subroutine SwanDiffPar ( ac2, dep2, spcsig ) ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmer: Marcel Zijlema | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! Authors ! ! 41.02: Marcel Zijlema ! ! Updates ! ! 41.02, February 2009: New subroutine ! ! Purpose ! ! Computes diffraction parameter and its derivatives in vertices ! ! Method ! ! Diffraction is approximated using the eikonal equation which ! relates the wavenumber K to the separation factor k. Several ! expressions of the eikonal equation have been presented in ! the literature: ! DH ! Battjes (1968): K^2 = k^2 + -- ! H ! ! where H is the wave height and D is the Laplacian operator. ! ! D.(pDH) ! Berkhoff (1972): K^2 = k^2 + ------- ! pH ! ! where p = cc_g and D is the gradient operator in this case. ! ! In both cases, the eikonal equation may be written as follows: ! ! K = k (1+delta)^0.5 ! ! with ! ! D.(pDH) ! delta = ------- ! k^2 pH ! ! From implementation point of view, the Battjes' eikonal ! equation can be obtained if ! c_g = k ! ! Modules used ! use ocpcomm4 use swcomm2 use swcomm3 use swcomm4 use m_diffr use SwanGriddata use SwanGridobjects ! implicit none ! ! Argument variables ! real, dimension(MDC,MSC,nverts), intent(in) :: ac2 ! action density at current time level real, dimension(nverts), intent(in) :: dep2 ! water depth at current time level real, dimension(MSC), intent(in) :: spcsig ! relative frequency bins ! ! Local variables ! integer :: icell ! index of present cell integer, save :: ient = 0 ! number of entries in this subroutine integer :: ivert ! loop counter over vertices integer :: jc ! loop counter integer :: jcell ! index of next cell integer, parameter :: jeiko=1 ! choice parameter: ! 0 = eikonal equation according to Battjes (1968) ! 1 = eikonal equation according to Berkhoff (1972) ! integer, dimension(3) :: v ! vertices in present cell ! real :: area0 ! area of present cell real :: area1 ! area of next cell double precision :: carea ! twices the area of centroid dual around present vertex real :: cg0 ! mean group velocity in centroid of present cell real :: cg1 ! mean group velocity in centroid of next cell real :: cslat ! cosine of latitude real :: ctot ! zeroth moment of energy times group velocity real :: delta ! local diffraction parameter real :: denom ! a denominator real :: deploc ! local depth real :: dgx0 ! x-component of diffusion gradient inside present cell real :: dgx1 ! x-component of diffusion gradient inside next cell real :: dgxdx ! x-gradient of x-diffusion gradient component real :: dgy0 ! y-component of diffusion gradient inside present cell real :: dgy1 ! y-component of diffusion gradient inside next cell real :: dgydy ! y-gradient of y-diffusion gradient component real :: dhsdx ! x-gradient of wave height real :: dhsdy ! y-gradient of wave height real :: difp0 ! diffraction parameter in centroid of present cell real :: difp1 ! diffraction parameter in centroid of next cell real :: etot ! zeroth moment of the variance spectrum real :: fmax ! upper bound of frequency space for integration real :: fmin ! lower bound of frequency space for integration real :: k0 ! mean wave number in centroid of present cell real :: k1 ! mean wave number in centroid of next cell real :: ktot ! zeroth moment of energy times wave number double precision :: x0 ! x-coordinate of the centroid of present cell double precision :: x1 ! x-coordinate of the centroid of next cell double precision :: y0 ! y-coordinate of the centroid of present cell double precision :: y1 ! y-coordinate of the centroid of next cell ! real, dimension(MSC) :: cgloc ! group velocity real, dimension(MSC) :: kloc ! wave number real, dimension(MSC) :: n ! ratio of group and phase velocity real, dimension(MSC) :: nd ! derivative of n with respect to depth real, dimension(MDC) :: ecs ! help array containing (co)sine of spectral directions ! real, dimension(:), allocatable :: cg ! mean group velocity real, dimension(:), allocatable :: hs ! wave height real, dimension(:), allocatable :: k ! mean wave number ! real :: SwanIntgratSpc ! integration of variance over a part of frequency space ! type(celltype), dimension(:), pointer :: cell ! datastructure for cells with their attributes type(verttype), dimension(:), pointer :: vert ! datastructure for vertices with their attributes ! ! Structure ! ! Description of the pseudo code ! ! Source text ! if (ltrace) call strace (ient,'SwanDiffPar') ! ! point to vertex and cell objects ! vert => gridobject%vert_grid cell => gridobject%cell_grid ! ! allocation and initialization of wave height and mean wave parameters ! allocate(hs(nverts)) allocate( k(nverts)) allocate(cg(nverts)) ! hs = 0. k = 10. cg = 0. ! ! compute total energy, mean wave number and mean group velocity in vertices ! do ivert = 1, nverts ! deploc = dep2(ivert) ! if ( deploc <= DEPMIN ) cycle ! ! compute group velocity and wave number for all frequencies ! call KSCIP1 (MSC,spcsig,deploc,kloc,cgloc,n,nd) ! ! integration over f in [0,infty] ! fmin = 0. fmax = 1000. ecs = 1. ! etot = SwanIntgratSpc(0. , fmin, fmax, spcsig, ecs, & kloc , ecs , 0. , 0. , ac2(:,:,ivert), & 1 ) ! ktot = SwanIntgratSpc(1. , fmin, fmax, spcsig, ecs, & kloc , ecs , 0. , 0. , ac2(:,:,ivert), & 3 ) ! ctot = SwanIntgratSpc(1. , fmin, fmax, spcsig, ecs, & cgloc, ecs , 0. , 0. , ac2(:,:,ivert), & 4 ) ! if ( etot > 0. ) then hs(ivert) = 4.*sqrt(etot) k (ivert) = ktot/etot cg(ivert) = ctot/etot endif ! enddo ! if ( jeiko == 0 ) cg = k ! ! compute diffraction parameter in vertices ! DIFPARAM = 1. ! vertexloop : do ivert = 1, nverts ! if ( vert(ivert)%atti(VMARKER) == 1 ) cycle vertexloop ! boundary vertex ! cslat = cos(DEGRAD*(vert(ivert)%attr(VERTY) + YOFFS)) ! ! compute contributions to the Laplacian in present vertex ! carea = 0d0 dgxdx = 0. dgydy = 0. ! ! loop over cells around considered vertex ! do jc = 1, vert(ivert)%noc ! ! get present cell and its vertices ! icell = vert(ivert)%cell(jc)%atti(CELLID) ! v(1) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV1) v(2) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV2) v(3) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV3) ! if ( dep2(v(1)) <= DEPMIN .or. dep2(v(2)) <= DEPMIN .or. dep2(v(3)) <= DEPMIN ) cycle vertexloop ! ! determine centroid of present cell ! x0 = cell(icell)%attr(CELLCX) y0 = cell(icell)%attr(CELLCY) area0 = cell(icell)%attr(CELLAREA) ! ! determine mean wave number and group velocity in centroid in present cell ! cg0 = ( cg(v(1)) + cg(v(2)) + cg(v(3)) )/ 3. k0 = ( k (v(1)) + k (v(2)) + k (v(3)) )/ 3. ! ! determine derivatives of wave height inside present cell ! dhsdx = 0.5*( hs(v(1))*(ycugrd(v(2))-ycugrd(v(3))) + & hs(v(2))*(ycugrd(v(3))-ycugrd(v(1))) + & hs(v(3))*(ycugrd(v(1))-ycugrd(v(2))) )/area0 ! dhsdy = 0.5*( hs(v(1))*(xcugrd(v(3))-xcugrd(v(2))) + & hs(v(2))*(xcugrd(v(1))-xcugrd(v(3))) + & hs(v(3))*(xcugrd(v(2))-xcugrd(v(1))) )/area0 ! ! in case of spherical coordinates, transform back to Cartesian coordinates ! if ( KSPHER > 0 ) then ! dhsdx = dhsdx/(cslat * LENDEG) dhsdy = dhsdy/LENDEG ! endif ! ! determine diffusion gradients in centroid of present cell ! dgx0 = cg0*dhsdx/k0 dgy0 = cg0*dhsdy/k0 ! ! get next cell in counterclockwise direction ! jcell = vert(ivert)%cell(jc)%atti(NEXTCELL) ! v(1) = cell(jcell)%atti(CELLV1) v(2) = cell(jcell)%atti(CELLV2) v(3) = cell(jcell)%atti(CELLV3) ! ! determine centroid of next cell ! x1 = cell(jcell)%attr(CELLCX) y1 = cell(jcell)%attr(CELLCY) area1 = cell(jcell)%attr(CELLAREA) ! ! determine mean wave number and group velocity in centroid in next cell ! cg1 = ( cg(v(1)) + cg(v(2)) + cg(v(3)) )/ 3. k1 = ( k (v(1)) + k (v(2)) + k (v(3)) )/ 3. ! ! determine derivatives of wave height inside next cell ! dhsdx = 0.5*( hs(v(1))*(ycugrd(v(2))-ycugrd(v(3))) + & hs(v(2))*(ycugrd(v(3))-ycugrd(v(1))) + & hs(v(3))*(ycugrd(v(1))-ycugrd(v(2))) )/area1 ! dhsdy = 0.5*( hs(v(1))*(xcugrd(v(3))-xcugrd(v(2))) + & hs(v(2))*(xcugrd(v(1))-xcugrd(v(3))) + & hs(v(3))*(xcugrd(v(2))-xcugrd(v(1))) )/area1 ! ! in case of spherical coordinates, transform back to Cartesian coordinates ! if ( KSPHER > 0 ) then ! dhsdx = dhsdx/(cslat * LENDEG) dhsdy = dhsdy/LENDEG ! endif ! ! determine diffusion gradients in centroid of next cell ! dgx1 = cg1*dhsdx/k1 dgy1 = cg1*dhsdy/k1 ! ! compute contribution to area of centroid dual ! carea = carea + x0*y1 - x1*y0 ! ! compute contribution to x-gradient of x-diffusion gradient in centroid dual ! dgxdx = dgxdx + ( dgx0 + dgx1 ) * real( y1 - y0 ) ! ! compute contribution to y-gradient of y-diffusion gradient in centroid dual ! dgydy = dgydy + ( dgy0 + dgy1 ) * real( x0 - x1 ) ! enddo ! if ( carea > 0d0 ) then ! dgxdx = dgxdx/real(carea) dgydy = dgydy/real(carea) ! ! in case of spherical coordinates, transform back to Cartesian coordinates ! if ( KSPHER > 0 ) then ! dgxdx = dgxdx/(cslat * LENDEG) dgydy = dgydy/LENDEG ! endif ! denom = k(ivert)*cg(ivert)*hs(ivert) ! if ( denom > 0. ) then delta = (dgxdx + dgydy)/denom else delta = 0. endif ! if ( delta > -1. ) DIFPARAM(ivert) = sqrt(1.+delta) ! endif ! enddo vertexloop ! ! deallocation of wave parameters ! deallocate(cg) deallocate(hs) deallocate(k ) ! ! compute derivatives of diffraction parameter in vertices ! DIFPARDX = 0. DIFPARDY = 0. ! vertexloop2 : do ivert = 1, nverts ! if ( vert(ivert)%atti(VMARKER) == 1 ) cycle vertexloop2 ! boundary vertex ! cslat = cos(DEGRAD*(vert(ivert)%attr(VERTY) + YOFFS)) ! carea = 0d0 dgxdx = 0. dgydy = 0. ! ! loop over cells around considered vertex ! do jc = 1, vert(ivert)%noc ! ! get present cell and its vertices ! icell = vert(ivert)%cell(jc)%atti(CELLID) ! v(1) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV1) v(2) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV2) v(3) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV3) ! if ( dep2(v(1)) <= DEPMIN .or. dep2(v(2)) <= DEPMIN .or. dep2(v(3)) <= DEPMIN ) cycle vertexloop2 ! ! determine centroid of present cell ! x0 = cell(icell)%attr(CELLCX) y0 = cell(icell)%attr(CELLCY) ! ! determine diffraction parameter in centroid in present cell ! difp0 = ( DIFPARAM(v(1)) + DIFPARAM(v(2)) + DIFPARAM(v(3)) )/ 3. ! ! get next cell in counterclockwise direction ! jcell = vert(ivert)%cell(jc)%atti(NEXTCELL) ! v(1) = cell(jcell)%atti(CELLV1) v(2) = cell(jcell)%atti(CELLV2) v(3) = cell(jcell)%atti(CELLV3) ! ! determine centroid of next cell ! x1 = cell(jcell)%attr(CELLCX) y1 = cell(jcell)%attr(CELLCY) ! ! determine diffraction parameter in centroid of next cell ! difp1 = ( DIFPARAM(v(1)) + DIFPARAM(v(2)) + DIFPARAM(v(3)) )/ 3. ! ! compute contribution to area of centroid dual ! carea = carea + x0*y1 - x1*y0 ! ! compute x-gradient of diffraction parameter ! dgxdx = dgxdx + ( difp0 + difp1 ) * real( y1 - y0 ) ! ! compute y-gradient of diffraction parameter ! dgydy = dgydy + ( difp0 + difp1 ) * real( x0 - x1 ) ! enddo ! if ( carea > 0d0 ) then ! dgxdx = dgxdx/real(carea) dgydy = dgydy/real(carea) ! ! in case of spherical coordinates, transform back to Cartesian coordinates ! if ( KSPHER > 0 ) then ! dgxdx = dgxdx/(cslat * LENDEG) dgydy = dgydy/LENDEG ! endif ! DIFPARDX(ivert) = dgxdx DIFPARDY(ivert) = dgydy ! endif ! enddo vertexloop2 ! end subroutine SwanDiffPar