! tmrel = PNUMS( 1) * tmprev tmoval = PNUMS(16) * tmmean ! ! count vertices where wave height and mean period have reached required accuracies ! if ( hsabs <= max(hsrel,hsoval) .and. tmabs <= max(tmrel,tmoval) ) npacct = npacct + 1. ! if (tstfl) then if (lhead) write(PRINTF,11) write (PRINTF,12) ivert, hsabs/hsprev, hsabs/hsmean, tmabs/tmprev, tmabs/tmmean lhead = .false. endif ! else ! hscurr(ivert) = 1.e-20 tmcurr(ivert) = 1.e-20 ! endif ! enddo ! ! global sum to npacc ! !$omp atomic npacc = npacc + npacct ! !PUN ! perform global reduction in parallel run !PUN ! !PUN call SwanSumOverNodes ( npacc ) !PUN ! ! compute percentage of active vertices where required accuracy has been reached ! !$omp barrier !$omp single accur = npacc*100./nwetp !$omp end single ! 11 format(13x,'dHrel ','dHoval ','dTm01rel ','dTm01oval ') 12 format(1x,ss,'k=',i7,' ',1pe13.6e2,' ',1pe13.6e2,' ',1pe13.6e2,' ',1pe13.6e2) ! end subroutine SwanConvAccur