! ! SWAN/COMPU file 5 of 5 ! ! ! PROGRAM SWANCOM5.FOR ! ! This file SWANCOM5 of the main program SWAN ! includes the next subroutines (mainly subroutines for ! the propagation in x,y,s,d space and parameters ) : ! ! SWGEOM ( determines geometric quantities ) ! SWPSEL ( determine spectral counters in presence ! or absence of a current ) ! SPROXY ( compute spatial propagation velocities CAX, CAY ) ! SPROSD ( compute spectral propagation velocities CAS, CAD ) ! DSPHER ( compute Ctheta for propagation over the globe ) 33.09 ! STRSXY ( compute derivative in space and time ) ! SORDUP ( compute spatial derivatives with SORDUP scheme ) 33.10 ! SANDL ( compute spatial derivatives with S&L scheme ) 33.08 ! STRSSI ( compute derivative in s-space implicit scheme ) ! STRSSB ( compute derivative in s-space explicit scheme and ! remove (or dissipate bin's that are blocked) ) ! STRSD ( compute derivative in d-space implicit ) ! SPREDT ( calculate action density in central point: first guess ) ! SWAPAR ( compute wave parameters k, cgo and cg ) ! ADDDIS ( adds leak and dissipation to arrays in COMPDA, after ! action densities have been computed ) ! SWFLXD ( compute derivative in theta-space by means of 40.23 ! flux-limiting ) ! DIFPAR ( compute diffraction parameter and its derivatives ) 40.21 ! !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE SWGEOM ( RDX, RDY, XCGRID, YCGRID, SWPDIR ) ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM2 40.41 USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 USE M_PARALL ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.98: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 40.41, Sep. 04: New subroutine (taken from routine SWPSEL) ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! 40.98, Feb. 09: SORDUP scheme is made consistent ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! Determine geometric quantities due to curvilinear grid ! ! 3. Method ! ! Trivial ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! RDX contains derivatives of (ksi,eta) to x-direction ! (i.e. first component of contravariant base ! vector RDX(b) = a^(b)_1) ! RDY contains derivatives of (ksi,eta) to y-direction ! (i.e. second component of contravariant base ! vector RDY(b) = a^(b)_2) ! SWPDIR sweep direction ! XCGRID coordinates of computational grid in x-direction ! YCGRID coordinates of computational grid in y-direction ! INTEGER SWPDIR REAL XCGRID(MXC,MYC), YCGRID(MXC,MYC), & RDX(MICMAX) , RDY(MICMAX) ! ! 6. Local variables ! ! DET : determinant or volume of cell ! DX1 : first component of covariant base vector a_(1) ! DX2 : second component of covariant base vector a_(1) ! DY1 : first component of covariant base vector a_(2) ! DY2 : second component of covariant base vector a_(2) ! IC : counter ! IENT : number of entries ! IXY : counter ! VIRT : indicates virtual point for 1D mode ! INTEGER IC, IENT, IXY REAL VIRT, DET, DX1, DX2, DY1, DY2 ! ! 7. Common blocks used ! ! ! 8. Subroutines used ! ! STRACE Tracing routine for debugging ! ! 9. Subroutines calling ! ! SWOMPU ! ! 13. Source text ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'SWGEOM') ! IF (KREPTX.GT.0) THEN 33.09 ! repeating x-axis (only regular grids) IF (SWPDIR.EQ.1 .OR. SWPDIR.EQ.4) THEN DX1 = DX * COSPC 33.09 DY1 = DX * SINPC 33.09 ELSE DX1 = -DX * COSPC 33.09 DY1 = -DX * SINPC 33.09 ENDIF IF ( ONED ) THEN 33.09 ! *** Inclusion of virtual point *** 33.09 VIRT = 1.E6 33.09 IF ( SWPDIR .EQ. 1 .OR. SWPDIR .EQ. 3 ) THEN 33.09 DX2 = -VIRT * DY1 33.09 DY2 = VIRT * DX1 33.09 ELSE 33.09 DX2 = VIRT * DY1 33.09 DY2 = -VIRT * DX1 33.09 ENDIF 33.09 ELSE 33.09 IF (SWPDIR.LE.2) THEN 40.13 DX2 = - DY * SINPC 40.13 DY2 = DY * COSPC 40.13 ELSE 40.13 DX2 = DY * SINPC 40.13 DY2 = - DY * COSPC 40.13 ENDIF 40.13 ENDIF 33.09 ELSE 33.09 DX1 = XCGRID(IXCGRD(1),IYCGRD(1)) - XCGRID(IXCGRD(2),IYCGRD(2)) DY1 = YCGRID(IXCGRD(1),IYCGRD(1)) - YCGRID(IXCGRD(2),IYCGRD(2)) IF ( ONED ) THEN 32.02 ! *** Inclusion of virtual point *** 32.02 VIRT = 1.E6 32.02 IF ( SWPDIR .EQ. 1 .OR. SWPDIR .EQ. 3 ) THEN 32.02 DX2 = -VIRT * DY1 32.02 DY2 = VIRT * DX1 32.02 ELSE IF ( SWPDIR .EQ. 2 .OR. SWPDIR .EQ. 4 ) THEN 32.02 DX2 = VIRT * DY1 32.02 DY2 = -VIRT * DX1 32.02 ENDIF 32.02 ELSE 32.02 DX2 = XCGRID(IXCGRD(1),IYCGRD(1))-XCGRID(IXCGRD(3),IYCGRD(3)) DY2 = YCGRID(IXCGRD(1),IYCGRD(1))-YCGRID(IXCGRD(3),IYCGRD(3)) ENDIF 32.02 ENDIF 33.09 ! DET = DY2*DX1 - DY1*DX2 RDX(1) = DY2/DET RDY(1) = -DX2/DET RDX(2) = -DY1/DET RDY(2) = DX1/DET ! ! in case of spherical coordinates determine cos of latitude ! note: latitude is in degrees ! IF (KSPHER.GT.0) THEN DO IC = 1, ICMAX IF ( KCGRD(IC).EQ.1 ) CYCLE ! if point is not valid, then cycle COSLAT(IC) = & COS(DEGRAD*(YCGRID(IXCGRD(IC),IYCGRD(IC))+YOFFS)) 33.09 ENDDO DO IXY = 1, 2 40.08 RDY(IXY) = RDY(IXY) / LENDEG 33.09 RDX(IXY) = RDX(IXY) / (COSLAT(1) * LENDEG) 33.09 ENDDO ENDIF ! IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 30) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,186) 186 FORMAT(' ...POINTS IN STENCIL IN SUBROUTINE SWGEOM...', & /,'Point: IC, Ix, Iy, INDEX, Xc, Yc') DO IC = 1, 3 WRITE(PRINTF,187) IC, IXCGRD(IC)+MXF-1, IYCGRD(IC)+MYF-1, 40.30 & KCGRD(IC), 40.30 & XCGRID(IXCGRD(IC),IYCGRD(IC)),YCGRID(IXCGRD(IC),IYCGRD(IC)) 187 FORMAT(3(1X,I4),3X,I5,5X,F10.2,4X,F10.2) ENDDO WRITE(PRINTF,188) DET,RDX(1),RDX(2),RDY(1),RDY(2) 188 FORMAT(' DET, RDX1, RDX2, RDY1, RDY2',/, & 5(E10.4,1X)) ENDIF RETURN END ! !****************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE SWPSEL(SWPDIR , IDCMIN , 40.00 & IDCMAX ,CAX , & CAY ,ANYBIN , & ISCMIN , & ISCMAX ,IDTOT ,ISTOT , & IDDLOW ,IDDTOP ,ISSTOP , & DEP2 ,UX2 ,UY2 , & SPCDIR ,RDX ,RDY , 40.41 & KGRPNT 40.41 40.13 30.21 & ) ! !****************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM1 40.41 USE SWCOMM2 40.41 USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 USE M_PARALL 40.31 IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 32.02: Roeland Ris & Cor van der Schelde (1D-version) ! 30.82: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 33.09, 40.00, 40.13: Nico Booij ! 40.30: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 20.44, Sep. 96: Subroutine completely reorganised subroutine has new name ! instead of COUNT ! 32.02, Feb. 98: Introduced 1D-version ! 40.00, July 98: common swcomm3 introduced, argument list changed ! 30.82, Oct. 98: Updated description of several variables ! 33.09 : spherical ccordinates introduced ! repeating x-axis introduced ! 40.03, Nov. 99: error messages (see formats 555 and 556) corrected ! 40.13, Mar. 01: argument KGRPNT added in view of debug output ! error severity changed for "blocked" points ! "blocked" points written to error points file ! comments added ! minimal value of ISSTOP is 4 (in view of CGSTAB solver) ! 40.13, July 01: values of DX2 and DY2 corrected in repeating coordinates ! 40.30, Mar. 03: introduction distributed-memory approach using MPI ! 40.41, Sep. 04: part concerning computation of geometric quantities ! moved to new routine SWGEOM ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! compute the frequency dependent counters in directional space ! in a situation with a current and without a current. ! The counters are only computed for the gridpoint ! considered. This means IC = 1 (see loop with CALL for ICCODE ! function) ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! In absence of a current the fully 360 degrees sector is ! subdivided in 4 sectors of 90 degrees each. ! ! In presence of a current this is not the case anymore. The ! counters of the directional space are frequency dependent. ! It is first determined which bins have to taken into account ! for a particular sweep (unconditionally stable for a specific ! sector). To which sector a bin belongs is determined by its ! propagation velocity Cx and Cy. ! ! For the first sweep, all the bins with a positive propagation ! velocity Cx and Cy have to taken into account. ! For one particular frequency IS: ! ! ! # ! - # + + ! - # + CAX, CAY > 0 ! - # | ! IDCMAX # ..*..*..* + ! - #\.....|.....* ! *# \...|.......* + ! - # \.|........ ! --*-#------O--------*-- + ! # | \...... ! - *# | \...* + ! # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #\# # # # # # # # # ! # * * * IDCMIN ! - # | - ! # ! # - ! - # ! - ! - - ! - - - ! ! ! As can be seen from the figure, the minimum and maximum ! counter of the directional space are determined by the ! vectorial sum of its groupvelocity and its current ! velocity, c_g + U. Especially the higher frequencies are ! modified by the current. The lower frequencies (due to ! the larger propagation velocity) are less modified by a ! current. ! ! In general, we can distinguish 4 cases: ! ! SWEEP 1: ! ..*.. ! *.........* ! |. ............ | *..* ! | | *| ..o.......* | *......* ! | *|* |...... ....... | *......* ! | * |..* |*... ....* | *..* ! -----|----- -*---|---*- -----|--*-------*-- ---|------------- ! | * | * | * | ! * * | *|* | | ! * *| | | | ! * * ! ! SECTOR = 0 SECTOR = 2 SECTOR = 4 SECTOR = 1 ! ! ! The integer array SECTOR denotes which case is present for ! a certain frequency: ! ! 0 : no bins belongs to first sweep, no sector lies within the ! first sweep ! 2 : circle has 2 intersections with sector boundary ! 4 : circle has 4 intersections with sector boundary ! 1 : full circle lies within the first quadrant, all directions ! have to taken into account ! ! Furthermore it is detemined whether a certain BIN lies within ! a specific quadrant. This is denoted by a logical array ANYBIN ! In case of SECTOR = 4, this array is used to clear the rows ! in the matrix IMATDA, IMATRA, IMATLA, IMATUA, which do not ! belong to the first (or other) sweep (see subroutine SOLPRE). ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! i SPCDIR: (*,1); spectral directions (radians) 30.82 ! (*,2); cosine of spectral directions 30.82 ! (*,3); sine of spectral directions 30.82 ! (*,4); cosine^2 of spectral directions 30.82 ! (*,5); cosine*sine of spectral directions 30.82 ! (*,6); sine^2 of spectral directions 30.82 ! REAL SPCDIR(MDC,6) 30.82 ! ! INTEGERS: ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! IS Counter of relative frequency band ! ID Counter of directional distribution ! ICUR Indicator for current ! ICMAX Indicator for nearby nodes ! MSC Maximum counter of relative frequency in ! computational model ! MDC Maximum counter of directional distribution in ! computational model ! IDTOT Maximum value between the lowest and highest ! counter in directional space ! ISTOT Maximum value between the lowest and highest ! counter in frequency space ! FULCIR logical: if true, computation on a full circle ! ! REALS: ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! DD input Width of directional band ! ! array's ! ------- ! ! CAX 3D propagation velocity ! CAY 3D propagation velocity ! IDCMIN 1D minimum frequency dependent counter (INTEGER) ! IDCMAX 1D maximum frequency dependent counter (INTEGER) ! ISCMIN 1D minimum counter in frequency space ! ISCMAX 1D maximum counter in frequency space ! SECTOR 1D Counter for number enclosed sectors (INTEGER) ! ANYBIN 2D Is a certain bin enclosed in a sweep (LOGICAL) ! SPCDIR 1D spectral directions 20.44 ! RDX,RDY 1D array containing spatial derivative coeff ! (determined in routine SWGEOM) 40.41 ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KGRPNT(1:MXC,1:MYC) ! grid addresses 40.13 ! ! 6. Local variables ! ! 7. Common blocks used ! ! ! 8. Subroutines used ! ! --- ! ! 9. Subroutines calling ! ! SWOMPU ! ! 10. Error messages ! ! --- ! ! 11. Remarks ! ! --- ! ! 12. Structure ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! If current is on AND the current velocity is not equal zero then ! compute for every frequency for every sweep the minimum ! and maximum counters. ! The minimum counter denotes the conversion from -- to ++ ! The maximum counter denotes the conversion from ++ to -- ! ! ++++++++++ ---------- +++++++++ ! IDCMAX IDCMIN ! ! --------- ++++++++++ ---------- ! IDCMIN IDCMAX ! ! else if current is off or Ux=0 m/s and Uy = 0 m/s. ! Without currents, the directional space counters ! are constant during the computation, i.e. 4 sectors ! of 90 degrees each ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! End of SWPSEL ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 13. Source text ! INTEGER IS ,ID , SWPDIR, 40.00 & IDSUM ,IDCLOW,IDCHGH, & IDTOT ,ISTOT , & IDDLOW,IDDTOP,ISSLOW,ISSTOP, & IENT, IDDUM, ISCLOW, ISCHGH, IX, IY ,IC 40.41 ! REAL CAXMID,CAYMID, 40.00 & GROUP, UABS, THDIR 40.41 ! INTEGER IDCMIN(MSC) , & IDCMAX(MSC) , & ISCMIN(MDC) , & ISCMAX(MDC) , & SECTOR(MSC) ! ! Changed ICMAX to MICMAX, since MICMAX doesn't vary over gridpoint 40.22 REAL :: CAX(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 40.22 REAL :: CAY(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 40.22 REAL :: DEP2(MCGRD) , & UX2(MCGRD) , & UY2(MCGRD) , & RDX(MICMAX), RDY(MICMAX) 40.08 ! LOGICAL ANYBIN(MDC,MSC) , & LOWEST, LOWBIN, HGHBIN ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ CALL STRACE (IENT,'SWPSEL') ! ! *** initialize array's in theta direction *** ! DO 50 IS = 1, MSC IDCMIN(IS) = 0 IDCMAX(IS) = 0 SECTOR(IS) = 0 DO 49 ID = 1, MDC ANYBIN(ID,IS) = .FALSE. 49 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE ! ! *** initialize arrays in frequency direction *** ! DO 48 ID = 1, MDC ISCMIN(ID) = 1 ISCMAX(ID) = 1 48 CONTINUE ! ! *** set variables *** ! IDTOT = 1 ISTOT = 1 ISSLOW = 9999 40.13 ISSTOP = -9999 40.13 ! ! --- part of computation of RDXs and RDYs moved to routine SWGEOM 40.41 ! ! *** For curvilinear version we do not distinguish if *** ! *** there is current or not, to know if certain bin *** ! *** belongs to certain sweep VER. 30.21 *** ! ! *** calculate minimum and maximum counters in theta space *** ! *** if a current is present: IDCMIN and IDCMAX *** ! ! *** DO LOOP totally organized for curvilinear 30.21 *** DO 500 IS = 1, MSC IDCLOW = 0 IDCHGH = 0 IDSUM = 0 DO ID = 1, MDC IF (IS .EQ. 1 .OR. ICUR .GT. 0) THEN CAXMID = CAX(ID,IS,1)*RDX(1) + CAY(ID,IS,1)*RDY(1) CAYMID = CAX(ID,IS,1)*RDX(2) + CAY(ID,IS,1)*RDY(2) IF (CAXMID .GE. 0. .AND. CAYMID .GE. 0.) THEN ANYBIN(ID,IS) = .TRUE. IDSUM = IDSUM + 1 ISSLOW = MIN(IS,ISSLOW) 40.13 ISSTOP = MAX(IS,ISSTOP) 40.13 ENDIF IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 190) 40.00 & WRITE(PRINTF,333) IS,ID,CAXMID,CAYMID,ANYBIN(ID,IS) 333 FORMAT( ' IS ID CXM CYM ANYBIN :',2(1X,I4),2(1X,E11.4),L2) ELSE ! no current: if bin IS=1 is in sweep, all with same ID are 40.13 ANYBIN(ID,IS) = ANYBIN(ID,1) IF (ANYBIN(ID,1)) THEN IDSUM = IDSUM + 1 ISSTOP = MAX(IS,ISSTOP) 40.13 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! ! determine boundaries of sector and array SECTOR ! DO 400 ID = 1, MDC LOWBIN = .FALSE. HGHBIN = .FALSE. IF (ANYBIN(ID,IS)) THEN ! check if this active bin is a lower Theta-boundary 40.13 IF ( ID .EQ. 1 ) THEN IF (FULCIR) THEN IF (.NOT.ANYBIN(MDC,IS)) LOWBIN = .TRUE. 40.00 ELSE LOWBIN = .TRUE. 40.00 ENDIF ELSE IF (.NOT.ANYBIN(ID-1,IS)) LOWBIN = .TRUE. ENDIF ! check if this active bin is a higher Theta-boundary 40.13 IF ( ID .EQ. MDC ) THEN IF (FULCIR) THEN IF (.NOT.ANYBIN(1,IS)) HGHBIN = .TRUE. 40.00 ELSE HGHBIN = .TRUE. 40.00 ENDIF ELSE IF (.NOT.ANYBIN(ID+1,IS)) HGHBIN = .TRUE. ENDIF END IF IF (LOWBIN) THEN SECTOR(IS) = SECTOR(IS) + 1 IDCLOW = ID ENDIF IF (HGHBIN) THEN SECTOR(IS) = SECTOR(IS) + 1 IDCHGH = ID ENDIF 400 CONTINUE ! check value of SECTOR IF (SECTOR(IS).EQ.1 .OR. SECTOR(IS).EQ.3) WRITE (PRTEST, 410) & SWPDIR, IS, SECTOR(IS), IDSUM, IDCLOW, IDCHGH 410 FORMAT (' error SWPSEL directions ', 6I6) ! *** set the minimum and maximum counters for a sweep *** ! IF ( IDSUM .EQ. MDC ) THEN IF (FULCIR .AND. SECTOR(IS).NE.0) WRITE (PRTEST, 410) & SWPDIR, IS, SECTOR(IS), IDSUM, IDCLOW, IDCHGH IDCMIN(IS) = 1 IDCMAX(IS) = MDC SECTOR(IS) = 1 ELSE IF ( IDSUM .EQ. 0 ) THEN ! for this IS there are no active bins IF (SECTOR(IS).NE.0) WRITE (PRTEST, 410) SWPDIR, IS, & SECTOR(IS), IDSUM, IDCLOW, IDCHGH ! new values assigned because old ones cause problems in SWSNL2 40.13 IDCMIN(IS) = 9 40.13 IDCMAX(IS) = -9 40.13 SECTOR(IS) = 0 ELSE IF ( IDCLOW .GT. IDCHGH ) IDCLOW = IDCLOW - MDC IDCMIN(IS) = IDCLOW IDCMAX(IS) = IDCHGH END IF ! ! *** if 4 sectors are present then set counters *** ! IF ( SECTOR(IS) .GT. 2 ) THEN 10/MAR IDCMIN(IS) = 1 IDCMAX(IS) = MDC END IF ! 500 CONTINUE ! ! *** calculate minimum and maximum counters in frequency *** ! *** space if a current is present: ISCMIN and ISCMAX *** ! IDDLOW = 9999 IDDTOP = -9999 DO IS = 1 , MSC IF ( SECTOR(IS) .GT. 0 ) THEN IDDLOW = MIN ( IDDLOW , IDCMIN(IS) ) IDDTOP = MAX ( IDDTOP , IDCMAX(IS) ) END IF ENDDO ! ! *** Determine counters for a certain sweep *** ! DO 530 IDDUM = IDDLOW, IDDTOP ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 LOWEST = .TRUE. DO 430 IS = 1, MSC IF (ANYBIN(ID,IS)) THEN IF ( LOWEST ) THEN ISCLOW = IS LOWEST = .FALSE. ENDIF ISCHGH = IS END IF 430 CONTINUE ! ! *** set the minimum and maximum counters in arrays *** ! IF (.NOT.LOWEST) THEN ISCMIN(ID) = ISCLOW ISCMAX(ID) = ISCHGH IF (ISCMIN(ID).LT.ISSLOW) WRITE (PRINTF,*) & ' error SWPSEL, ISSLOW=', ISSLOW, 'ISCMIN=', ISCMIN(ID), & ' for ID=', ID IF (ISCMAX(ID).GT.ISSTOP) WRITE (PRINTF,*) & ' error SWPSEL, ISSTOP=', ISSTOP, 'ISCMAX=', ISCMAX(ID), & ' for ID=', ID ELSE ! *** no frequencies fall within the sweep *** ISCMIN(ID) = 0 ISCMAX(ID) = 0 ENDIF ! 530 CONTINUE ! ! *** calculate the maximum number of counters in both *** ! *** directional space and frequency space *** ! IF (IDDLOW.NE.9999) THEN IF (IDDTOP.EQ.-9999) WRITE (PRTEST, 545) IDDLOW, IDDTOP 545 FORMAT (' error SWPSEL min & max dir ', 5I7) IDTOT = ( IDDTOP - IDDLOW ) + 1 IF (ICUR .EQ. 1) THEN IF (IDTOT.LT.3) THEN IDDTOP = IDDTOP + 1 IF (IDTOT.EQ.1) IDDLOW = IDDLOW - 1 IDTOT = 3 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF (IDDTOP.NE.-9999) WRITE (PRTEST, 545) IDDLOW, IDDTOP IDTOT = 0 ENDIF ! IF (ISSLOW.NE.9999) THEN IF (ITEST.GE.20) THEN 40.13 IF (ISSLOW.NE.1 .OR. ISSTOP.EQ.-9999) & WRITE (PRTEST, 555) IXCGRD(1)-1, IYCGRD(1)-1, ISSLOW, ISSTOP 40.13 555 FORMAT (' error SWPSEL in:', 2I5,', min & max freq ', 5I7) 40.13 ENDIF 40.13 ISSLOW = 1 ! minimal value of ISSTOP is 4 (or MSC if MSC<4) 40.13 IF (ICUR.GT.0) ISSTOP = MAX(MIN(4,MSC),ISSTOP) 40.13 ISTOT = ( ISSTOP - ISSLOW ) + 1 ELSE IF (ISSTOP.NE.-9999) WRITE (PRTEST, 555) IXCGRD(1)-1, & IYCGRD(1)-1, ISSLOW, ISSTOP ISTOT = 0 IF (IDTOT.NE.0) WRITE (PRTEST, 556) IXCGRD(1)-1, & IYCGRD(1)-1, ISSLOW, ISSTOP, IDDLOW, IDDTOP 40.03 556 FORMAT (' error SWPSEL in:', 2I5,' min&max freq&dir ', 5I7) 40.03 ENDIF ! ! *** check if IDTOT is less then MDC *** ! IF ( IDTOT .GT. MDC ) THEN IDDLOW = 1 IDDTOP = MDC IDTOT = MDC END IF ! ! *** check if the lowest frequency is not blocked ! *** ! *** this can occur in real cases if the depth is very *** ! *** small and the current velocity is large *** ! *** the propagation velocity Cg = sqrt (gd) < U *** ! IF (ICUR .EQ. 1 .AND. FULCIR .AND. & ISSLOW.NE.1 .AND. ISSLOW.NE.9999) THEN 40.13 CALL MSGERR (2,'The lowest freqency is blocked') 40.13 WRITE (PRINTF, 612) ' at point:', IXCGRD(1)+MXF-2, 40.41 & IYCGRD(1)+MYF-2, 40.41 40.13 & ' dep=', DEP2(KCGRD(1)), & ' U=', UX2(KCGRD(1)), UY2(KCGRD(1)) 612 FORMAT (A, 2I4, A, F6.2, A, 2F6.2) 40.13 IF (ITEST.GE.10) THEN WRITE (PRINTF, 614) ' spectral limits:', ISTOT, ISSLOW, & ISSTOP, IDTOT, IDDLOW, IDDTOP, ' sweep=',SWPDIR 614 FORMAT (A, 6I8,A,I1) IF (ITEST.GE.60) THEN IF (IXCGRD(1).GT.1 .AND. IXCGRD(1).LT.MXC .AND. & IYCGRD(1).GT.1 .AND. IYCGRD(1).LT.MYC) THEN WRITE (PRINTF, *) ' surrounding points' DO IY=-1,1 WRITE (PRINTF, 621) & (KGRPNT(IXCGRD(1)+IX,IYCGRD(1)+IY), IX=-1,1), & (DEP2(KGRPNT(IXCGRD(1)+IX,IYCGRD(1)+IY)), IX=-1,1), & (UX2(KGRPNT(IXCGRD(1)+IX,IYCGRD(1)+IY)), IX=-1,1), & (UY2(KGRPNT(IXCGRD(1)+IX,IYCGRD(1)+IY)), IX=-1,1) 40.13 621 FORMAT (1X, 3I6, 3(' | ', 3F9.2)) ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! write this point to ERRPTS file (BLOCKed option) 40.13 IF (ERRPTS.GT.0.AND.IAMMASTER) THEN 40.95 40.30 WRITE(ERRPTS,7002) IXCGRD(1)+MXF-1, IYCGRD(1)+MYF-1, 3 40.30 END IF 40.13 7002 FORMAT (I4, 1X, I4, 1X, I2) 40.13 IC = 1 GROUP = SQRT ( GRAV * DEP2(KCGRD(IC)) ) UABS = SQRT ( UX2(KCGRD(IC))**2 + UY2(KCGRD(IC))**2 ) IF ( UABS .GT. GROUP ) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,1002) IXCGRD(IC)-1, IYCGRD(1)-1, UABS, GROUP 40.13 1002 FORMAT(' warning, at point:',2I4,' |U|=',F8.2,' > Cg=',F8.2) 40.13 ENDIF ENDIF ! ! *** test output *** ! IF ( TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 30 ) THEN IC = 1 40.00 WRITE (PRTEST,6020) KCGRD(IC),SWPDIR,ICUR 6020 FORMAT (' subr SWPSEL: Point SWPDIR ICUR :',3I5 ) 40.00 WRITE (PRTEST,6220) IDDLOW, IDDTOP ,ISSLOW, ISSTOP 6220 FORMAT (' IDDLOW IDDTOP ISSLOW ISSTOP:',4I4 ) WRITE (PRTEST,6320) IDTOT , ISTOT 6320 FORMAT (' IDTOT ISTOT :',4I4 ) IF (ITEST.GE.120) THEN 40.00 WRITE(PRTEST,*) ' Counters in directional space ' WRITE(PRTEST,*) ' IS IDCMIN IDCMAX SECTOR' 40.00 DO IS = ISSLOW, ISSTOP WRITE(PRTEST,509) IS, IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) , SECTOR(IS) 509 FORMAT(2X,I5,3X,3I8) ENDDO WRITE(PRTEST,*) ' Counters in frequency space ' WRITE(PRTEST,*) ' ID ISCMIN ISCMAX THETA' DO IDDUM = IDDTOP, IDDLOW, -1 ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC, MDC) + 1 THDIR = SPCDIR(ID,1) * 180. / PI WRITE(PRTEST,519) ID, ISCMIN(ID), ISCMAX(ID), THDIR 519 FORMAT(2X,I5,3X,2I8,3X,F8.2) ENDDO WRITE(PRTEST,*) ENDIF 40.00 IF (IDTOT.GT.0) THEN IF (ITEST.GE.90) THEN 40.00 WRITE(PRTEST,122) IDDLOW, IDDTOP 122 FORMAT (' Active bins in spectral space -> ID: ', & I3,' to ',I3) DO IDDUM = IDDTOP+1, IDDLOW-1, -1 ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC, MDC) + 1 WRITE(PRTEST,124) & ID, (ANYBIN(ID,IS),IS=ISSLOW, MIN(ISSTOP,25)) 40.00 124 FORMAT(I4,25L3) ENDDO WRITE(PRTEST,125)(IS, IS=ISSLOW+4, MIN(ISSTOP,25), 5 ) 125 FORMAT(6X,'1',9X,5(I3,12X)) WRITE(PRTEST,*) ENDIF 40.00 ELSE WRITE(PRTEST,123) SWPDIR 123 FORMAT (' No active bins in sweep', I2) ENDIF IF ( ICUR .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE (PRTEST,615) IDDLOW, IDDTOP 615 FORMAT (' SWPSEL: IDDLOW IDDTOP :',5(1X,I3)) END IF END IF ! ! End of the subroutine SWPSEL ! RETURN END ! !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE SPROXY (CAX , & CAY ,CGO ,ECOS , & ESIN ,UX2 ,UY2 , & SWPDIR & ) ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 USE M_DIFFR 40.21 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 1. UPDATE ! ! 40.13, Oct. 01: loop over IC now inside this subroutine ! 40.21, Aug. 01: adaption of velocities in case of diffraction ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! computes the propagation velocities of energy in X-, Y- ! -space, i.e., CAX, CAY, in the presence or absence of ! currents, for the action balance equation. ! ! The propagation velocities are computed for the fully 360 ! degrees sector. ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! The next equation are calculated: ! ! @X _ ! CAX = -- = n C cos (id) + Ux = CGO cos(id) + Ux ! @T ! ! @Y _ ! CAY = -- = n C sin(id) + Uy = CGO sin(id) + Uy ! @T ! _ ! 4. PARAMETERLIST ! ! IC Dummy variable: ICode gridpoint: ! IC = 1 Top or Bottom gridpoint ! IC = 2 Left or Right gridpoint ! IC = 3 Central gridpoint ! Whether which value IC has, depends of the sweep ! If necessary ic can be enlarged by increasing ! the array size of ICMAX ! IX Counter of gridpoints in x-direction ! IY Counter of gridpoints in y-direction ! IS Counter of relative frequency band ! ID Counter of directional distribution ! ICUR Indicator for current ! ICMAX Maximum array size for the points of the molecule ! MXC Maximum counter of gridppoints in x-direction ! MYC Maximum counter of gridppoints in y-direction ! MSC Maximum counter of relative frequency ! MDC Maximum counter of spectral directions ! ! REAL: ! ---- ! COEF auxiliary coefficient ! VLSINH value of the SINH for a certain value of 2KD ! ! ! one and more dimensional arrays: ! --------------------------------- ! ! CAX 3D Wave transport velocity in x-dirction, function of ! (ID,IS,IC) ! CAY 3D Wave transport velocity in y-dirction, function of ! (ID,IS,IC) ! CGO 2D group velocity ! DEP2 2D (Nonstationary case) depth as function of X and Y ! at time T+DIT ! ECOS 1D Represent the values of cos(d) of each spectral ! direction ! ESIN 1D Represent the values of sin(d) of each spectral ! direction ! KWAVE 2D wavenumber as function of the relative frequency S ! UX2 2D X-component of current velocity of X and Y at ! time T+1 ! UY2 2D Y-component of current velocity of X and Y at ! time T+1 ! ! 5. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! --- ! ! 6. SUBROUTINES USED ! ! --- ! ! 7. Common blocks used ! ! ! 8. REMARKS ! ! 9. STRUCTURE ! ! ****************************************************************** ! * attention! in the action balance equation the term * ! * dx * ! * -- = CGO + U = CX with x, CGO, U and CX vectors * ! * dt * ! * is in the literature the term dx/dt often indicated * ! * with CX and CY in the action balance equation. * ! * In this program we use: CAX = CGO + U * ! ****************************************************************** ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! If depth is negative ( DEP(IX,IY) <= 0), then, ! For every point in S and D-direction do, ! Give propagation velocities default values : ! CAX(ID,IS,IC) = 0. {propagation velocity of energy in X-dir.} ! CAY(ID,IS,IC) = 0. {propagation velocity of energy in Y-dir.} ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! Else if current is on (ICUR > 0) then, ! For every point in S and D-direction do, {using the output of SWAPAR} ! S = logaritmic distributed via LOGSIG ! Compute propagation velocity in X-direction: ! ! 1 K(IS,IC)DEP2(IX,IY) S cos(D) ! CAX = ( - + ------------------------) --------- + UX2(IX,IY) ! 2 sinh 2K(IS,IC)DEP2(IX,IY) |K(IS,IC)| ! ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! Compute propagation velocity in Y-direction: ! ! 1 K(IS,IC)DEP2(IX,IY) S sin(D) ! CAY = ( - + ------------------------) -------- + UY2(IX,IY) ! 2 sinh 2K(IS,IC)DEP2(IX,IY) |K(IS,IC)| ! ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! Else if current is not on (ICUR = 0) ! For every point in S and D-direction do ! S = logarithmic distributed via LOGSIG ! Compute propagation velocity in X-direction: ! ! 1 K(IS,IC)DEP2(IX,IY) S cos(D) ! CAX = ( - + ------------------------) ---------- ! 2 sinh 2K(IS,IC)DEP2(IX,IY) |K(IS,IC)| ! ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! Compute propagation velocity in Y-direction: ! ! 1 K(IS,IC)DEP2(IX,IY) S sin(D) ! CAY = ( - + ------------------------) ---------- ! 2 sinh 2K(IS,IC)DEP2(IX,IY) |K(IS,IC)| ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! End IF ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! End of SPROXY ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! 10. SOURCE ! !************************************************************************ ! INTEGER IENT, IP, IC ,IS ,ID ,SWPDIR ! REAL CAX(MDC,MSC,ICMAX) , & CAY(MDC,MSC,ICMAX) , & CGO(MSC,ICMAX) , & ECOS(MDC) , & ESIN(MDC) , & UX2(MCGRD) , & UY2(MCGRD) ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'SPROXY') ! IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 5 ) WRITE (PRTEST,2)SWPDIR,KCGRD(1) 2 FORMAT (' Start SPROXY ', 4I5) ! DO IC = 1, ICMAX 40.13 IF ( KCGRD(IC) .LE. 1 ) THEN 30.21 DO 50 IS = 1, MSC DO 40 ID = 1 , MDC CAX(ID,IS,IC) = 0. CAY(ID,IS,IC) = 0. 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE ELSE ! DO 70 IS = 1, MSC DO 60 ID = 1, MDC CAX(ID,IS,IC) = CGO(IS,IC) * ECOS(ID) CAY(ID,IS,IC) = CGO(IS,IC) * ESIN(ID) 60 CONTINUE 70 CONTINUE ! ! --- adapt the velocities in case of diffraction ! IF (IDIFFR.EQ.1 .AND. PDIFFR(3).NE.0.) THEN 40.21 DO 90 IS = 1, MSC DO 80 ID = 1 ,MDC CAX(ID,IS,IC) = CAX(ID,IS,IC)*DIFPARAM(KCGRD(IC)) 40.21 CAY(ID,IS,IC) = CAY(ID,IS,IC)*DIFPARAM(KCGRD(IC)) 40.21 80 CONTINUE 90 CONTINUE END IF ! ! --- ambient currents added ! IF (ICUR.EQ.1) THEN 40.13 DO 110 IS = 1, MSC DO 100 ID = 1, MDC CAX(ID,IS,IC) = CAX(ID,IS,IC) + UX2(KCGRD(IC)) CAY(ID,IS,IC) = CAY(ID,IS,IC) + UY2(KCGRD(IC)) 100 CONTINUE 110 CONTINUE END IF ! ENDIF ! ! *** test output *** ! IF ( IC .EQ. 1 .AND. TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 120 ) THEN DO IP = 1, ICMAX WRITE(PRINTF,6018) IP,KCGRD(IP), & UX2(KCGRD(IP)),UY2(KCGRD(IP)) ENDDO 6018 FORMAT(' SPROXY: IC INDEX UX2 UY2 :', 2I5, & ' UX,UY:', 2(1X,E12.4)) IF (ITEST.GE.220) THEN 40.00 DO 6002 IS = 1, MSC DO 6001 ID = 1, MDC WRITE(PRINTF,6020) IS, ID, & (CAX(ID,IS,IP), CAY(ID,IS,IP), IP=1,ICMAX) 40.00 6020 FORMAT(' IS ID :',2I4,10(1X,2E11.4)) 6001 CONTINUE 6002 CONTINUE ENDIF 40.00 ENDIF ENDDO ! end loop over IC ! RETURN END subroutine SPROXY ! !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE SPROSD (SPCSIG ,KWAVE ,CAS , 40.03 & CAD ,CGO , 30.80 & DEP2 ,DEP1 ,ECOS , & ESIN ,UX2 ,UY2 , & COSCOS ,SINSIN ,SINCOS , 30.80 & RDX ,RDY , 30.80 & CAX ,CAY , 30.80 & XCGRID ,YCGRID , 30.80 & IDDLOW ,IDDTOP 40.61 & ) ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM2 40.41 USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE TIMECOMM 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 USE M_PARALL 40.31 USE M_DIFFR 40.21 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! 30.72: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 30.80: Nico Booij ! 40.03: Nico Booij ! 40.02: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 40.14: Annette Kieftenburg ! 40.21: Agnieszka Herman ! 40.30: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.59: Erick Rogers ! 40.61: John Warner ! 41.06: Gerbrant van Vledder ! 41.35: Casey Dietrich ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 30.72, Feb. 98: Introduced generic names XCGRID, YCGRID and SPCSIG for SWAN ! 30.80, Nov. 98: Provision for limitation on Ctheta (refraction) ! 30.80, Aug. 99: SWCOMM3.INC included ! 30.80, Sep. 99: SWCOMM2.INC included, limitation modified ! 40.03, Dec. 99: for directions outside the current sweep the depth and ! current gradients are computed using the gradient at the ! proper side of the grid point. ! argument KGRPNT added. ! argument IC removed (is always 1) ! argument DT removed, TIMECOMM.INC included ! code completely revised ! 40.02, Jan. 00: Introduction limiter dependent on Cx, Cy, Dx and Dy ! 40.02, Sep. 00: Corrected order of handling sweeps ! 40.02, Sep. 00: Limiter on refraction only activated when IREFR=-1 ! 40.14, Nov. 00: Land points excluded (bug fix) ! 40.21, Aug. 01: adaption of velocities in case of diffraction ! 40.30, Mar. 03: correcting indices of test point with offsets MXF, MYF ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! 40.59, Aug. 07: replace upwind scheme with centered scheme; ! replace @h/@x method for computation of CAD with @C/@x method ! limitation procedure removed ! sweeping procedure removed ! 40.61, Dec. 06: correction DO loop 60 (IDCMIN, IDCMAX -> IDDLOW,IDDTOP) ! 41.06, Mar. 09: add option of limitation of velocity in theta-direction ! 41.35, Mar. 12: add option of limitation on csigma and ctheta ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! computes the propagation velocities of energy in S- and ! D-space, i.e., CAS, CAD, in the presence or absence of ! currents, for the action balance equation. ! ! 3. Method ! ! The next equation are solved numerically ! ! @S @S @D _ @D @D _ @U ! CAS = -- = -- [ -- + U . ( -- + --) ] - CGO K . -- ! @T @D @T @X @Y @s ! ! with: @S KS ! -- = --------- ! @D sinh(2KD) ! ! @D Cg @C @C @Ux @Uy ! CAD = -- = ------- [ --sin(D) - --cos(D)] + [--- - ---] * ! @T C @X @Y @X @Y ! ! @Uy @Ux ! * sin(D)cos(D) + ---sin(D)sin(D) - ---cos(D)cos(D) ! @X @Y ! ! @C/@x appr by: 0.5*RDX(1) * (DEP(KCGRD(5)) - DEP(KCGRD(2))) ! + 0.5*RDX(2) * (DEP(KCGRD(4)) - DEP(KCGRD(3))) ! @C/@y appr by: 0.5*RDY(1) * (DEP(KCGRD(5)) - DEP(KCGRD(2))) ! + 0.5*RDY(2) * (DEP(KCGRD(4)) - DEP(KCGRD(3))) ! etc. ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! IDDLOW: minimum direction that is propagated within a sweep 40.61 ! IDDTOP: maximum direction that is propagated within a sweep 40.61 ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: IDDLOW, IDDTOP 40.61 ! ! CAS : Wave transport velocity in S-direction, function of (ID,IS,IC) ! CAD : Wave transport velocity in D-dirctiion, function of (ID,IS,IC) ! CAX : Wave transport velocity in X-direction, function of (ID,IS,IC) ! CAY : Wave transport velocity in Y-direction, function of (ID,IS,IC) ! CGO : Group velocity as function of X and Y and sigma in the ! direction of wave propagation in absence of currents ! DEP1 : Depth as function of X and Y at time T ! DEP2 : (Nonstationary case) depth as function of X and Y at time T+1 ! ECOS : Represent the values of cos(d) of each spectral direction ! ESIN : Represent the values of sin(d) of each spectral direction ! KWAVE : wavenumber as function of the relative frequency sigma ! SPCSIG: Relative frequencies in computational domain in sigma-space ! UX2 : X-component of current velocity of X and Y at time T+1 ! UY2 : Y-component of current velocity of X and Y at time T+1 ! XCGRID: x-coordinate of comput. grid points ! YCGRID: y-coordinate of comput. grid points ! REAL :: SPCSIG(MSC) 30.72 REAL :: XCGRID(MXC,MYC), YCGRID(MXC,MYC) 30.80 ! Changed ICMAX to MICMAX, since MICMAX doesn't vary over gridpoint 40.22 REAL :: CAS(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 40.22 REAL :: CAD(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 40.22 REAL :: CAX(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 30.80 40.22 REAL :: CAY(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 30.80 40.22 REAL :: CGO(MSC,MICMAX) 40.22 REAL :: DEP2(MCGRD) , & DEP1(MCGRD) , & ECOS(MDC) , & ESIN(MDC) , & COSCOS(MDC) , & SINSIN(MDC) , & SINCOS(MDC) ! Changed ICMAX to MICMAX, since MICMAX doesn't vary over gridpoint 40.22 REAL :: KWAVE(MSC,MICMAX) 40.22 REAL :: UX2(MCGRD) , & UY2(MCGRD) , & RDX(MICMAX) , 40.08 & RDY(MICMAX) 40.08 ! ! variables from common ! ! ICUR Indicator for current ! NSTATC Indicator if computation is stationary or not ! MXC Maximum counter of gridppoints in x-direction ! MYC Maximum counter of gridppoints in y-direction ! MSC Maximum counter of relative frequency ! MDC Maximum counter of spectral directions ! DYNDEP if True depths vary with time ! DT Time step ! RDTIM 1/DT 30.80 ! ! local integer variables : ! INTEGER :: IENT ! tracing variable INTEGER :: IS ! Counter of relative frequency band ! 30.80 INTEGER :: ID ,ID1 ,ID2 ! Counter of directions ! 30.80 INTEGER :: IDDUM ! aux. counter of directions ! 30.80 INTEGER :: KCG1 ! grid address of the active grid point ! 30.80 INTEGER :: KCG2 ,KCG3 , KCG4, KCG5 ! grid addresses of neighbouring grid points ! 30.80 INTEGER :: IX1 ! IX1 Counter of gridpoints in x-direction ! 40.03 INTEGER :: IY1 ! IY1 Counter of gridpoints in y-direction ! 40.03 ! ! local real variables : ! REAL :: KD1 ! KD1 wavenumber * depth REAL :: VLSINH ! VLSINH sinh of KD1 REAL :: COEF ! COEF aux. quantity REAL :: CAST1,CAST2,CAST3,CAST4,CAST5 ! aux. quantities to compute Csigma ! 40.03 REAL :: CAD_TMP ! aux. quantity to compute Ctheta ! 40.59 REAL :: DHDX ,DHDY ! depth gradient REAL :: DCDX ,DCDY ! celerity gradient REAL :: DUXDX ,DUXDY ,DUYDX ,DUYDY ! current velocity gradients REAL :: DLOC1, DLOC2, DLOC3, DLOC4, DLOC5 ! depths at active and neighbouring grid points ! 40.59 REAL :: CLOC1, CLOC2, CLOC3, CLOC4, CLOC5 ! depths at active and neighbouring grid points ! 40.59 REAL :: CGLOC1 ! group velocity at active grid point ! 40.59 REAL :: KLOC1, KLOC2, KLOC3, KLOC4, KLOC5 ! wavenumbers at active and neighbouring grid points ! 40.59 REAL :: UXLOC1, UXLOC2, UXLOC3, UXLOC4, UXLOC5 ! Ux at active and neighbouring grid points ! 40.59 REAL :: UYLOC1, UYLOC2, UYLOC3, UYLOC4, UYLOC5 ! Uy at active and neighbouring grid points ! 40.59 ! REAL :: ALPHA ! upper limit of CFL restriction ! 41.35 REAL :: FAC ! a factor ! 41.06 REAL :: FAC2 ! another factor ! 41.35 REAL :: FRLIM ! frequency range in which limit on Ctheta is applied ! 41.06 REAL :: PP ! power of the frequency dependent limiter on refraction ! 41.06 ! ! 8. Remarks ! ! Motivation for using @C/@x instead of @h/@x : 40.59 ! Formulae for computing CAD via @h/@x and @C/@x are identical. However, they differ in result due to numerics. 40.59 ! Experiments suggest that @C/@x method with coarse resolution yields results that are similar to those 40.59 ! using @C/@x or @h/@x with high resolution. 40.59 ! By contrast, @h/@x method with coarse resolution yields considerably different result. 40.59 ! Further, using @C/@x allows for adding refraction by additional variables included in dispersion relation. 40.59 ! Specifically, non-rigid seafloor (mud) can cause refraction even when water layer thickness (i.e. depths) are uniform. 40.59 ! Obviously, this type of refraction does require the mud to be non-uniform. 40.59 ! Motivation for using centered scheme instead of upwind scheme : 40.59 ! Similar to above, the difference is only in numerics; experimental results suggest 40.59 ! better representation of unknown true solution via centered scheme. 40.59 ! Further, upwind scheme can lead to non-physical asymmetry in CAD, and therefore wave action field 40.59 ! Further still, implementation of the upwind scheme in versions such as 40.41 and 40.51 used sweeping to 40.59 ! keep track of results from neighboring sweeps. This involved large amounts of additional code, which is obviously undesirable. 40.59 ! The utility of this sweeping is not known to this author, since it does not seem to be strictly required by the upwind scheme. 40.59 ! As evidence, note that v30.75 used the upwind scheme, but did not have additional code for sweeping in SPROSD. 40.59 ! Note that since we are using a centered scheme now, we stop before we get to the last grid point. 40.59 ! It would be possible to have separate code for falling back to the upwind scheme, 40.59 ! but this may require sweeping, which would mean much additional code, see e.g. code of public release v40.51 40.59 ! Note: RDX and RDY are unavailable for P5-P2 and P4-P3, so we use as approximation, 0.5*RDX(1), etc. 40.59 ! Experience with implementation of more precise calculations of RDX,RDY, specifically with the SORDUP scheme, 40.59 ! yielded imperceptible change in results. However, this could be added later if sufficiently motivated. 40.59 ! The depth refraction limitation procedure (i.e. IREFR=-1) has been removed, because it is basically a "dirty fix" which 40.59 ! we hope/expect has been made unnecessary by the other changes here. If we are wrong about this, the "dirty fix" can be 40.59 ! restored, but this is not straightforward, since C is computed from k, which is an input argument not affected by IREFR. 40.59 ! To make this work, the depths would be limited here in SPROSD and k would then need to be calculated 40.59 ! using the limited depths within SPROSD. 40.59 ! ! 9. STRUCTURE ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! determine celerity and current gradients ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! For each frequency do ! determine auxiliary quantities depending on sigma ! ---------------------------------------------------- ! using gradients , determine ! Csigma (CAS) and Ctheta (CAD) ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! If ITFRE=0 ! Then make values of CAS=0 ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! If IREFR=0 ! Then make values of CAD=0 ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! 10. SOURCE ! !************************************************************************ SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'SPROSD') CAST1 = 0. CAST2 = 0. CAST3 = 0. CAST4 = 0. CAST5 = 0. DHDX = 0. DHDY = 0. KCG1 = KCGRD(1) KCG2 = KCGRD(2) KCG3 = KCGRD(3) KCG4 = KCGRD(4) KCG5 = KCGRD(5) ! ! Refraction and frequency shift are not defined for points ! neighbouring to landpoints ! IF ( (KCG1.EQ.1).OR.(DEP1(KCG1).LE.DEPMIN).OR. 30.82 & (KCG2.EQ.1).OR.(DEP1(KCG2).LE.DEPMIN).OR. 30.82 & (KCG3.EQ.1).OR.(DEP1(KCG3).LE.DEPMIN).OR. 30.82 & (KCG4.EQ.1).OR.(DEP1(KCG4).LE.DEPMIN).OR. & (KCG5.EQ.1).OR.(DEP1(KCG5).LE.DEPMIN) ) THEN DO IS = 1, MSC DO ID = 1, MDC CAD(ID,IS,1) = 0. CAS(ID,IS,1) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO GOTO 900 ENDIF IX1 = IXCGRD(1) IY1 = IYCGRD(1) DLOC1 = DEP2(KCG1) DLOC2 = DEP2(KCG2) 40.02 DLOC3 = DEP2(KCG3) 40.02 DLOC4 = DEP2(KCG4) 40.02 DLOC5 = DEP2(KCG5) 40.02 IF ( ICUR .EQ. 1 ) THEN UXLOC1 = UX2(KCG1) UXLOC2 = UX2(KCG2) UXLOC3 = UX2(KCG3) UXLOC4 = UX2(KCG4) UXLOC5 = UX2(KCG5) UYLOC1 = UY2(KCG1) UYLOC2 = UY2(KCG2) UYLOC3 = UY2(KCG3) UYLOC4 = UY2(KCG4) UYLOC5 = UY2(KCG5) ENDIF ! ! *** test output *** ! IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 100 ) THEN WRITE(PRINTF, 211) IX1+MXF-2, IY1+MYF-2, 40.30 & XCGRID(IX1,IY1)+XOFFS, YCGRID(IX1,IY1)+YOFFS, & DLOC1 40.30 211 FORMAT(' test SPROSD, location:',2I5,2e12.4,', depth:',F9.2) ENDIF ! ! *** set some terms = 0 *** ! DUXDX = 0. DUYDY = 0. DUYDX = 0. DUXDY = 0. ! ! *** compute the derivatives of the depth and the current velocity *** ! ! old upwind scheme: 1DX USING P1-P2 ! 1DY USING P1-P3 ! new centered scheme: 2DX USING P5-P2 ! 2DY USING P4-P3 ! *** @D/@X *** ! DHDX = 1.0*RDX(1) * (DLOC1-DLOC2) + 1.0*RDX(2) * (DLOC1-DLOC3) ! upwind scheme DHDX = 0.5*RDX(1) * (DLOC5-DLOC2) + 0.5*RDX(2) * (DLOC4-DLOC3) ! centered scheme 40.59 ! *** @D/@Y *** ! DHDY = 1.0*RDY(1) * (DLOC1-DLOC2) + 1.0*RDY(2) * (DLOC1-DLOC3) ! upwind scheme DHDY = 0.5*RDY(1) * (DLOC5-DLOC2) + 0.5*RDY(2) * (DLOC4-DLOC3) ! centered scheme 40.59 IF ( ICUR .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! *** current is on *** ! ! *** @Ux/@X *** ! DUXDX = 1.0*RDX(1) * (UXLOC1 - UXLOC2) + ! & 1.0*RDX(2) * (UXLOC1 - UXLOC3) DUXDX = 0.5*RDX(1) * (UXLOC5 - UXLOC2) + & 0.5*RDX(2) * (UXLOC4 - UXLOC3) 40.59 ! *** @Ux/@Y *** ! DUXDY = 1.0*RDY(1) * (UXLOC1 - UXLOC2) + ! & 1.0*RDY(2) * (UXLOC1 - UXLOC3) DUXDY = 0.5*RDY(1) * (UXLOC5 - UXLOC2) + & 0.5*RDY(2) * (UXLOC4 - UXLOC3) 40.59 ! *** @Uy/@X *** ! DUYDX = 1.0*RDX(1) * (UYLOC1 - UYLOC2) + ! & 1.0*RDX(2) * (UYLOC1 - UYLOC3) DUYDX = 0.5*RDX(1) * (UYLOC5 - UYLOC2) + & 0.5*RDX(2) * (UYLOC4 - UYLOC3) 40.59 ! *** @Uy/@Y *** ! DUYDY = 1.0*RDY(1) * (UYLOC1 - UYLOC2) + ! & 1.0*RDY(2) * (UYLOC1 - UYLOC3) DUYDY = 0.5*RDY(1) * (UYLOC5 - UYLOC2) + & 0.5*RDY(2) * (UYLOC4 - UYLOC3) 40.59 CAST3 = UXLOC1 * DHDX CAST4 = UYLOC1 * DHDY ELSE ! *** current is off *** DUXDX = 0. DUXDY = 0. DUYDX = 0. DUYDY = 0. CAST3 = 0. CAST4 = 0. ENDIF ! ! *** test output *** ! IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 100 ) THEN IF (ICUR .EQ. 1) THEN WRITE(PRINTF, 412) UXLOC1,UXLOC2,UXLOC3,UYLOC1,UYLOC2,UYLOC3 412 FORMAT(10X, 'UX:',3(1X,F8.3),/, 10X, 'UY:',3(1X,F8.3)) ENDIF WRITE(PRINTF, 413) RDX(1),RDX(2),RDY(1),RDY(2) 413 FORMAT(10X, 'RDX etc.:',4(1X,E12.4)) WRITE(PRINTF, 414) DHDX, DHDY 414 FORMAT(10x, 'DHDX,DHDY:',2(1X,E12.4)) ENDIF ! ! *** coefficients for CAS -> function of IX and IY only *** ! IF ( NSTATC.EQ.0 .OR. .NOT.DYNDEP) THEN 40.00 ! *** stationary calculation *** CAST2 = 0. ELSE ! nonstationary depth, CAST2 is @D/@t CAST2 = ( DLOC1 - DEP1(KCG1) ) * RDTIM ENDIF DO IS = 1, MSC KLOC1=KWAVE(IS,1) KLOC2=KWAVE(IS,2) KLOC3=KWAVE(IS,3) KLOC4=KWAVE(IS,4) KLOC5=KWAVE(IS,5) CGLOC1 = CGO(IS,1) CLOC1=SPCSIG(IS)/KLOC1 CLOC2=SPCSIG(IS)/KLOC2 CLOC3=SPCSIG(IS)/KLOC3 CLOC4=SPCSIG(IS)/KLOC4 CLOC5=SPCSIG(IS)/KLOC5 ! upwind scheme ! DCDX = 1.0*RDX(1) * (CLOC1-CLOC2) + 1.0*RDX(2) * (CLOC1-CLOC3) 40.59 ! DCDY = 1.0*RDY(1) * (CLOC1-CLOC2) + 1.0*RDY(2) * (CLOC1-CLOC3) 40.59 ! centered scheme DCDX = 0.5*RDX(1) * (CLOC5-CLOC2) + 0.5*RDX(2) * (CLOC4-CLOC3) 40.59 DCDY = 0.5*RDY(1) * (CLOC5-CLOC2) + 0.5*RDY(2) * (CLOC4-CLOC3) 40.59 ! *** coefficients for CAS -> function of IS only *** KD1 = KWAVE(IS,1) * DLOC1 IF ( KD1 .GT. 30.0 ) KD1 = 30. VLSINH = SINH (2.* KD1 ) COEF = SPCSIG(IS) / VLSINH ! also needed for CAD, if @h/@x method used CAST1 = KWAVE(IS,1) * COEF CAST5 = CGO(IS,1) * KWAVE(IS,1) ! loop over spectral directions DO IDDUM = IDDLOW-1, IDDTOP+1 ! 40.61 40.03 ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 ! *** computation of CAS and CAD *** IF ( INT(PNUMS(32)).EQ.0 ) THEN CAD_TMP=COEF*(ESIN(ID)*DHDX-ECOS(ID)*DHDY) ! @h/@x method, currents not included , Christoffersen, Tolman, Ris, Won et al. ELSE IF ( INT(PNUMS(32)).EQ.1 ) THEN CAD_TMP=(CGLOC1/CLOC1)*(ESIN(ID)*DCDX-ECOS(ID)*DCDY) ! @C/@x method, currents not included, Young method (1999, p. 45) ! CAD_TMP=(CGLOC1/KLOC1)*(-1.0)*(ESIN(ID)*DKDX-ECOS(ID)*DKDY) ! @k/@x method, differs only very slightly from @C/dx ENDIF ! Intuitively, one may expect that variable currents could be included via @C/@x. However, this is not the case. ! C is determined from sigma and k (and the latter is determined from sigma). ! Thus, if dealing with a fixed sigma value, as in SWAN, ! having non-uniform currents does not result in non-uniform k or C...i.e., @C/@x=0 in deep water. IF (ICUR .EQ. 0) THEN CAS(ID,IS,1)=CAST1*CAST2 CAD(ID,IS,1)=CAD_TMP ! --- adapt the velocity in case of diffraction 40.21 IF (IDIFFR.EQ.1) THEN 40.21 CAD(ID,IS,1) = DIFPARAM(KCG1)*CAD(ID,IS,1) & - DIFPARDX(KCG1)*CGO(IS,1)*ESIN(ID) & + DIFPARDY(KCG1)*CGO(IS,1)*ECOS(ID) 40.21 ENDIF ELSE IF (IDIFFR.EQ.0) THEN 40.21 CAS(ID,IS,1) = CAST1*(CAST2+CAST3+CAST4) - & CAST5* & (COSCOS(ID)*DUXDX + & SINCOS(ID)*(DUXDY+DUYDX) + & SINSIN(ID)*DUYDY) CAD(ID,IS,1) = CAD_TMP + & SINCOS(ID)*(DUXDX-DUYDY) + & SINSIN(ID)*DUYDX - & COSCOS(ID)*DUXDY ! add currents, Christoffersen, Tolman, Ris, et al. ELSE IF (IDIFFR.EQ.1) THEN 40.21 CAS(ID,IS,1) = CAST1*(CAST2+CAST3+CAST4) - & DIFPARAM(KCG1)*CAST5* & (COSCOS(ID)*DUXDX + & SINCOS(ID)*(DUXDY+DUYDX) + & SINSIN(ID)*DUYDY) 40.21 CAD(ID,IS,1) = DIFPARAM(KCG1)*CAD_TMP - & DIFPARDX(KCG1)*CGO(IS,1)*ESIN(ID) + & DIFPARDY(KCG1)*CGO(IS,1)*ECOS(ID) + & SINCOS(ID)*(DUXDX-DUYDY) + & SINSIN(ID)*DUYDX - & COSCOS(ID)*DUXDY 40.21 ENDIF 40.21 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! ! *** for most cases CAS and CAD will be activated. Therefore *** ! *** for IREFR is set 0 (no refraction) or ITFRE = 0 (no *** ! *** frequency shift) we have put the IF statement outside *** ! *** the internal loop above *** ! IF (ITFRE .EQ. 0) THEN DO IS = 1, MSC DO ID = 1, MDC CAS(ID,IS,1) = 0.0 ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! IF (IREFR .EQ. 0) THEN DO IS = 1, MSC DO ID = 1, MDC CAD(ID,IS,1) = 0.0 ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! ! --- limit Ctheta in some frequency range if requested ! IF ( INT(PNUMS(29)).EQ.1 ) THEN FRLIM = PI2*PNUMS(26) PP = PNUMS(27) DO IS = 1, MSC FAC = MIN(1.,(SPCSIG(IS)/FRLIM)**PP) DO ID = 1, MDC CAD(ID,IS,1) = FAC*CAD(ID,IS,1) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! ! --- limit Csigma using Courant number ! IF ( INT(PNUMS(33)).EQ.1 ) THEN ! ALPHA = PNUMS(34) ! DO IS = 1, MSC ! FAC2 = ALPHA * FRINTF * SPCSIG(IS) ! DO IDDUM = IDDLOW-1, IDDTOP+1 ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 ! FAC = FAC2 * ( ABS((RDX(1)+RDX(2))*CAX(ID,IS,1)) + & ABS((RDY(1)+RDY(2))*CAY(ID,IS,1)) ) ! IF ( ABS(CAS(ID,IS,1)) > FAC ) THEN CAS(ID,IS,1) = CAS(ID,IS,1) * FAC / ABS(CAS(ID,IS,1)) ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDIF ! ! --- limit Ctheta using Courant number ! IF ( INT(PNUMS(35)) == 1 ) THEN ! ALPHA = PNUMS(36) ! FAC2 = ALPHA * DDIR ! DO IS = 1, MSC ! DO IDDUM = IDDLOW-1, IDDTOP+1 ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 ! FAC = FAC2 * ( ABS((RDX(1)+RDX(2))*CAX(ID,IS,1)) + & ABS((RDY(1)+RDY(2))*CAY(ID,IS,1)) ) ! IF ( ABS(CAD(ID,IS,1)) > FAC ) THEN CAD(ID,IS,1) = CAD(ID,IS,1) * FAC / ABS(CAD(ID,IS,1)) ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDIF ! ! *** test output *** ! IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST.GE.140) THEN 40.00 IF (DYNDEP .OR. ICUR.GT.0) THEN WRITE(PRINTF, *) ' IS ID1 ID2 values of CAS' 40.00 DO IS = 1, MSC ID1 = IDDLOW-1 ID2 = IDDTOP+1 WRITE(PRINTF, 619) IS, ID1, ID2, 40.00 & (CAS(MOD(IDDUM-1+MDC,MDC)+1, IS, 1), IDDUM=ID1,ID2) 40.00 619 FORMAT(3I4, 2X, 600E12.4) 40.00 ENDDO ENDIF WRITE(PRINTF, *) ' IS ID1 ID2 values of CAD' 40.00 DO IS = 1, MSC ID1 = IDDLOW-1 ID2 = IDDTOP+1 WRITE(PRINTF,619) IS, ID1, ID2, 40.00 & (CAD(MOD(IDDUM-1+MDC,MDC)+1, IS, 1), IDDUM=ID1,ID2) 40.00 ENDDO ENDIF 40.00 ! ! end of the subroutine SPROSD 900 RETURN END subroutine SPROSD !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE DSPHER (CAD, CAX, CAY, ANYBIN, YCGRID, ECOS, ESIN) 40.41 33.09 NB! ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM2 40.41 USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 33.09: Nico Booij ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 33.09, Aug. 99: new subroutine ! 40.41, Aug. 04: CG replaced by CAX*COS(D)+CAY*SIN(D) ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! computes the propagation velocities of energy in Theta- ! space, i.e., CAD, due to use of spherical coordinates ! ! 3. Method ! ! References: ! W. E. Rogers, J. M. Kaihatu, H. A. H. Petit, N. Booij and L. H. Holthuijsen, ! "Multiple-scale Propagation in a Third-Generation Wind Wave Model" ! in preparation ! ! Cg Cos(theta) Tan(latitude) ! CAD = - --------------------------- ! Rearth ! ! The group velocity CG in the direction of the wave propagation ! in case with a current is equal to: ! ! 1 K(IS,IC)DEP(IX,IY) S ! CG(ID,IS,IC)= ( - + -----------------------) --------- + ! 2 sinh 2K(IS,IC)DEP(IX,IY) |k(IS,IC)| ! ! + (UX2(IX,IY)cos(D) + UY2(IX,IY)sin(D)) ! ! which is equivalent with CAX*cos(D) + CAY*sin(D) ! ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! one and more dimensional arrays: ! --------------------------------- ! ! i ANYBIN 2D if True the spectral component (ID,IS) is to be ! computed ! LOGICAL ANYBIN(MDC,MSC) ! ! o CAD 3D Wave transport velocity in D-direction, function of ! (ID,IS,IC) ! i CAX 3D propagation velocity in X-direction (CGO+UX) ! i CAY 3D propagation velocity in Y-direction (CGO+UY) ! i YCGRID 2D Y-coordinate (latitude) for each geographic grid point ! i ECOS 1D Represent the values of Cos(Theta) of each spectral ! direction ! i ESIN 1D Represent the values of Sin(Theta) of each spectral ! direction ! ! Changed ICMAX to MICMAX, since MICMAX doesn't vary over gridpoint 40.22 REAL :: CAD(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 40.22 REAL :: CAX(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 40.41 REAL :: CAY(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 40.41 REAL :: YCGRID(MXC,MYC) REAL :: ECOS(MDC) REAL :: ESIN(MDC) ! ! ! 4. Local variables ! ! IX, IY grid indices ! ID, IS spectral indices ! INTEGER :: IS ,ID ,IX ,IY ! ! TANLAT tan of latitude ! CTTMP temp. value used to compute contribution to Ctheta ! REAL TANLAT, CTTMP ! ! 5. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! ACTION ! ! 6. SUBROUTINES USED ! ! --- ! ! 7. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! --- ! ! 8. REMARKS ! ! 9. STRUCTURE ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! Calculate tan of latitude (TANLAT) ! Then For every spectral direction do ! calculate Cspher ! For every spectral frequency do ! add Cspher to value of CAD ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! 10. SOURCE ! !************************************************************************ ! INTEGER, SAVE :: IENT=0 IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'DSPHER') ! ! *** TANLAT is Tan of Latitude ! IX = IXCGRD(1) IY = IYCGRD(1) TANLAT = TAN(DEGRAD*(YCGRID(IX,IY)+YOFFS)) ! DO ID = 1, MDC CTTMP = ECOS(ID) * TANLAT / REARTH DO IS = 1, MSC CAD(ID,IS,1) = CAD(ID,IS,1) - & (CAX(ID,IS,1)*ECOS(ID) + CAY(ID,IS,1)*ESIN(ID)) * CTTMP 40.41 ENDDO ENDDO ! ! end of the subroutine DSPHER RETURN END ! !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE STRSXY ( ISSTOP ,IDCMIN ,IDCMAX ,CAX , & CAY ,AC2 ,AC1 ,IMATRA ,IMATDA , & RDX ,RDY , 33.09 & OBREDF ,TRAC0 ,TRAC1 ) ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM2 40.41 USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. AUTHORS ! ! 30.72: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 33.08: W. Erick Rogers (a few changes related to the S&L scheme) ! 33.09: Nico Booij (changes related to spherical coordinates) ! 40.08: Erick Rogers ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.85: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. UPDATE ! ! 30.72, Oct. 97: changed floating point comparison to avoid equality ! comparisons ! new subroutine replacing STRSX and STRSY ! time derivative is included here ! 33.08, July 98: STRSXY must use the rolled back AC when S&L is used ! elsewhere in the domain. ! 33.09, June 99: commons swcomm2 and swcomm3 introduced, argument list ! modified; introduction of spherical coordinates ! 40.08, Mar. 03: Removed artifact from code ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! 40.85, Aug. 08: store xy-propagation for output purposes ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! computation of space derivative of action transport ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! Compute the derivative in x-direction: ! The nearby points are indicated with the index IC (see ! FUNCTION ICODE(_,_) ): ! Central grid point : IC = 1, grid index KCGRD(1) ! Point in X-direction : IC = 2, grid index KCGRD(2) ! Point in Y-direction : IC = 3, grid index KCGRD(3) ! ! @[CAX AC2] ! --------- = ! @x ! ! RDX(1) * ! [CAX(ID,IS,1).AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)) - CAX(ID,IS,2).AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(2))] ! + RDX(2) * ! [CAX(ID,IS,1).AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)) - CAX(ID,IS,3).AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(3))] ! ! @[CAY AC2] ! --------- = ! @y ! ! RDY(1) * ! [CAY(ID,IS,1).AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)) - CAY(ID,IS,2).AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(2))] ! + RDY(2) * ! [CAY(ID,IS,1).AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)) - CAY(ID,IS,3).AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(3))] ! ! in diagonal matrix: 1/DT + (RDX(1)+RDX(2)) * CAX(ID,IS,1) ! + (RDY(1)+RDY(2)) * CAY(ID,IS,1) ! in r.h.s.: AC2/DT + RDX(1) * CAX(ID,IS,2).AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(2)) ! + RDX(2) * CAX(ID,IS,3).AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(3)) ! + RDY(1) * CAY(ID,IS,2).AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(2)) ! + RDY(2) * CAY(ID,IS,3).AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(3)) ! ! 4. PARAMETERLIST ! ! KCGRD int, i Point index for grid points in comp molecule 30.40 ! array of length ICMAX ! MDC int, i Maximum counter of directional distribution ! MSC int, i Maximum counter of relative frequency ! MCGRD int, i Maximum counter of gridpoints in space 30.40 ! ICMAX int, i Maximum counter for the points of the molecule ! ISSTOP int, i highest spectral frequency counter in the sweep ! IDCMIN int, i minimum value of direction counter in this sweep ! IDCMAX int, i maximum value of direction counter in this sweep ! CAX rea, i 3D array propagation velocity in x ! CAY rea, i 3D array propagation velocity in y ! AC2 rea, i array spectral action density, function of ! x, y, theta, sigma ! IMATDA rea, i/o array Coefficients of diagonal of matrix ! IMATRA rea, i/o array Coefficients of right hand side of matrix ! OBREDF rea, i action reduction factors, function of freq and ! direction ! RDX,RDY 1D i array containing spatial derivative coeff ! NUMOBS int, i number of obstacles in comp grid ! ! 5. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! ACTION ! ! 6. SUBROUTINES USED ! ! --- ! ! 7. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! --- ! ! 8. REMARKS ! ! 9. STRUCTURE ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! For every spectral bin do ! If bin is in present sweep ! Then If LOBST ! Then For IC = 2 to ICMAX do ! multiply contribution from upwave point ! with reduction factor ! --------------------------------------------------- ! Compute the derivative in x-direction ! Compute the derivative in y-direction ! If computation is nonstationary ! Then compute the derivative in t-direction ! --------------------------------------------------- ! Store the terms in arrays IMATRA and IMATDA ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! INTEGER IS ,ID , 33.09 & IDDUM ,ISSTOP 33.09 ! REAL FXY1 ,FXY2 ! REAL :: AC1(MDC,MSC,MCGRD) ,AC2(MDC,MSC,MCGRD) ! Changed ICMAX to MICMAX, since MICMAX doesn't vary over gridpoint 40.22 REAL :: CAX(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) ,CAY(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 40.22 REAL :: IMATRA(MDC,MSC) ,IMATDA(MDC,MSC) , & RDX(MICMAX) ,RDY(MICMAX) , 40.08 & TRSCF(3) , 33.09 & OBREDF(MDC,MSC,2) 040697 REAL :: TRAC0(MDC,MSC,MTRNP) 40.85 REAL :: TRAC1(MDC,MSC,MTRNP) 40.85 ! INTEGER IDCMIN(MSC) , & IDCMAX(MSC) 33.09 ! INTEGER IENT SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'STRSXY') ! IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 120) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,*) ' Initial matrix coefficients at STRSXY : ' WRITE(PRINTF,*) & 'IS ID IDDUM IMATDA IMATRA' DO IS = 1, ISSTOP DO IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 WRITE(PRINTF,2102) IS,IDDUM,ID, & IMATDA(ID,IS), IMATRA(ID,IS) ENDDO ENDDO END IF ! DO 200 IS = 1, ISSTOP ! test output ver 30.50 ! IND2 = KCGRD(2) 23/MAY IND3 = KCGRD(3) 23/MAY ! ! DO 100 IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 ! test output ver 30.50 ! IF (NUMOBS .GT. 0) THEN TCF1 = OBREDF(ID,IS,1) 040697 TCF2 = OBREDF(ID,IS,2) 040697 IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST.GE.80) THEN 40.01 WRITE(PRINTF,10) KCGRD(1),ID,IS,TCF1,TCF2 10 FORMAT(' STRSXY obst ',3(1X,I5),2(1X,E10.4)) ENDIF ELSE TCF1 = 1. TCF2 = 1. ENDIF ! FXY1 = 0. FXY2 = 0. ! FXY1 = (RDX(1)+RDX(2)) * CAX(ID,IS,1) & + (RDY(1)+RDY(2)) * CAY(ID,IS,1) ! IF (KSPHER.EQ.0) THEN 33.09 ! FXY2 = RDX(1) * CAX(ID,IS,2)* TCF1 * AC2(ID,IS,IND2) & + RDX(2) * CAX(ID,IS,3)* TCF2 * AC2(ID,IS,IND3) & + RDY(1) * CAY(ID,IS,2)* TCF1 * AC2(ID,IS,IND2) & + RDY(2) * CAY(ID,IS,3)* TCF2 * AC2(ID,IS,IND3) ELSE 33.09 ! spherical coordinates 33.09 ! TRSCF(2) = TCF1 TRSCF(3) = TCF2 DO IC = 2, 3 FXY2 = FXY2 + & RDX(IC-1) * CAX(ID,IS,IC) * TRSCF(IC) * & AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(IC)) & + RDY(IC-1) * CAY(ID,IS,IC) * TRSCF(IC) * & AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(IC)) * COSLAT(IC) / COSLAT(1) ENDDO ENDIF ! ! *** the term FXY2 is known, store in IMATRA *** ! *** the term FXY1 is unknown, store in IMATDA *** ! ! This business of doing rollback regardless of ITERMX was an artifact 40.08 ! and has been removed. Thus, the code reverts to its form in v40.01 40.08 ! IF (NSTATC.EQ.1) THEN 40.00 IF (ITERMX.EQ.1) THEN ACOLD = AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)) ELSE ACOLD = AC1(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)) ENDIF IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) + FXY2 + ACOLD*RDTIM 33.09 IMATDA(ID,IS) = IMATDA(ID,IS) + FXY1 + RDTIM 33.09 ! TRACx represent material derivative of action density TRAC0(ID,IS,1) = TRAC0(ID,IS,1) - FXY2 - ACOLD*RDTIM 40.85 TRAC1(ID,IS,1) = TRAC1(ID,IS,1) + FXY1 + RDTIM 40.85 ELSE IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) + FXY2 IMATDA(ID,IS) = IMATDA(ID,IS) + FXY1 TRAC0(ID,IS,1) = TRAC0(ID,IS,1) - FXY2 40.85 TRAC1(ID,IS,1) = TRAC1(ID,IS,1) + FXY1 40.85 ENDIF ! --- Using an if statement like this--in conjunction with 40.08 ! inclusion of all directions in calculation, i.e. non-use 40.08 ! of IDCMIN, IDCMAX feature throughout code--would be a 40.08 ! "brute force" method of correcting problems with sweeping 40.08 ! and curvilinear scheme. I'm leaving it as-is for now, 40.08 ! since this would slow calculations. (Erick Rogers) 40.08 ! IF((FXY1.GE.0).AND.(FXY2.GE.0))THEN ! IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) + FXY2 ! IMATDA(ID,IS) = IMATDA(ID,IS) + FXY1 ! ENDIF ! ! *** test output *** ! IF ( ITEST .GE. 150 .AND. TESTFL ) THEN IF (NSTATC.EQ.1) THEN 40.00 WRITE(PRINTF,6021) ID, FXY1, FXY2, ACOLD 6021 FORMAT (' - ID FXY1 FXY2 ACOLD:', I4, 3(1X,E12.4)) ELSE WRITE(PRINTF,6022) ID, FXY1, FXY2 6022 FORMAT (' - ID FXY1 FXY2:', I4, 2(1X,E12.4)) ENDIF ENDIF ! 100 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE ! IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 100) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,*) ' matrix coefficients at STRSXY : ' WRITE(PRINTF,*) & 'IS ID IDDUM IMATDA IMATRA' DO IS = 1, ISSTOP DO IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 WRITE(PRINTF,2102) IS,IDDUM,ID, & IMATDA(ID,IS), IMATRA(ID,IS) 2102 FORMAT(3I3,2E12.4) ENDDO ENDDO END IF ! End of subroutine STRSXY RETURN END !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE SORDUP ( ISSTOP ,IDCMIN ,IDCMAX ,CAX , & CAY ,AC2 ,IMATRA ,IMATDA , & RDX ,RDY ,TRAC0 ,TRAC1 ) 40.85 33.10 ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE 33.10 ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. AUTHORS ! ! 33.10: Nico Booij and Erick Rogers (changes related to the SORDUP scheme) ! 33.09: Nico Booij (changes related to spherical coordinates) ! 40.08: Erick Rogers ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.59: W. Erick Rogers ! 40.85: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.98: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. UPDATE ! ! 33.10, Jan. 2000: subroutine SORDUP created. It is a modified STRSXY. ! 40.08, Mar. 2003: Improve scheme to use dx,dy calculated over two grid ! spaces (instead of one) where appropriate. This involves ! the use of RDX(3),RDX(4),RDY(3),RDY(4). This may or may not ! be a noticeable improvement. (I have not seen an example of a ! case where the original SORDUP does poorly relative to BSBT, ! so this is a speculative improvement). ! Remove option for controllable 1st order diffusion ("XYMU", ! "THETAK", etc.) ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! 40.59, Aug. 07: stencil modification ! 40.85, Aug. 08: store xy-propagation for output purposes ! 40.98, Feb. 09: SORDUP scheme is made consistent ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! Purpose is to compute the space derivative of action transport using ! the SORDUP scheme. ! This is for stationary runs only (no time derivative). ! The scheme is 2nd order accurate. 40.08 ! The scheme reduces to the "best" approximation of 40.08 ! d/dx which can be determined using Taylor Series for the 40.08 ! stencil (ix),(ix-1),(ix-2): 40.08 ! 3/2*mu*phi(ix)-2*mu*phi(ix-1)+1/2*mu*phi(ix-2) 40.08 ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! References: ! W. E. Rogers, J. M. Kaihatu, H. A. H. Petit, N. Booij and L. H. Holthuijsen, ! "Multiple-scale Propagation in a Third-Generation Wind Wave Model" ! in preparation ! ! Compute the derivative in x-direction: ! The nearby points are indicated by KCGRD ! KCGRD(1) : IX ,IY ! KCGRD(2) : IX-1,IY ! KCGRD(3) : IX ,IY-1 ! KCGRD(6) : IX-2,IY 40.59 ! KCGRD(7) : IX ,IY-2 40.59 ! ! The scheme is: ! ! @[CAX AC2] ! --------- = ! @x ! ! [1.5*CAX(ID,IS,1)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1))-2.0*CAX(ID,IS,2)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(2)) ! +0.5*CAX(ID,IS,6)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(6))]/DX ! ! @[CAY AC2] ! --------- = ! @y ! ! [1.5*CAY(ID,IS,1)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1))-2.0*CAY(ID,IS,3)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(3)) ! +0.5*CAY(ID,IS,7)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(7))]/DY ! ! ADD TO DIAGONAL: ! +1.5*CAX(ID,IS,1)/DX+1.5*CAY(ID,IS,1)/DY ! ADD TO RHS: ! +[2.0*CAX(ID,IS,2)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(2)-0.5*CAX(ID,IS,6)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(6)]/DX ! +[2.0*CAY(ID,IS,3)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(3)-0.5*CAY(ID,IS,7)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(7)]/DY ! ! 4. PARAMETERLIST ! ! KCGRD int, i Point index for grid points in comp molecule 30.40 ! array of length ICMAX ! MDC int, i Maximum counter of directional distribution ! MSC int, i Maximum counter of relative frequency ! MCGRD int, i Maximum counter of gridpoints in space 30.40 ! ICMAX int, i Maximum counter for the points of the molecule ! ISSTOP int, i highest spectral frequency counter in the sweep ! IDCMIN int, i minimum value of direction counter in this sweep ! IDCMAX int, i maximum value of direction counter in this sweep ! CAX rea, i 3D array propagation velocity in x ! CAY rea, i 3D array propagation velocity in y ! AC2 rea, i array spectral action density, function of ! x, y, theta, sigma ! IMATDA rea, i/o array Coefficients of diagonal of matrix ! IMATRA rea, i/o array Coefficients of right hand side of matrix ! RDX,RDY 1D i array containing spatial derivative coeff ! ! 5. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! ACTION ! ! 6. SUBROUTINES USED ! ! --- ! ! 7. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! --- ! ! 8. REMARKS ! ! 9. STRUCTURE ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! For every spectral bin do ! If bin is in present sweep ! --------------------------------------------------- ! Compute the derivative in x-direction ! Compute the derivative in y-direction ! If computation is nonstationary ! Then compute the derivative in t-direction ! --------------------------------------------------- ! Store the terms in arrays IMATRA and IMATDA ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! INTEGER IS,ID,IDDUM,ISSTOP 33.10 & ,IND2,IND3,IND6,IND7 40.59 33.10 ! REAL :: FXY1 ,FXY2 ! REAL :: AC2(MDC,MSC,MCGRD) 33.10 ! Changed ICMAX to MICMAX, since MICMAX doesn't vary over gridpoint 40.22 REAL :: CAX(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) ,CAY(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 40.22 REAL :: IMATRA(MDC,MSC) ,IMATDA(MDC,MSC) , & RDX(MICMAX) ,RDY(MICMAX) , 40.08 & XMU(7) ,YMU(7) 40.59 40.08 33.10 REAL :: TRAC0(MDC,MSC,MTRNP) 40.85 REAL :: TRAC1(MDC,MSC,MTRNP) 40.85 INTEGER IDCMIN(MSC), IDCMAX(MSC), IENT, IXY 33.10 LOGICAL XNUM 33.10 ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'SORDUP') ! IF(NSTATC.EQ.1)THEN 33.10 CALL MSGERR (3, 'SORDUP scheme is for stationary mode only.') 33.10 END IF 33.10 IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 120) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,*) ' Initial matrix coefficients at SORDUP : ' WRITE(PRINTF,*) & 'IS ID IDDUM IMATDA IMATRA' DO IS = 1, ISSTOP DO IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 WRITE(PRINTF,2102) IS,IDDUM,ID, & IMATDA(ID,IS), IMATRA(ID,IS) ENDDO ENDDO END IF DO 200 IS = 1, ISSTOP IND2 = KCGRD(2) IND3 = KCGRD(3) IND6 = KCGRD(6) 40.59 33.10 IND7 = KCGRD(7) 40.59 33.10 DO 100 IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 ! find Courant number values: XMU, YMU 40.08 ! depending on relative size of XMU and YMU, XNUM is true or 40.08 ! false because of RDX and RDY, XMU and YMU are always positive 40.08 DO IXY=1,3 40.59 40.08 XMU(IXY) = RDX(1)*CAX(ID,IS,IXY) + RDY(1)*CAY(ID,IS,IXY) 40.08 YMU(IXY) = RDX(2)*CAX(ID,IS,IXY) + RDY(2)*CAY(ID,IS,IXY) 40.08 END DO 40.08 DO IXY=6,7 40.59 XMU(IXY) = RDX(1)*CAX(ID,IS,IXY) + RDY(1)*CAY(ID,IS,IXY) 40.59 YMU(IXY) = RDX(2)*CAX(ID,IS,IXY) + RDY(2)*CAY(ID,IS,IXY) 40.59 END DO 40.59 IF(YMU(1).GT.XMU(1))THEN 33.10 ! propagation mainly from grid point 3 XNUM=.TRUE. 33.10 ELSE 33.10 ! propagation mainly from grid point 2 XNUM=.FALSE. 33.10 END IF 33.10 ! now calculate diagonal and rhs 33.10 IF(XNUM)THEN 33.10 ! diagonal FXY1 FXY1 = 1.5*XMU(1) + 1.5*YMU(1) 40.98 40.08 IF (KSPHER.EQ.0) THEN 33.08 ! Cartesian coordinates ! the known, rhs part FXY2 33.08 FXY2 = AC2(ID,IS,IND2) * 2.0*XMU(2) 40.08 33.10 & -AC2(ID,IS,IND6) * 0.5*XMU(6) 40.59 40.08 33.10 & +AC2(ID,IS,IND3) * 2.0*YMU(3) 40.08 33.10 & -AC2(ID,IS,IND7) * 0.5*YMU(7) 40.59 40.08 33.10 ELSE 33.10 ! Spherical coordinates ! ! the known, rhs part FXY2 33.08 FXY2 = & AC2(ID,IS,IND2) * CAX(ID,IS,2) * RDX(1) * 2.0 40.08 33.10 & -AC2(ID,IS,IND6) * CAX(ID,IS,6) * RDX(1) * 0.5 40.98 40.59 40.08 33.10 & +AC2(ID,IS,IND3) * CAX(ID,IS,3) * RDX(2) * 2.0 40.08 33.10 & -AC2(ID,IS,IND7) * CAX(ID,IS,7) * RDX(2) * 0.5 40.98 40.59 40.08 33.10 & +(AC2(ID,IS,IND2) * CAY(ID,IS,2) * RDY(1) * COSLAT(2) * 2.0 40.08 33.10 & -AC2(ID,IS,IND6) * CAY(ID,IS,6) * RDY(1) * COSLAT(6) * 0.5 40.98 40.59 40.08 33.10 & +AC2(ID,IS,IND3) * CAY(ID,IS,3) * RDY(2) * COSLAT(3) * 2.0 40.08 33.10 & -AC2(ID,IS,IND7) * CAY(ID,IS,7) * RDY(2) * COSLAT(7) * 0.5 40.98 40.59 40.08 33.10 & ) / COSLAT(1) !33.10 ENDIF ELSE ! switch 2<==>3, 6<==>7 and YMU<==>XMU 40.59 33.10 ! The diag part FXY1 FXY1 = 1.5*YMU(1)+ 1.5*XMU(1) 40.98 40.08 33.10 IF (KSPHER.EQ.0) THEN 33.08 ! Cartesian coordinates ! the known, rhs part FXY2 33.08 FXY2 = AC2(ID,IS,IND3) * 2.0*YMU(3) 40.08 33.10 & -AC2(ID,IS,IND7) * 0.5*YMU(7) 40.59 40.08 33.10 & +AC2(ID,IS,IND2) * 2.0*XMU(2) 40.08 33.10 & -AC2(ID,IS,IND6) * 0.5*XMU(6) 40.59 40.08 33.10 ELSE ! Spherical coordinates ! the known, rhs part FXY2 33.08 FXY2 = & AC2(ID,IS,IND2) * CAX(ID,IS,2) * RDX(1) * 2.0 40.08 33.10 & -AC2(ID,IS,IND6) * CAX(ID,IS,6) * RDX(1) * 0.5 40.98 40.59 40.08 33.10 & +AC2(ID,IS,IND3) * CAX(ID,IS,3) * RDX(2) * 2.0 40.08 33.10 & -AC2(ID,IS,IND7) * CAX(ID,IS,7) * RDX(2) * 0.5 40.98 40.59 40.08 33.10 & +(AC2(ID,IS,IND2) * CAY(ID,IS,2) * RDY(1) * COSLAT(2) * 2.0 40.08 33.10 & -AC2(ID,IS,IND6) * CAY(ID,IS,6) * RDY(1) * COSLAT(6) * 0.5 40.98 40.59 40.08 33.10 & +AC2(ID,IS,IND3) * CAY(ID,IS,3) * RDY(2) * COSLAT(3) * 2.0 40.08 33.10 & -AC2(ID,IS,IND7) * CAY(ID,IS,7) * RDY(2) * COSLAT(7) * 0.5 40.98 40.59 40.08 33.10 & )/ COSLAT(1) ENDIF END IF IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST.GE.120) WRITE (PRTEST, 28) ID, IS, & CAX(ID,IS,2), CAY(ID,IS,2), AC2(ID,IS,IND2), & CAX(ID,IS,3), CAY(ID,IS,3), AC2(ID,IS,IND3) 28 FORMAT (2I3, 6(1X,E12.4)) ! ! *** the term FXY2 is known, store in IMATRA *** ! *** the term FXY1 is unknown, store in IMATDA *** ! IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) + FXY2 IMATDA(ID,IS) = IMATDA(ID,IS) + FXY1 TRAC0(ID,IS,1) = TRAC0(ID,IS,1) - FXY2 40.85 TRAC1(ID,IS,1) = TRAC1(ID,IS,1) + FXY1 40.85 ! ! *** test output *** IF ( ITEST .GE. 150 .AND. TESTFL ) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,6022) ID, FXY1, FXY2 6022 FORMAT (' - ID FXY1 FXY2:', I4, 2(1X,E12.4)) ENDIF ! 100 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE ! IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 100) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,*) ' matrix coefficients at SORDUP : ' WRITE(PRINTF,*) & 'IS ID IDDUM IMATDA IMATRA' DO IS = 1, ISSTOP DO IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 WRITE(PRINTF,2102) IS,IDDUM,ID, & IMATDA(ID,IS), IMATRA(ID,IS) 2102 FORMAT(3I3,2E12.4) ENDDO ENDDO END IF ! End of subroutine SORDUP RETURN END !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE SANDL ( ISSTOP ,IDCMIN ,IDCMAX ,CGO ,CAX , 33.08 & CAY ,AC2 ,AC1 ,IMATRA ,IMATDA , & RDX ,RDY ,CAX1 ,CAY1 ,SPCDIR , 33.08 & TRAC0 ,TRAC1 ) 40.85 ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM2 40.41 USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 USE TIMECOMM 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE 33.08 ! ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. AUTHORS ! ! 33.08: W. Erick Rogers ! 33.09: Nico Booij ! 40.02: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 40.08: W. Erick Rogers ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.85: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. UPDATE ! ! 33.08, July 98: SANDL: New subroutine using a Stelling and Leenderste ! SANDL: scheme (Qo=0,Q1=1/6) is created. ! 33.09, Aug. 99: extension with spherical coordinates ! 40.02, Aug. 00: Avoid more than 19 continuation lines ! 40.08, Feb. 03: Check for exceedence of soft CFL criterion ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! 40.85, Aug. 08: store xy-propagation for output purposes ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! computation of space derivative of action transport ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! References: ! 1) Rogers, W.E., J.M. Kaihatu, N. Booij and L.H. Holthuijsen, ! "Improving the numerics of a third-generation wave action ! model", Naval Research Laboratory, NRL/FR/7320-99-9695, 79p. ! 2) Rogers, W.E., J.M. Kaihatu, N. Booij, L.H. Holthuijsen, ! and H. Petit, 2002: "Diffusion Reduction in an Arbitrary ! Scale Wave Action Model", Ocean Eng, 29, 1357-1390. ! ! computational stencil: 40.03 ! 33.08 ! IY+1 o 11 o 4 o 12 33.08 ! | | | 33.08 ! 8 6 | 2 | 1 | 5 33.08 ! IY o----o----o----*----o 33.08 ! | | | 33.08 ! 10 | 3 | 13 33.08 ! IY-1 o----o----o 33.08 ! | 33.08 ! | 33.08 ! IY-2 o 7 33.08 ! | 33.08 ! | 33.08 ! IY-3 o 9 33.08 ! ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ! | | | | | 33.08 ! IX-3 IX-2 IX-1 IX IX+1 ! ! Compute the derivative in x-direction: ! The nearby points are indicated with the index IC (see ! above scheme): ! Central grid point : IC = 1, grid index KCGRD(1) ! Point in X-direction : IC = 2, grid index KCGRD(2) ! Point in Y-direction : IC = 3, grid index KCGRD(3) ! ! @[CAX AC2] ! --------- = ! @x ! (1/4DX)*(CAX1(KCGRD(5))*AC1(KCGRD(5))-CAX1(KCGRD(2))*AC1(KCGRD(2))) 33.08 ! +(1/12DX)*( 10*CAX(KCGRD(1))*AC2(KCGRD(1))-15*CAX(KCGRD(2))*AC2(KCGRD(2)) 33.08 ! +6*CAX(KCGRD(6))*AC2(KCGRD(6))-1*CAX(KCGRD(8))*AC2(KCGRD(8)) ) 33.08 ! @[CAY AC2] ! --------- = ! @y ! (1/4DY)*(CAY1(KCGRD(4))*AC1(KCGRD(4))-CAY1(KCGRD(3))*AC1(KCGRD(3))) 33.08 ! +(1/12DY)*( 10*CAY(KCGRD(1))*AC2(KCGRD(1))-15*CAY(KCGRD(3))*AC2(KCGRD(3)) 33.08 ! +6*CAY(KCGRD(7))*AC2(KCGRD(7))-1*CAY(KCGRD(9))*AC2(KCGRD(9)) ) 33.08 ! in diagonal matrix: 1/DT + (5./6.)*(RDX(1)+RDX(2)) * CAX(ID,IS,1) 33.08 ! + (5./6.)*(RDY(1)+RDY(2)) * CAY(ID,IS,1) 33.08 ! in r.h.s.: AC1/DT + RDX(1)*CAX(ID,IS,2)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(2)) 33.08 ! +(5./4.) *RDY(2)*CAY(ID,IS,3)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(3)) 33.08 ! -(1./2.) *RDX(1)*CAX(ID,IS,6)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(6)) 33.08 ! -(1./2.) *RDY(2)*CAY(ID,IS,7)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(7)) 33.08 ! +(1./12.)*RDX(1)*CAX(ID,IS,8)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(8)) 33.08 ! +(1./12.)*RDY(2)*CAY(ID,IS,9)*AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(9)) 33.08 ! +(0.25*RDX(1))*(CAX1(ID,IS,2)*AC1(ID,IS,KCGRD(2)) 33.08 ! - CAX1(ID,IS,5)*AC1(ID,IS,KCGRD(5))) 33.08 ! +(0.25*RDY(2))*(CAY1(ID,IS,3)*AC1(ID,IS,KCGRD(3)) 33.08 ! - CAY1(ID,IS,4)*AC1(ID,IS,KCGRD(4))) 33.08 ! ! Anti-GSE correction: ! reference: Booij and Holthuijsen (JCP 1987) equations 32-35. ! To produce anisotrophic diffusion, we add to the r.h.s.: ! ! +RDX**2 33.08 ! *(+DXX(1)*(AC1(ID,IS,IND5)-AC1(ID,IS,IND1)) 33.08 ! -DXX(2)*(AC1(ID,IS,IND1)-AC1(ID,IS,IND2))) 33.08 ! +RDY**2 33.08 ! *(+DYY(1)*(AC1(ID,IS,IND4)-AC1(ID,IS,IND1)) 33.08 ! -DYY(3)*(AC1(ID,IS,IND1)-AC1(ID,IS,IND3))) 33.08 ! +(2.*DXY(1)*RDX*RDY) 33.08 ! *(+AC1(ID,IS,IND1)-AC1(ID,IS,IND2) 33.08 ! -AC1(ID,IS,IND3)+AC1(ID,IS,IND10)) 33.08 ! note: factor 2 here since we have @@xy and @@yx ! ! Where DXX, DYY, and DXY are diffusion coefficients. 33.08 ! ! Notes (Rogers, Jan 10 2013) : I noticed a few years ago that there is ! some asymmetry to this anti-GSE implementation that can be removed. ! In some tests, the asymmetry results in something that looks like a lima bean ! where we would expect an ellipsoid. ! If we do this, it may make some swell dispersion look a bit more "natural" ! Good news: the change is to the variable "D12AC", which means that it is not complicated by RDX RDY ! Bad news: the change requires 3 new points in our stencil. ! ! Notes (Rogers, Feb 21 2013) : this is now done. ! from ./RDX_FD_NOSUBS/swan_clone.f90 : ! < ! D12AC = 1.00*(QDENS(IX ,JY ) - QDENS(IX-1,JY ) - QDENS(IX ,JY-1) + QDENS(IX-1,JY-1)) ! lima bean ! < D12AC = 0.25*(QDENS(IX+1,JY+1) - QDENS(IX-1,JY+1) - QDENS(IX+1,JY-1) + QDENS(IX-1,JY-1)) ! corrected ! thus indices are : + IND12 -IND11 -IND13 +IND10 ! ! The finite difference scheme for @^2/@x^2 is created by taking this relation: ! @A/@x=(A(i+0.5)-A(i-0.5))/dx ! ...and applying it twice, @(@A/@x)/@x=(A(i+1)-2*A(i)+A(i-1))/(dx^2) ! ! The OLD finite difference scheme for @(@A/@x)/@y is mentioned in our paper, Rogers et al. (2002) ! However, I don't know the origins of this scheme. ! ! The NEW finite difference scheme for @(@A/@x)/@y is created by using these relations: ! @A/@x=(A(i+1)-A(i-1))/(2*dx) @A/@y=(A(j+1)-A(j-1))/(2*dy) ! ...and applying it together, giving @(@A/@x)/@y = ! [A(i+1,j+1)-A(i-1,j+1)-A(i+1,j-1)+A(i-1,j-1)]/[4*dx*dy] ! ! 4. PARAMETERLIST ! ! ISSTOP int, i highest spectral frequency counter in the sweep ! IDCMIN int, i minimum value of direction counter in this sweep ! IDCMAX int, i maximum value of direction counter in this sweep ! CGO rea, i 2D array group velocity 33.08 ! CAX rea, i 3D array propagation velocity in x new time level ! CAY rea, i 3D array propagation velocity in y ! CAX1 rea, i 3D array propagation velocity in x old time level ! CAY1 rea, i 3D array propagation velocity in y ! AC2 rea, i array spectral action density, function of ! x, y, theta, sigma ! IMATDA rea, i/o array Coefficients of diagonal of matrix ! IMATRA rea, i/o array Coefficients of right hand side of matrix ! RDX,RDY 1D i array containing spatial derivative coeff ! ! 5. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! ACTION ! ! 6. Local variables ! ! 6. SUBROUTINES USED ! ! --- ! ! 7. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! --- ! ! 8. REMARKS ! ! 9. STRUCTURE ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! For every spectral bin do ! If bin is in present sweep ! Then If LOBST ! Then For IC = 2 to ICMAX do ! multiply contribution from upwave point ! with reduction factor ! --------------------------------------------------- ! Compute the derivative in x-direction ! Compute the derivative in y-direction ! If computation is nonstationary ! Then compute the derivative in t-direction ! --------------------------------------------------- ! Store the terms in arrays IMATRA and IMATDA ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! INTEGER IS ,ID ,IDDUM ,ISSTOP ,IC , & IND1,IND2,IND3,IND4,IND5,IND6,IND7,IND8,IND9,IND10, 33.08 & IND11,IND12,IND13 ! REAL FXY1 ,FXY2, ACOLD, 33.08 & DSS, DNN, D11AC, D12AC, D22AC 33.08 ! REAL :: TRAC0(MDC,MSC,MTRNP) 40.85 REAL :: TRAC1(MDC,MSC,MTRNP) 40.85 REAL :: AC1(MDC,MSC,MCGRD) ,AC2(MDC,MSC,MCGRD) ! Changed ICMAX to MICMAX, since MICMAX doesn't vary over gridpoint 40.22 REAL :: CGO(MSC,MICMAX) 33.08 40.22 REAL :: CAX(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) ,CAY(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 40.22 REAL :: IMATRA(MDC,MSC) ,IMATDA(MDC,MSC) REAL :: RDX(MICMAX) ,RDY(MICMAX) 40.08 ! Changed ICMAX to MICMAX, since MICMAX doesn't vary over gridpoint 40.22 REAL :: CAX1(MDC,MSC,MICMAX),CAY1(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 33.08 40.22 REAL :: DCG, SPCDIR(MDC,6), DXX, DYY, DXY 33.08 REAL :: MYU,DX1DUM,DY1DUM,DX2DUM,DY2DUM,DXMYU,DYMYU 40.08 ! INTEGER :: IDCMIN(MSC), IDCMAX(MSC) ! INTEGER, SAVE :: IENT=0 IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'SANDL') ! IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 120) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,*) ' Initial matrix coefficients at SANDL : ' WRITE(PRINTF,*) & 'IS ID IDDUM IMATDA IMATRA' DO IS = 1, ISSTOP DO IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 WRITE(PRINTF,2102) IS,IDDUM,ID, & IMATDA(ID,IS), IMATRA(ID,IS) ENDDO ENDDO END IF IND1 = KCGRD(1) 33.08 IND2 = KCGRD(2) IND3 = KCGRD(3) IND4 = KCGRD(4) 33.08 IND5 = KCGRD(5) 33.08 IND6 = KCGRD(6) 33.08 IND7 = KCGRD(7) 33.08 IND8 = KCGRD(8) 33.08 IND9 = KCGRD(9) 33.08 IND10 = KCGRD(10) 33.08 IND11 = KCGRD(11) IND12 = KCGRD(12) IND13 = KCGRD(13) IF (TESTFL .AND. KSPHER.GT.0 .AND. ITEST.GE.60) THEN WRITE (PRTEST, 92) (COSLAT(IC), IC=1, 10) 92 FORMAT (' Cos(Lat) ',10(1X,F7.4)) ENDIF IF (WAVAGE.GT.0. .AND. ITEST.GE.120 .AND. TESTFL) THEN WRITE (PRTEST, *) ' ID IS DSS DNN ', & ' DXX DXY DYY D11AC D12AC D22AC' ENDIF ! ! --- I have tested this code with Cartesian, curvilinear, and 40.08 ! spherical coords (Erick Rogers). 40.08 ! Note that this might be improved by only performing the 40.08 ! check at the first time step (assuming that cgo does not 40.08 ! change greatly from one time step to the next) 40.08 IF(RDX(1).EQ.0.0)THEN 40.08 DX1DUM=0.0 40.08 ELSE 40.08 DX1DUM=1.0/RDX(1) 40.08 END IF 40.08 IF(RDY(1).EQ.0.0)THEN 40.08 DY1DUM=0.0 40.08 ELSE 40.08 DY1DUM=1.0/RDY(1) 40.08 END IF 40.08 IF(RDX(2).EQ.0.0)THEN 40.08 DX2DUM=0.0 40.08 ELSE 40.08 DX2DUM=1.0/RDX(2) 40.08 END IF 40.08 IF(RDY(2).EQ.0.0)THEN 40.08 DY2DUM=0.0 40.08 ELSE 40.08 DY2DUM=1.0/RDY(2) 40.08 END IF 40.08 ! --- Even if KSPHER=1, dx and dy are already in meters 40.08 DXMYU=SQRT(DY1DUM**2+DX1DUM**2) 40.08 DYMYU=SQRT(DY2DUM**2+DX2DUM**2) 40.08 MYU=ABS(DT*CGO(1,1)/MIN(DXMYU,DYMYU)) 40.08 ! --- Since there is no hard stability limit, we use a nonexact 40.08 ! definition of CFL. I only check IS=1, since that is the 40.08 ! fastest wave. 40.08 IF(MYU.GT.10.0)THEN 40.08 CALL MSGERR(2,'It is inadvisable to use the higher order '// 40.08 & 'scheme for nonstationary computation with ' // 40.08 & 'CFL greater than 10. Consider using PROP BSBT.'// 40.08 & ' If you are having this problem because you ' // 40.08 & 'are trying to run a high resolution model ' // 40.08 & 'with a large (e.g. 1 hour) time step and ' // 40.08 & 'COMP NONSTAT: Note that for smaller domains, ' // 40.08 & 'you can avoid this problem by using MODE ' // 40.08 & 'NONSTAT with multiple COMP STAT lines. (COMP ' // 40.08 & 'STAT is often ok when domain is less than ' // 40.08 & '100km or 1 deg on a side, as a rule of thumb)') 40.08 ! --- Note that code will stop even without this line 40.08 ! (at beginning of next time step). 40.08 ! IF(MAXERR.LT.2) STOP 40.08 END IF 40.08 ! DO 200 IS = 1, ISSTOP DO 100 IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 IF (WAVAGE.GT.0.) THEN 33.08 ! calculate DSS,DXX,DXY for the central grid point (IC=1) 33.08 ! we need DCG first. we calculate DCG (delta of Cg) 33.08 IC = 1 33.08 IF (IS.EQ.1) THEN 33.08 DCG = ABS(CGO(IS+1,IC)-CGO(IS,IC)) 33.08 ELSE IF (IS.EQ.ISSTOP) THEN 33.08 DCG = ABS(CGO(IS,IC)-CGO(IS-1,IC)) 33.08 ELSE 33.08 DCG = 0.5 * ABS(CGO(IS+1,IC)-CGO(IS-1,IC)) 33.08 END IF 33.08 ! we obtain DSS etc. by using the wave age 33.08 DSS = DCG**2*WAVAGE/12. 33.08 DNN = (CGO(IS,IC)*DDIR)**2 * WAVAGE/12. 33.08 ! we obtain DXX etc. by multiplication with Cos(theta)^2 etc. 33.08 DXX = DSS*SPCDIR(ID,4) + DNN*SPCDIR(ID,6) 33.08 DYY = DSS*SPCDIR(ID,6) + DNN*SPCDIR(ID,4) 33.08 DXY = (DSS-DNN)*SPCDIR(ID,5) 33.08 END IF 33.08 ! the unknown, diagonal part: 33.08 FXY1 = 0.83333*(RDX(1)+RDX(2)) * CAX(ID,IS,1) 33.08 & + 0.83333*(RDY(1)+RDY(2)) * CAY(ID,IS,1) 33.08 IF (KSPHER.EQ.0) THEN 33.08 ! Cartesian coordinates ! the known, rhs part 33.08 ! ! To avoid violation of the ANSI standard this statement is split 40.02 ! FXY2 = 40.02 & +1.25 * RDX(1) * CAX(ID,IS,2) * AC2(ID,IS,IND2) 33.08 & +1.25 * RDY(1) * CAY(ID,IS,2) * AC2(ID,IS,IND2) 33.08 & +1.25 * RDX(2) * CAX(ID,IS,3) * AC2(ID,IS,IND3) 33.08 & +1.25 * RDY(2) * CAY(ID,IS,3) * AC2(ID,IS,IND3) 33.08 & -0.5 * RDX(1) * CAX(ID,IS,6) * AC2(ID,IS,IND6) 33.08 & -0.5 * RDY(1) * CAY(ID,IS,6) * AC2(ID,IS,IND6) 33.08 & -0.5 * RDX(2) * CAX(ID,IS,7) * AC2(ID,IS,IND7) 33.08 & -0.5 * RDY(2) * CAY(ID,IS,7) * AC2(ID,IS,IND7) 33.08 & +0.08333* RDX(1) * CAX(ID,IS,8) * AC2(ID,IS,IND8) 33.08 & +0.08333* RDY(1) * CAY(ID,IS,8) * AC2(ID,IS,IND8) 33.08 & +0.08333* RDX(2) * CAX(ID,IS,9) * AC2(ID,IS,IND9) 33.08 & +0.08333* RDY(2) * CAY(ID,IS,9) * AC2(ID,IS,IND9) 33.08 FXY2 = FXY2 + ( 40.02 & +(0.25*RDX(1)) * (CAX1(ID,IS,2) * AC1(ID,IS,IND2) 33.08 & - CAX1(ID,IS,5) * AC1(ID,IS,IND5)) 33.08 & +(0.25*RDY(1)) * (CAY1(ID,IS,2) * AC1(ID,IS,IND2) 33.08 & - CAY1(ID,IS,5) * AC1(ID,IS,IND5)) 33.08 & +(0.25*RDX(2)) * (CAX1(ID,IS,3) * AC1(ID,IS,IND3) 33.08 & - CAX1(ID,IS,4) * AC1(ID,IS,IND4)) 33.08 & +(0.25*RDY(2)) * (CAY1(ID,IS,3) * AC1(ID,IS,IND3) 33.08 & - CAY1(ID,IS,4) * AC1(ID,IS,IND4)) ) 33.08 ELSE 33.09 ! spherical coordinates FXY2 = & 1.25 * RDX(1)*CAX(ID,IS,2)*AC2(ID,IS,IND2) 33.09 & +1.25 * RDX(2)*CAX(ID,IS,3)*AC2(ID,IS,IND3) 33.09 & -0.5 * RDX(1)*CAX(ID,IS,6)*AC2(ID,IS,IND6) 33.09 & -0.5 * RDX(2)*CAX(ID,IS,7)*AC2(ID,IS,IND7) 33.09 & +0.08333* RDX(1)*CAX(ID,IS,8)*AC2(ID,IS,IND8) 33.09 & +0.08333* RDX(2)*CAX(ID,IS,9)*AC2(ID,IS,IND9) 33.09 & +(0.25*RDX(1))*(CAX1(ID,IS,2)*AC1(ID,IS,IND2) 33.09 & - CAX1(ID,IS,5)*AC1(ID,IS,IND5)) 33.09 & +(0.25*RDX(2))*(CAX1(ID,IS,3)*AC1(ID,IS,IND3) 33.09 & - CAX1(ID,IS,4)*AC1(ID,IS,IND4)) 33.09 FXY2 = FXY2 + ( & +1.25 * RDY(1)*CAY(ID,IS,2)*AC2(ID,IS,IND2)*COSLAT(2) 33.09 & +1.25 * RDY(2)*CAY(ID,IS,3)*AC2(ID,IS,IND3)*COSLAT(3) 33.09 & -0.5 * RDY(1)*CAY(ID,IS,6)*AC2(ID,IS,IND6)*COSLAT(6) 33.09 & -0.5 * RDY(2)*CAY(ID,IS,7)*AC2(ID,IS,IND7)*COSLAT(7) 33.09 & +0.08333* RDY(1)*CAY(ID,IS,8)*AC2(ID,IS,IND8)*COSLAT(8) 33.09 & +0.08333* RDY(2)*CAY(ID,IS,9)*AC2(ID,IS,IND9)*COSLAT(9) 33.09 & +(0.25*RDY(1))*(CAY1(ID,IS,2)*AC1(ID,IS,IND2)*COSLAT(2) 33.09 & - CAY1(ID,IS,5)*AC1(ID,IS,IND5)*COSLAT(5)) 33.09 & +(0.25*RDY(2))*(CAY1(ID,IS,3)*AC1(ID,IS,IND3)*COSLAT(3) 33.09 & - CAY1(ID,IS,4)*AC1(ID,IS,IND4)*COSLAT(4)) 33.09 & ) / COSLAT(1) 33.09 ENDIF 33.09 IF (WAVAGE.GT.0.0) THEN ! add the anti-GSE stuff 33.08 D11AC = AC1(ID,IS,IND5) - 2.*AC1(ID,IS,IND1) + 33.08 & AC1(ID,IS,IND2) 33.08 ! old method ! D12AC = AC1(ID,IS,IND1) - AC1(ID,IS,IND2) - 33.08 ! & AC1(ID,IS,IND3) + AC1(ID,IS,IND10) 33.08 ! new method D12AC = 0.25*(AC1(ID,IS,IND12) - AC1(ID,IS,IND11) & -AC1(ID,IS,IND13) + AC1(ID,IS,IND10)) D22AC = AC1(ID,IS,IND4) - 2.*AC1(ID,IS,IND1) + 33.08 & AC1(ID,IS,IND3) 33.08 FXY2 = FXY2 + 33.08 & DXX * (RDX(1)*RDX(1)*D11AC + 2.*RDX(1)*RDX(2)*D12AC + 33.08 & RDX(2)*RDX(2)*D22AC) + 33.08 & 2.*DXY * (RDX(1)*RDY(1)*D11AC + RDX(2)*RDY(2)*D22AC + 33.08 & (RDX(1)*RDY(2)+RDX(2)*RDY(1))*D12AC) + 33.08 & DYY * (RDY(1)*RDY(1)*D11AC + 2.*RDY(1)*RDY(2)*D12AC + 33.08 & RDY(2)*RDY(2)*D22AC) 33.08 IF (ITEST.GE.120 .AND. TESTFL) WRITE (PRTEST, 6014) & ID, IS, DSS, DNN, DXX, DXY, DYY, D11AC, D12AC, D22AC 6014 FORMAT (1X, 2I4, 1X, 2E12.4, 1X, 3E12.4, 1X, 4E12.4) END IF 33.08 ! ! *** the term FXY2 is known, store in IMATRA *** ! *** the term FXY1 is unknown, store in IMATDA *** ! This business of doing rollback regardless of ITERMX is an 40.08 ! artifact and has been removed. 40.08 IF (ITERMX.EQ.1) THEN 40.08 ACOLD = AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)) 40.08 ELSE 40.08 ACOLD = AC1(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)) 40.08 ENDIF 40.08 IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) + FXY2 + ACOLD*RDTIM 33.08 IMATDA(ID,IS) = IMATDA(ID,IS) + FXY1 + RDTIM 33.08 ! TRACx represent material derivative of action density TRAC0(ID,IS,1) = TRAC0(ID,IS,1) - FXY2 - ACOLD*RDTIM 40.85 TRAC1(ID,IS,1) = TRAC1(ID,IS,1) + FXY1 + RDTIM 40.85 ! ! *** test output *** ! IF ( ITEST .GE. 150 .AND. TESTFL ) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,6021) ID, FXY1, FXY2, ACOLD 6021 FORMAT (' - ID FXY1 FXY2 ACOLD:', I4, 3(1X,E12.4)) ENDIF ! 100 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE ! IF (TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 100) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,*) ' matrix coefficients at SANDL : ' WRITE(PRINTF,*) & 'IS ID IDDUM IMATDA IMATRA' DO IS = 1, ISSTOP DO IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 WRITE(PRINTF,2102) IS,IDDUM,ID, & IMATDA(ID,IS), IMATRA(ID,IS) 2102 FORMAT(3I3,2E12.4) ENDDO ENDDO END IF ! End of subroutine SANDL RETURN END ! !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE STRSSI(SPCSIG , & CAS ,IMAT5L ,IMATDA ,IMAT6U ,ANYBIN , & IMATRA ,AC2 ,ISCMIN ,ISCMAX ,IDDLOW , & IDDTOP ,TRAC0 ,TRAC1 ) 40.85 40.41 30.21 ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 30.72: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.85: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 30.72, Feb. 98: Introduced generic names XCGRID, YCGRID and SPCSIG for SWAN ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! 40.85, Aug. 08: store sigma-propagation for output purposes ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! comp. of @[CAS AC2]/@S initial & boundary : IMPLICIT SCHEME ! ! 3. Method ! ! Compute the derivative in S-direction only n the central ! gridpoint considered: ! Central grid point : IC = 1 ! ! Depending on the parameter PNUMS(7) either a central difference ! scheme (PNUMS(7) = 0) or an upstream scheme (PNUMS(7) = 1) is ! used. Points 1, 2 and 3 are three consecutive points on the ! T-axis. 2 is the central point for which @(C*A)/@SIGMA and ! @(C*W*A)/@SIGMA is computed. ! ! 1 2 3 ! ---O-------O-------O--- > SIGMA ! ! ! PNUMS() = 0. central difference scheme ! PNUMS() = 1. upwind scheme ! ! @[CAS AC2] ! ---------- = ! @S ! ! CAS(ID,IS+1,1) AC2(ID,IS+1,IX,IY) - CAS(ID,IS-1,1) AC2(ID,IS-1,IX,IY) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 2 DS ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! SPCSIG: Relative frequencies in computational domain in sigma-space 30.72 ! REAL SPCSIG(MSC) 30.72 ! ! IC Dummy variable: ICode gridpoint: ! IC = 1 Top or Bottom gridpoint ! IC = 2 Left or Right gridpoint ! IC = 3 Central gridpoint ! Whether which value IC has, depends of the sweep ! If necessary IC can be enlarged by increasing ! the array size of ICMAX ! IS Counter of relative frequency band ! ID Counter of directional distribution ! ICMAX Maximum counter for the points of the molecule ! MXC Maximum counter of gridpoints in x-direction ! MYC Maximum counter of gridpoints in y-direction ! MSC Maximum counter of relative frequency ! MDC Maximum counter of directional distribution ! one sweep ! ! ! REALS: ! --------- ! ! DD Width of spectral direction band ! PNH Equal to (1/2)*DD ! PI (3,14) ! ! one and more dimensional arrays: ! --------------------------------- ! ! CAS 3D Wave transport velocity in S-dirction, function of ! (ID,IS,IC) ! IMATDA 2D Coefficients of diagonal of matrix ! IMAT5L 2D Coefficients of lower diagonal of matrix ! IMAT6U 2D Coefficients of upper diagonal of matrix ! ISCMIN 1D Minimum counter in frequency space per direction ! ISCMIN 1D Maximum counter in frequency space per direction ! ! 5. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! ACTION ! ! 6. SUBROUTINES USED ! ! --- ! ! 7. Common blocks used ! ! ! --- ! ! 8. REMARKS ! ! --- ! ! 9. STRUCTURE ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------- ! For every S and D-direction in direction of sweep do ! Compute the derivative in S-direction: ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! Store the results of the transport terms in the ! arrays IMATDA, IMAT5L, IMAT6U ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! End of STRSSI ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! 10. SOURCE ! !**************************************************************** ! INTEGER IENT, IS ,ID ,IDDLOW ,IDDTOP ,IDDUM ! REAL DS ,PNH ,PN1 ,PN2 ,C1 ,C2 , & C3 ,A1 ,A3 ,PCD1 ,PCD2 ,RHS12 , & RHS23 ,DIAG12 ,DIAG23 REAL TC12 ,TC23 ,S1 ,S3 ! LOGICAL BIN1 ,BIN3 ! REAL AC2(MDC,MSC,MCGRD) , & CAS(MDC,MSC,ICMAX) , & IMAT5L(MDC,MSC) , & IMATDA(MDC,MSC) , & IMAT6U(MDC,MSC) , & IMATRA(MDC,MSC) REAL :: TRAC0(MDC,MSC,MTRNP) 40.85 REAL :: TRAC1(MDC,MSC,MTRNP) 40.85 ! INTEGER ISCMIN(MDC) , & ISCMAX(MDC) ! LOGICAL ANYBIN(MDC,MSC) ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'STRSSI') ! DO 500 IDDUM = IDDLOW, IDDTOP ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 IF (ISCMIN(ID).EQ.0) GOTO 500 DO 400 IS = ISCMIN(ID), ISCMAX(ID) A1 = 0. A3 = 0. C2 = CAS(ID,IS,1) IF ( IS .EQ. 1 ) THEN C1 = 0. A1 = 0. BIN1 = .FALSE. C3 = CAS(ID,IS+1,1) BIN3 = ANYBIN(ID,IS+1) IF (.NOT.BIN3) A3 = AC2(ID,IS+1,KCGRD(1)) 30.21 DS = SPCSIG(IS+1) - SPCSIG(IS) 30.72 S1 = 0. 40.85 S3 = SPCSIG(IS+1) 40.85 ELSE IF ( IS .EQ. MSC ) THEN C1 = CAS(ID,IS-1,1) BIN1 = ANYBIN(ID,IS-1) IF (.NOT.BIN1) A1 = AC2(ID,IS-1,KCGRD(1)) 30.21 C3 = C2 A3 = 0. BIN3 = .FALSE. DS = SPCSIG(IS) - SPCSIG(IS-1) 30.72 S1 = SPCSIG(IS-1) 40.85 S3 = 0. 40.85 ELSE C1 = CAS(ID,IS-1,1) C3 = CAS(ID,IS+1,1) BIN1 = ANYBIN(ID,IS-1) BIN3 = ANYBIN(ID,IS+1) IF (.NOT.BIN1) A1 = AC2(ID,IS-1,KCGRD(1)) 30.21 IF (.NOT.BIN3) A3 = AC2(ID,IS+1,KCGRD(1)) 30.21 DS = 0.5 * ( SPCSIG(IS+1) - SPCSIG(IS-1) ) 30.72 S1 = SPCSIG(IS-1) 40.85 S3 = SPCSIG(IS+1) 40.85 END IF ! PNH = 1. / (2. * DS) PN1 = (1. - PNUMS(7) ) * PNH PN2 = (1. + PNUMS(7) ) * PNH ! ! *** fill the lower diagonal and the diagonal *** ! IF ( C1 .GT. 1.E-8 .AND. C2 .GT. 1.E-8 ) THEN PCD1 = PN2 * C1 PCD2 = PN1 * C2 ELSE IF ( C1 .LT. -1.E-8 .AND. C2 .LT. -1.E-8 ) THEN PCD1 = PN1 * C1 PCD2 = PN2 * C2 ELSE PCD1 = PNH * C1 PCD2 = PNH * C2 END IF ! RHS12 = 0. TC12 = 0. IF ( IS .EQ. 1 .AND. C2.LT.0.) THEN ! fully upwind approximation at the boundary of the frequency space DIAG12 = - PCD1 - PCD2 ELSE DIAG12 = - PCD2 IF (BIN1) THEN IMAT5L(ID,IS) = IMAT5L(ID,IS) - PCD1 ELSE RHS12 = PCD1 * A1 TC12 = RHS12* S1 ENDIF ENDIF ! IF ( C2 .GT. 1.E-8 .AND. C3 .GT. 1.E-8 ) THEN PCD2 = PN2 * C2 PCD3 = PN1 * C3 ELSE IF ( C2 .LT. -1.E-8 .AND. C3 .LT. -1.E-8 ) THEN PCD2 = PN1 * C2 PCD3 = PN2 * C3 ELSE PCD2 = PNH * C2 PCD3 = PNH * C3 END IF ! RHS23 = 0. TC23 = 0. IF (IS .EQ. MSC .AND. C2.GT.0.) THEN ! full upwind approximation at the boundary DIAG23 = PCD2 + PCD3 ELSE DIAG23 = PCD2 IF (BIN3) THEN IMAT6U(ID,IS) = IMAT6U(ID,IS) + PCD3 ELSE RHS23 = - PCD3 * A3 TC23 = RHS23 * S3 ENDIF ENDIF IMATDA(ID,IS) = IMATDA(ID,IS) + DIAG12 + DIAG23 IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) + RHS12 + RHS23 TRAC0(ID,IS,3) = TRAC0(ID,IS,3) - TC12 - TC23 40.85 TRAC1(ID,IS,3) = TRAC1(ID,IS,3) + DIAG12 + DIAG23 40.85 400 CONTINUE 500 CONTINUE ! ! *** test output *** ! IF ( TESTFL .AND. ITEST .GE. 35 ) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,111) KCGRD(1), IDDLOW, IDDTOP 111 FORMAT(' STRSSI: POINT IDDLOW IDDTOP :',3I5) WRITE(PRINTF,131) PNUMS(7) 131 FORMAT(' STRSSI: CSS :',2E12.4) WRITE(PRINTF,*) WRITE(PRINTF,*) ' matrix coefficients in STRSSI' WRITE(PRINTF,*) WRITE(PRINTF,*) & ' IS ID IMAT5L IMATDA IMAT6U IMATRA CAS' DO IDDUM = IDDLOW, IDDTOP ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 IF (ISCMIN(ID).GT.0) THEN DO IS = ISCMIN(ID), ISCMAX(ID) WRITE(PRINTF,2101) IS, ID, IMAT5L(ID,IS),IMATDA(ID,IS), & IMAT6U(ID,IS),IMATRA(ID,IS),CAS(ID,IS,1) 2101 FORMAT(1X,2I4,4X,4E12.4,E10.2) ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO END IF ! ! End of subroutine STRSSI RETURN END ! !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE STRSSB (IDDLOW ,IDDTOP , & IDCMIN ,IDCMAX ,ISSTOP ,CAX ,CAY , & CAS ,AC2 ,SPCSIG ,IMATRA , & ANYBLK ,RDX ,RDY ,TRAC0 ) 41.07 40.41 30.21 ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 30.72: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! 41.07: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 30.72, Feb. 98: Introduced generic names XCGRID, YCGRID and SPCSIG for SWAN ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! 41.07, Jul. 09: also central scheme blended with upwind scheme ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! comp. of @[CAS AC2]/@S initial & boundary with an explicit ! scheme. The energy near the blocking point is removed ! from the spectrum based on a CFL criterion ! ! The frequencies beyond ISSTOP are blocked in a 1-D situation ! For a 2-D case the situation is somewhat more complicated ( ! see below) ! ! ! ^ | 1-D case ! E()| | * ======== ! | * * ! | * ! | * * / blocking frequency ! | .... / ! | * ....| * ! | SWEEP 1 ....| o o * ! | * ....| o o o o o* ! 0---------------------|-----------|--------- ! 0 ISSTOP MSC --> s ! ! -|---|- ! ^ ! |---- CFL > 0.5sqrt(2) -> ANYBLK = true ! ! ! ANYBIN = TRUE ANYBIN = FALSE ! |--------------------|-----------| ! ! ! 3. Method ! ! Compute the derivative in s-direction: ! The nearby points are indicated with the index IC (see ! FUNCTION ICODE(_,_): ! Central grid point : IC = 1 ! Point in X-direction : IC = 2 ! Point in Y-direction : IC = 3 ! ! @[CAS AC2] ! --------- = ! @S ! ! CAS*AC2(ID,IS) - CAS*AC2(ID,IS-1) F(IS+0.5) - F(IS-0.5) ! ---------------------------------- = ----------------------- ! DS DS ! ! / CAS(IS+0.5) * ( (1-0.5mu)*AC2(IS+1) + 0.5mu*AC2(IS) ) IF CAS(IS+0.5) < 0 ! F(IS+0.5) = | ! \ CAS(IS+0.5) * ( (1-0.5mu)*AC2(IS) + 0.5mu*AC2(IS+1) ) IF CAS(IS+0.5) > 0 ! ! / CAS(IS-0.5) * ( (1-0.5mu)*AC2(IS-1) + 0.5mu*AC2(IS) ) IF CAS(IS-0.5) > 0 ! F(IS-0.5) = | ! \ CAS(IS-0.5) * ( (1-0.5mu)*AC2(IS) + 0.5mu*AC2(IS-1) ) IF CAS(IS-0.5) < 0 ! ! with ! ! 0 <= mu <= 1 a blending factor ! ! mu = 0 corresponds to 1st order upwind scheme ! mu = 1 corresponds to 2nd order central scheme ! ! default value, mu = 0.5 ! ! and ! ! CAS(IS+0.5) = ( CAS(IS+1) + CAS(IS) ) / 2. ! ! CAS(IS-0.5) = ( CAS(IS) + CAS(IS-1) ) / 2. ! ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! Courant-Friedlich-Levich criterion : ! ! | Cs | ! | -- | ! | ds | < ! --------------- = 0.5 * sqrt(2.0) ! CFL = | Cx | | Cy | ! | -- | + | -- | ! | dx | | dy | ! ! For a bin in which the CFL criterion is larger two ! ways are possible: ! ! 1) Cs can be limited ! 2) Action in bin can be set equal zero ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! SPCSIG: Relative frequencies in computational domain in sigma-space 30.72 ! REAL SPCSIG(MSC) 30.72 ! ! IC Dummy variable: ICode gridpoint: ! IC = 1 Top or Bottom gridpoint ! IC = 2 Left or Right gridpoint ! IC = 3 Central gridpoint ! Whether which value IC has, depends of the sweep ! If necessary IC can be enlarged by increasing ! the array size of ICMAX ! IX Counter of gridpoints in x-direction ! IY Counter of gridpoints in y-direction ! IS Counter of relative frequency band ! ID Counter of directional distribution ! ICMAX Maximum counter for the points of the molecule ! MXC Maximum counter of gridpoints in x-direction ! MYC Maximum counter of gridpoints in y-direction ! MSC Maximum counter of relative frequency ! MDC Maximum counter of directional distribution ! ISSTOP Maximum frequency counter for wave components ! that are propagated within a sweep ! IDDLOW Minimum direction that is propagated within a ! sweep ! IDDTOP Idem maximum ! ! REALS: ! --------- ! ! FSA_ Dummy variable ! ! one and more dimensional arrays: ! --------------------------------- ! ! AC2 4D Action density as function of D,S,X,Y at time T ! CAS 3D Wave transport velocity in S-dirction, function of ! (ID,IS,IC) ! CAX, CAY Propagation velocities in x-y space ! IMATRA 2D Coefficients of right hand side of matrix ! ISCMIN 1D Diractional dependent counter ! ISCMIN 1D Directional dependent counter ! ANYBLK 2D Determines if a bin is BLOCKED by a counter current ! based on a CFL criterion ! ! 5. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! ACTION ! ! 6. SUBROUTINES USED ! ! --- ! ! 7. Common blocks used ! ! ! 8. REMARKS ! ! --- ! ! 9. STRUCTURE ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! For every S and D-direction in direction of sweep do, ! Determine if CFL criterion is satisfied ! Compute the derivative in s-direction: ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute transportation terms ! Store the terms in the array IMATRA ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! End of STRSSB ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 10. SOURCE ! !************************************************************************ ! INTEGER IENT, IS ,ID ,ISSTOP , & IDDLOW ,IDDTOP ,IDDUM ! REAL FSA ,FLEFT ,FRGHT ,DS ,CFLMAX ,CFLCEN , & CAXCEN ,CAYCEN ,CASCEN ,TX ,TY ,TS , & CASL ,CASR ,PN1 ,PN2 ! REAL CAS(MDC,MSC,ICMAX) , & CAX(MDC,MSC,ICMAX) , & CAY(MDC,MSC,ICMAX) , & AC2(MDC,MSC,MCGRD) , & IMATRA(MDC,MSC) , & RDX(MICMAX) , 40.08 & RDY(MICMAX) 40.08 REAL :: TRAC0(MDC,MSC,MTRNP) 41.07 ! INTEGER IDCMIN(MSC) , & IDCMAX(MSC) ! LOGICAL ANYBLK(MDC,MSC) ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'STRSSB') ! ! --- determine blending factor ! PN1 = 0.5*(1.+PNUMS(7)) 41.07 PN2 = 0.5*(1.-PNUMS(7)) 41.07 ! ! *** initialization of ANYBLK and CFLMAX value *** ! DO IS = 1, MSC DO ID = 1, MDC ANYBLK(ID,IS) = .FALSE. ENDDO ENDDO CFLMAX = PNUMS(19) ! DO IS = 1, ISSTOP IF ( IS .EQ. 1 ) THEN DS = SPCSIG(IS+1) - SPCSIG(IS) 30.72 ELSE IF ( IS .EQ. MSC ) THEN DS = SPCSIG(IS) - SPCSIG(IS-1) 30.72 ELSE DS = 0.5 * ( SPCSIG(IS+1) - SPCSIG(IS-1) ) 30.72 END IF DO IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 CAXCEN = ABS ( CAX(ID,IS,1) ) CAYCEN = ABS ( CAY(ID,IS,1) ) CASCEN = ABS ( CAS(ID,IS,1) ) ! TX = RDX(1) * CAXCEN + RDX(2) * CAXCEN TY = RDY(1) * CAYCEN + RDY(2) * CAYCEN ! TS = CASCEN / DS CFLCEN = TS / MAX( 1.E-20 , ( TX + TY ) ) FRGHT = 0. FLEFT = 0. ! ! *** check if a bin can be propagated or if it is blocked *** ! IF ( CFLCEN .GT. CFLMAX ) THEN ! ! *** de-activate bin in solver by ANYBLK *** ! ANYBLK(ID,IS) = .TRUE. ! ELSE ! ! *** calculate transport in frequency space *** ! IF ( IS .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! *** for first point an upwind scheme is used *** CASR = 0.5 * ( CAS(ID,IS,1) + CAS(ID,IS+1,1) ) IF ( CASR .LT. 0. ) THEN FRGHT = CASR * AC2(ID,IS+1,KCGRD(1)) 30.21 ELSE FRGHT = CASR * AC2(ID,IS ,KCGRD(1)) 30.21 END IF FLEFT = 0. ELSE IF ( IS .EQ. MSC ) THEN ! *** for the last discrete point in frequency space *** ! *** an upwind scheme is used *** CASL = CAS(ID,IS-1,1) CASR = CAS(ID,IS ,1) IF ( CASL .LT. 0. ) THEN FLEFT = CASL * AC2(ID,IS ,KCGRD(1)) 30.21 ELSE FLEFT = CASL * AC2(ID,IS-1,KCGRD(1)) 30.21 END IF IF ( CASR .LT. 0. ) THEN ! *** assumption has been made that the flux is *** ! *** zero for the bin beyond MSC *** FRGHT = 0. ELSE FRGHT = CASR * AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)) 30.21 END IF ELSE ! *** point in frequency range *** CASL = 0.5 * ( CAS(ID,IS,1) + CAS(ID,IS-1,1) ) CASR = 0.5 * ( CAS(ID,IS,1) + CAS(ID,IS+1,1) ) IF ( CASL .LT. 0. ) THEN FLEFT = CASL * ( PN1*AC2(ID,IS ,KCGRD(1)) + 41.07 & PN2*AC2(ID,IS-1,KCGRD(1)) ) 41.07 30.21 ELSE FLEFT = CASL * ( PN1*AC2(ID,IS-1,KCGRD(1)) + 41.07 & PN2*AC2(ID,IS ,KCGRD(1)) ) 41.07 30.21 END IF IF ( CASR .LT. 0. ) THEN FRGHT = CASR * ( PN1*AC2(ID,IS+1,KCGRD(1)) + 41.07 & PN2*AC2(ID,IS ,KCGRD(1)) ) 41.07 30.21 ELSE FRGHT = CASR * ( PN1*AC2(ID,IS ,KCGRD(1)) + 41.07 & PN2*AC2(ID,IS+1,KCGRD(1)) ) 41.07 30.21 END IF END IF ! FSA = ( FRGHT - FLEFT ) / DS ! ! *** all the terms are known, store in IMATRA *** ! IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) - FSA TRAC0(ID,IS,3) = TRAC0(ID,IS,3) + FSA 41.07 ENDIF ! ! *** test output *** IF ( ITEST .GE. 50 .AND. TESTFL ) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,670) IS,ID,FRGHT,FLEFT,CFLCEN,ANYBLK(ID,IS) 670 FORMAT(' STRSSB: FR FL CFLC ANYBLK:',2I3,3E12.4,L3) END IF ! ENDDO ENDDO ! ! *** test output *** ! IF ( ITEST .GE. 50 .AND. TESTFL ) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,200) MDC,MSC,MCGRD 200 FORMAT(' BLOCKB : MDC MSC MCGRD : ',3I5) WRITE(PRINTF,300) KCGRD(1), ISSTOP, CFLMAX 300 FORMAT(' BLOCKB : POINT ISSTOP CFLMAX: ',2I5,F8.4) WRITE(PRINTF,400) IDDLOW, IDDTOP 400 FORMAT (' Active bins within a sweep -> ID: ',I3,' to ',I3) WRITE(PRINTF,*) WRITE(PRINTF,*)(' Propagation of bin if blocking can occur') WRITE(PRINTF,*)(' 1) No blocking of bin -> ANYBLK = .F.') WRITE(PRINTF,*)(' 2) Blocking of bin -> ANYBLK = .T.') WRITE(PRINTF,*) DO IDDUM = IDDTOP+1, IDDLOW-1, -1 ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC, MDC) + 1 WRITE(PRINTF,500) ID, (ANYBLK(ID,IS),IS=1,MIN(ISSTOP,25)) 500 FORMAT(I4,25L3) ENDDO WRITE(PRINTF,600)(IS, IS=1+4, MIN(ISSTOP,25), 5 ) 600 FORMAT(6X,'1',9X,5(I3,12X)) WRITE(PRINTF,*) ! ENDIF ! ! End of subroutine STRSSB RETURN END ! !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE STRSD (DD ,IDCMIN , & IDCMAX ,CAD ,IMATLA ,IMATDA ,IMATUA , & IMATRA ,AC2 ,ISSTOP , & ANYBIN ,LEAKC1 ,TRAC0 ,TRAC1 ) 40.85 40.41 30.21 !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 1. UPDATE ! ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! 40.85, Aug. 08: store theta-propagation for output purposes ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! comp. of @[CAD AC2]/@D initial & boundary ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! Compute the derivative in D-direction only n the central ! gridpoint considered: ! Central grid point : IC = 1 ! ! Depending on the parameter PNUMS(6) either a central difference ! scheme (PNUMS(6) = 0) or an upstream scheme (PNUMS(6) = 1) is ! used. Points 1, 2 and 3 are three consecutive points on the ! T-axis. 2 is the central point for which @(C*A)/@THETA and ! @(C*W*A)/@THETA is computed. ! ! 1 2 3 ! ---O-------O-------O--- > THETA ! ! ! PNUMS() = 0. central difference scheme ! PNUMS() = 1. upwind scheme ! ! @[CAD AC2] ! ---------- = ! @D ! ! CAD(ID+1,IS,1) AC2(ID+1,IS,IX,IY) - CAD(ID-1,IS,1) AC2(ID-1,IS,IX,IY) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 2*DD ! ! 4. PARAMETERLIST ! ! IC Dummy variable: ICode gridpoint: ! IC = 1 Top or Bottom gridpoint ! IC = 2 Left or Right gridpoint ! IC = 3 Central gridpoint ! Whether which value IC has, depends of the sweep ! If necessary IC can be enlarged by increasing ! the array size of ICMAX ! IS Counter of relative frequency band ! ID Counter of directional distribution ! ICMAX Maximum counter for the points of the molecule ! MXC Maximum counter of gridpoints in x-direction ! MYC Maximum counter of gridpoints in y-direction ! MSC Maximum counter of relative frequency ! MDC Maximum counter of directional distribution ! FULCIR logical: if true, computation on a full circle ! ! REALS: ! --------- ! ! DD Width of spectral direction band ! PNH Equal to (1/2)*DD ! PI (3,14) ! ! one and more dimensional arrays: ! --------------------------------- ! ! CAD 3D Wave transport velocity in S-dirction, function of ! (ID,IS,IC) ! IMATDA 2D Coefficients of diagonal of matrix ! IMATLA 2D Coefficients of lower diagonal of matrix ! IMATUA 2D Coefficients of upper diagonal of matrix ! IDCMIN 1D frequency dependent counter ! IDCMIN 1D frequency dependent counter ! ANYBIN 2D see subr SWPSEL ! LEAKC1 2D leak coefficient ! ! 5. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! ACTION ! ! 6. SUBROUTINES USED ! ! --- ! ! 7. Common blocks used ! ! ! 8. REMARKS ! ! --- ! ! 9. STRUCTURE ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------- ! For every S and D-direction in direction of sweep do ! Compute the derivative in D-direction: ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! Store the results of the transport terms in the ! arrays IMATDA, IMATLA, IMATUA ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! End of STRSD ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! 10. SOURCE ! !**************************************************************** ! LOGICAL BIN1, BIN2, BIN3 ! INTEGER IENT ,IS ,ID ,IIDM ,IIDP , & ISSTOP,IDDUM ! REAL DD ,PNH ,PN1 ,PN2 ! REAL AC2(MDC,MSC,MCGRD) , 30.21 & CAD(MDC,MSC,ICMAX) , & IMATLA(MDC,MSC) , & IMATDA(MDC,MSC) , & IMATUA(MDC,MSC) , & IMATRA(MDC,MSC) , & LEAKC1(MDC,MSC) REAL :: TRAC0(MDC,MSC,MTRNP) 40.85 REAL :: TRAC1(MDC,MSC,MTRNP) 40.85 ! INTEGER IDCMIN(MSC) , & IDCMAX(MSC) ! LOGICAL ANYBIN(MDC,MSC) ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'STRSD') ! PNH = 1. / (2. * DD) PN1 = (1. - PNUMS(6) ) * PNH PN2 = (1. + PNUMS(6) ) * PNH ! DO 200 IS = 1, ISSTOP DO 100 IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD (IDDUM-1+MDC, MDC) + 1 C2 = CAD(ID,IS,1) BIN2 = ANYBIN(ID,IS) IF (BIN2) THEN IF (FULCIR .OR. ID.GT.1) THEN IIDM = MOD (IDDUM-2+MDC, MDC) + 1 C1 = CAD(IIDM,IS,1) BIN1 = ANYBIN(IIDM,IS) IF (.NOT.BIN1) A1 = AC2(IIDM,IS,KCGRD(1)) ELSE IIDM = 0 C1 = C2 BIN1 = .FALSE. A1 = 0. ENDIF IF (FULCIR .OR. ID.LT.MDC) THEN IIDP = MOD (IDDUM+MDC, MDC) + 1 C3 = CAD(IIDP,IS,1) BIN3 = ANYBIN(IIDP,IS) IF (.NOT.BIN3) A3 = AC2(IIDP,IS,KCGRD(1)) 30.21 ELSE IIDP = 0 C3 = C2 BIN3 = .FALSE. A3 = 0. ENDIF ! ! *** fill the lower diagonal and the diagonal *** ! IF ( C1 .GT. 1.E-8 .AND. C2 .GT. 1.E-8 ) THEN PCD1 = PN2 * C1 PCD2 = PN1 * C2 ELSE IF ( C1 .LT. -1.E-8 .AND. C2 .LT. -1.E-8 ) THEN PCD1 = PN1 * C1 PCD2 = PN2 * C2 ELSE PCD1 = PNH * C1 PCD2 = PNH * C2 END IF ! RHS12 = 0. IF (IIDM.EQ.0 .AND. C2.LT.0.) THEN ! fully upwind approximation at the boundary of the directional ! sector DIAG12 = - PCD1 - PCD2 LEAKC1(ID,IS) = -C2 ELSE DIAG12 = - PCD2 IF (BIN1) THEN IMATLA(ID,IS) = IMATLA(ID,IS) - PCD1 ELSE RHS12 = PCD1 * A1 ENDIF ENDIF ! IF ( C2 .GT. 1.E-8 .AND. C3 .GT. 1.E-8 ) THEN PCD2 = PN2 * C2 PCD3 = PN1 * C3 ELSE IF ( C2 .LT. -1.E-8 .AND. C3 .LT. -1.E-8 ) THEN PCD2 = PN1 * C2 PCD3 = PN2 * C3 ELSE PCD2 = PNH * C2 PCD3 = PNH * C3 END IF ! RHS23 = 0. IF (IIDP.EQ.0 .AND. C2.GT.0.) THEN ! full upwind approximation at the boundary DIAG23 = PCD2 + PCD3 LEAKC1(ID,IS) = C2 ELSE DIAG23 = PCD2 IF (BIN3) THEN IMATUA(ID,IS) = IMATUA(ID,IS) + PCD3 ELSE RHS23 = - PCD3 * A3 ENDIF ENDIF IMATDA(ID,IS) = IMATDA(ID,IS) + DIAG12 + DIAG23 IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) + RHS12 + RHS23 TRAC0(ID,IS,2) = TRAC0(ID,IS,2) - RHS12 - RHS23 40.85 TRAC1(ID,IS,2) = TRAC1(ID,IS,2) + DIAG12 + DIAG23 40.85 ENDIF ! 100 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE ! ! *** test output ! IF ( ITEST .GE. 80 .AND. TESTFL ) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,5001) FULCIR 5001 FORMAT (' FULL CIRCLE ',L4) WRITE(PRINTF,6021) KCGRD(1), ISSTOP, PNUMS(6) 30.21 6021 FORMAT (' STRSD :POINT ISTOP CDD :',2I5,E12.4) WRITE(PRINTF,5021) PN1, PN2, PNH ,DD 5021 FORMAT (' STRSD : PN1 PN2 PNH DD :',4E12.4) END IF ! ! End of subroutine STRSD RETURN END ! !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE STRSDFV (DD ,IDCMIN , & IDCMAX ,CAD ,IMATLA ,IMATDA ,IMATUA , & IMATRA ,AC2 ,ISSTOP , & ANYBIN ,LEAKC1 ,TRAC0 ,TRAC1 ) 40.85 ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmer: Marcel Zijlema | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 40.23: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.85: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 40.23, Nov. 02: New subroutine ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! 40.85, Aug. 08: store theta-propagation for output purposes ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! computation of @[CAD AC2]/@D based on finite volume method ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! AC2 action density ! ANYBIN logical: indicate whether current bin is selected ! CAD wave transport velocity in D-direction ! DD width of spectral direction band ! IDCMAX frequency dependent counter ! IDCMIN frequency dependent counter ! IMATDA coefficients of diagonal of matrix ! IMATLA coefficients of lower diagonal of matrix ! IMATRA coefficients of right hand side ! IMATUA coefficients of upper diagonal of matrix ! ISSTOP maximum frequency counter in a sweep ! LEAKC1 leak coefficient ! TRAC0 transport coefficient for output ! TRAC1 transport coefficient for output ! INTEGER ISSTOP INTEGER IDCMIN(MSC), IDCMAX(MSC) REAL DD REAL AC2(MDC,MSC,MCGRD), & CAD(MDC,MSC,ICMAX), & IMATLA(MDC,MSC) , & IMATDA(MDC,MSC) , & IMATUA(MDC,MSC) , & IMATRA(MDC,MSC) , & LEAKC1(MDC,MSC) REAL TRAC0(MDC,MSC,MTRNP) REAL TRAC1(MDC,MSC,MTRNP) LOGICAL ANYBIN(MDC,MSC) ! ! 6. Local variables ! ! ACM : lower action ! ACP : upper action ! BINM : indicate whether lower bin is selected ! BINP : indicate whether upper bin is selected ! CADM : lower wave transport velocity ! CADP : upper wave transport velocity ! CAN : negative wave transport velocity ! CAP : positive wave transport velocity ! CAV : averaged wave transport velocity; may be ! regarded as flux velocity ! DDI : inverse of width of spectral direction band ! ID : counter ! IDDUM : loop counter ! IDM : index of point ID-1 ! IDP : index of point ID+1 ! IENT : number of entries ! IS : loop counter ! MU : blending parameter in between 0 and 1 ! =0; central differences ! =1; first order upwind ! INTEGER IENT, ID, IDM, IDP, IDDUM, IS REAL ACM, ACP, CADM, CADP, & CAN, CAP, CAV, DDI, MU LOGICAL BINM, BINP ! ! 8. Subroutines used ! ! STRACE Tracing routine for debugging ! ! 9. Subroutines calling ! ! ACTION (in SWANCOM1) ! ! 12. Structure ! ! For every S and D-direction in direction of sweep do ! ! Compute the derivative in D-direction and ! store the results of this calculation in the ! arrays IMATDA, IMATLA, IMATUA and IMATRA ! ! 13. Source text ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'STRSDFV') DDI = 1./DD MU = PNUMS(6) DO 20 IS = 1, ISSTOP DO 10 IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD (IDDUM-1+MDC, MDC) + 1 IF ( ANYBIN(ID,IS) ) THEN IF ( IDDUM.EQ.IDCMIN(IS) ) THEN IF ( FULCIR .OR. ID.GT.1 ) THEN IDM = MOD (IDDUM-2+MDC, MDC) + 1 CADM = CAD(IDM,IS,1) BINM = ANYBIN(IDM,IS) IF (.NOT.BINM) ACM = AC2(IDM,IS,KCGRD(1)) ELSE IDM = 0 CADM = CAD(ID,IS,1) BINM = .FALSE. ACM = 0. END IF CAV = 0.5*(CAD(ID,IS,1) + CADM) CAP = 0.5*(CAV + ABS(CAV)) CAN = 0.5*(CAV - ABS(CAV)) ! ! put them in blended form CAP = CAP*MU + 0.5*CAV*(1.-MU) CAN = CAN*MU + 0.5*CAV*(1.-MU) IF ( .NOT.BINM ) THEN IMATDA(ID,IS) = IMATDA(ID,IS) - DDI * CAN IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) + DDI * CAP * ACM TRAC0(ID,IS,2) = TRAC0(ID,IS,2) - DDI * CAP * ACM 40.85 TRAC1(ID,IS,2) = TRAC1(ID,IS,2) - DDI * CAN 40.85 END IF IF ( IDM.EQ.0 ) LEAKC1(ID,IS) = -CAN END IF IF ( FULCIR .OR. ID.LT.MDC ) THEN IDP = MOD (IDDUM+MDC, MDC) + 1 CADP = CAD(IDP,IS,1) BINP = ANYBIN(IDP,IS) IF (.NOT.BINP) ACP = AC2(IDP,IS,KCGRD(1)) ELSE IDP = 0 CADP = CAD(ID,IS,1) BINP = .FALSE. ACP = 0. END IF CAV = 0.5*(CAD(ID,IS,1) + CADP) CAP = 0.5*(CAV + ABS(CAV)) CAN = 0.5*(CAV - ABS(CAV)) ! ! put them in blended form CAP = CAP*MU + 0.5*CAV*(1.-MU) CAN = CAN*MU + 0.5*CAV*(1.-MU) IF ( BINP ) THEN IMATDA(ID ,IS) = IMATDA(ID ,IS) + DDI * CAP IMATUA(ID ,IS) = IMATUA(ID ,IS) + DDI * CAN IMATDA(IDP,IS) = IMATDA(IDP,IS) - DDI * CAN IMATLA(IDP,IS) = IMATLA(IDP,IS) - DDI * CAP TRAC1(ID ,IS,2) = TRAC1(ID ,IS,2) + DDI * CAP 40.85 TRAC1(IDP,IS,2) = TRAC1(IDP,IS,2) - DDI * CAN 40.85 ELSE IMATDA(ID,IS) = IMATDA(ID,IS) + DDI * CAP IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) - DDI * CAN * ACP TRAC0(ID,IS,2) = TRAC0(ID,IS,2) + DDI * CAN * ACP 40.85 TRAC1(ID,IS,2) = TRAC1(ID,IS,2) + DDI * CAP 40.85 END IF IF ( IDP.EQ.0 ) LEAKC1(ID,IS) = CAP END IF 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE ! ! --- test output ! IF ( TESTFL .AND. ITEST.GE.80 ) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,111) KCGRD(1), ISSTOP 111 FORMAT(' STRSDFV: POINT ISSTOP :',2I5) WRITE(PRINTF,222) PNUMS(6) 222 FORMAT(' STRSDFV: CDD :',E12.4) WRITE(PRINTF,*) WRITE(PRINTF,*) ' matrix coefficients in STRSDFV' WRITE(PRINTF,*) WRITE(PRINTF,*) &' IS ID IMATLA IMATDA IMATUA IMATRA CAD' DO IS = 1, ISSTOP DO IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD (IDDUM-1+MDC, MDC) + 1 WRITE(PRINTF,333) IS, ID, IMATLA(ID,IS),IMATDA(ID,IS), & IMATUA(ID,IS),IMATRA(ID,IS),CAD(ID,IS,1) 333 FORMAT(1X,2I4,4X,4E12.4,E10.2) END DO END DO END IF RETURN END ! !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE SPREDT (SWPDIR ,AC2 ,CAX , & CAY ,IDCMIN ,IDCMAX , & ISSTOP ,ANYBIN , & XCGRID ,YCGRID , 41.53 & RDX ,RDY ,OBREDF ) 40.00 ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM2 41.53 USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 40.00, 40.13: Nico Booij ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! 41.53: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. UPDATE ! ! 40.00, Aug 98: introduction of obstacle reduction factor to ! obtain correct initialisation ! argument list changed, swcomm3 added ! 40.13, Aug 01: modification of action densities is skipped ! in case of Mode Noupdate ! 40.41, Oct 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! 41.53, Oct 14: correction curvilinear grid ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! to estimate the action density depending of the sweep ! direction during the first iteration of a stationary ! computation. The reason for this is that AC2 is zero ! at first iteration and no initialisation is given in ! case of stationarity (NSTATC=0). Action density should ! be nonzero because of the computation of the source ! terms. The estimate is based on solving the equation ! ! dN dN ! CAX -- + CAY -- = 0 ! dx dy ! ! in an explicit manner. In the estimate, the transmission ! through obstacles or reflection at obstacles is taken into ! account ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! ! [RDX1*CAX + RDY1*CAY]*N(i-1,j) + [RDX2*CAX + RDY2*CAY]*N(i,j-1) ! N(i,j) = --------------------------------------------------------------- ! (RDX1+RDX2) * CAX + (RDY1+RDY2) * CAY ! ! 4. PARAMETERLIST ! ! INTEGERS: ! --------- ! IC Dummy variable: ICode gridpoint: ! IC = 1 Top or Bottom gridpoint ! IC = 2 Left or Right gridpoint ! IC = 3 Central gridpoint ! Whether which value IC has, depends of the sweep ! If necessary ic can be enlarged by increasing ! the array size of ICMAX ! IX Counter of gridpoints in x-direction ! IY Counter of gridpoints in y-direction ! IS Counter of relative frequency band ! ID Counter of directional distribution ! ICMAX Maximum array size for the points of the molecule ! MXC Maximum counter of gridppoints in x-direction ! MYC Maximum counter of gridppoints in y-direction ! MSC Maximum counter of relative frequency ! MDC Maximum counter of directional distribution ! KSX Dummy variable to get the right sign in the ! numerical difference scheme in X-direction ! depending on the sweep direction, KSX = -1 or +1 ! KSY Dummy variable to get the right sign in the ! numerical difference scheme in Y-direction ! depending on the sweep direction, KSY = -1 or +1 ! SWPDIR Sweep direction (..) (identical at the description ! of the direction the wind is blowing) ! ! REALS: ! ------ ! ! DX Length of spatial cell in X-direction ! DY Length of spatial cell in Y-direction ! ALEN Part of side length of an angle side ! BLEN Part of side length of an angle side ! LDIAG Length of the diagonal of grid cel ! ALPHA angle of propagation velocity ! BETA angle between DX end DY ! GAMMA PI - alpha - beta ! PI 3,14....... ! FAC_A Factor representing the influence of the action- ! density depening of the propagation velocity ! FAC_B Factor representing the influence of the action- ! density depening of the propagation velocity ! ! REAL arrays: ! ------------- ! ! AC2 4D Action density as function of D,S,X,Y at time T ! CAX 3D Wave transport velocity in x-direction, function of ! (ID,IS,IC) ! CAY 3D Wave transport velocity in y-direction, function of ! (ID,IS,IC) ! IDCMIN 1D frequency dependent counters in case of a current ! IDCMAX 1D frequency dependent counters in case of a current ! ANYBIN 2D Determines if a bin fall within a sweep ! XCGRID coordinates of computational grid in x-direction ! YCGRID coordinates of computational grid in y-direction ! ! 5. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! SWOMPU ! ! 6. SUBROUTINES USED ! ! --- ! ! 7. Common blocks used ! ! ! 8. REMARKS ! ! 9. STRUCTURE ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! For every sweep direction do, ! For every point in S and D direction in sweep direction do, ! predict values for action density at new point from values ! of neighbour gridpoints taking into account spectral propagation ! direction (with currents !!) and the boundary conditions. ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! If wave action AC2 is negative, then ! Give wave action initial value 1.E-10 ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! End of SPREDT ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! 10. SOURCE ! !************************************************************************ ! INTEGER IS ,ID , & SWPDIR,IDDUM ,ISSTOP 40.00 ! REAL FAC_A ,FAC_B, WEIG1, WEIG2, TCF1, TCF2, CDEN, CNUM ! REAL :: AC2(MDC,MSC,MCGRD) 30.21 ! Changed ICMAX to MICMAX, since MICMAX doesn't vary over gridpoint 40.22 REAL :: CAX(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 40.22 REAL :: CAY(MDC,MSC,MICMAX) 40.22 REAL :: RDX(MICMAX), RDY(MICMAX), 40.08 30.21 & OBREDF(MDC,MSC,2) 40.00 REAL :: XCGRID(MXC,MYC), YCGRID(MXC,MYC) 41.53 ! INTEGER IDCMIN(MSC) , & IDCMAX(MSC) ! LOGICAL ANYBIN(MDC,MSC) ! INTEGER IDIR, IDCUM, IDMIN, IDMAX, NCURID, NID(4) 41.53 REAL IDX, IDY, CLAT 41.53 ! INTEGER IENT SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'SPREDT') ! IF ( OPTG.EQ.3 .AND. CCURV ) THEN ! ! --- curvilinear grid 41.53 ! consider the equation on a rectangular grid 41.53 ! so that all bins will be filled 41.53 ! IDX=1./(XCGRID(IXCGRD(1),IYCGRD(1))-XCGRID(IXCGRD(2),IYCGRD(2))) IDY=1./(YCGRID(IXCGRD(1),IYCGRD(1))-YCGRID(IXCGRD(3),IYCGRD(3))) ! IF ( KSPHER.GT.0 ) THEN CLAT = COS(DEGRAD*(YCGRID(IXCGRD(1),IYCGRD(1))+YOFFS)) IDX = IDX / (CLAT * LENDEG) IDY = IDY / LENDEG ENDIF ! IDCUM = 0 DO IDIR = 1, 4 NID(IDIR) = (MDC*IDIR)/4 - IDCUM IDCUM = (MDC*IDIR)/4 ENDDO ! ! determine loop bounds in spectral space for current sweep ! IDMIN = MDC+1 IDMAX = 0 ! IDIR = 1 NCURID = 0 ! DO ID = 1, MDC ! IF ( IDIR.EQ.SWPDIR ) THEN IDMIN = MIN(ID,IDMIN) IDMAX = MAX(ID,IDMAX) ENDIF NCURID = NCURID + 1 ! IF ( NCURID.GE.NID(IDIR) ) THEN IDIR = IDIR + 1 NCURID = 0 ENDIF ! ENDDO ! DO IS = 1, MSC DO ID = IDMIN, IDMAX ! IF ( NUMOBS.GT.0 ) THEN TCF1 = OBREDF(ID,IS,1) TCF2 = OBREDF(ID,IS,2) ELSE TCF1 = 1. TCF2 = 1. ENDIF ! CDEN = IDX * CAX(ID,IS,1) + IDY * CAY(ID,IS,1) ! CNUM = IDX * CAX(ID,IS,2) * TCF1 * AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(2)) + & IDY * CAY(ID,IS,3) * TCF2 * AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(3)) ! IF (ACUPDA) AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)) = CNUM / CDEN ! ENDDO ENDDO ! ELSE DO IS = 1, ISSTOP DO IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 IF ( ANYBIN(ID,IS) ) THEN ! ! *** Computation of weighting coefs WEIG1 AND WEIG2 *** ! CDEN = RDX(1) * CAX(ID,IS,1) + RDY(1) * CAY(ID,IS,1) CNUM = (RDX(1) + RDX(2)) * CAX(ID,IS,1) & + (RDY(1) + RDY(2)) * CAY(ID,IS,1) WEIG1 = CDEN/CNUM WEIG2 = 1. - WEIG1 ! IF (NUMOBS .GT. 0) THEN TCF1 = OBREDF(ID,IS,1) 40.00 TCF2 = OBREDF(ID,IS,2) 40.00 ELSE TCF1 = 1. TCF2 = 1. ENDIF FAC_A = TCF1 * WEIG1 * AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(2)) 40.00 FAC_B = TCF2 * WEIG2 * AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(3)) 40.00 ! IF (ACUPDA) 40.13 & AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)) = MAX ( 0. , (FAC_A + FAC_B)) 30.21 ! END IF END DO END DO END IF ! IF ( ITEST .GE. 140 .AND. TESTFL ) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,6019) KCGRD(1), SWPDIR 6019 FORMAT(' PREDT : POINT INDX SWPDIR :',2I5) DO IS = 1, ISSTOP DO IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS)-1, IDCMAX(IS)+1 ID = MOD ( IDDUM - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 WRITE (PRINTF,6020) IS, ID, AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)), & AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(2)), & AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(3)), & ANYBIN(ID,IS) 6020 FORMAT (' : IS ID AC2 AC2(2) AC2(3) ANYBIN :', & 2I5,3(E12.4),L4) END DO END DO END IF ! ! End of the subroutine SPREDT RETURN END ! !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE SWAPAR ( DEP, MUDL, KWAVE, CGO, DMW, SPCSIG ) ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM2 40.59 USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 30.72: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 30.81: Annette Kieftenburg ! 30.82: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 40.13: Nico Booij ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.59: Erick Rogers ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 20.96, Jan. 96: Computation of CGO etc. taken out of ID loop ! 30.72, Feb. 98: Introduced generic names XCGRID, YCGRID and SPCSIG for SWAN ! 30.81, Dec. 98: Argument list KSCIP1 adjusted ! 30.82, July 99: Corrected argumentlist KSCIP1 ! 40.13, Oct. 01: single call to KSCIP1 instead of loop over call ! N and ND declared as arrays ! loop over IC now inside routine SWAPAR ! 40.41, Aug. 04: CG moved to DSPHER and code optimized ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! 40.59, Aug. 07: muddy bottom included ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! computes the wave parameters K and CGO in the nearby ! points, depending of the sweep direction. ! The nearby points are indicated with the index IC (see ! FUNCTION ICODE(_,_) ! ! 3. Method ! ! The wave number K(IS,iC) is computed with the dispersion relation: ! ! S = GRAV K(IS,IC)tanh(K(IS,IC)DEP(IX,IY)) ! ! where S = is logarithmic distributed via LOGSIG ! ! The group velocity CGO in the case without current is equal to ! ! 1 K(IS,IC)DEP(IX,IY) S ! CGO(IS,IC) = ( - + --------------------------) ----------- ! 2 2 sinh 2K(IS,IC)DEP(IX,IY) |k(IS,IC)| ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! SPCSIG: Relative frequencies in computational domain in sigma-space 30.72 ! REAL SPCSIG(MSC) 30.72 ! ! INTEGERS: ! --------- ! ! IX Counter of gridpoints in x-direction ! IY Counter of gridpoints in y-direction ! IS Counter of relative frequency band ! ID Counter of directional distribution ! ICMAX Maximum array size for the points of the molecule ! MXC Maximum counter of gridppoints in x-direction ! MYC Maximum counter of gridppoints in y-direction ! MSC Maximum counter of relative frequency ! MDC Maximum counter of directional distribution ! ! REALS: ! --------- ! ! GRAV Gravitational acceleration ! ! one and more dimensional arrays: ! --------------------------------- ! ! CGO 2D Group velocity as function of X and Y and S in the ! direction of wave propagation in absence of currents ! DEP 2D Depth as function of X and Y at certain time ! KWAVE 2D wavenumber as function of the relative frequency S ! ! 5. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! SWOMPU ! ! 6. SUBROUTINES USED ! ! --- ! ! 7. Common blocks used ! ! ! 8. REMARKS ! ! 9. STRUCTURE ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! If depth is negative ( D(IX,IY) <= 0), then, ! For every point in S and D-direction do, ! Give wave parameters default values : ! CGO(IS,IC) = 0. , {group velocity in absence of a current} ! K(IS,IC) = -1. , {wave number} ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! Else ! Then for every IS do ! call KSCIP1 to compute wave number and group velocity ! call KSCIP2 to compute muddy wave number and group velocity ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! end if ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! End of SWAPAR ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! 10. SOURCE ! !************************************************************************ ! ! IC Dummy variable: ICode gridpoint: ! IC = 1 Top or Bottom gridpoint ! IC = 2 Left or Right gridpoint ! IC = 3 Central gridpoint ! Whether which value IC has, depends of the sweep ! If necessary IC can be enlarged by increasing ! the array size of ICMAX INTEGER IC ,IS ,ID REAL :: N(1:MSC), ND(1:MSC) 40.13 ! REAL DEP(MCGRD) , & MUDL(MCGRD) , 40.59 & KWAVE(MSC,ICMAX) , & CGO(MSC,ICMAX) , & DMW(MSC,ICMAX) ! ! INTEGER, SAVE :: IENT=0 IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'SWAPAR') ! DO IC = 1, ICMAX 40.13 INDX = KCGRD(IC) DEPLOC = DEP(INDX) IF (VARMUD) THEN DM = MUDL(INDX) ELSE DM = PMUD(1) ENDIF IF ( DEPLOC .LE. DEPMIN) THEN ! *** depth is negative *** DO 50 IS = 1, MSC KWAVE(IS,IC) = -1. 40.41 CGO(IS,IC) = 0. 40.41 DMW(IS,IC) = 0. 40.59 50 CONTINUE ELSE ! *** call KSCIP1 to compute KWAVE and CGO *** CALL KSCIP1 (MSC, SPCSIG, DEPLOC, KWAVE(1,IC) , 40.41 & CGO(1,IC), N, ND) 40.41 IF (IMUD.EQ.1) THEN 40.59 ! *** call KSCIP2 to compute KWAVE, CGO and DMW *** CALL KSCIP2 (MSC, SPCSIG, DEPLOC, KWAVE(1,IC) , 40.59 & CGO(1,IC), N, ND, DMW(1,IC), DM) 40.59 ENDIF ENDIF ! IF ( TESTFL .AND. IC .EQ. 1 .AND. ITEST.GE. 100 ) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,6021) DEP(KCGRD(IC)) 6021 FORMAT(' SWAPAR : DEP :',E12.4, /, & ' IS K CGO :') 40.00 DO 105 IS = 1, MSC WRITE(PRINTF,6019) IS, KWAVE(IS,IC), CGO(IS,IC) 40.41 40.00 6019 FORMAT(I4, 2E12.4) 40.41 40.00 105 CONTINUE END IF ENDDO 40.13 ! ! end of subroutine SWAPAR RETURN END ! !******************************************************************* ! SUBROUTINE ADDDIS (DISSXY ,LEAKXY , & AC2 ,ANYBIN , & DISC0 ,DISC1 , & GENC0 ,GENC1 , 40.85 & REDC0 ,REDC1 , 40.85 & TRAC0 ,TRAC1 , 40.85 & IMATLA ,IMATUA , 40.85 & IMAT5L ,IMAT6U , 40.85 & DSXBOT , 40.67 40.61 & DSXSRF , 40.67 40.61 & DSXWCP , 40.67 40.61 & DSXVEG ,DSXTUR , 40.35 40.67 40.61 & DSXMUD , 40.67 40.61 & DSXICE , 41.75 & DSXSWL , 40.88 & GSXWND ,GENRXY , 40.85 & RSXQUA ,RSXTRI , 40.85 & REDSXY , 40.85 & TSXGEO ,TSXSPT , 40.85 & TSXSPS ,TRANXY , 40.85 & LEAKC1 ,RADSXY ,SPCSIG ) 40.85 30.72 ! !******************************************************************* ! USE SWCOMM3 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 30.72: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 40.61: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.67: Nico Booij ! 40.85: Marcel Zijlema ! 41.75: Erick Rogers ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 20.53, Aug. 95: New subroutine ! 30.74, Nov. 97: Prepared for version with INCLUDE statements ! 30.72, Feb. 98: Introduced generic names XCGRID, YCGRID and SPCSIG for SWAN ! 40.61, Sep. 06: introduction of all separate dissipation coefficients ! 40.67, Jun. 07: more accurate computation of dissipation terms ! 40.85, Aug. 08: add also propagation, generation and redistribution terms ! and radiation stress ! 41.75, Jan. 19: adding sea ice ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! Adds propagation, generation, dissipation, redistribution, leak and radiation stress terms ! ! 3. Method ! ! --- ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! SPCSIG: Relative frequencies in computational domain in sigma-space 30.72 ! REAL SPCSIG(MSC) 30.72 ! ! IX Counter of gridpoints in x-direction ! IY Counter of gridpoints in y-direction ! MXC Maximum counter of gridppoints in x-direction ! MYC Maximum counter of gridppoints in y-direction ! MSC Maximum counter of relative frequency ! MDC Maximum counter of directional distribution ! ! one and more dimensional arrays: ! --------------------------------- ! AC2 4D Action density as function of D,S,X,Y and T ! ! 7. Common blocks used ! ! ! 8. Subroutines used ! ! --- ! ! 9. Subroutines calling ! ! SWOMPU ! ! 11. Remarks ! ! DISSXY and LEAKXY are dissipation and leak integrated over the ! spectrum for each point in the computational grid ! The same holds for DSXBOT, DSXSRF and DSXWCP for bottom friction-, ! surf- and whitecapping dissipation, respectively ! DISSC0 and DISSC1 give the dissipation distributed over the ! spectral space in one point of the computational grid ! The same holds for DISBOT, DISSRF and DISWCP for bottom friction-, ! surf- and whitecapping dissipation, respectively ! ! Note on different source terms and transport terms for output purposing: ! these terms in absolute value are integrated over the spectral space for ! each grid point. In this way we can estimate the associated time scale. ! Besides these terms we may also compute energy transfer between waves ! and currents due to radiation stress. ! ! Further details can be found in the ICCE paper of ! Holthuijsen, L.H., Zijlema, M. and Van der Ham, P.J. (2009) ! Wave physics in a tidal inlet, in: J.M. Smith (Ed.), ! Proc. 31st Int. Conf. on Coast. Engng., ! ASCE, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 437-448 ! ! 12. Structure ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 13. Source text ! INTEGER :: II ! counter 40.67 REAL :: ADISSIP(1:MDISP) 40.67 REAL :: AGENERT(1:MGENR) 40.85 REAL :: AREDIST(1:MREDS) 40.85 REAL :: ATRANSP(1:MTRNP) 40.85 REAL DISSXY(MCGRD) ,LEAKXY(MCGRD) , & DSXBOT(MCGRD) , 40.67 40.61 & DSXSRF(MCGRD) , 40.67 40.61 & DSXWCP(MCGRD) , 40.67 40.61 & DSXMUD(MCGRD) , 40.67 40.61 & DSXVEG(MCGRD) , 40.67 40.61 & DSXTUR(MCGRD) , 40.35 & DSXICE(MCGRD) , 41.75 & DSXSWL(MCGRD) , 40.88 & GSXWND(MCGRD) , 40.85 & RSXQUA(MCGRD) , 40.85 & RSXTRI(MCGRD) , 40.85 & TSXGEO(MCGRD) , 40.85 & TSXSPT(MCGRD) , 40.85 & TSXSPS(MCGRD) , 40.85 & GENRXY(MCGRD) ,REDSXY(MCGRD) ,TRANXY(MCGRD), 40.85 & RADSXY(MCGRD) , 40.85 & LEAKC1(MDC,MSC) ,AC2(MDC,MSC,MCGRD) 30.21 REAL :: DISC0(1:MDC,1:MSC,1:MDISP) ! dissipation coeff. 40.67 REAL :: DISC1(1:MDC,1:MSC,1:MDISP) ! dissipation coeff. 40.67 REAL :: GENC0(1:MDC,1:MSC,1:MGENR) ! generation coeff. 40.85 REAL :: GENC1(1:MDC,1:MSC,1:MGENR) ! generation coeff. 40.85 REAL :: REDC0(1:MDC,1:MSC,1:MREDS) ! redistribution coeff. 40.85 REAL :: REDC1(1:MDC,1:MSC,1:MREDS) ! redistribution coeff. 40.85 REAL :: TRAC0(1:MDC,1:MSC,1:MTRNP) ! transport coeff. 40.85 REAL :: TRAC1(1:MDC,1:MSC,1:MTRNP) ! transport coeff. 40.85 REAL IMATLA(MDC,MSC) , 40.85 & IMATUA(MDC,MSC) , 40.85 & IMAT5L(MDC,MSC) , 40.85 & IMAT6U(MDC,MSC) 40.85 ! REAL ARADSTR, DSDD, SDSDD, S1, ACT1, S2 REAL ACT2, S3, ACT3, ACT4, ACT5, ACONTR INTEGER ISC, IDC, IDM, IDP ! LOGICAL ANYBIN(MDC,MSC) INTEGER, SAVE :: IENT=0 CALL STRACE (IENT, 'ADDDIS') ! ADISSIP(1:MDISP) = 0. 40.67 AGENERT(1:MGENR) = 0. 40.85 AREDIST(1:MREDS) = 0. 40.85 ATRANSP(1:MTRNP) = 0. 40.85 ARADSTR = 0. 40.85 DO 100 ISC = 1, MSC DSDD = DDIR * FRINTF * SPCSIG(ISC) SDSDD = DSDD * SPCSIG(ISC) DO 90 IDC = 1, MDC IDM = MOD ( IDC - 2 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 IDP = MOD ( IDC + MDC , MDC ) + 1 ! S1 = SPCSIG(ISC) ACT1 = AC2(IDC,ISC,KCGRD(1)) IF (ISC.EQ.1) THEN S2 = 0. ACT2 = 0. ELSE S2 = SPCSIG(ISC-1) ACT2 = AC2(IDC,ISC-1,KCGRD(1)) ENDIF IF (ISC.EQ.MSC) THEN S3 = 0. ACT3 = 0. ELSE S3 = SPCSIG(ISC+1) ACT3 = AC2(IDC,ISC+1,KCGRD(1)) ENDIF IF (.NOT.FULCIR .AND. IDC.EQ.1) THEN ACT4 = 0. ELSE ACT4 = AC2(IDM,ISC,KCGRD(1)) ENDIF IF (.NOT.FULCIR .AND. IDC.EQ.MDC) THEN ACT5 = 0. ELSE ACT5 = AC2(IDP,ISC,KCGRD(1)) ENDIF ! IF (ANYBIN(IDC,ISC)) THEN LEAKXY(KCGRD(1)) = LEAKXY(KCGRD(1)) + SDSDD* & LEAKC1(IDC,ISC) * AC2(IDC,ISC,KCGRD(1)) ! ! --- compute for each dissipation term 40.61 ! DO II = 1, MDISP 40.67 ACONTR= SDSDD*(DISC0(IDC,ISC,II) + DISC1(IDC,ISC,II)*ACT1) 40.85 ADISSIP(II) = ADISSIP(II) + ACONTR 40.85 40.67 ARADSTR = ARADSTR - ACONTR 40.85 ENDDO 40.67 ! ! --- compute for each generation term 40.85 ! DO II = 1, MGENR 40.85 ACONTR= SDSDD*(GENC0(IDC,ISC,II) + GENC1(IDC,ISC,II)*ACT1) 40.85 AGENERT(II) = AGENERT(II) + ACONTR 40.85 ARADSTR = ARADSTR + ACONTR 40.85 ENDDO 40.85 ! ! --- compute for each redistribution term 40.85 ! DO II = 1, MREDS 40.85 ACONTR= SDSDD*(REDC0(IDC,ISC,II) + REDC1(IDC,ISC,II)*ACT1) 40.85 AREDIST(II) = AREDIST(II) + ABS(ACONTR) 40.85 ARADSTR = ARADSTR + ACONTR 40.85 ENDDO 40.85 ! ! --- compute for each propagation term ! ACONTR = SDSDD* (TRAC0(IDC,ISC,1) + TRAC1(IDC,ISC,1)*ACT1) 40.85 ATRANSP(1) = ATRANSP(1) + ABS(ACONTR) 40.85 ARADSTR = ARADSTR - ACONTR 40.85 ! ACONTR = SDSDD* (TRAC0(IDC,ISC,2) + 40.85 & TRAC1(IDC,ISC,2)*ACT1 + 40.85 & IMATLA(IDC,ISC) *ACT4 + 40.85 & IMATUA(IDC,ISC) *ACT5 ) 40.85 ATRANSP(2) = ATRANSP(2) + ABS(ACONTR) 40.85 ARADSTR = ARADSTR - ACONTR 40.85 ! ACONTR = DSDD * (TRAC0(IDC,ISC,3) + 40.85 & TRAC1(IDC,ISC,3)* S1 *ACT1 + 40.85 & IMAT5L(IDC,ISC) * S2 *ACT2 + 40.85 & IMAT6U(IDC,ISC) * S3 *ACT3 ) 40.85 ATRANSP(3) = ATRANSP(3) + ABS(ACONTR) 40.85 ARADSTR = ARADSTR - ACONTR 40.85 ! ARADSTR = ABS(ARADSTR) 40.85 ENDIF 90 CONTINUE 100 CONTINUE ! DSXWCP(KCGRD(1)) = DSXWCP(KCGRD(1)) + ADISSIP(1) ! whitecapping 40.67 DSXSRF(KCGRD(1)) = DSXSRF(KCGRD(1)) + ADISSIP(2) ! surf break 40.67 DSXBOT(KCGRD(1)) = DSXBOT(KCGRD(1)) + ADISSIP(3) ! bottom fric 40.67 DSXSWL(KCGRD(1)) = DSXSWL(KCGRD(1)) + ADISSIP(4) ! swell dissip 40.88 DSXVEG(KCGRD(1)) = DSXVEG(KCGRD(1)) + ADISSIP(5) ! vegetation 40.67 DSXTUR(KCGRD(1)) = DSXTUR(KCGRD(1)) + ADISSIP(6) ! turbulence 40.35 DSXMUD(KCGRD(1)) = DSXMUD(KCGRD(1)) + ADISSIP(7) ! mud dissip 40.67 DSXICE(KCGRD(1)) = DSXICE(KCGRD(1)) + ADISSIP(8) ! ice dissip 41.75 ! DISSXY(KCGRD(1)) = DISSXY(KCGRD(1)) + SUM(ADISSIP) ! total dissip 40.67 ! GSXWND(KCGRD(1)) = GSXWND(KCGRD(1)) + AGENERT(1) ! wind input 40.85 GENRXY(KCGRD(1)) = GENRXY(KCGRD(1)) + SUM(AGENERT) ! total generation 40.85 ! RSXQUA(KCGRD(1)) = RSXQUA(KCGRD(1)) + AREDIST(1) ! quadruplets 40.85 RSXTRI(KCGRD(1)) = RSXTRI(KCGRD(1)) + AREDIST(2) ! triads 40.85 REDSXY(KCGRD(1)) = REDSXY(KCGRD(1)) + SUM(AREDIST) ! total redistribution 40.85 ! TSXGEO(KCGRD(1)) = TSXGEO(KCGRD(1)) + ATRANSP(1) ! xy-propagation 40.85 TSXSPT(KCGRD(1)) = TSXSPT(KCGRD(1)) + ATRANSP(2) ! theta-propagation 40.85 TSXSPS(KCGRD(1)) = TSXSPS(KCGRD(1)) + ATRANSP(3) ! sigma-propagation 40.85 TRANXY(KCGRD(1)) = TRANXY(KCGRD(1)) + SUM(ATRANSP) ! total propagation 40.85 ! ! energy transfer between waves and currents due to radiation stress, see page 439 of ! the ICCE paper of Holthuijsen, L.H., Zijlema, M. and Van der Ham, P.J. (2009) ! Wave physics in a tidal inlet, in: J.M. Smith (Ed.), Proc. 31st Int. Conf. on Coast. Engng., ! ASCE, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 437-448 ! RADSXY(KCGRD(1)) = RADSXY(KCGRD(1)) + ARADSTR 40.85 ! IMATLA = 0. IMATUA = 0. IMAT5L = 0. IMAT6U = 0. ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE ADDDIS ! !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE SWFLXD (CAD , IMATLA, IMATDA, IMATUA, IMATRA, & AC2 , DD , ANYBIN, LEAKC1, IDCMIN, & IDCMAX, ISSTOP) ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmer: Marcel Zijlema | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 40.23: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 40.23, Nov. 02: New subroutine ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! computation of @[CAD AC2]/@D by means of flux-limiting ! ! 3. Method ! ! Discretization is based on flux-limiting and is regarded ! as the sum of first order upwind scheme and anti-diffusive ! parts containing the PL-kappa slope limiter ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! AC2 action density ! ANYBIN logical: indicate whether current bin is selected ! CAD wave transport velocity in D-direction ! DD width of spectral direction band ! IDCMAX frequency dependent counter ! IDCMIN frequency dependent counter ! IMATDA coefficients of diagonal of matrix ! IMATLA coefficients of lower diagonal of matrix ! IMATRA coefficients of right hand side ! IMATUA coefficients of upper diagonal of matrix ! ISSTOP maximum frequency counter in a sweep ! LEAKC1 leak coefficient ! INTEGER ISSTOP INTEGER IDCMIN(MSC), IDCMAX(MSC) REAL DD REAL AC2(MDC,MSC,MCGRD), & CAD(MDC,MSC,ICMAX), & IMATLA(MDC,MSC) , & IMATDA(MDC,MSC) , & IMATUA(MDC,MSC) , & IMATRA(MDC,MSC) , & LEAKC1(MDC,MSC) LOGICAL ANYBIN(MDC,MSC) ! ! 6. Local variables ! ! ACM : lower action ! ACP : upper action ! ACT0 : action in centroid (=ID) ! ACT1 : action in lower node (=ID-1) ! ACT2 : action in upper node (=ID+1) ! ACT3 : action in 2 points away from centre (=ID+2) ! BINM : indicate whether lower bin is selected ! BINP : indicate whether upper bin is selected ! CADM : lower wave transport velocity ! CADP : upper wave transport velocity ! CAN : negative wave transport velocity ! CAP : positive wave transport velocity ! CAV : averaged wave transport velocity; may be ! regarded as flux velocity ! DDI : inverse of width of spectral direction band ! DFCOR : auxiliary real containing anti-diffusive parts ! to be regarded as defect correction ! FACT : auxiliary factor ! ID : counter ! IDDUM : loop counter ! IDM : index of point ID-1 ! IDP : index of point ID+1 ! IENT : number of entries ! IS : loop counter ! RAN : ratio of consecutive gradients i.c. negative velocity ! RAP : ratio of consecutive gradients i.c. positive velocity ! XKAP : control parameter meant for the kappa-scheme ! XLIMN : flux-limiter i.c. negative velocity ! XLIMP : flux-limiter i.c. positive velocity ! INTEGER IENT, ID, IDM, IDP, IDDUM, IS REAL ACM, ACP, ACT0, ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, CADM, CADP, & CAN, CAP, CAV, DDI, DFCOR, FACT, RAN, RAP, XKAP, & XLIMN, XLIMP LOGICAL BINM, BINP ! ! 8. Subroutines used ! ! STRACE Tracing routine for debugging ! ! 9. Subroutines calling ! ! ACTION (in SWANCOM1) ! ! 12. Structure ! ! For every S and D-direction in direction of sweep do ! ! Compute the derivative in D-direction and ! store the results of this calculation in the ! arrays IMATDA, IMATLA, IMATUA and IMATRA ! ! 13. Source text ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'SWFLXD') DDI = 1./DD XKAP = PNUMS(6) DO 20 IS = 1, ISSTOP DO 10 IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD (IDDUM-1+MDC, MDC) + 1 IF ( ANYBIN(ID,IS) ) THEN IF ( IDDUM.EQ.IDCMIN(IS) ) THEN IF ( FULCIR .OR. ID.GT.1 ) THEN IDM = MOD (IDDUM-2+MDC, MDC) + 1 CADM = CAD(IDM,IS,1) BINM = ANYBIN(IDM,IS) IF (.NOT.BINM) ACM = AC2(IDM,IS,KCGRD(1)) ELSE IDM = 0 CADM = CAD(ID,IS,1) BINM = .FALSE. ACM = 0. END IF CAV = 0.5*(CAD(ID,IS,1) + CADM) CAP = 0.5*(CAV + ABS(CAV)) CAN = 0.5*(CAV - ABS(CAV)) IF ( FULCIR .OR. ID.GT.1 ) THEN ACT0 = AC2(MOD(IDDUM-2+MDC,MDC)+1,IS,KCGRD(1)) ELSE ACT0 = 0. END IF IF ( FULCIR .OR. ID.GT.2 ) THEN ACT1 = AC2(MOD(IDDUM-3+MDC,MDC)+1,IS,KCGRD(1)) ELSE ACT1 = 0. END IF ACT2 = AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)) IF ( FULCIR .OR. ID.LT.MDC ) THEN ACT3 = AC2(MOD(IDDUM+MDC,MDC)+1,IS,KCGRD(1)) ELSE ACT3 = 0. END IF RAP = (ACT2-ACT0+1.E-12)/(ACT0-ACT1+1.E-12) RAN = (ACT2-ACT0+1.E-12)/(ACT3-ACT2+1.E-12) FACT = MIN( 2., 0.5*(1.+XKAP)*RAP + 0.5*(1.-XKAP) ) XLIMP = MAX( 0., MIN(2.*RAP,FACT) ) FACT = MIN( 2., 0.5*(1.+XKAP)*RAN + 0.5*(1.-XKAP) ) XLIMN = MAX( 0., MIN(2.*RAN,FACT) ) DFCOR = 0.5*(CAP*XLIMP*(ACT0 - ACT1) - & CAN*XLIMN*(ACT3 - ACT2)) IF ( .NOT.BINM ) THEN IMATDA(ID,IS) = IMATDA(ID,IS) - DDI * CAN IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) + DDI * CAP * ACM IF (IDM.NE.0) & IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) + DDI * DFCOR END IF IF ( IDM.EQ.0 ) LEAKC1(ID,IS) = -CAN END IF IF ( FULCIR .OR. ID.LT.MDC ) THEN IDP = MOD (IDDUM+MDC, MDC) + 1 CADP = CAD(IDP,IS,1) BINP = ANYBIN(IDP,IS) IF (.NOT.BINP) ACP = AC2(IDP,IS,KCGRD(1)) ELSE IDP = 0 CADP = CAD(ID,IS,1) BINP = .FALSE. ACP = 0. END IF CAV = 0.5*(CAD(ID,IS,1) + CADP) CAP = 0.5*(CAV + ABS(CAV)) CAN = 0.5*(CAV - ABS(CAV)) ACT0 = AC2(ID,IS,KCGRD(1)) IF ( FULCIR .OR. ID.GT.1 ) THEN ACT1 = AC2(MOD(IDDUM-2+MDC,MDC)+1,IS,KCGRD(1)) ELSE ACT1 = 0. END IF IF ( FULCIR .OR. ID.LT.MDC ) THEN ACT2 = AC2(MOD(IDDUM+MDC,MDC)+1,IS,KCGRD(1)) ELSE ACT2 = 0. END IF IF ( FULCIR .OR. ID.LT.MDC-1 ) THEN ACT3 = AC2(MOD(IDDUM+1+MDC,MDC)+1,IS,KCGRD(1)) ELSE ACT3 = 0. END IF RAP = (ACT2-ACT0+1.E-12)/(ACT0-ACT1+1.E-12) RAN = (ACT2-ACT0+1.E-12)/(ACT3-ACT2+1.E-12) FACT = MIN( 2., 0.5*(1.+XKAP)*RAP + 0.5*(1.-XKAP) ) XLIMP = MAX( 0., MIN(2.*RAP,FACT) ) FACT = MIN( 2., 0.5*(1.+XKAP)*RAN + 0.5*(1.-XKAP) ) XLIMN = MAX( 0., MIN(2.*RAN,FACT) ) DFCOR = 0.5*(CAP*XLIMP*(ACT0-ACT1)-CAN*XLIMN*(ACT3-ACT2)) IF ( BINP ) THEN IMATDA(ID ,IS) = IMATDA(ID ,IS) + DDI * CAP IMATUA(ID ,IS) = IMATUA(ID ,IS) + DDI * CAN IMATDA(IDP,IS) = IMATDA(IDP,IS) - DDI * CAN IMATLA(IDP,IS) = IMATLA(IDP,IS) - DDI * CAP IMATRA(ID ,IS) = IMATRA(ID ,IS) - DDI * DFCOR IMATRA(IDP,IS) = IMATRA(IDP,IS) + DDI * DFCOR ELSE IMATDA(ID,IS) = IMATDA(ID,IS) + DDI * CAP IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) - DDI * CAN * ACP IF (IDP.NE.0) & IMATRA(ID,IS) = IMATRA(ID,IS) - DDI * DFCOR END IF IF ( IDP.EQ.0 ) LEAKC1(ID,IS) = CAP END IF 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE ! ! --- test output ! IF ( TESTFL .AND. ITEST.GE.80 ) THEN WRITE(PRINTF,111) KCGRD(1), ISSTOP 111 FORMAT(' SWFLXD: POINT ISSTOP :',2I5) WRITE(PRINTF,222) PNUMS(6) 222 FORMAT(' SWFLXD: CDD :',E12.4) WRITE(PRINTF,*) WRITE(PRINTF,*) ' matrix coefficients in SWFLXD' WRITE(PRINTF,*) WRITE(PRINTF,*) &' IS ID IMATLA IMATDA IMATUA IMATRA CAD' DO IS = 1, ISSTOP DO IDDUM = IDCMIN(IS), IDCMAX(IS) ID = MOD (IDDUM-1+MDC, MDC) + 1 WRITE(PRINTF,333) IS, ID, IMATLA(ID,IS),IMATDA(ID,IS), & IMATUA(ID,IS),IMATRA(ID,IS),CAD(ID,IS,1) 333 FORMAT(1X,2I4,4X,4E12.4,E10.2) END DO END DO END IF RETURN END !**************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE DIFPAR( AC2 , SPCSIG, KGRPNT, DEP2 , & CROSS , XCGRID, YCGRID, XYTST ) ! !**************************************************************** ! USE SWCOMM2 40.41 USE SWCOMM3 40.41 USE SWCOMM4 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 USE M_DIFFR USE M_PARALL IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 40.21: Agnieszka Herman, Nico Booij ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.68: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 40.21, Aug. 01: New subroutine ! 40.41, Mar. 04: parallelization of diffraction ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! 40.68, Aug. 07: extension to spherical coordinates ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! Computes diffraction parameter and its derivatives ! ! 3. Method ! ! Parameters governing smoothing of the energy field. ! ! Effectively, E(i,j) = (1-4*alpha) * E(i,j) + ! alpha * (E(i-1,j)+E(i+1,j)+E(i,j-1)+E(i,j+1)) ! ! Parameters governing numerical computation of diffraction ! coefficient and its spatial derivatives: ! ! DIFPARAM=SQRT(1+delta) ! ! Near land and obstacles derivatives are assumed to be zero ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! AC2 action density ! CROSS integer array indicating obstacle crossing ! (0=no, 1=yes) ! DEP2 current total depth ! KGRPNT indirect address for grid points ! SPCSIG relative frequencies in sigma-space ! XCGRID x-coordinate of computational grid ! YCGRID y-coordinate of computational grid ! XYTST grid indices of test points ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KGRPNT(MXC,MYC) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: SPCSIG(MSC) REAL , INTENT(INOUT) :: AC2(MDC,MSC,MCGRD) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: DEP2(MCGRD) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: CROSS(2,MCGRD) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: XCGRID(MXC,MYC) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: YCGRID(MXC,MYC) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: XYTST(*) ! ! 6. Local variables ! ! IENT : number of entries ! IX1 : lower index in x-direction ! IX2 : upper index in x-direction ! IY1 : lower index in y-direction ! IY2 : upper index in y-direction ! NOOBST: indicates obstacles in the model (FALSE) or not (TRUE) ! INTEGER :: IS, ISM, IENT INTEGER :: IX, IY, IND, INDL, INDR, INDB, INDT INTEGER :: IX1, IX2, IY1, IY2, IXB, IXE, IYB, IYE INTEGER :: MXCL, MYCL, IXX, IYY, IXXL, IXXR, IYYB, IYYT REAL :: CETAIL, PPTAIL, CKTAIL REAL :: ETOT, EKTOTL, ECGTOT, TMP REAL :: EAD, TMP_X, TMP_Y, CSLAT REAL :: DXLOC, DYLOC REAL :: KLOC(1:MSC), CGLOC(1:MSC), N(1:MSC), & ND(1:MSC) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: EN(:), LAPE(:), DENOM(:), K(:), CG(:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ENTMP(:,:) LOGICAL :: NOOBST ! ! 8. Subroutines used ! ! EQREAL logical function, true if arguments are equal ! KSCIP1 calculates wave number and group velocity ! STPNOW Logical indicating whether program must ! terminated or not ! STRACE Tracing routine for debugging ! SWEXCHG exchanges some data at subdomain boundaries ! LOGICAL EQREAL, STPNOW ! ! 9. Subroutines calling ! ! --- ! ! 10. Error messages ! ! --- ! ! 11. Remarks ! ! --- ! ! 12. Structure ! ! --- ! ! 13. Source text ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ IF (LTRACE) CALL STRACE (IENT,'DIFPAR') ! --- allocate arrays ALLOCATE (EN(1:MCGRD), LAPE(1:MCGRD), DENOM(1:MCGRD)) ALLOCATE (K(1:MCGRD), CG(1:MCGRD)) ! --- determine bounds of own subdomain IX1 = 1 IF (.NOT.LMXF) IX1 = 1+IHALOX 40.41 IX2 = MXC IF (.NOT.LMXL) IX2 = MXC-IHALOX 40.41 IY1 = 1 IF (.NOT.LMYF) IY1 = 1+IHALOY 40.41 IY2 = MYC IF (.NOT.LMYL) IY2 = MYC-IHALOY 40.41 MXCL = IX2 - IX1 + 1 40.41 MYCL = IY2 - IY1 + 1 40.41 ALLOCATE (ENTMP(0:MXCL+1,0:MYCL+1)) 40.41 K (1) = 10. CG(1) = 0. EN(1) = 0. ! --- compute total energy and mean wave number ! in each computational grid point DO IND = 2, MCGRD IF (DEP2(IND).GE.DEPMIN) THEN ! --- compute Cg and wave number for all spectral frequencies CALL KSCIP1( MSC, SPCSIG, DEP2(IND), KLOC, CGLOC, N, ND ) ETOT = 0. EKTOTL = 0. ECGTOT = 0. DO IS = 1, MSC ! --- integrate energy density over directions EAD = SUM(AC2(:,IS,IND)) * DDIR * SPCSIG(IS)**2 ETOT = ETOT + EAD EKTOTL = EKTOTL + KLOC (IS) * EAD ECGTOT = ECGTOT + CGLOC(IS) * EAD END DO ETOT = FRINTF * ETOT EKTOTL = FRINTF * EKTOTL ECGTOT = FRINTF * ECGTOT IF (MSC .GT. 3) THEN PPTAIL = PWTAIL(1) - 1. CETAIL = 1. / (PPTAIL * (1. + PPTAIL * (FRINTH-1.))) PPTAIL = PWTAIL(1) - 1. - 2. CKTAIL = 1. / (PPTAIL * (1. + PPTAIL * (FRINTH-1.))) ETOT = ETOT + CETAIL * EAD EKTOTL = EKTOTL + CKTAIL * EAD ECGTOT = ECGTOT + CKTAIL * EAD END IF IF (ETOT.LE.0.) THEN K (IND) = 10. CG(IND) = 0. EN(IND) = 0. ELSE K (IND) = EKTOTL / ETOT CG(IND) = ECGTOT / ETOT EN(IND) = MAX(ETOT,1.E-8) END IF ELSE K (IND) = 10. CG(IND) = 0. EN(IND) = 0. END IF END DO ! --- apply a smoothing filter to the energy field DO ISM = 1, INT(PDIFFR(2)) 40.41 IXB = MAX(IX1-1,1 ) 40.41 IXE = MIN(IX2+1,MXC) 40.41 IYB = MAX(IY1-1,1 ) 40.41 IYE = MIN(IY2+1,MYC) 40.41 ENTMP = 0. 40.41 DO IX= IXB, IXE 40.41 DO IY = IYB, IYE 40.41 ENTMP(IX-IX1+1,IY-IY1+1) = EN(KGRPNT(IX,IY)) 40.41 END DO 40.41 END DO 40.41 DO IX= 1, MXCL 40.41 DO IY = 1, MYCL 40.41 IXX = IX + IX1 - 1 40.41 IYY = IY + IY1 - 1 40.41 IXXL = MAX(IXX-1,1 ) 40.41 IXXR = MIN(IXX+1,MXC) 40.41 IYYB = MAX(IYY-1,1 ) 40.41 IYYT = MIN(IYY+1,MYC) 40.41 IND = KGRPNT(IXX ,IYY ) 40.41 INDL = KGRPNT(IXXL,IYY ) 40.41 INDR = KGRPNT(IXXR,IYY ) 40.41 INDB = KGRPNT(IXX ,IYYB) 40.41 INDT = KGRPNT(IXX ,IYYT) 40.41 TMP = PDIFFR(1) 40.41 IF (NUMOBS.EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE IF (CROSS(1,IND).EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE 40.41 NOOBST=.FALSE. 40.41 END IF 40.41 IF (NOOBST 40.41 & .AND. DEP2(IND ) .GT. DEPMIN 40.41 & .AND. DEP2(INDL) .GT. DEPMIN 40.41 & .AND. (.NOT.LMXF.OR.IX.NE.1) 40.41 & .AND. (.NOT.LMYF.OR.IY.NE.1) ) THEN 40.41 EN(IND) = ENTMP(IX,IY) - 40.41 & TMP*(ENTMP(IX,IY)-ENTMP(IX-1,IY)) 40.41 END IF 40.41 IF (NUMOBS.EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE IF (CROSS(1,INDR).EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE 40.41 NOOBST=.FALSE. 40.41 END IF 40.41 IF (NOOBST 40.41 & .AND. DEP2(IND ) .GT. DEPMIN 40.41 & .AND. DEP2(INDR) .GT. DEPMIN 40.41 & .AND. (.NOT.LMXL.OR.IX.NE.MXCL) 40.41 & .AND. (.NOT.LMYF.OR.IY.NE.1 ) ) THEN 40.41 EN(IND) = EN(IND) - TMP*(ENTMP(IX,IY)-ENTMP(IX+1,IY)) 40.41 END IF 40.41 IF (NUMOBS.EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE IF (CROSS(2,IND).EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE 40.41 NOOBST=.FALSE. 40.41 END IF 40.41 IF (NOOBST 40.41 & .AND. DEP2(IND ) .GT. DEPMIN 40.41 & .AND. DEP2(INDB) .GT. DEPMIN 40.41 & .AND. (.NOT.LMYF.OR.IY.NE.1) 40.41 & .AND. (.NOT.LMXF.OR.IX.NE.1) ) THEN 40.41 EN(IND) = EN(IND) - TMP*(ENTMP(IX,IY)-ENTMP(IX,IY-1)) 40.41 END IF 40.41 IF (NUMOBS.EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE IF (CROSS(2,INDT).EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE 40.41 NOOBST=.FALSE. 40.41 END IF 40.41 IF (NOOBST 40.41 & .AND. DEP2(IND ) .GT. DEPMIN 40.41 & .AND. DEP2(INDT) .GT. DEPMIN 40.41 & .AND. (.NOT.LMYL.OR.IY.NE.MYCL) 40.41 & .AND. (.NOT.LMXF.OR.IX.NE.1 ) ) THEN 40.41 EN(IND) = EN(IND) - TMP*(ENTMP(IX,IY)-ENTMP(IX,IY+1)) 40.41 END IF 40.41 END DO 40.41 END DO 40.41 !WFR CALL SWEXCHG(EN,KGRPNT) 40.41 !JAC CALL SWEXCHG(EN,0,KGRPNT) 40.41 IF (STPNOW()) RETURN 40.41 END DO 40.41 ! --- transform energy density into wave amplitude EN(1:MCGRD) = SQRT(MAX(EN(1:MCGRD),0.)) ! --- compute Laplacian of SQRT(energy) in each computational grid point ! --- initially, set all values to zero DENOM(1:MCGRD) = 0. LAPE (1:MCGRD) = 0. DIFPARDX(1:MCGRD) = 0. DIFPARDY(1:MCGRD) = 0. ! --- loop over all X-connections DO IX = MAX(IX1,2), MIN(IX2+1,MXC) 40.41 DO IY = IY1, IY2 40.41 IND = KGRPNT(IX ,IY) INDL = KGRPNT(IX-1,IY) IF (NUMOBS.EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE IF (CROSS(1,IND).EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE 40.41 NOOBST=.FALSE. 40.41 END IF 40.41 IF (NOOBST 40.41 & .AND.DEP2(IND ).GT.DEPMIN & .AND.DEP2(INDL).GT.DEPMIN) THEN IF ( OPTG.EQ.1 ) THEN DXLOC = DX DYLOC = DY ELSE IF ( OPTG.EQ.3 ) THEN 40.80 DXLOC = XCGRID(IX,IY) - XCGRID(IX-1,IY) IF (LMYF .AND. IY.EQ.1) THEN DYLOC = YCGRID(IX,IY+1) - YCGRID(IX,IY) ELSE IF (LMYL .AND. IY.EQ.MYC) THEN DYLOC = YCGRID(IX,IY) - YCGRID(IX,IY-1) ELSE DYLOC = 0.5*( YCGRID(IX,IY+1) - & YCGRID(IX,IY-1) ) END IF END IF IF ( KSPHER.GT.0 ) THEN 40.68 CSLAT = COS(DEGRAD*(YOFFS+YCGRID(IX,IY))) 40.68 DXLOC = DXLOC * LENDEG * CSLAT 40.68 DYLOC = DYLOC * LENDEG 40.68 ENDIF 40.68 DXLOC = ABS(DXLOC) DYLOC = ABS(DYLOC) IF (EQREAL(DXLOC,0.)) DXLOC = 0.01 IF (EQREAL(DYLOC,0.)) DYLOC = 0.01 TMP = 0.5*(CG(INDL)/K(INDL)+CG(IND)/K(IND)) * & DYLOC * (EN(IND)-EN(INDL)) / DXLOC EAD = DXLOC * DYLOC * EN(IND)*CG(IND)*K(IND) LAPE (INDL) = LAPE (INDL) + TMP LAPE (IND ) = LAPE (IND ) - TMP DENOM(IND ) = DENOM(IND ) + EAD END IF END DO END DO ! --- loop over all Y-connections DO IX = IX1, IX2 40.41 DO IY = MAX(IY1,2), MIN(IY2+1,MYC) 40.41 IND = KGRPNT(IX,IY ) INDB = KGRPNT(IX,IY-1) IF (NUMOBS.EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE IF (CROSS(2,IND).EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE 40.41 NOOBST=.FALSE. 40.41 END IF 40.41 IF (NOOBST 40.41 & .AND.DEP2(IND ).GT.DEPMIN & .AND.DEP2(INDB).GT.DEPMIN) THEN IF ( OPTG.EQ.1 ) THEN DXLOC = DX DYLOC = DY ELSE IF ( OPTG.EQ.3 ) THEN 40.80 DYLOC = YCGRID(IX,IY) - YCGRID(IX,IY-1) IF (LMXF .AND. IX.EQ.1) THEN DXLOC = XCGRID(IX+1,IY) - XCGRID(IX,IY) ELSE IF (LMXL .AND. IX.EQ.MXC) THEN DXLOC = XCGRID(IX,IY) - XCGRID(IX-1,IY) ELSE DXLOC = 0.5*( XCGRID(IX+1,IY) - & XCGRID(IX-1,IY) ) END IF END IF IF ( KSPHER.GT.0 ) THEN 40.68 CSLAT = COS(DEGRAD*(YOFFS+YCGRID(IX,IY))) 40.68 DXLOC = DXLOC * LENDEG * CSLAT 40.68 DYLOC = DYLOC * LENDEG 40.68 ENDIF 40.68 DXLOC = ABS(DXLOC) DYLOC = ABS(DYLOC) IF (EQREAL(DXLOC,0.)) DXLOC = 0.01 IF (EQREAL(DYLOC,0.)) DYLOC = 0.01 TMP = 0.5*(CG(INDB)/K(INDB)+CG(IND)/K(IND)) * & DXLOC * (EN(IND)-EN(INDB)) / DYLOC EAD = DXLOC * DYLOC * EN(IND)*CG(IND)*K(IND) LAPE (INDB) = LAPE (INDB) + TMP LAPE (IND ) = LAPE (IND ) - TMP DENOM(IND ) = DENOM(IND ) + EAD END IF END DO END DO ! --- calculate the diffraction coefficient DO IND = 1, MCGRD IF ( DENOM(IND).GT.0.0 ) THEN TMP = 2.*LAPE(IND)/DENOM(IND) ELSE TMP = 0. END IF IF (TMP.LT.-1.) THEN DIFPARAM(IND) = 0. ELSE DIFPARAM(IND) = SQRT(1.+TMP) END IF END DO !WFR CALL SWEXCHG(DIFPARAM(:),KGRPNT) 40.41 !JAC CALL SWEXCHG(DIFPARAM(:),0,KGRPNT) 40.41 IF (STPNOW()) RETURN 40.41 ! --- calculate spatial derivatives of DIFPARAM ! --- loop over all X-connections DO IX = MAX(IX1,2), MIN(IX2,MXC-1) 40.41 DO IY = IY1, IY2 40.41 IND = KGRPNT(IX ,IY) INDL = KGRPNT(IX-1,IY) INDR = KGRPNT(IX+1,IY) IF (NUMOBS.EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE IF (CROSS(1,IND).EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE 40.41 NOOBST=.FALSE. 40.41 END IF 40.41 IF (NOOBST 40.41 & .AND. DEP2(IND ).GT.DEPMIN & .AND. DEP2(INDL).GT.DEPMIN & .AND. DEP2(INDR).GT.DEPMIN) THEN IF ( OPTG.EQ.1 ) THEN DXLOC = DX ELSE IF ( OPTG.EQ.3 ) THEN 40.80 DXLOC = 0.5*(XCGRID(IX+1,IY)-XCGRID(IX-1,IY)) END IF IF ( KSPHER.GT.0 ) THEN 40.68 CSLAT = COS(DEGRAD*(YOFFS+YCGRID(IX,IY))) 40.68 DXLOC = DXLOC * LENDEG * CSLAT 40.68 ENDIF 40.68 DXLOC = ABS(DXLOC) IF (EQREAL(DXLOC,0.)) DXLOC=0.01 TMP = (DIFPARAM(INDR) - DIFPARAM(INDL))/(2.*DXLOC) DIFPARDX(IND) = DIFPARDX(IND) + TMP END IF END DO END DO ! --- loop over all Y-connections DO IX = IX1, IX2 40.41 DO IY = MAX(IY1,2), MIN(IY2,MYC-1) 40.41 IND = KGRPNT(IX,IY ) INDB = KGRPNT(IX,IY-1) INDT = KGRPNT(IX,IY+1) IF (NUMOBS.EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE IF (CROSS(2,IND).EQ.0) THEN 40.41 NOOBST=.TRUE. 40.41 ELSE 40.41 NOOBST=.FALSE. 40.41 END IF 40.41 IF (NOOBST 40.41 & .AND. DEP2(IND ).GT.DEPMIN & .AND. DEP2(INDB).GT.DEPMIN & .AND. DEP2(INDT).GT.DEPMIN) THEN IF ( OPTG.EQ.1 ) THEN DYLOC = DY ELSE IF ( OPTG.EQ.3 ) THEN 40.80 DYLOC = 0.5*(YCGRID(IX,IY+1)-YCGRID(IX,IY-1)) END IF IF ( KSPHER.GT.0 ) DYLOC = DYLOC * LENDEG 40.68 DYLOC = ABS(DYLOC) IF (EQREAL(DYLOC,0.)) DYLOC=0.01 TMP = (DIFPARAM(INDT) - DIFPARAM(INDB))/(2.*DYLOC) DIFPARDY(IND) = DIFPARDY(IND) + TMP END IF END DO END DO ! --- rotation over ALPC needed for non-standard orientation ! of the computational grid IF ( OPTG.EQ.1 ) THEN DO IND = 1, MCGRD TMP_X = DIFPARDX(IND) TMP_Y = DIFPARDY(IND) DIFPARDX(IND) = COSPC * TMP_X - SINPC * TMP_Y DIFPARDY(IND) = SINPC * TMP_X + COSPC * TMP_Y END DO END IF ! --- test output IF (NPTST .GT. 0) THEN WRITE (PRTEST, 81) IDIFFR 81 FORMAT (' test DIFPAR, IDIFFR=',I1, & /, ' ampl laplacian ', & ' difpar @/@x @/@y') DO IS = 1, NPTST IX = XYTST(2*IS-1) IY = XYTST(2*IS) IND = KGRPNT(IX,IY) WRITE (PRTEST, 82) EN(IND), LAPE(IND), & DIFPARAM(IND), & DIFPARDX(IND), DIFPARDY(IND) 82 FORMAT (10(1X,E12.4)) END DO END IF ! --- deallocate arrays DEALLOCATE (EN, LAPE, DENOM, K, CG) DEALLOCATE (ENTMP) ! End of subroutine DIFPAR RETURN END