Instructions for fast installation of SWAN ------------------------------------------ Full automatic installation of SWAN can be done by means of the make and perl utilities. Please carry out the following tasks: 1) Ensure that the Perl package is available on your computer. In most cases, it is available for Linux and a Unix operating system. Check it by typing 'perl -v'. Otherwise, you may download a free distribution for Linux, Solaris and Windows called ActivePerl ( The Perl version should be at least 5.0.0 or higher! 2) Type 'make config' or 'nmake config' (in case of MS Windows) to create configuration file. This file ( contains machine-dependent macros to be needed by the Makefile. The following platforms and compilers are supported: platform OS compiler ----------------------------------------------------------- SGI Origin 3000 (Silicon Graphics) IRIX SGI IBM SP AIX IBM Compaq True 64 Alpha (DEC ALFA) OSF1 Compaq Sun SPARC Solaris Sun PA-RISC (HP 9000 series 700/800) HP-UX v11 HP IBM Power6 (pSeries 575) Linux IBM Intel Pentium (32-bit) PC Linux GNU (g95) Intel Pentium (32-bit) PC Linux GNU (gfortran) Intel Pentium (32-bit) PC Linux Intel Intel Pentium (64-bit) PC Linux Intel Intel Itanium (64-bit) PC Linux Intel Intel Pentium (64-bit) PC Linux Portland Group Intel Pentium (32-bit) PC Linux Lahey Intel Pentium (32-bit) PC MS Windows Intel Intel Pentium (64-bit) PC MS Windows Intel Intel Pentium (32-bit) PC MS Windows Compaq Visual Power Mac G4 Mac OS X IBM MacBook macOS gfortran MacBook macOS Intel 3) Compilation of the SWAN source code for sequential runs can be done by typing 'make ser' or 'nmake ser' (in case of MS Windows). For parallel runs, however, the user may choose between linking the MPI libraries for distributed memory machines and using OpenMP directives for shared memory systems for appropriate compilation by typing, respectively, 'make mpi' and 'make omp'. However, for parallel, unstructured mesh simulation on a distributed memory system, type 'make punswan'. NOTE: One of these commands must be preceded once by 'make config'. 4) For more information, please consult the Implementation Manual.