--- File WTI2010_settings.txt --- October 7th 2010 Caroline Gautier Deltares --- The swan simulations of the wadden sea for WTI-2010 have been executed with SWAN 40.72ABCDE with the following settings: GEN3 WESTH WCAP WESTH cds2=5.0e-05 br=0.00175 p0=4.0 powst=0.0 powk=0.0 & nldisp=0.0 cds3=0.8 powfsh=1.0 QUAD iquad=2 lambda=0.25 Cnl4=3.0e+07 LIMITER ursell=10.0 qb=1.0 FRIC JONSWAP cfjon=0.0380000 BREA WESTH alpha=0.96 pown=2.5 bref=-1.39630 shfac=500.0 TRIAD trfac=0.1 cutfr=2.5 --- References: Klein, M.D en A.Kroon (2010) Productieberekeningen Waddenzee voor WTI-2011: rapportage fase 1, dd juli 2010 Klein, M.D en A.Kroon (2010) Productieberekeningen Westerschelde voor WTI-2011: rapportage fase 1, dd september 2010 Gautier, C. (2010) SWAN Calibration and Validation for HBC2011. Deltares rapport 1200103-020-HYE-0002. 27 mei 2010. ---