subroutine SwanBndStruc ( xcgrid, ycgrid ) ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! Authors ! ! 41.14: Nico Booij ! ! Updates ! ! 41.14, Aug. 2010: New subroutine ! ! Purpose ! ! Generates output curves 'BOUNDARY' and 'BOUND_01' until 'BOUND_04' ! in the case of a structured grid (both regular and curvilinear). ! ! Method ! ! The procedure starts at the origin of the grid, and then moves ! around the grid in counterclockwise order. ! ! Modules used ! use ocpcomm4 use SWCOMM1 use SWCOMM2 use SWCOMM3 use OUTP_DATA ! implicit none ! ! Argument variables ! real, dimension(MXC,MYC), intent(in) :: xcgrid ! x-coordinate of computational grid real, dimension(MXC,MYC), intent(in) :: ycgrid ! y-coordinate of computational grid ! ! Local variables ! integer :: ix, iy ! point index integer :: ibnd ! number of valid points along boundary integer :: iside ! side counter (1..4) integer :: lside ! number of points on one side integer :: ispt ! number of valid points on one side integer :: mip ! number of output points integer :: xstep, ystep integer :: ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1 integer :: ii, jj ! counters integer, save :: ient = 0 ! number of entries in this subroutine ! logical, save :: done=.false. ! if true procedure has been done logical :: EQREAL ! function ! real :: xp, yp ! one boundary point real, allocatable, dimension (:) :: xbnd, ybnd ! points of whole boundary real, allocatable, dimension (:) :: xsid, ysid ! points of one side ! character(80) :: msgstr ! string to pass message character(len=8) :: psname ! name assigned to output curve ! TYPE(OPSDAT), POINTER :: OPSTMP, ROPS ! ! Structure ! ! Description of the pseudo code ! ! Source text ! if (ltrace) call strace (ient,'SwanBndStruc') ! ! if list of boundary vertices is already filled, return ! if (done) return ! if (.not.allocated(xbnd)) allocate (xbnd(1:2*(mxc+myc-2))) if (.not.allocated(ybnd)) allocate (ybnd(1:2*(mxc+myc-2))) ibnd = 0 do iside = 1, 4 if (iside==1) then ix0 = 1 ix1 = mxc xstep = 1 iy0 = 1 iy1 = 1 ystep = 0 lside = mxc elseif (iside==2) then ix0 = mxc ix1 = mxc xstep = 0 iy0 = 1 iy1 = myc ystep = 1 lside = myc elseif (iside==3) then ix0 = mxc ix1 = 1 xstep = -1 iy0 = myc iy1 = myc ystep = 0 lside = mxc elseif (iside==4) then ix0 = 1 ix1 = 1 xstep = 0 iy0 = myc iy1 = 1 ystep = -1 lside = myc endif ! if (.not.allocated(xsid)) allocate (xsid(1:lside)) if (.not.allocated(ysid)) allocate (ysid(1:lside)) ix = ix0 iy = iy0 ispt = 0 ! do ii = 1, lside ! ! loop over points of one side of the grid ! xp = xcgrid(ix,iy) yp = ycgrid(ix,iy) if (.not.(EQREAL(xp,OVEXCV(1)).or.EQREAL(yp,OVEXCV(2)))) then ! point has valid coordinates ispt = ispt + 1 xsid(ispt) = xp ysid(ispt) = yp if (ii0) then allocate(OPSTMP) OPSTMP%PSNAME = psname OPSTMP%PSTYPE = 'C' OPSTMP%MIP = mip allocate(OPSTMP%XP(mip)) allocate(OPSTMP%YP(mip)) do jj = 1, mip OPSTMP%XP(jj) = xsid(jj) OPSTMP%YP(jj) = ysid(jj) enddo deallocate (xsid, ysid) nullify (OPSTMP%NEXTOPS) if ( .not.LOPS ) then FOPS = OPSTMP COPS => FOPS LOPS = .TRUE. else COPS%NEXTOPS => OPSTMP COPS => OPSTMP endif if (ITEST>=10) write (PRTEST, *) 'Output curve ', psname, & ' with ', mip, ' points is generated' else call MSGERR(1,'No output points found in '//psname) endif enddo ! psname = 'BOUNDARY' mip = ibnd if (mip>0) then allocate(OPSTMP) OPSTMP%PSNAME = psname OPSTMP%PSTYPE = 'C' OPSTMP%MIP = mip allocate(OPSTMP%XP(mip)) allocate(OPSTMP%YP(mip)) do jj = 1, mip OPSTMP%XP(jj) = xbnd(jj) OPSTMP%YP(jj) = ybnd(jj) enddo deallocate(xbnd,ybnd) nullify (OPSTMP%NEXTOPS) if ( .not.LOPS ) then FOPS = OPSTMP COPS => FOPS LOPS = .TRUE. else COPS%NEXTOPS => OPSTMP COPS => OPSTMP endif if (ITEST>=10) write (PRTEST, *) 'Output curve ', psname, & ' with ', mip, ' points is generated' else call MSGERR(1,'No output points found in '//psname) endif ! done = .true. ! prevents second entry into this subroutine ! end subroutine SwanBndStruc