subroutine SwanCompUnstruc ( ac2, ac1, compda, spcsig, spcdir, xytst, cross, it ) ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmer: Marcel Zijlema | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! Authors ! ! 40.80: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.85: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.95: Marcel Zijlema ! 41.02: Marcel Zijlema ! 41.07: Marcel Zijlema ! 41.10: Marcel Zijlema ! 41.20: Casey Dietrich ! 41.60: Marcel Zijlema ! 41.63: Marcel Zijlema ! 41.67: Marcel Zijlema ! 41.68: Marcel Zijlema ! ! Updates ! ! 40.80, July 2007: New subroutine ! 40.85, August 2008: add propagation, generation and redistribution terms for output purposes ! 40.95, June 2008: parallelization of unSWAN using MESSENGER of ADCIRC ! 41.02, February 2009: implementation of diffraction ! 41.07, August 2009: bug fix: never-ending sweep is prevented ! 41.10, August 2009: parallelization using OpenMP directives ! 41.20, June 2010: extension to tightly coupled ADCIRC+SWAN model ! 41.60, July 2015: more accurate computation of gradients of depth or wave number for turning rate ! 41.63, August 2015: efficiency UnSWAN algorithm improved; one sweep per iteration instead of undetermined number of sweeps ! 41.68, August 2015: introduction of a fixed number of sweeps per iteration ! 41.67, August 2017: more accurate computation of gradients of ambient currents for transport velocities ! ! Purpose ! ! Performs one time step for solution of wave action equation on unstructured grid ! ! Method ! ! A vertex-based algorithm is employed in which the variables are stored at the vertices of the mesh ! The equation is solved in each vertex assuming a constant spectral grid resolution in all vertices ! The propagation terms in both geographic and spectral spaces are integrated implicitly ! Sources are treated explicitly and sinks implicitly ! The calculation of the source terms is carried out in the original SWAN routines, e.g., SOURCE ! ! The wave action equation is solved iteratively ! A number of iterations are carried out until convergence is reached ! In each iteration, a fixed number of sweeps are carried out ! Per sweep direction, a loop over ordered vertices is executed ! The solution of each vertex must be updated geographically before proceeding to the next one ! Per vertex, a loop over cells is executed ! The solution of each cell (partly) enclosed by the present sweep must be updated ! The two upwave faces connecting the vertex to be updated enclose those wave directions that can be processed in the spectral space ! ! Modules used ! use ocpcomm4 use swcomm1 use swcomm2 use swcomm3 use swcomm4 use SwanGriddata use SwanGridobjects use SwanCompdata use m_parall !PUN use SIZES, only: SZ, MNPROC !PUN use MESSENGER !ADC use couple2adcirc, only: MakeBoundariesReflective !ADC use NodalAttributes, only: FoundSwanWaveRefrac, LoadSwanWaveRefrac, SwanWaveRefrac ! implicit none ! ! Argument variables ! integer, dimension(nfaces), intent(in) :: cross ! contains sequence number of obstacles for each face ! where they crossing or zero if no crossing integer, intent(in) :: it ! counter in time space integer, dimension(NPTST), intent(in) :: xytst ! test points for output purposes ! real, dimension(MDC,MSC,nverts), intent(in) :: ac1 ! action density at previous time level real, dimension(MDC,MSC,nverts), intent(inout) :: ac2 ! action density at current time level real, dimension(nverts,MCMVAR), intent(inout) :: compda ! array containing space-dependent info (e.g. depth) real, dimension(MDC,6), intent(in) :: spcdir ! (*,1): spectral direction bins (radians) ! (*,2): cosine of spectral directions ! (*,3): sine of spectral directions ! (*,4): cosine^2 of spectral directions ! (*,5): cosine*sine of spectral directions ! (*,6): sine^2 of spectral directions real, dimension(MSC), intent(in) :: spcsig ! relative frequency bins ! ! Parameter variables ! integer, parameter :: itswp = 4 ! the number of iterations needed prior to switch to a lower number of sweeps ! ! Local variables ! integer :: icell ! cell index / loop counter integer :: id ! loop counter over direction bins integer :: iddlow ! minimum direction bin that is propagated within a sweep integer :: iddtop ! maximum direction bin that is propagated within a sweep integer, parameter :: idebug=0 ! level of debug output: ! 0 = no output ! 1 = print extra output for debug purposes integer :: idtot ! maximum number of bins in directional space for considered sweep integer :: idwmax ! maximum counter for spectral wind direction integer :: idwmin ! minimum counter for spectral wind direction integer, save :: ient = 0 ! number of entries in this subroutine integer :: iface ! face index integer :: inocnt ! inocnv counter for calling thread integer :: inocnv ! integer indicating number of vertices in which solver does not converged integer :: is ! loop counter over frequency bins integer :: isslow ! minimum frequency that is propagated within a sweep integer :: isstop ! maximum frequency that is propagated within a sweep integer :: istat ! indicate status of allocation integer :: istot ! maximum number of bins in frequency space for considered sweep integer :: iter ! iteration counter integer :: ivert ! vertex index integer :: ivlow ! lower index in range of vertices in calling thread integer :: ivup ! upper index in range of vertices in calling thread integer :: j ! loop counter integer :: jc ! loop counter integer :: k ! loop counter integer :: kvert ! loop counter over vertices integer, dimension(2) :: link ! local face connected to considered vertex where an obstacle crossed integer :: mnisl ! minimum sigma-index occured in applying limiter integer :: mxnfl ! maximum number of use of limiter in spectral space integer :: mxnfr ! maximum number of use of rescaling in spectral space integer :: n ! actual number of sweeps (during the iteration process) integer :: npfl ! number of vertices in which limiter is used integer :: npfr ! number of vertices in which rescaling is used integer :: swpdir ! sweep counter integer :: swpnr ! sweep number integer :: tid ! thread number integer, dimension(3) :: v ! vertices in present cell integer :: vb ! vertex of begin of present face integer :: ve ! vertex of end of present face integer, dimension(2) :: vu ! upwave vertices in present cell integer, dimension(24) :: wwint ! counters for 4 wave-wave interactions (see routine FAC4WW) ! integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: idcmax ! maximum frequency-dependent counter in directional space integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: idcmin ! minimum frequency-dependent counter in directional space integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iscmax ! maximum direction-dependent counter in frequency space integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iscmin ! minimum direction-dependent counter in frequency space integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: islmin ! lowest sigma-index occured in applying limiter integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nflim ! number of frequency use of limiter in each vertex integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nrscal ! number of frequency use of rescaling in each vertex !$ integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: tlist ! vertex list for calling thread ! real :: abrbot ! near bottom excursion real :: accur ! percentage of active vertices in which required accuracy has been reached real :: acnrmo ! norm of difference of previous iteration real, dimension(2) :: acnrms ! array containing infinity norms real :: dal1 ! a coefficent for the 4 wave-wave interactions real :: dal2 ! another coefficent for the 4 wave-wave interactions real :: dal3 ! just another coefficent for the 4 wave-wave interactions real :: dhdx ! derivative of depth in x-direction real :: dhdy ! derivative of depth in y-direction !PUN real(SZ), dimension(1) :: dum1 ! a dummy real meant for UPDATER !PUN real(SZ), dimension(1) :: dum2 ! a dummy real meant for UPDATER real :: dummy ! dummy variable (to be used in existing SWAN routine call) real :: duxdx ! derivative of ux2 to x real :: duxdy ! derivative of ux2 to y real :: duydx ! derivative of uy2 to x real :: duydy ! derivative of uy2 to y real :: etot ! total wave energy density real :: fpm ! Pierson Moskowitz frequency real :: frac ! fraction of total active vertices real :: hm ! maximum wave height real :: hs ! significant wave height real :: kmespc ! mean average wavenumber based on the WAM formulation real :: kteta ! number of directional partitions real :: nwetp ! total number of active vertices real :: qbloc ! fraction of breaking waves real, dimension(2) :: rdx ! first component of contravariant base vector rdx(b) = a^(b)_1 real, dimension(2) :: rdy ! second component of contravariant base vector rdy(b) = a^(b)_2 real :: rhof ! asymptotic convergence factor real :: rval1 ! a dummy value real :: rval2 ! a dummy value real :: sdir ! sweep direction real :: smebrk ! mean frequency based on the first order moment real :: snlc1 ! a coefficent for the 4 wave-wave interactions real :: stopcr ! stopping criterion for stationary solution real :: th1 ! direction of one face pointing to present vertex real :: th2 ! direction of another face pointing to present vertex real :: thmax ! maximum direction of present sweep real :: thmin ! minimum direction of present sweep real :: thetaw ! mean direction of the wind speed vector with respect to ambient current real :: ufric ! wind friction velocity real, dimension(nverts) :: urmstop real, dimension(5) :: usrset ! auxiliary array to store user-defined settings of 3rd generation mode real :: wind10 ! magnitude of the wind speed vector with respect to ambient current real, dimension(8) :: wwawg ! weight coefficients for the 4 wave-wave interactions (see routine FAC4WW) real, dimension(8) :: wwswg ! weight coefficients for the 4 wave-wave interactions semi-implicitly (see routine FAC4WW) real :: xis ! difference between succeeding frequencies for computing 4 wave-wave interactions ! real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ac2old ! array to store action density before solving system of equations real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: alimw ! maximum energy by wind growth ! this auxiliary array is used because the maximum value has to be checked ! direct after solving the action balance equation real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: amat ! coefficient matrix of system of equations in spectral space real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: rhs ! right-hand side of system of equations in spectral space real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cad ! wave transport velocity in theta-direction real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cas ! wave transport velocity in sigma-direction real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: cax ! wave transport velocity in x-direction real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: cay ! wave transport velocity in y-direction real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cgo ! group velocity real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: da1c ! implicit interaction contribution of first quadruplet, current bin (unfolded space) real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: da1m ! implicit interaction contribution of first quadruplet, current bin -1 (unfolded space) real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: da1p ! implicit interaction contribution of first quadruplet, current bin +1 (unfolded space) real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: da2c ! implicit interaction contribution of second quadruplet, current bin (unfolded space) real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: da2m ! implicit interaction contribution of second quadruplet, current bin -1 (unfolded space) real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: da2p ! implicit interaction contribution of second quadruplet, current bin +1 (unfolded space) real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: disc0 ! explicit part of dissipation in present vertex for output purposes real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: disc1 ! implicit part of dissipation in present vertex for output purposes real, dimension(:), allocatable :: dkdx ! derivative of wave number in x-direction real, dimension(:), allocatable :: dkdy ! derivative of wave number in y-direction real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: dmw ! mud dissipation rate real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: dsnl ! total interaction contribution of quadruplets to the main diagonal matrix real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: genc0 ! explicit part of generation in present vertex for output purposes real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: genc1 ! implicit part of generation in present vertex for output purposes real, dimension(:), allocatable :: hscurr ! wave height at current iteration level real, dimension(:), allocatable :: hsdifc ! difference in wave height of current and one before previous iteration real, dimension(:), allocatable :: hsprev ! wave height at previous iteration level real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: kwave ! wave number real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: leakcf ! leak coefficient in present vertex for output purposes real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: memnl4 ! auxiliary array to store results of 4 wave-wave interactions in full spectral space real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: memsina ! auxiliary array to store results of linear wind input in full spectral space real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: memsinb ! auxiliary array to store results of exponential wind input in full spectral space real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: obredf ! action reduction coefficient based on transmission real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: redc0 ! explicit part of redistribution in present vertex for output purposes real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: redc1 ! implicit part of redistribution in present vertex for output purposes real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: reflso ! contribution to the source term due to reflection real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: sa1 ! explicit interaction contribution of first quadruplet (unfolded space) real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: sa2 ! explicit interaction contribution of second quadruplet (unfolded space) real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: sfnl ! total interaction contribution of quadruplets to the right-hand side real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: swtsda ! several source terms computed at test points !PUN real(SZ), dimension(:), allocatable :: temp ! temporary array to store high precision data for UPDATER real, dimension(:), allocatable :: tmcurr ! mean period at current iteration level real, dimension(:), allocatable :: tmdifc ! difference in mean period of current and one before previous iteration real, dimension(:), allocatable :: tmprev ! mean period at previous iteration level real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: trac0 ! explicit part of propagation in present vertex for output purposes real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: trac1 ! implicit part of propagation in present vertex for output purposes real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ue ! energy density for computing 4 wave-wave interactions (unfolded space) ! logical :: fguess ! indicate whether first guess need to be applied or not logical :: lpredt ! indicate whether action density in first iteration need to be estimated or not ! logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: anybin ! true if bin is active in considered sweep logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: anyblk ! true if bin is blocked by a counter current based on a CFL criterion logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: anywnd ! true if wind input is active in considered bin logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: groww ! check for each frequency whether the waves are growing or not ! in a spectral direction ! type(celltype), dimension(:), pointer :: cell ! datastructure for cells with their attributes type(verttype), dimension(:), pointer :: vert ! datastructure for vertices with their attributes ! !$ integer, external :: omp_get_num_threads ! number of OpenMP threads being used !$ integer, external :: omp_get_thread_num ! get thread number ! ! Structure ! ! Description of the pseudo code ! ! Source text ! if (ltrace) call strace (ient,'SwanCompUnstruc') ! ! point to vertex and cell objects ! vert => gridobject%vert_grid cell => gridobject%cell_grid ! ! some initializations ! ICMAX = 3 ! stencil size PROPSL = PROPSC ! IXCGRD(1) = -9999 ! to be used in routines SINTGRL and SOURCE so that Ursell number and IYCGRD(1) = -9999 ! quadruplets are calculated once in each vertex during an iteration ! tid = 0 ivlow = 1 ivup = nverts ! ! print all the settings used in SWAN run ! if ( it == 1 .and. ITEST > 0 ) call SWPRSET (spcsig) ! ! print test points ! if ( NPTST > 0 ) then do j = 1, NPTST write (PRINTF,107) j, xytst(j) enddo endif ! ! allocation of shared arrays ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(101) allocate(islmin(nverts)) allocate( nflim(nverts)) allocate(nrscal(nverts)) ! allocate(hscurr(nverts)) allocate(hsprev(nverts)) allocate(hsdifc(nverts)) allocate(tmcurr(nverts)) allocate(tmprev(nverts)) allocate(tmdifc(nverts)) !PUN allocate(temp(nverts)) ! allocate(swtsda(MDC,MSC,NPTSTA,MTSVAR)) ! if ( IQUAD > 2 ) then allocate(memnl4(MDC,MSC,nverts), stat = istat) if ( istat /= 0 ) then call msgerr ( 4, 'Allocation problem in SwanCompUnstruc: array memnl4 ' ) return endif else allocate(memnl4(0,0,0)) endif ! if ( IWIND == 8 ) then istat = 0 allocate(memsina(MDC,MSC,nverts), stat = istat) if ( istat == 0 ) allocate(memsinb(MDC,MSC,nverts), stat = istat) if ( istat /= 0 ) then call msgerr ( 4, 'Allocation problem in SwanCompUnstruc: array memsin ' ) return endif else allocate(memsina(0,0,0)) allocate(memsinb(0,0,0)) endif ! !$ allocate(tlist(nverts)) !TIMG call SWTSTO(101) ! ! initialization of shared arrays ! hscurr = 0. hsprev = 0. hsdifc = 0. tmcurr = 0. tmprev = 0. tmdifc = 0. ! swtsda = 0. ! ! spawn a parallel region ! !$omp parallel default(shared) & !$omp private(cad, cas, cax, cay, cgo, kwave, dmw) & !$omp private(idcmin, idcmax, iscmin, iscmax, anybin) & !$omp private(amat, rhs, ac2old) & !$omp private(anywnd, obredf, reflso, alimw, groww, anyblk) & !$omp private(disc0, disc1, genc0, genc1, redc0, redc1, trac0, trac1, leakcf) & !$omp private(ue, sa1, sa2, sfnl) & !$omp private(da1c, da1p, da1m, da2c, da2p, da2m, dsnl) & !$omp private(tid, ivlow, ivup, iter, kvert) & !$omp private(ivert, jc, k, j, icell, n, v, vu, swpnr, swpdir, sdir, rdx, rdy, lpredt, vb, ve, iface, link, inocnt, thmin, thmax, th1, th2) & !$omp private(iddlow, iddtop, idtot, isslow, isstop, istot) & !$omp private(abrbot, kmespc, idwmin, idwmax, hs, etot, qbloc, ufric, fpm, thetaw, hm, wind10, smebrk, kteta) & !$omp private(dhdx, dhdy, dkdx, dkdy) & !$omp copyin(ICMAX, COSLAT, IPTST, TESTFL, RDFSIN) ! ! print number of threads set by environment ! !$omp master !$ if ( it == 1 ) & !$ write (SCREEN,'(a,i2/)') ' Number of threads during execution of parallel region = ', omp_get_num_threads() !$omp end master ! ! get thread number ! !$ tid = omp_get_thread_num() tid = tid + 1 ! ! allocation of private arrays ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(101) allocate( cad(MDC,MSC )) allocate( cas(MDC,MSC )) allocate( cax(MDC,MSC,ICMAX)) allocate( cay(MDC,MSC,ICMAX)) allocate ( cgo( MSC,ICMAX)) allocate (kwave( MSC,ICMAX)) allocate ( dmw( MSC,ICMAX)) ! allocate(idcmax( MSC)) allocate(idcmin( MSC)) allocate(iscmax(MDC )) allocate(iscmin(MDC )) allocate(anybin(MDC,MSC)) ! allocate( amat(MDC,MSC,5)) allocate( rhs(MDC,MSC )) allocate(ac2old(MDC,MSC )) ! allocate(anywnd(MDC)) allocate(obredf(MDC,MSC,2)) allocate(reflso(MDC,MSC)) allocate( alimw(MDC,MSC)) allocate( groww(MDC,MSC)) allocate(anyblk(MDC,MSC)) ! allocate( disc0(MDC,MSC,MDISP)) allocate( disc1(MDC,MSC,MDISP)) allocate( genc0(MDC,MSC,MGENR)) allocate( genc1(MDC,MSC,MGENR)) allocate( redc0(MDC,MSC,MREDS)) allocate( redc1(MDC,MSC,MREDS)) allocate( trac0(MDC,MSC,MTRNP)) allocate( trac1(MDC,MSC,MTRNP)) allocate(leakcf(MDC,MSC )) ! allocate(dkdx(MSC)) allocate(dkdy(MSC)) ! ! calculate ranges of spectral space for arrays related to 4 wave-wave interactions ! !$omp single !TIMG call SWTSTA(135) if ( IQUAD > 0 ) call FAC4WW ( xis, snlc1, dal1, dal2, dal3, spcsig, wwint, wwawg, wwswg ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(135) !$omp end single ! if ( IQUAD > 0 ) then allocate( ue(MSC4MI:MSC4MA,MDC4MI:MDC4MA)) allocate( sa1(MSC4MI:MSC4MA,MDC4MI:MDC4MA)) allocate( sa2(MSC4MI:MSC4MA,MDC4MI:MDC4MA)) allocate(sfnl(MSC4MI:MSC4MA,MDC4MI:MDC4MA)) if ( IQUAD == 1 ) then allocate(da1c(MSC4MI:MSC4MA,MDC4MI:MDC4MA)) allocate(da1p(MSC4MI:MSC4MA,MDC4MI:MDC4MA)) allocate(da1m(MSC4MI:MSC4MA,MDC4MI:MDC4MA)) allocate(da2c(MSC4MI:MSC4MA,MDC4MI:MDC4MA)) allocate(da2p(MSC4MI:MSC4MA,MDC4MI:MDC4MA)) allocate(da2m(MSC4MI:MSC4MA,MDC4MI:MDC4MA)) allocate(dsnl(MSC4MI:MSC4MA,MDC4MI:MDC4MA)) else allocate(da1c(0,0)) allocate(da1p(0,0)) allocate(da1m(0,0)) allocate(da2c(0,0)) allocate(da2p(0,0)) allocate(da2m(0,0)) allocate(dsnl(0,0)) endif else allocate( ue(0,0)) allocate( sa1(0,0)) allocate( sa2(0,0)) allocate(sfnl(0,0)) allocate(da1c(0,0)) allocate(da1p(0,0)) allocate(da1m(0,0)) allocate(da2c(0,0)) allocate(da2p(0,0)) allocate(da2m(0,0)) allocate(dsnl(0,0)) endif !TIMG call SWTSTO(101) ! ! marks vertices active and non-active ! !$omp single nwetp = 0. do kvert = 1, nverts if ( compda(kvert,JDP2) > DEPMIN ) then vert(kvert)%active = .true. nwetp = nwetp +1. else vert(kvert)%active = .false. endif enddo if ( it == 1 .and. ITEST > 0 ) write (PRINTF,108) nint(nwetp), nwetp*100./real(nverts) ! ! First guess of action density will be applied if 3rd generation mode is employed and wind is active (IWIND > 2) ! Note: this first guess is not used in nonstationary run (NSTATC > 0) or hotstart (ICOND = 4) ! if ( IWIND > 2 .and. NSTATC == 0 .and. ICOND /= 4 ) then fguess = .true. else fguess = .false. endif !$omp end single ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(103) iterloop: do iter = 1, ITERMX ! ! some initializations ! if ( IQUAD > 2 ) memnl4(1:MDC,1:MSC,1:nverts) = 0. if ( IWIND == 8 ) memsina(1:MDC,1:MSC,1:nverts) = 0. if ( IWIND == 8 ) memsinb(1:MDC,1:MSC,1:nverts) = 0. if ( ITRIAD > 0 & ) compda(1:nverts,JURSEL) = 0. ! compda(1:nverts,JDISS) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JLEAK) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JDSXB) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JDSXS) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JDSXW) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JDSXM) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JDSXI) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JDSXV) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JDSXT) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JDSXL) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JGENR) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JGSXW) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JREDS) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JRSXQ) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JRSXT) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JTRAN) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JTSXG) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JTSXT) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JTSXS) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JRADS) = 0. compda(1:nverts,JQB ) = 0. ! inocnt = 0 ! ! synchronize threads !$omp barrier ! !$omp master inocnv = 0 ! islmin = 9999 nflim = 0 nrscal = 0 ! acnrms = -9999. ! ! During first iteration, first guess of action density is based on 2nd generation mode ! After first iteration, user-defined settings are re-used ! if ( fguess ) then ! if ( iter == 1 )then ! ! save user-defined settings of 3rd generation mode ! Note: surf breaking, bottom friction and triads may be still active ! usrset(1) = IWIND usrset(2) = IWCAP usrset(3) = IQUAD usrset(4) = PNUMS(20) usrset(5) = PNUMS(30) ! ! first guess settings ! IWIND = 2 ! if first guess should be based on 1st generation mode, set IWIND = 1 IWCAP = 0 IQUAD = 0 PNUMS(20) = 1.E22 ! no limiter PNUMS(30) = 0. ! no under-relaxation ! write (PRINTF,101) ! elseif ( iter == 2 ) then ! ! re-activate user-defined settings of 3rd generation mode ! IWIND = usrset(1) IWCAP = usrset(2) IQUAD = usrset(3) PNUMS(20) = usrset(4) PNUMS(30) = usrset(5) ! write (PRINTF,102) ! endif ! ! print info ! if ( iter < 3 ) then write (PRINTF,103) iter, PNUMS(20), PNUMS(30) write (PRINTF,104) IWIND, IWCAP, IQUAD write (PRINTF,105) ISURF, IBOT , ITRIAD write (PRINTF,106) IVEG , ITURBV, IMUD, IICE endif ! endif ! ! calculate diffraction parameter and its derivatives ! if ( IDIFFR /= 0 ) call SwanDiffPar ( ac2, compda(1,JDP2), spcsig ) ! ! all vertices are set untagged except non-active ones ! do kvert = 1, nverts do jc = 1, vert(kvert)%noc ! all cells around vertex vert(kvert)%updated(jc) = 0 enddo enddo ! do kvert = 1, nverts ! ! in case of non-active vertex set action density equal to zero ! if ( .not.vert(kvert)%active ) then ! do jc = 1, vert(kvert)%noc icell = vert(kvert)%cell(jc)%atti(CELLID) vert(kvert)%updated(jc) = icell enddo ! ac2(:,:,kvert) = 0. ! endif ! enddo !$omp end master ! ! synchronize threads before loop over sweep directions !$omp barrier ! !$omp single if ( SCREEN /= PRINTF ) then if ( NSTATC == 1 ) then if ( IAMMASTER ) write (SCREEN,110) CHTIME, it, iter else write (PRINTF,120) iter if ( IAMMASTER ) write (SCREEN,120) iter endif endif !$omp end single ! ! loop over a fixed number of sweeps through grid ! if ( iter < itswp ) then n = nsweep else n = 1 endif ! sdir = asort + PI/real(n) ! sweeploop: do swpdir = 1, n ! ! compute load-balanced spatial loop bounds for each thread ! !$ call SwanThreadBounds( nwetp, ivlow, ivup, tlist, swpdir ) ! ! loop over vertices in the grid ! vertloop: do kvert = ivlow, ivup ! ivert = vlist(kvert,swpdir) !$ ivert = tlist(kvert) !ADC ! !ADC ! allow SWAN to handle wave refraction as a nodal attribute !ADC if ( LoadSwanWaveRefrac .and. FoundSwanWaveRefrac ) then !ADC IREFR = nint(SwanWaveRefrac(ivert)) !ADC endif ! if ( vert(ivert)%active ) then ! this active vertex needs to be updated ! ! determine whether the present vertex is a test point ! IPTST = 0 TESTFL = .false. if ( NPTST > 0 ) then do j = 1, NPTST if ( ivert /= xytst(j) ) cycle IPTST = j TESTFL = .true. enddo endif ! ! compute gradients of depth or wave number in present vertex meant for computing turning rate ! call SwanGradDepthorK ( compda(1,JDP2), compda(1,JMUDL2), spcsig, dhdx, dhdy, dkdx, dkdy, ivert ) ! ! compute the derivatives of the ambient current for computing transport velocities in spectral space ! if ( ICUR /= 0 ) then ! call SwanGradVel ( compda(1,JDP2), compda(1,JVX2), compda(1,JVY2), duxdx, duxdy, duydx, duydy, ivert ) ! endif ! celloop: do jc = 1, vert(ivert)%noc ! icell = vert(ivert)%cell(jc)%atti(CELLID) ! v(1) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV1) v(2) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV2) v(3) = cell(icell)%atti(CELLV3) ! ! pick up two upwave vertices ! do k = 1, 3 if ( v(k) == ivert ) then vu(1) = v(mod(k ,3)+1) vu(2) = v(mod(k+1,3)+1) exit endif enddo ! ! stores vertices of computational stencil ! vs(1) = ivert vs(2) = vu(1) vs(3) = vu(2) ! KCGRD = vs ! to be used in some original SWAN routines ! swpnr = 0 ! this trick assures to calculate Ursell number and if ( all(mask=vert(ivert)%updated(:)==0) ) swpnr = 1 ! quadruplets only once in each vertex during an iteration ! ! compute wavenumber and group velocity in points of stencil ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(110) call SwanDispParm ( kwave, cgo, dmw, compda(1,JDP2), compda(1,JMUDL2), spcsig ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(110) ! ! compute wave transport velocities in points of stencil for all directions ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(111) call SwanPropvelX ( cax, cay, compda(1,JVX2), compda(1,JVY2), cgo, spcdir(1,2), spcdir(1,3) ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(111) ! ! get local contravariant base vectors and their directions at present vertex ! do k = 1, 3 if ( v(k) == ivert ) then rdx(1) = cell(icell)%geom(k)%rdx1 rdx(2) = cell(icell)%geom(k)%rdx2 rdy(1) = cell(icell)%geom(k)%rdy1 rdy(2) = cell(icell)%geom(k)%rdy2 th1 = cell(icell)%geom(k)%th1 th2 = cell(icell)%geom(k)%th2 exit endif enddo ! ! in case of spherical coordinates determine cosine of latitude (in degrees) ! and recalculate local contravariant base vectors ! if ( KSPHER > 0 ) then do k = 1, ICMAX COSLAT(k) = cos(DEGRAD*(vert(vs(k))%attr(VERTY) + YOFFS)) enddo do j = 1, 2 rdx(j) = rdx(j) / (COSLAT(1) * LENDEG) rdy(j) = rdy(j) / LENDEG enddo endif ! ! check out of bounds of face directions of present cell ! if ( th1 < asort .and. th2 < asort ) then th1 = th1 + PI2 th2 = th2 + PI2 endif ! if ( th1 > asort+PI2 .and. th2 > asort+PI2 ) then th1 = th1 - PI2 th2 = th2 - PI2 endif ! ! compute bounds of present sweep ! thmin = sdir - PI/real(n) thmax = sdir + PI/real(n) ! if ( th1 < asort .and. swpdir == n ) then thmin = thmin - PI2 thmax = thmax - PI2 endif ! if ( th2 > asort+PI2 .and. swpdir == 1 ) then thmin = thmin + PI2 thmax = thmax + PI2 endif ! ! in case no intersection of present cell and sweep, cycle to next cell ! if ( ( thmin < th1 .and. thmax < th1 ) .or. & ( thmin > th2 .and. thmax > th2 ) ) cycle celloop ! ! compute spectral directions for the considered sweep in present vertex ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(112) call SwanSweepSel ( idcmin, idcmax, anybin, iscmin, iscmax, & iddlow, iddtop, idtot , isslow, isstop, & istot , cax , cay , rdx , rdy , & spcsig) !TIMG call SWTSTO(112) ! if ( idtot > 0 ) then ! ! compute propagation velocities in spectral space for the considered sweep in present vertex ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(113) call SwanPropvelS ( cad , cas , compda(1,JVX2), compda(1,JVY2), & compda(1,JDP1) , compda(1,JDP2), cax , cay , & kwave , cgo , spcsig , iddlow , & iddtop , spcdir(1,2) , spcdir(1,3) , spcdir(1,4) , & spcdir(1,5) , spcdir(1,6) , rdx , rdy , & dhdx , dhdy , dkdx , dkdy , & duxdx , duxdy , duydx , duydy ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(113) ! ! estimate action density in case of first iteration at cold start in stationary mode ! (since it is zero in first stationary run) ! lpredt = .false. if ( iter == 1 .and. ICOND /= 4 .and. NSTATC == 0 ) then lpredt = .true. compda(ivert,JHS) = 0. goto 20 endif 10 if ( lpredt ) then call SPREDT (swpnr , ac2 , cax , cay , idcmin, idcmax, & isstop, anybin, dummy, dummy, rdx , rdy , obredf) lpredt = .false. endif ! ! calculate various integral parameters ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(116) call SINTGRL (spcdir , kwave , ac2 , compda(1,JDP2), qbloc , compda(1,JURSEL), & rdx , rdy , dummy, etot , abrbot, compda(1,JUBOT) , & hs , compda(1,JQB) , hm , kmespc , smebrk, kteta , & compda(1,JPBOT) , compda(1,JBOTLV), compda(1,JGAMMA), compda(1,JRESPL) , swpnr , & urmstop , & iddlow , iddtop ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(116) ! compda(ivert,JHS) = hs 20 continue ! ! compute transmission and/or reflection if obstacle is present in computational stencil ! obredf = 1. reflso = 0. ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(136) if ( NUMOBS > 0 ) then ! ! determine obstacle for the link(s) in the computational stencil ! do j = 1, cell(icell)%nof ! ! determine vertices of the local face ! vb = cell(icell)%face(j)%atti(FACEV1) ve = cell(icell)%face(j)%atti(FACEV2) ! if ( vb==ivert .or. ve==ivert ) then ! if ( vb==vu(1) .or. ve==vu(1) ) then ! iface = cell(icell)%face(j)%atti(FACEID) link(1) = cross(iface) ! elseif ( vb==vu(2) .or. ve==vu(2) ) then ! iface = cell(icell)%face(j)%atti(FACEID) link(2) = cross(iface) ! endif ! endif ! enddo ! if ( link(1)/=0 .or. link(2)/=0 ) then ! call SWTRCF ( compda(1,JDP2), compda(1,JWLV2), compda(1,JHS), link, obredf, ac2, reflso, dummy , & dummy , dummy , cax , cay , rdx , rdy, anybin, spcsig, spcdir ) ! endif ! endif !TIMG call SWTSTO(136) if (lpredt) goto 10 ! ! compute the transport part of the action balance equation ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(118) call SwanTranspAc ( amat , rhs , leakcf, ac2 , ac1 , & cgo , cax , cay , cad , cas , & anybin, rdx , rdy , spcsig, spcdir, & obredf, idcmin, idcmax, iscmin, iscmax, & iddlow, iddtop, isslow, isstop, anyblk, & trac0 , trac1 ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(118) ! ! compute the source part of the action balance equation ! if ( .not.OFFSRC ) then ! ! initialize wind friction velocity and Pierson Moskowitz frequency ! ufric = 1.e-15 fpm = 1.e-15 ! ! compute the wind speed, mean wind direction, the PM frequency, ! wind friction velocity and the minimum and maximum counters for ! active wind input ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(115) if ( IWIND > 0 ) call WINDP1 ( wind10, thetaw, idwmin , idwmax , & fpm , ufric , compda(1,JWX2), compda(1,JWY2), & anywnd, spcdir, compda(1,JVX2), compda(1,JVY2), & spcsig, ac2 & !ADC ,ivert & ,genc0 , kwave & ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(115) if ( IWIND > 0 .and. IWIND /= 4 ) compda(ivert,JUSTAR) = ufric ! ! compute the source terms ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(117) call SOURCE ( iter , IXCGRD(1) , IYCGRD(1) , swpnr , & kwave , spcsig , spcdir(1,2) , spcdir(1,3) , & ac2 , compda(1,JDP2) , amat(1,1,1) , rhs , & abrbot , kmespc , dummy , compda(1,JUBOT) , & ufric , compda(1,JVX2) , compda(1,JVY2) , idcmin , & idcmax , iddlow , iddtop , idwmin , & idwmax , isstop , & swtsda(1,1,1,JPWNDS), swtsda(1,1,1,JPWNDD), swtsda(1,1,1,JPWCAP), swtsda(1,1,1,JPBTFR), & swtsda(1,1,1,JPSWEL), & swtsda(1,1,1,JPWBRK), swtsda(1,1,1,JP4S) , swtsda(1,1,1,JP4D) , & swtsda(1,1,1,JPVEGT), swtsda(1,1,1,JPTURB), swtsda(1,1,1,JPMUD) , swtsda(1,1,1,JPICE) , & swtsda(1,1,1,JPTRI) , & hs , etot , qbloc , thetaw , & hm , fpm , wind10 , dummy , & groww , alimw , smebrk , kteta , & snlc1 , & dal1 , dal2 , dal3 , ue , & sa1 , sa2 , da1c , da1p , & da1m , da2c , da2p , da2m , & sfnl , dsnl , memnl4 , wwint , & wwawg , wwswg , cgo , compda(1,JUSTAR) , & compda(1,JZEL) , spcdir , anywnd , dmw , & memsina , memsinb , & disc0 , & disc1 , genc0 , genc1 , redc0 , & redc1 , xis , compda(1,JFRC2) , it , & compda(1,JNPLA2) , compda(1,JTURB2) , compda(1,JMUDL2) , & compda(1,JAICE2) , compda(1,JHICE2) , & compda(1,JURSEL) , anybin , reflso , compda(1,JTAUW) & ,urmstop & ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(117) ! endif ! ! update action density by means of solving the action balance equation ! if ( ACUPDA ) then ! ! preparatory steps before solving system of equations ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(119) call SOLPRE(ac2 , ac2old , rhs , amat(1,1,4), & amat(1,1,1), amat(1,1,5), amat(1,1,2), amat(1,1,3), & idcmin , idcmax , anybin , idtot , & istot , iddlow , iddtop , isstop , & spcsig ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(119) ! if ( .not.DYNDEP .and. ICUR == 0 ) then ! ! propagation in theta space only ! solve tridiagonal system of equations using Thomas' algorithm ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(120) call SOLMAT ( idcmin , idcmax , ac2 , rhs, & amat(1,1,1), amat(1,1,5), amat(1,1,4) ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(120) ! else ! ! propagation in both sigma and theta spaces ! if ( int(PNUMS(8)) == 1 ) then ! ! implicit scheme in sigma space ! solve pentadiagonal system of equations using SIP solver ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(120) call SWSIP ( ac2 , amat(1,1,1) , rhs , amat(1,1,4), & amat(1,1,5), amat(1,1,2) , amat(1,1,3) , ac2old , & PNUMS(12) , nint(PNUMS(14)), nint(PNUMS(13)), inocnt , & iddlow , iddtop , isstop , idcmin , & idcmax ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(120) ! elseif (int(PNUMS(8)) == 2 ) then ! ! explicit scheme in sigma space ! solve tridiagonal system of equations using Thomas' algorithm ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(120) call SOLMT1 ( idcmin , idcmax , ac2 , rhs , & amat(1,1,1), amat(1,1,5), amat(1,1,4), & isstop , anyblk , iddlow , iddtop ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(120) ! endif ! endif ! ! if negative action density occur rescale with a factor ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(121) if ( BRESCL ) call RESCALE ( ac2, isstop, idcmin, idcmax, nrscal ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(121) ! ! store propagation, generation, dissipation, redistribution, leak and radiation stress in present vertex ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(124) if ( LADDS ) & call ADDDIS ( compda(1,JDISS), compda(1,JLEAK), ac2 , anybin , & disc0 , disc1 , & genc0 , genc1 , & redc0 , redc1 , & trac0 , trac1 , & amat(1,1,4) , amat(1,1,5) , & amat(1,1,2) , amat(1,1,3) , & compda(1,JDSXB), compda(1,JDSXS), compda(1,JDSXW), & compda(1,JDSXV), compda(1,JDSXT), compda(1,JDSXM), & compda(1,JDSXI), & compda(1,JDSXL), & compda(1,JGSXW), compda(1,JGENR), & compda(1,JRSXQ), compda(1,JRSXT), & compda(1,JREDS), & compda(1,JTSXG), compda(1,JTSXT), & compda(1,JTSXS), compda(1,JTRAN), & leakcf , compda(1,JRADS), spcsig ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(124) ! ! limit the change of the spectrum ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(122) if ( PNUMS(20) < 100. ) call PHILIM ( ac2, ac2old, cgo, kwave, spcsig, anybin, islmin, nflim, qbloc ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(122) ! ! reduce the computed energy density if the value is larger then the limit value ! as computed in SOURCE in case of first or second generation mode ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(123) if ( IWIND == 1 .or. IWIND == 2 ) call WINDP3 ( isstop, alimw, ac2, groww, idcmin, idcmax ) !TIMG call SWTSTO(123) ! ! store some infinity norms meant for convergence check ! if ( PNUMS(21) == 2. ) call SWACC ( ac2, ac2old, acnrms, isstop, idcmin, idcmax ) ! endif ! endif ! ! tag updated vertex in present cell ! vert(ivert)%updated(jc) = icell ! enddo celloop !ADC ! !ADC ! make boundaries reflective !ADC if ( .false. ) then !ADC ! !ADC if ( vert(ivert)%atti(VMARKER)==1 .and. vert(ivert)%atti(VBC)==0 ) call MakeBoundariesReflective( ivert, ac2 ) !ADC ! !ADC endif ! endif ! enddo vertloop ! sdir = sdir + PI2/real(n) ! ! synchronize threads before starting next sweep !$omp barrier ! enddo sweeploop ! ! global sum to inocnv counter ! !$omp atomic inocnv = inocnv + inocnt ! ! synchronize threads before checking stop criterion !$omp barrier ! !PUN ! exchange action densities with neighbours in parallel run !PUN ! !PUN if ( ACUPDA .and. MNPROC>1 ) then !TIMG!PUN call SWTSTA(213) !PUN do id = 1, MDC !PUN do is = 1, MSC !PUN temp(:) = real(ac2(id,is,:),SZ) !PUN call UPDATER(temp,dum1,dum2,1) !PUN ac2(id,is,:) = real(temp(:),4) !PUN enddo !PUN enddo !TIMG!PUN call SWTSTO(213) !PUN endif !PUN ! ! store the source terms assembled in test points per iteration in the files IFPAR, IFS1D and IFS2D ! !$omp master !TIMG call SWTSTA(105) if ( NPTST > 0 .and. NSTATM == 0 ) then if ( IFPAR > 0 ) write (IFPAR,151) iter if ( IFS1D > 0 ) write (IFS1D,151) iter if ( IFS2D > 0 ) write (IFS2D,151) iter call PLTSRC ( swtsda(1,1,1,JPWNDS), swtsda(1,1,1,JPWNDD), swtsda(1,1,1,JPWCAP), swtsda(1,1,1,JPBTFR), & swtsda(1,1,1,JPWBRK), swtsda(1,1,1,JP4S) , swtsda(1,1,1,JP4D) , swtsda(1,1,1,JPTRI) , & swtsda(1,1,1,JPVEGT), swtsda(1,1,1,JPTURB), swtsda(1,1,1,JPMUD) , swtsda(1,1,1,JPICE) , & swtsda(1,1,1,JPSWEL), & ac2 , spcsig , compda(1,JDP2) , xytst , & dummy ) endif !TIMG call SWTSTO(105) ! ! indicate number of vertices in which rescaling has taken place ! (only for debug purposes) ! if ( ITEST >= 30 .or. idebug == 1 ) then ! nwetp = 0. do ivert = 1, nverts if ( vert(ivert)%active ) nwetp = nwetp +1. enddo !PUN call SwanSumOverNodes ( nwetp ) ! mxnfr = maxval(nrscal) npfr = count(mask=nrscal>0) ! !PUN rval1 = real(npfr ) !PUN rval2 = real(mxnfr) !PUN ! !PUN ! perform global reductions in parallel run !PUN ! !PUN call SwanSumOverNodes ( rval1 ) !PUN call SwanMaxOverNodes ( rval2 ) !PUN ! !PUN npfr = nint(rval1) !PUN mxnfr = nint(rval2) !PUN ! frac = real(npfr)*100./nwetp if ( npfr > 0 ) write (PRINTF,130) 'rescaling', frac, mxnfr if ( NSTATC == 0 .and. npfr > 0 .and. IAMMASTER ) write (SCREEN,130) 'rescaling', frac, mxnfr ! endif ! ! indicate number of vertices in which limiter has taken place ! (only for debug purposes) ! if ( ITEST >= 30 .or. idebug == 1 ) then ! nwetp = 0. do ivert = 1, nverts if ( vert(ivert)%active ) nwetp = nwetp +1. enddo !PUN call SwanSumOverNodes ( nwetp ) ! mxnfl = maxval(nflim) npfl = count(mask=nflim>0) ! !PUN rval1 = real(npfl ) !PUN rval2 = real(mxnfl) !PUN ! !PUN ! perform global reductions in parallel run !PUN ! !PUN call SwanSumOverNodes ( rval1 ) !PUN call SwanMaxOverNodes ( rval2 ) !PUN ! !PUN npfl = nint(rval1) !PUN mxnfl = nint(rval2) !PUN ! frac = real(npfl)*100./nwetp if ( npfl > 0 ) write (PRINTF,130) 'limiter', frac, mxnfl if ( NSTATC == 0 .and. npfl > 0 .and. IAMMASTER ) write (SCREEN,130) 'limiter', frac, mxnfl ! mnisl = minval(islmin) ! !PUN rval1 = real(mnisl) !PUN call SwanMinOverNodes ( rval1 ) !PUN mnisl = nint(rval1) !PUN ! if ( npfl > 0 ) write (PRINTF,135) spcsig(mnisl)/PI2 if ( NSTATC == 0 .and. npfl > 0 .and. IAMMASTER ) write (SCREEN,135) spcsig(mnisl)/PI2 ! endif ! ! indicate number of vertices in which the SIP solver did not converged ! (only for debug purposes) ! if ( ITEST >= 30 .or. idebug == 1 ) then !PUN rval1 = real(inocnv) !PUN call SwanSumOverNodes ( rval1 ) !PUN inocnv = nint(rval1) if ( (DYNDEP .or. ICUR /= 0) .and. inocnv /= 0 ) then write (PRINTF,136) inocnv endif endif !$omp end master ! ! synchronize threads !$omp barrier ! !PUN ! exchange array COMPDA with neighbours in parallel run !PUN ! !PUN if ( MNPROC>1 ) then !TIMG!PUN call SWTSTA(213) !PUN do j = 1, MCMVAR !PUN temp(:) = real(compda(:,j),SZ) !PUN call UPDATER(temp,dum1,dum2,1) !PUN compda(:,j) = real(temp(:),4) !PUN enddo !TIMG!PUN call SWTSTO(213) !PUN endif !PUN ! ! info regarding the iteration process and the accuracy ! if ( PNUMS(21) <= 1. ) then ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(102) if ( PNUMS(21) == 0. ) then ! call SwanConvAccur ( accur, hscurr, tmcurr, compda(1,JDHS), compda(1,JDTM), xytst, spcsig, ac2, ivlow, ivup ) ! else ! call SwanConvStopc ( accur, hscurr, hsprev, hsdifc, tmcurr, tmprev, tmdifc, compda(1,JDHS), compda(1,JDTM), xytst, spcsig, ac2, ivlow, ivup ) ! endif ! !$omp master if ( iter == 1 ) then accur = -9999. write (PRINTF,142) if ( NSTATC == 0 .and. IAMMASTER ) write (SCREEN,142) else write (PRINTF,140) accur, PNUMS(4) if ( NSTATC == 0 .and. IAMMASTER ) write (SCREEN,140) accur, PNUMS(4) endif !$omp end master !TIMG call SWTSTO(102) ! ! synchronize threads !$omp barrier ! ! if accuracy has been reached then terminates iteration process ! if ( accur >= PNUMS(4) ) exit iterloop ! elseif ( PNUMS(21) == 2. ) then ! !$omp master !TIMG call SWTSTA(102) write (PRINTF,141) if ( NSTATC == 0 .and. IAMMASTER ) write (SCREEN,141) if ( iter == 1 ) then stopcr = -9999. write (PRINTF,142) if ( NSTATC == 0 .and. IAMMASTER ) write (SCREEN,142) else if ( acnrms(1) < 1.e-20 .or. acnrmo < 1.e-20 ) then write (PRINTF,143) if ( NSTATC == 0 .and. IAMMASTER ) write (SCREEN,143) else rhof = acnrms(1)/acnrmo stopcr = PNUMS(1)*acnrms(2)*(1.-rhof)/rhof write (PRINTF,144) rhof, acnrms(1), stopcr if ( NSTATC == 0 .and. IAMMASTER ) write (SCREEN,144) rhof, acnrms(1), stopcr endif endif acnrmo = acnrms(1) !TIMG call SWTSTO(102) !$omp end master ! ! synchronize threads !$omp barrier ! ! if accuracy has been reached then terminates iteration process ! if ( acnrms(1) < stopcr ) exit iterloop ! endif ! enddo iterloop !TIMG call SWTSTO(103) ! ! deallocation of private arrays ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(101) deallocate( cad) deallocate( cas) deallocate( cax) deallocate( cay) deallocate( cgo) deallocate(kwave) deallocate( dmw) ! deallocate(idcmax) deallocate(idcmin) deallocate(iscmax) deallocate(iscmin) deallocate(anybin) ! deallocate( amat) deallocate( rhs) deallocate(ac2old) ! deallocate(anywnd) deallocate(obredf) deallocate(reflso) deallocate( alimw) deallocate( groww) deallocate(anyblk) ! deallocate( disc0) deallocate( disc1) deallocate( genc0) deallocate( genc1) deallocate( redc0) deallocate( redc1) deallocate( trac0) deallocate( trac1) deallocate(leakcf) ! deallocate(dkdx) deallocate(dkdy) ! deallocate( ue) deallocate( sa1) deallocate( sa2) deallocate(sfnl) deallocate(da1c) deallocate(da1p) deallocate(da1m) deallocate(da2c) deallocate(da2p) deallocate(da2m) deallocate(dsnl) !TIMG call SWTSTO(101) ! ! end of parallel region ! !$omp end parallel ! ! store the source terms assembled in test points per time step in the files IFPAR, IFS1D and IFS2D ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(105) if ( NPTST > 0 .and. NSTATM == 1 ) then if ( IFPAR > 0 ) write (IFPAR,152) CHTIME if ( IFS1D > 0 ) write (IFS1D,152) CHTIME if ( IFS2D > 0 ) write (IFS2D,152) CHTIME call PLTSRC ( swtsda(1,1,1,JPWNDS), swtsda(1,1,1,JPWNDD), swtsda(1,1,1,JPWCAP), swtsda(1,1,1,JPBTFR), & swtsda(1,1,1,JPWBRK), swtsda(1,1,1,JP4S) , swtsda(1,1,1,JP4D) , swtsda(1,1,1,JPTRI) , & swtsda(1,1,1,JPVEGT), swtsda(1,1,1,JPTURB), swtsda(1,1,1,JPMUD) , swtsda(1,1,1,JPICE) , & swtsda(1,1,1,JPSWEL), & ac2 , spcsig , compda(1,JDP2) , xytst , & dummy ) endif !TIMG call SWTSTO(105) ! ! deallocation of shared arrays ! !TIMG call SWTSTA(101) deallocate(islmin) deallocate( nflim) deallocate(nrscal) ! deallocate(hscurr) deallocate(hsprev) deallocate(hsdifc) deallocate(tmcurr) deallocate(tmprev) deallocate(tmdifc) !PUN deallocate(temp) ! deallocate(swtsda) ! deallocate(memnl4) deallocate(memsina) deallocate(memsinb) ! !$ deallocate(tlist) !TIMG call SWTSTO(101) ! 101 format (// ' Settings of 2nd generation mode as first guess are used:') 102 format (// ' User-defined settings of 3rd generation mode is re-used:') 103 format (' ITER ',i4,' GRWMX ',e12.4,' ALFA ',e12.4) 104 format (' IWIND ',i4,' IWCAP ',i4 ,' IQUAD ',i4) 105 format (' ISURF ',i4,' IBOT ',i4 ,' ITRIAD ',i4) 106 format (' IVEG ',i4,' ; ITURBV ',i4 ,' ; IMUD ',i4 ,' ; IICE ',i4,/) 107 format (' Test points :',2i5) 108 format (' Number of active points = ',i6,' (fillings-degree: ',f6.2,' %)') 110 format ('+time ', a18, ', step ',i6, '; iteration ',i4) 120 format (' iteration ', i4) 130 format (1x,'use of ',a9,' in ',f6.2,' % of active vertices with maximum in spectral space = ',i4) 135 format (1x,'lowest frequency occured above which limiter is applied = ',f7.4,' Hz') 136 format (2x,'SIP solver: no convergence in ',i4,' vertices') 140 format (' accuracy OK in ',f6.2,' % of wet grid points (',f6.2,' % required)',/ ) 141 format (7x,'Rho ','Maxnorm ',' Stoppingcrit.') 142 format (' not possible to compute accuracy, first iteration',/) 143 format (' norm less then 1e-20, no stopping criterion',/) 144 format (1x,ss,' ',1pe13.6e2,' ',1pe13.6e2,' ',1pe13.6e2,/) 151 format (i4, t41, 'iteration') 152 format (a , t41, 'date-time') ! end subroutine SwanCompUnstruc