subroutine SwanReadfort18 ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmer: Marcel Zijlema | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! !PUN! !PUN! Authors !PUN! !PUN! 40.95: Marcel Zijlema !PUN! 41.36: Marcel Zijlema !PUN! !PUN! Updates !PUN! !PUN! 40.95, June 2008: New subroutine !PUN! 41.36, June 2012: global grid indices included !PUN! !PUN! Purpose !PUN! !PUN! Reads fort.18 to obtain the following ADCIRC variables !PUN! !PUN! MNE, MNP, NSTAE, NSTAV, NSTAM and NSTAC !PUN! !PUN! These variables are needed by the message-passing routines in module MESSENGER !PUN! !PUN! Next, we also need the number of elements and nodes in global domain for SWAN computation !PUN! !PUN! Modules used !PUN! !PUN use ocpcomm2 !PUN use ocpcomm4 !PUN use SwanGriddata, only: nvertsg, ncellsg, ivertg !PUN use SIZES !PUN use GLOBAL, only: NSTAE, NSTAV, NSTAM, NSTAC !PUN! !PUN implicit none !PUN! !PUN! Local variables !PUN! !PUN integer, save :: ient = 0 ! number of entries in this subroutine !PUN integer :: idum1 ! dummy integer 1 !PUN integer :: idum2 ! dummy integer 2 !PUN integer :: idum3 ! dummy integer 3 !PUN integer :: idum4 ! dummy integer 4 !PUN integer :: iostat ! I/O status in call FOR !PUN integer :: istat ! indicate status of allocation !PUN integer :: j ! loop counter !PUN character(lenfnm) :: msgfil ! name of message-passing file including path !PUN integer :: ndsd ! unit reference number of file !PUN logical :: stpnow ! indicate whether program must be terminated or not !PUN! !PUN! Structure !PUN! !PUN! Description of the pseudo code !PUN! !PUN! Source text !PUN! !PUN if (ltrace) call strace (ient,'SwanReadfort18') !PUN ! !PUN ! open file fort.18 !PUN ! !PUN ndsd = 0 !PUN iostat = 0 !PUN msgfil = trim(INPUTDIR)//DIRCH2//'fort.18' !PUN call for (ndsd, msgfil, 'OF', iostat) !PUN if (stpnow()) goto 900 !PUN ! !PUN read(ndsd,100, end=950, err=910) idum1, idum2, idum3 !PUN ! !PUN read(ndsd,'(8x,3i12)', end=950, err=910) ncellsg, idum2, MNE ! number of elements !PUN do j = 1, MNE !PUN read(ndsd,'(i12)', end=950, err=910) idum4 !PUN enddo !PUN ! !PUN read(ndsd,100, end=950, err=910) nvertsg, idum2, MNP ! number of nodes !PUN if(.not.allocated(ivertg)) allocate (ivertg(MNP), stat = istat) !PUN if ( istat /= 0 ) then !PUN call msgerr ( 4, 'Allocation problem in SwanReadfort18: array ivertg ' ) !PUN goto 900 !PUN endif !PUN ! !PUN do j = 1, MNP !PUN read(ndsd,'(i12)', end=950, err=910) ivertg(j) !PUN enddo !PUN ! !PUN read(ndsd,'(8x,i12)', end=950, err=910) idum1 !PUN ! !PUN read(ndsd,100, end=950, err=910) idum1, idum2, idum3 !PUN do j = 1, idum3 !PUN read(ndsd,'(i12)', end=950, err=910) idum4 !PUN enddo !PUN ! !PUN read(ndsd,100, end=950, err=910) idum1, idum2, NSTAE ! number of elevation stations !PUN do j = 1, NSTAE !PUN read(ndsd,'(i12)', end=950, err=910) idum4 !PUN enddo !PUN ! !PUN read(ndsd,100, end=950, err=910) idum1, idum2, NSTAV ! number of velocity stations !PUN do j = 1, NSTAV !PUN read(ndsd,'(i12)', end=950, err=910) idum4 !PUN enddo !PUN ! !PUN read(ndsd,100, end=950, err=910) idum1, idum2, NSTAM ! number of meteorlogical stations !PUN do j = 1, NSTAM !PUN read(ndsd,'(i12)', end=950, err=910) idum4 !PUN enddo !PUN ! !PUN read(ndsd,100, end=950, err=910) idum1, idum2, NSTAC ! number of concentration stations !PUN ! !PUN ! close file fort.18 !PUN ! !PUN close(ndsd) !PUN ! !PUN 900 return !PUN ! !PUN 910 call msgerr (4, 'error reading data from grid file fort.18' ) !PUN goto 900 !PUN 950 call msgerr (4, 'unexpected end of file in grid file fort.18' ) !PUN goto 900 !PUN ! !PUN 100 format((8x,3i12)) !PUN ! end subroutine SwanReadfort18