subroutine SwanGSECorr ( rhs, ac2, cgo, spcdir, idcmin, idcmax, isslow, isstop, trac0 ) ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmer: Marcel Zijlema | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! Authors ! ! 41.00: Marcel Zijlema ! ! Updates ! ! 41.00, February 2009: New subroutine ! ! Purpose ! ! Computes waveage-dependent diffusion terms in x-y space to counteract the garden-sprinkler effect ! ! Modules used ! use ocpcomm4 use swcomm2 use swcomm3 use swcomm4 use SwanGriddata use SwanGridobjects use SwanCompdata ! implicit none ! ! Argument variables ! integer, intent(in) :: isslow ! minimum frequency that is propagated within a sweep integer, intent(in) :: isstop ! maximum frequency that is propagated within a sweep ! integer, dimension(MSC), intent(in) :: idcmax ! maximum frequency-dependent counter in directional space integer, dimension(MSC), intent(in) :: idcmin ! minimum frequency-dependent counter in directional space ! real, dimension(MDC,MSC,nverts), intent(in) :: ac2 ! action density at current time level real, dimension(MSC,ICMAX), intent(in) :: cgo ! group velocity real, dimension(MDC,MSC), intent(inout) :: rhs ! right-hand side of system of equations in (sigma,theta) space real, dimension(MDC,6), intent(in) :: spcdir ! (*,1): spectral direction bins (radians) ! (*,2): cosine of spectral directions ! (*,3): sine of spectral directions ! (*,4): cosine^2 of spectral directions ! (*,5): cosine*sine of spectral directions ! (*,6): sine^2 of spectral directions real, dimension(MDC,MSC,MTRNP), intent(out) :: trac0 ! explicit part of propagation in present vertex for output purposes ! ! Local variables ! integer :: icell ! index of present cell integer :: id ! loop counter over direction bins integer :: iddum ! counter in directional space for considered sweep integer, save :: ient = 0 ! number of entries in this subroutine integer :: is ! loop counter over frequency bins integer :: ivert ! index of present vertex integer :: jc ! loop counter integer :: jcell ! index of next cell ! integer, dimension(3) :: v ! vertices in present cell ! real :: area0 ! area of present cell real :: area1 ! area of next cell double precision :: carea ! twices the area of centroid dual around present vertex real :: cslat ! cosine of latitude real :: dac2dx ! x-derivative of action density real :: dac2dy ! y-derivative of action density real :: dcg ! group velocity difference across frequency bin real :: dgx0 ! x-component of diffusion gradient inside present cell real :: dgx1 ! x-component of diffusion gradient inside next cell real :: dgxdx ! x-gradient of x-diffusion gradient component real :: dgy0 ! y-component of diffusion gradient inside present cell real :: dgy1 ! y-component of diffusion gradient inside next cell real :: dgydy ! y-gradient of y-diffusion gradient component real :: dnn ! waveage-dependent diffusion coefficient normal to propagation direction real :: dss ! waveage-dependent diffusion coefficient in propagation direction real :: dxx ! xx-component of diffusion coefficient in Cartesian coordinates real :: dxy ! xy-component of diffusion coefficient in Cartesian coordinates real :: dyy ! yy-component of diffusion coefficient in Cartesian coordinates double precision :: x0 ! x-coordinate of the centroid of present cell double precision :: x1 ! x-coordinate of the centroid of next cell double precision :: y0 ! y-coordinate of the centroid of present cell double precision :: y1 ! y-coordinate of the centroid of next cell ! type(celltype), dimension(:), pointer :: cell ! datastructure for cells with their attributes type(verttype), dimension(:), pointer :: vert ! datastructure for vertices with their attributes ! ! Structure ! ! Description of the pseudo code ! ! Source text ! if (ltrace) call strace (ient,'SwanGSECorr') ! ! point to vertex and cell objects ! vert => gridobject%vert_grid cell => gridobject%cell_grid ! ivert = vs(1) ! if ( vert(ivert)%atti(VMARKER) == 1 ) return ! no GSE correction in boundary vertex ! cslat = cos(DEGRAD*(vert(ivert)%attr(VERTY) + YOFFS)) ! do is = isslow, isstop ! ! calculate waveage-dependent diffusion coefficients in polar coordinates ! if ( is == 1 ) then dcg = abs(cgo(is+1,1)-cgo(is,1)) elseif ( is == isstop ) then dcg = abs(cgo(is,1)-cgo(is-1,1)) else dcg = 0.5 * abs(cgo(is+1,1)-cgo(is-1,1)) endif ! dss = dcg**2*WAVAGE/12. dnn = (cgo(is,1)*DDIR)**2 * WAVAGE/12. ! do iddum = idcmin(is), idcmax(is) id = mod ( iddum - 1 + MDC , MDC ) + 1 ! ! calculate diffusion coefficients in Cartesian coordinates ! dxx = dss*spcdir(id,4) + dnn*spcdir(id,6) dyy = dss*spcdir(id,6) + dnn*spcdir(id,4) dxy = (dss-dnn)*spcdir(id,5) ! ! compute contribution to the diffusion terms in present vertex ! carea = 0d0 dgxdx = 0. dgydy = 0. ! ! loop over cells around considered vertex ! do jc = 1, vert(ivert)%noc ! ! get present cell and its vertices ! icell = vert(ivert)%cell(jc)%atti(CELLID) ! v(1) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV1) v(2) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV2) v(3) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV3) ! ! determine centroid and area of present cell ! x0 = cell(icell)%attr(CELLCX) y0 = cell(icell)%attr(CELLCY) area0 = cell(icell)%attr(CELLAREA) ! ! determine derivatives of action density inside present cell ! dac2dx = 0.5*( ac2(id,is,v(1))*(ycugrd(v(2))-ycugrd(v(3))) + & ac2(id,is,v(2))*(ycugrd(v(3))-ycugrd(v(1))) + & ac2(id,is,v(3))*(ycugrd(v(1))-ycugrd(v(2))) )/area0 ! dac2dy = 0.5*( ac2(id,is,v(1))*(xcugrd(v(3))-xcugrd(v(2))) + & ac2(id,is,v(2))*(xcugrd(v(1))-xcugrd(v(3))) + & ac2(id,is,v(3))*(xcugrd(v(2))-xcugrd(v(1))) )/area0 ! ! in case of spherical coordinates, transform back to Cartesian coordinates ! if ( KSPHER > 0 ) then ! dac2dx = dac2dx/(cslat * LENDEG) dac2dy = dac2dy/LENDEG ! endif ! ! determine diffusion gradients in centroid of present cell ! dgx0 = dxx*dac2dx + dxy*dac2dy dgy0 = dxy*dac2dx + dyy*dac2dy ! ! get next cell in counterclockwise direction ! jcell = vert(ivert)%cell(jc)%atti(NEXTCELL) ! v(1) = cell(jcell)%atti(CELLV1) v(2) = cell(jcell)%atti(CELLV2) v(3) = cell(jcell)%atti(CELLV3) ! ! determine centroid and area of next cell ! x1 = cell(jcell)%attr(CELLCX) y1 = cell(jcell)%attr(CELLCY) area1 = cell(jcell)%attr(CELLAREA) ! ! determine derivatives of action density inside next cell ! dac2dx = 0.5*( ac2(id,is,v(1))*(ycugrd(v(2))-ycugrd(v(3))) + & ac2(id,is,v(2))*(ycugrd(v(3))-ycugrd(v(1))) + & ac2(id,is,v(3))*(ycugrd(v(1))-ycugrd(v(2))) )/area1 ! dac2dy = 0.5*( ac2(id,is,v(1))*(xcugrd(v(3))-xcugrd(v(2))) + & ac2(id,is,v(2))*(xcugrd(v(1))-xcugrd(v(3))) + & ac2(id,is,v(3))*(xcugrd(v(2))-xcugrd(v(1))) )/area1 ! ! in case of spherical coordinates, transform back to Cartesian coordinates ! if ( KSPHER > 0 ) then ! dac2dx = dac2dx/(cslat * LENDEG) dac2dy = dac2dy/LENDEG ! endif ! ! determine diffusion gradients in centroid of next cell ! dgx1 = dxx*dac2dx + dxy*dac2dy dgy1 = dxy*dac2dx + dyy*dac2dy ! ! compute contribution to area of centroid dual ! carea = carea + x0*y1 - x1*y0 ! ! compute contribution to x-gradient of x-diffusion gradient in centroid dual ! dgxdx = dgxdx + ( dgx0 + dgx1 ) * real( y1 - y0 ) ! ! compute contribution to y-gradient of y-diffusion gradient in centroid dual ! dgydy = dgydy + ( dgy0 + dgy1 ) * real( x0 - x1 ) ! enddo ! ! add diffusion terms to the right-hand side of the action balance equation ! if ( carea > 0d0 ) then ! dgxdx = dgxdx/real(carea) dgydy = dgydy/real(carea) ! ! in case of spherical coordinates, transform back to Cartesian coordinates ! if ( KSPHER > 0 ) then ! dgxdx = dgxdx/(cslat * LENDEG) dgydy = dgydy/LENDEG ! endif ! rhs (id,is ) = rhs (id,is ) + dgxdx + dgydy trac0(id,is,1) = trac0(id,is,1) - dgxdx - dgydy ! endif ! enddo ! enddo ! end subroutine SwanGSECorr