! Ocean Pack miscellaneous routines ! ! real function DTTIME ! subroutine DTINTI ! subroutine DTRETI ! char function DTTIWR ! REPARM ! INAR2D ! STRACE ! MSGERR ! TABHED ! FOR ! logical function EQREAL ( Checks whether REAL1 is appr. 30.72 ! equal to REAL2 ) 30.72 ! logical function EQDBLE ! LSPLIT ( splits an input line into data items ) 40.00 ! BUGFIX 40.03 ! COPYCH (copied from file OCPDPN) 40.31 ! !******************************************************************* ! * REAL FUNCTION DTTIME (INTTIM) ! * !******************************************************************* ! USE OCPCOMM1 40.41 USE OCPCOMM2 40.41 USE OCPCOMM3 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 30.74: IJsbrand Haagsma (Include version) ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 9705, May 97: month number is checked ! 30.74, Nov. 97: Prepared for version with INCLUDE statements ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! DTTIME gives time in seconds from a reference day ! it also initialises the reference day ! ! 3. Method ! ! every fourth year is a leap-year, but not the century-years, however ! also leap-years are: year 0, 1000, 2000 etc. ! 1 jan of year 0 is daynumber 1. ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! INTTIM(1): year ! (2): month ! (3): day ! (4): hour ! (5): minute ! (6): second ! INTEGER INTTIM(6) 30.74 ! ! 5. PARAMETER VARIABLES ! ! 6. LOCAL VARIABLES ! ! IDYMON : number of days of each month (February counts as 28 days) ! IYEAR : number of years after substacking the centuries ! IYRM1 : ?? ! IDNOW : ?? ! I : ?? ! II : ?? ! INTEGER IDYMON(12), IYEAR, IYRM1, IDNOW, I, II ! ! LEAPYR : Whether year in INTTIM(1) is a leapyear ! LOGREF : ?? ! LOGICAL LEAPYR, LOGREF ! ! REFDAY day number of the reference day; the reference time is 0:00 ! of the reference day; the first day entered is used as ! reference day. ! ! ! 8. SUBROUTINE USED ! ! 9. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! 10. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! 11. REMARKS ! ! 12. STRUCTURE ! ! 13. SOURCE TEXT ! SAVE LOGREF, IDYMON DATA IDYMON /31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31/ DATA LOGREF /.FALSE./ ! IYEAR = INTTIM(1) IYRM1 = IYEAR-1 LEAPYR=(MOD(IYEAR,4).EQ.0.AND.MOD(IYEAR,100).NE.0).OR. & MOD(IYEAR,400).EQ.0 IDNOW=0 IF (INTTIM(2).GT.12) THEN 9705 WRITE (PRINTF, 8) INTTIM(2), (INTTIM(II), II=1,6) 9705 8 FORMAT (' erroneous month ', I2, ' in date/time ', 6I4) 9705 ELSE IF (INTTIM(2).GT.1) THEN 9705 DO 10 I = 1,INTTIM(2)-1 IDNOW=IDNOW+IDYMON(I) 10 CONTINUE ENDIF 9705 IDNOW=IDNOW+INTTIM(3) IF (LEAPYR.AND.INTTIM(2).GT.2) IDNOW=IDNOW+1 IDNOW = IDNOW + IYEAR*365 + IYRM1/4 - IYRM1/100 + IYRM1/400 + 1 IF (IYEAR.EQ.0) IDNOW=IDNOW-1 IF (.NOT.LOGREF) THEN REFDAY = IDNOW LOGREF = .TRUE. DTTIME = 0. ELSE DTTIME = REAL(IDNOW-REFDAY) * 24.*3600. ENDIF DTTIME = DTTIME + 3600.*REAL(INTTIM(4)) + 60.*REAL(INTTIM(5)) + & REAL(INTTIM(6)) RETURN END !******************************************************************* ! * SUBROUTINE DTINTI (TIMESC, INTTIM) ! * !******************************************************************* ! USE OCPCOMM1 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 30.74: IJsbrand Haagsma (Include version) ! 30.70: Nico Booij (small change) ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 9705, May 97: month number is checked ! 30.74, Nov. 97: Prepared for version with INCLUDE statements ! 30.70, Jan. 98: small change in interpretation of time in sec ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! DTINTI calculates integer time array INTTIM from time in seconds ! from given reference day REFDAY ! ! 3. Method ! ! every fourth year is a leap-year, but not the century-years, however ! also leap-years are: year 0, 1000, 2000 etc. ! 1 jan of year 0 is daynumber 1. ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! INTTIM(1): year ! (2): month ! (3): day ! (4): hour ! (5): minute ! (6): second ! INTEGER INTTIM(6) ! ! TIMESC : input time in seconds from given reference day REFDAY ! REAL*8 TIMESC ! ! 5. PARAMETER VARIABLES ! ! IDAYYR : number of days in a year (not leapyear) ! IFOUR : number of days in 4 years (leapyear) ! IDYCEN : number of days in a century (not leapyear) ! IDYMIL : number of days in 4 centuries (leapyear) ! INTEGER IDAYYR, IDYCEN, IDYMIL, IFOUR ! PARAMETER (IDAYYR = 365) PARAMETER (IFOUR = 4*IDAYYR+1) PARAMETER (IDYCEN = 25*IFOUR-1) PARAMETER (IDYMIL = 4*IDYCEN+1) ! ! 6. LOCAL VARIABLES ! ! I4 : number of blocks of four years after subtraction of the ! millenia and the centuries ! ICEN : number of centuries after subtracking the millenia ! ICNT : count no remainder in day of year ! IDYMN : day of the month ! IDYMON : number of days of each month ! IDYNOW : local daynumber ! IMIL : number of millenia in julday-1 days ! IMN : month counter ! IYR : remaining number of years ! IYEAR : number of years after subtracking the centuries ! NDAY : number of days since reference day ! NOWDAY : reference day ! INTEGER I4, ICEN, ICNT, IDYMN, IDYMON(12), IDYNOW, IMIL, IMN, IYR &, IYEAR, NDAY, NOWDAY ! ! TT : time in seconds since begin of the same day ! REAL*8 TT ! ! LEAPYR : logical for yes or no leap-year ! LOGICAL LEAPYR ! ! 8. SUBROUTINE USED ! ! 9. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! 10. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! 11. REMARKS ! ! 12. STRUCTURE ! ! 13. SOURCE TEXT ! SAVE IDYMON DATA IDYMON /31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31/ ! NDAY = INT((TIMESC+0.4)/(24*3600)) 30.70 10 TT = TIMESC - DBLE(NDAY)*24.*3600. IF (TT.LT.-0.4) THEN 30.70 NDAY = NDAY - 1 GOTO 10 ENDIF NOWDAY = REFDAY + NDAY ! ! get year ! ICNT = 0 IDYNOW = NOWDAY-1 ! IMIL = IDYNOW/IDYMIL IDYNOW = IDYNOW-IMIL*IDYMIL IF (IDYNOW.EQ.0) ICNT = ICNT + 1 ! ICEN = IDYNOW/IDYCEN IDYNOW = IDYNOW-ICEN*IDYCEN IF (IDYNOW.EQ.0) ICNT = ICNT + 1 ! I4 = IDYNOW/IFOUR IDYNOW = IDYNOW-I4*IFOUR IF (IDYNOW.EQ.0) ICNT = ICNT + 1 ! IF (IDYNOW.GE.366) THEN IDYNOW = IDYNOW-366 IYR = IDYNOW/IDAYYR IDYNOW = IDYNOW-IYR*IDAYYR IYR = IYR+1 ELSE IYR = 0 ENDIF ! IYEAR = 400*IMIL + 100*ICEN + 4*I4 + IYR ! IF (MOD(IYEAR,100).NE.0.OR.MOD(IYEAR,400).EQ.0) IDYNOW = IDYNOW+1 ! ! get month and day ! LEAPYR = (MOD(IYEAR,4).EQ.0.AND.MOD(IYEAR,100).NE.0).OR. & MOD(IYEAR,400).EQ.0 ! DO 30 IMN = 1, 12 IDYMN=IDYMON(IMN) IF(LEAPYR.AND.IMN.EQ.2) IDYMN=IDYMN+1 IF(IDYNOW.LE.IDYMN) GOTO 40 IDYNOW=IDYNOW-IDYMN 30 CONTINUE 40 IF (ICNT==2) THEN IYEAR=IYEAR-1 IMN=12 IDYNOW=31 ENDIF ! INTTIM(2) = IMN INTTIM(3) = IDYNOW INTTIM(1) = IYEAR ! ! get time of day ! INTTIM(4) = INT(TT/3600.) TT = TT - 3600.*DBLE(INTTIM(4)) INTTIM(5) = INT(TT/60.) TT = TT - 60.*DBLE(INTTIM(5)) INTTIM(6) = INT(TT) RETURN END !***************************************************************** ! * SUBROUTINE DTRETI (TSTRNG, IOPT, TIMESC) ! * !***************************************************************** ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. AUTHORS ! ! 1. UPDATES ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! 4. ARGUMENT VARIABLES ! ! IOPT : input option number ! INTEGER IOPT ! ! TIMESC : output time in seconds from given reference day REFDAY ! REAL*8 TIMESC ! ! TSTRNG : input time string ! CHARACTER TSTRNG *(*) ! ! 5. PARAMETER VARIABLES ! ! 6. LOCAL VARIABLES ! ! ITIME : ?? ! INTEGER ITIME(6) ! REAL RTMP ! ! DTTIME : Gives time in seconds from a reference day it also initialises the ! reference day ! REAL DTTIME ! ! 8. SUBROUTINE USED ! ! DTSTTI (installation dependent subroutines) ! ! 9. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! 10. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! 11. REMARKS ! ! 12. STRUCTURE ! ! 13. SOURCE TEXT ! CALL DTSTTI (IOPT, TSTRNG, ITIME) RTMP = DTTIME (ITIME) TIMESC = DBLE(RTMP) RETURN END !***************************************************************** ! * CHARACTER *18 FUNCTION DTTIWR (IOPT, TIMESC) 30.00 ! * !***************************************************************** ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. AUTHORS ! ! 40.02: IJsbrand Haagsma ! ! 1. UPDATES ! ! 30.05: New subroutine ! 40.02, Oct. 00: Made length of TSTRNG equal to TIMESTR ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! 4. ARGUMENT VARIABLES ! ! IOPT : input time coding option number ! INTEGER IOPT ! ! TIMESC : output time in seconds from given reference day REFDAY ! REAL*8 TIMESC ! ! TSTRNG : input time string ! CHARACTER (LEN=24) :: TSTRNG 40.02 ! ! 5. PARAMETER VARIABLES ! ! 6. LOCAL VARIABLES ! INTEGER ITIME(6) ! ! 8. SUBROUTINE USED ! ! DTTIST (installation dependent subroutines) ! DTINTI (misc. routines) ! ! 9. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! 10. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! 11. REMARKS ! ! 12. STRUCTURE ! ! 13. SOURCE TEXT ! 30.00 CALL DTINTI (TIMESC, ITIME) CALL DTTIST (IOPT, TSTRNG, ITIME) DTTIWR = TSTRNG(1:18) 40.02 RETURN END !***************************************************************** ! * SUBROUTINE REPARM (NDSL, NDSD, IDLA, IDFM, RFORM, 40.00 & NHEDF, IDYN, NHEDT, LOGC, LOCAL, NHEDC) 40.95 40.00 ! * !***************************************************************** ! USE OCPCOMM1 40.41 USE OCPCOMM2 40.41 USE OCPCOMM3 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 !PUN USE SIZES, ONLY: LOCALDIR 40.95 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 30.74: IJsbrand Haagsma (Include version) ! 30.80: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 34.01: Jeroen Adema ! 40.00: Nico Booij (modifications) ! 40.02: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 30.10, Dec. 95: [fac] is read before 'fname' in view of later ! reading of tables; argument VFAC removed ! arguments LOGT, NHEDT, LOGC, NHEDC added ! 30.74, Nov. 97: Prepared for version with INCLUDE statements ! 40.00, Jan. 98: SWAN specific statements modified; argument list ! changed ! 30.82, Sep. 98: Added type specification for HEDLIN ! 30.80, Dec. 98: Initialisation of NHEDT and NHEDC ! 34.01, Feb. 99: Introducing STPNOW ! 40.02, Sep. 00: Replaced computed GOTO by CASE construct ! 40.03, Jul. 00: TRIM used to improve readability of message ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! reads parameters for reading an array from users input ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! 4. ARGUMENT VARIABLES ! ! IDFM : output format index ! IDLA : output lay-out indicator ! IDYN : input indicate whether grid is dynamic or not ! NDSD : ?? unit number of the file from which to read the dataset ! NDSL : ?? unit number of the file containing the list of filenames ! NHEDF : output number of heading lines in the file (once in each file) ! NHEDT : output number of heading lines in the file before reading ! each time level ! NHEDC : output number of heading lines in the file before each array ! or vector component ! INTEGER IDFM, IDLA, NDSL, NDSD, NHEDF, NHEDT, NHEDC, IDYN ! ! LOCAL : input if True input file found in local directory ! LOGC : input if True more than one component is read from file ! LOGICAL LOGC, LOCAL ! ! RFORM : output reading format ! CHARACTER RFORM *(*) ! ! 5. PARAMETER VARIABLES ! ! 6. LOCAL VARIABLES ! ! ! IENT : Number of entries into this subroutine ! IH : ?? ! IOSTAT : input 0 : Full messages printed ! -1: Only error messages printed ! -2: No messages printed ! output error indicator ! INTEGER IENT, IH, IOSTAT ! ! HEDLIN : Content of a header line ! KEYWIS : ?? ! LOGICAL KEYWIS, BNEW ! ! OLDFIL : ?? ! CHARACTER HEDLIN*80, OLDFIL *36 ! 30.82 ! 8. SUBROUTINE USED ! LOGICAL STPNOW 34.01 ! ! 9. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! 10. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! 11. REMARKS ! ! 12. STRUCTURE ! ! 13. SOURCE TEXT ! SAVE IENT, OLDFIL DATA IENT /0/ DATA OLDFIL /' '/ CALL STRACE (IENT, 'REPARM') ! CALL INKEYW ('STA', ' ') IF (KEYWIS('SERI')) THEN CALL INCSTR ('FNAME', FILENM, 'REQ', ' ') ! open namelist file and read first datafile name CALL FOR (NDSL, FILENM, 'OF', IOSTAT) 40.00 IF (STPNOW()) RETURN 34.01 READ(NDSL, '(A36)') FILENM ELSE CALL INCSTR ('FNAME', FILENM, 'REQ', ' ') 40.00 ENDIF !PUN IF (LOCAL) FILENM = TRIM(LOCALDIR)//DIRCH2//TRIM(FILENM) 40.95 ! IF (FILENM.NE.OLDFIL) THEN BNEW = .TRUE. NDSD = 0 IDLA = 1 IDFM = 0 RFORM = ' ' NHEDF = 0 OLDFIL = FILENM ELSE BNEW = .FALSE. ENDIF ! CALL INKEYW ('STA', ' ') IF (BNEW) THEN ! read lay-out indicator CALL ININTG ('IDLA', IDLA, 'UNC', 1) ! names changed and order changed, ver 30.20 (Swan) CALL ININTG ('NHEDF', NHEDF, 'UNC', 0) 30.20 NHEDT = 0 30.80 IF (IDYN.GT.0) THEN CALL ININTG ('NHEDT', NHEDT, 'UNC', 0) 30.21 ENDIF NHEDC = 0 30.80 IF (LOGC) THEN CALL ININTG ('NHEDVEC', NHEDC, 'UNC', 0) 30.20 ENDIF CALL INKEYW ('STA', 'FREE') 30.06 IDFM = 2 IF (KEYWIS('FRE')) THEN IDFM = 0 ELSE IF (KEYWIS('UNF')) THEN IDFM = -1 ELSE IF (KEYWIS('FOR')) THEN ! formatted read CALL ININTG ('IDFM', IDFM, 'NSKP', 2) SELECT CASE(IDFM) 40.02 CASE(1) 40.02 RFORM = '(10X,12F5.0)' 40.02 CASE(2) 40.02 CALL INCSTR ('FORM', RFORM, 'REQ', ' ') 40.02 CASE(5) 40.02 RFORM = '(16F5.0)' 40.02 CASE(6) 40.02 RFORM = '(12F6.0)' 40.02 CASE(8) 40.02 RFORM = '(10F8.0)' 40.02 CASE DEFAULT 40.02 CALL MSGERR (2, 'illegal format number') 40.02 WRITE (PRINTF, 50) IDFM 40.02 50 FORMAT (' -> ', I6) 40.02 END SELECT 40.02 ELSE CALL WRNKEY 30.06 IDFM = 0 ENDIF ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! open the file ! -------------------------------------------------------- IF (IDFM.NE.-1) THEN IOSTAT = 0 CALL FOR (NDSD, FILENM, 'OF', IOSTAT) 40.00 IF (STPNOW()) RETURN 34.01 IF (NHEDF.GT.0) THEN 40.00 WRITE (PRINTF, '(A,A,A)') ' ** Heading lines file ', & TRIM(FILENM), ' **' 40.03 DO IH=1, NHEDF READ (NDSD, '(A80)') HEDLIN WRITE (PRINTF, '(A4,A80)') ' -> ', HEDLIN 40.00 ENDDO ENDIF ELSE IOSTAT = 0 CALL FOR (NDSD, FILENM, 'OU', IOSTAT) 40.00 IF (STPNOW()) RETURN 34.01 DO IH=1, NHEDF READ (NDSD) 40.00 ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END !***************************************************************** ! * SUBROUTINE INAR2D (ARR, MXA, MYA, NDSL, NDSD, IDFM, RFORM, 40.00 & IDLA, VFAC, NHED, NHEDF) 40.00 ! * !***************************************************************** ! USE OCPCOMM1 40.41 USE OCPCOMM2 40.41 USE OCPCOMM3 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 30.72: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 30.74: IJsbrand Haagsma (Include version) ! 30.82: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 34.01: Jeroen Adema ! 40.00: Nico Booij ! 40.02: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 40.03: Nico Booij ! 40.08: Erick Rogers ! 40.13: Nico Booij ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 01.05, Feb. 90: Before reading values in the array are divided by VFAC, ! in order to retain correct values for points where no ! value was given ! 01.06, Apr. 91: i/o status is printed if read error occurs ! 30.72, Sept 97: Changed DO-block with one CONTINUE to DO-block with ! two CONTINUE's ! 30.72, Sept 97: Corrected reading of heading lines for SERIES of files ! in dynamic mode ! 30.74, Nov. 97: Prepared for version with INCLUDE statements ! 40.00, July 98: SWAN specific statements modified ! unformatted read: heading lines also read unformatted ! distinction between NDSD (data file) and NDSL (file list) ! 30.82, Sep. 98: Added INQUIRE statement to produce correct file name in ! case of a read error ! 34.01, Feb. 99: Introducing STPNOW ! 40.02, Sep. 00: Replaced computed GOTO with CASE construct ! 40.02, Sep. 00: Replaced reserved words IOSTAT with IOERR and STATUS with IERR ! 40.03, Jul. 00: END= added to READ statement for correct reading of series ! of files ! 40.03, Jul. 00: TRIM used to improve readability of message ! 40.13, Apr. 01: END=930 added in READ statement; corresponding error message added ! 40.08, Mar. 03: Changed an INQUIRE statement so that it does not produce ! misleading results. ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! Reads a 2d array from dataset ! is used to read e.g. bathymetry, one component of wind velocity ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! 4. ARGUMENT VARIABLES ! ! IDFM : input format index ! IDLAM : input lay-out indicator ! MXA : input number of points along x-side of grid ! MYA : input number of points along y-side of grid ! NDSD : input unit number of the file from which to read the dataset ! NDSL : input unit number of the file containing the list of filenames ! NHEDF : input number of heading lines in the file (first lines). ! NHEDL : input number of heading lines in the file ! before each array ! INTEGER IDFM, IDLA, MXA, MYA, NDSD, NDSL, NHED, NHEDF ! ! ARR : input results appear in this array ! RFORM : input format used in reading data (char. string) ! VFAC : input factor by which data must be multiplied. ! REAL ARR(MXA,MYA), VFAC ! CHARACTER RFORM *(*) ! ! 5. PARAMETER VARIABLES ! ! 6. LOCAL VARIABLES ! ! IERR : ?? ! IENT : number of entries into this subroutine ! IOERR : input 0 : Full messages printed ! -1: Only error messages printed ! -2: No messages printed ! output error indicator ! IH : ?? ! IX : ?? ! IY : ?? ! NUMFIL : ?? ! INTEGER IERR, IENT, IOERR, IH, IX, IY, NUMFIL 40.02 ! ! HEDLIN : Content of a header line ! CHARACTER HEDLIN *80 ! ! 8. SUBROUTINE USED ! LOGICAL STPNOW 34.01 ! ! 9. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! 10. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! 11. REMARKS ! ! 12. STRUCTURE ! ! 13. SOURCE TEXT ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT /0/ CALL STRACE (IENT, 'INAR2D') ! 999 IF (NDSD.LT.0) RETURN 40.00 ! no reading from file due to open error ! ! *** NUMFIL is the number of files that is open in one time step ** NUMFIL = 0 30.00 IF (ITEST.GE.100) THEN WRITE (PRINTF, 12) MXA, MYA, NDSD, IDFM, RFORM, 40.00 & IDLA, VFAC, NHED 12 FORMAT (' * TEST INAR2D *', 4I4, 1X, A16, I3, 1X, E12.4, I3) ENDIF ! ! Read heading lines, and print the same: ! 11 IF (NHED.GT.0) THEN IF (IDFM.LT.0) THEN 40.00 IF (ITEST.GE.30) & WRITE (PRINTF, '(I3,A)') NHED, ' Heading lines' 40.00 DO 28 IH=1, NHED READ (NDSD, END=910) 40.03 28 CONTINUE ELSE DO 30 IH=1, NHED READ (NDSD, '(A80)', end=910) HEDLIN 40.03 IF (IH.EQ.1) WRITE (PRINTF, '(A)') ' ** Heading lines **' WRITE (PRINTF, '(A4,A80)') ' -> ', HEDLIN 30 CONTINUE ENDIF ENDIF ! ! divide existing values in the array by VFAC ! DO 39 IY = 1, MYA 30.72 DO 38 IX = 1, MXA ARR(IX,IY) = ARR(IX,IY) / VFAC 38 CONTINUE 30.72 39 CONTINUE 30.72 ! ! start reading of 2D-array ! IF (IDFM.EQ.0) THEN ! free format read SELECT CASE(IDLA) 40.02 CASE(1) 40.02 DO IY=MYA, 1, -1 40.02 READ (NDSD, *, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & (ARR(IX,IY), IX=1,MXA) 40.02 ENDDO 40.02 CASE(2) 40.02 READ (NDSD, *, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & ((ARR(IX,IY), IX=1,MXA), IY=MYA,1,-1) 40.02 CASE(3) 40.02 DO IY=1, MYA 40.02 READ (NDSD, *, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & (ARR(IX,IY), IX=1,MXA) 40.02 ENDDO 40.02 CASE(4) 40.02 READ (NDSD, *, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & ((ARR(IX,IY), IX=1,MXA), IY=1,MYA) 40.02 CASE(5) 40.02 DO IX=1, MXA 40.02 READ (NDSD, *, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & (ARR(IX,IY), IY=1,MYA) 40.02 ENDDO 40.02 CASE(6) 40.02 READ (NDSD, *, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & ((ARR(IX,IY), IY=1,MYA), IX=1,MXA) 40.02 END SELECT 40.02 ELSE IF (IDFM.GT.0) THEN ! read with fixed format SELECT CASE (IDLA) 40.02 CASE(1) 40.02 DO IY=MYA, 1, -1 40.02 READ (NDSD, RFORM, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & (ARR(IX,IY), IX=1,MXA) 40.02 ENDDO 40.02 CASE(2) 40.02 READ (NDSD, RFORM, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & ((ARR(IX,IY), IX=1,MXA), IY=MYA,1,-1) 40.02 CASE(3) 40.02 DO IY=1, MYA 40.02 READ (NDSD, RFORM, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & (ARR(IX,IY), IX=1,MXA) 40.02 ENDDO 40.02 CASE(4) 40.02 READ (NDSD, RFORM, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & ((ARR(IX,IY), IX=1,MXA), IY=1,MYA) 40.02 CASE(5) 40.02 DO IX=1, MXA 40.02 READ (NDSD, RFORM, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & (ARR(IX,IY), IY=1,MYA) 40.02 ENDDO 40.02 CASE(6) 40.02 READ (NDSD, RFORM, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & ((ARR(IX,IY), IY=1,MYA), IX=1,MXA) 40.02 END SELECT 40.02 ELSE ! unformatted read SELECT CASE(IDLA) CASE(1) DO IY=MYA, 1, -1 40.02 READ (NDSD, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & (ARR(IX,IY), IX=1,MXA) 40.02 ENDDO 40.02 CASE(2) 40.02 READ (NDSD, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & ((ARR(IX,IY), IX=1,MXA), IY=MYA,1,-1) 40.02 CASE(3) 40.02 DO IY=1, MYA 40.02 READ (NDSD, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & (ARR(IX,IY), IX=1,MXA) 40.02 ENDDO 40.02 CASE(4) 40.02 READ (NDSD, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & ((ARR(IX,IY), IX=1,MXA), IY=1,MYA) 40.02 CASE(5) 40.02 DO IX=1, MXA 40.02 READ (NDSD, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & (ARR(IX,IY), IY=1,MYA) 40.02 ENDDO 40.02 CASE(6) 40.02 READ (NDSD, END=910, ERR=920, IOSTAT=IERR) 40.02 & ((ARR(IX,IY), IY=1,MYA), IX=1,MXA) 40.02 END SELECT 40.02 ENDIF GOTO 900 40.02 ! ! *** End of data file, in case SERIES next file is opened ! *** unit = NDSD is closed before the next one is opened ! 910 CONTINUE CLOSE(NDSD) NUMFIL = NUMFIL + 1 IF (NUMFIL .GE. 2) GO TO 911 IF (NDSL.GT.0) THEN READ (NDSL, '(A)', END=930) FILENM 40.13 IF (IDFM.NE.-1) THEN IOERR = 0 CALL FOR (NDSD, FILENM, 'OF', IOERR) 40.02 IF (STPNOW()) RETURN 34.01 ELSE IOERR = 0 CALL FOR (NDSD, FILENM, 'OU', IOERR) 40.02 IF (STPNOW()) RETURN 34.01 ENDIF ! ! Read heading lines, and print these: ! 30.72 2 IF (NHEDF.GT.0) THEN 30.72 IF (IDFM.LT.0) THEN 40.00 IF (ITEST.GE.30) WRITE (PRINTF, '(I3,A,A)') NHEDF, & ' Heading lines at begin of file ', TRIM(FILENM) 40.03 DO 828 IH=1, NHEDF 40.00 READ (NDSD) 40.00 828 CONTINUE ELSE 40.00 WRITE (PRINTF, '(A,A,A)') ' ** Heading lines file ', & TRIM(FILENM), ' **' 40.03 DO 830 IH=1, NHEDF 30.72 READ (NDSD, '(A80)') HEDLIN 30.72 WRITE (PRINTF, '(A4,A80)') ' -> ', HEDLIN 30.72 830 CONTINUE 30.72 ENDIF 40.00 ENDIF 30.72 GO TO 11 ENDIF ! ! error message when end of file is encountered ! ! --- initialize FILENM so that previous value is not used 40.08 ! in case unit NDSD does not exist 40.08 911 FILENM='UNKNOWN_FILE' ! --------------------------------------------------------------------40.08 ! THIS INQUIRE STATEMENT IS PROBLEMATIC, SINCE (AT LEAST 40.08 ! SOMETIMES) NDSD HAS ALREADY BEEN CLOSED, SO THE INQUIRE 40.08 ! STATEMENT SHOULD NOT WORK. 40.08 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------40.08 INQUIRE (UNIT=NDSD, NAME=FILENM) CALL MSGERR (2, 'Unexpected end of file while reading '// & TRIM(FILENM)) 40.13 NDSD = 0 40.00 IDLA = -1 ! Value of IDLA=-1 signals end of file to calling program ! GOTO 900 ! ! --- initialize FILENM 40.08 920 FILENM='UNKNOWN_FILE' 40.08 INQUIRE (UNIT=NDSD, NAME=FILENM) 30.82 40.08 CALL MSGERR (2, 'Error while reading file '//TRIM(FILENM)) 40.13 WRITE (PRINTF, 922) IERR 40.02 922 FORMAT (' i/o status ', I6) 40.00 IDLA = -2 40.00 ! Value of IDLA=-2 signals read error to calling program ! ! Multiply all values in the array by VFAC ! 900 DO 909 IY = 1, MYA 30.72 DO 908 IX = 1, MXA ARR(IX,IY) = ARR(IX,IY) * VFAC 908 CONTINUE 30.72 909 CONTINUE 30.72 ! 990 IF (ITEST.GE.100 .OR. IDLA.LT.0) THEN DO 996 IY=MYA, 1, -1 WRITE (PRINTF, 994) (ARR(IX,IY), IX=1,MXA) 994 FORMAT ((1X, 10E12.4)) 996 CONTINUE ENDIF RETURN ! No more files in NDSL: ! --- initialize FILENM 40.08 930 FILENM='UNKNOWN_FILE' 40.08 INQUIRE (UNIT=NDSL, NAME=FILENM) 40.13 40.08 CALL MSGERR (2, 'Series of input files ended in '//TRIM(FILENM)) 40.13 RETURN 40.13 END subroutine INAR2D !***************************************************************** ! * SUBROUTINE STRACE (IENT, SUBNAM) ! * !***************************************************************** ! USE OCPCOMM1 40.41 USE OCPCOMM2 40.41 USE OCPCOMM3 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 USE M_PARALL 40.31 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. AUTHORS ! ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. UPDATES ! ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! This subroutine produces depending on the value of 'ITRACE' ! a message containing the name 'SUBNAM'. the purpose of this ! action is to detect the entry of a subroutine. ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! the first executable statement of subroutine 'AAA' has to ! be : CALL STRACE(IENT,'AAA') ! further is necessary : DATA IENT/0/ ! IF ITRACE=0, no message ! IF ITRACE>0, a message is printed up to ITRACE times ! ! 4. ARGUMENT VARIABLES ! ! IENT : i/o Number of entries into the calling subroutine ! INTEGER IENT ! ! SUBNAM : inp name of the calling subroutine. ! CHARACTER SUBNAM *(*) ! ! 5. PARAMETER VARIABLES ! ! 6. LOCAL VARIABLES ! 40.31 !$ LOGICAL,EXTERNAL :: OMP_IN_PARALLEL 40.31 ! ! 8. SUBROUTINE USED ! ! 9. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! 10. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! 11. REMARKS ! ! 12. STRUCTURE ! ! 13. SOURCE TEXT ! IF (ITRACE.EQ.0) RETURN IF (IENT.GT.ITRACE) RETURN !$ IF (OMP_IN_PARALLEL()) THEN 40.31 !$OMP MASTER 40.31 !$ IENT=IENT+1 40.31 !$ WRITE (PRTEST, 10) SUBNAM 40.31 !$ IF (SCREEN.NE.PRINTF) WRITE (SCREEN, 10) SUBNAM 40.31 !$OMP END MASTER 40.31 !$ ELSE 40.31 IENT=IENT+1 WRITE (PRTEST, 10) SUBNAM IF ( SCREEN.NE.PRINTF .AND. IAMMASTER ) 40.95 40.30 & WRITE (SCREEN, 10) SUBNAM 40.30 !$ ENDIF 40.31 10 FORMAT (' ++ trace subr: ',A) RETURN ! * END OF SUBR. STRACE * END !***************************************************************** ! * SUBROUTINE MSGERR (LEV,STRING) ! * !***************************************************************** ! USE OCPCOMM1 40.41 USE OCPCOMM2 40.41 USE OCPCOMM3 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 USE M_PARALL 40.31 !PUN USE SIZES 40.95 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. AUTHORS ! ! 40.02: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 40.03, 40.13: Nico Booij ! 40.30: Marcel Zijlema ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. UPDATES ! ! 40.03, Aug. 00: variable ERRFNM introduced in order to get correct ! message on UNIX system ! 40.02, Sep. 00: Removed STOP statement ! 40.13, Nov. 01: OPEN statement instead of CALL FOR ! to prevent recursive subroutines calling ! 40.30, Jan. 03: introduction distributed-memory approach using MPI ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! Error messages are produced by subroutine MSGERR. if necessary ! the value of LEVERR is increased. ! In case of a high error level an error message file is opened ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! 4. ARGUMENT VARIABLES ! ! LEV : indicates how severe the present error is ! STRING : contents of the present error message ! INTEGER LEV ! CHARACTER STRING*(*) ! ! 5. PARAMETER VARIABLES ! ! 6. LOCAL VARIABLES ! ! IERR : if non-zero error message file was already opened unsuccessfully ! IERRF : unit reference number of the error message file ! ILPOS : actual length of error message filename ! INTEGER, SAVE :: IERR=0, IERRF=0 40.03 INTEGER ILPOS 40.30 ! ! ERRM : error message prefix ! CHARACTER (LEN=17) :: ERRM 40.03 ! ! ERRFNM : name of error message file ! CHARACTER (LEN=LENFNM), SAVE :: ERRFNM = 'Errfile' 40.31 40.03 ! ! 8. SUBROUTINE USED ! ! --- ! ! 9. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! 10. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! 11. REMARKS ! ! 12. STRUCTURE ! ! 13. SOURCE TEXT ! ! IF (LEV.GT.LEVERR) LEVERR=LEV IF (LEV.EQ.0) THEN ERRM = 'Message ' ELSE IF (LEV.EQ.1) THEN ERRM = 'Warning ' ELSE IF (LEV.EQ.2) THEN ERRM = 'Error ' ELSE IF (LEV.EQ.3) THEN ERRM = 'Severe error ' ELSE ERRM = 'Terminating error' ENDIF WRITE (PRINTF,12) ERRM, STRING 12 FORMAT (' ** ', A, ': ',A) IF (LEV.GT.MAXERR) THEN IF (IERRF.EQ.0) THEN IF (IERR.NE.0) RETURN ! ! append node number to ERRFNM in case of 40.30 ! parallel computing 40.30 ! IF (PARLL) THEN 40.30 ILPOS = INDEX ( ERRFNM, ' ' )-1 40.30 WRITE(ERRFNM(ILPOS+1:ILPOS+4),13) INODE 40.30 13 FORMAT('-',I3.3) 40.30 END IF 40.30 ! !PUN ERRFNM = TRIM(LOCALDIR)//DIRCH2//TRIM(ERRFNM) 40.95 !PUN! IERRF = 17 40.13 OPEN (UNIT=IERRF, FILE=ERRFNM, FORM='FORMATTED') 40.13 ENDIF WRITE (IERRF,14) ERRM, STRING 14 FORMAT (A, ': ',A) ENDIF ! RETURN ! END SUBROUTINE MSGERR ! !***************************************************************** ! * LOGICAL FUNCTION STPNOW() 30.82 ! * !***************************************************************** ! USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 30.82, Feb. 99: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 30.82: New function ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! Function determines wheter the SWAN program should be stopped ! due to a terminating error ! ! 3. Method ! ! Compares two common variables (the maximum allowable error-level, ! MAXERR and the actual error-level: LEVERR). ! ! 4. ARGUMENT VARIABLES ! ! 5. PARAMETER VARIABLES ! ! 6. LOCAL VARIABLES ! ! IENT : Number of entries into this subroutine ! INTEGER IENT ! ! 8. SUBROUTINE USED ! !$ LOGICAL,EXTERNAL :: OMP_IN_PARALLEL ! ! 9. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! 10. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! 11. REMARKS ! ! 12. STRUCTURE ! ! 13. SOURCE TEXT ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT /0/ CALL STRACE (IENT,'STPNOW') ! IF (LEVERR .GE. 4) THEN STPNOW = .TRUE. ELSE STPNOW = .FALSE. END IF IF (MAXERR.EQ.-1) STPNOW = .FALSE. !$ IF (OMP_IN_PARALLEL()) STPNOW = .FALSE. ! RETURN END !***************************************************************** ! * SUBROUTINE TABHED (PROGNM, LPR) ! * !***************************************************************** ! USE OCPCOMM1 40.41 USE OCPCOMM2 40.41 USE OCPCOMM3 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. AUTHORS ! ! 40.13: Nico Booij ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. UPDATES ! ! 40.13, Jan. 01: VERTXT replaces VERNUM ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! prints the table heading, containing: ! run description, 3 lines ! name of institute, program name, ! project name, run id. ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! 4. ARGUMENT VARIABLES ! ! LPR : input unit ref. nr. for output ! INTEGER LPR ! ! PROGNM : input program name ! CHARACTER PROGNM *(*) ! ! 5. PARAMETER VARIABLES ! ! 6. LOCAL VARIABLES ! ! 8. SUBROUTINE USED ! ! 9. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! 10. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! 11. REMARKS ! ! 12. STRUCTURE ! ! 13. SOURCE TEXT ! WRITE (LPR, 10) PROJT1, INST WRITE (LPR, 20) PROJT2, PROGNM, VERTXT 40.13 WRITE (LPR, 30) PROJT3, PROJID, PROJNR WRITE (LPR, 40) 10 FORMAT ('1', A72, ' | ', A40) 20 FORMAT (1X, A72, ' | ', A, ' version: ', A) 40.13 30 FORMAT (1X, A72, ' | ', A16, 1X, A4) 40 FORMAT (' --------------------------------------------------', & '---------------------------------------------------------') RETURN END !***************************************************************** ! * SUBROUTINE FOR (IUNIT, DDNAME, SF, IOSTAT) ! * !***************************************************************** ! USE OCPCOMM1 40.41 USE OCPCOMM2 40.41 USE OCPCOMM3 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 30.13: Nico Booij ! 30.70: Nico Booij ! 30.82: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 34.01: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 40.00, 40.03: Nico Booij ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! 41.20: Casey Dietrich ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 30.13, Jan. 96: new structure ! 30.70, Feb. 98: terminating error if input file does not exist ! 30.82, Nov. 98: Introduced recordlength of 1000 for new files to ! avoid errors on the Cray-J90 ! 34.01, Feb. 99: STOP statement removed ! 40.00, Feb. 99: DIRCH2 replaces DIRCH1 in filenames ! 40.03, May 00: modification for Linux: local copy of filename ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! 41.20, Mar. 10: extension to tightly coupled ADCIRC+SWAN model ! ! 1. PURPOSE ! ! General open file routine. ! ! 2. METHOD ! ! FORTRAN 77 OPEN option. ! INQUIRE ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! 4. ARGUMENT VARIABLES ! ! IUNIT int input =0 : get free unit number ! >0 : fixed unit number ! output allocated unit number ! DDNAME char input ddname/filename string (empty if IUNIT>0) ! SF char*2 input file qualifiers ! 1st char: O(ld),N(ew),S(cratch),U(nknown) ! 2nd char: F(ormatted),U(nformatted) ! IOSTAT int input 0 : Full messages printed ! -1: Only error messages printed ! -2: No messages printed ! output error indicator ! INTEGER IUNIT, IOSTAT CHARACTER DDNAME*(LENFNM), SF*2 40.03 ! ! 5. PARAMETER VAR. (CONSTANTS) ! ! Error codes: ! ! IOSTAT = IESUCC No errors ! IOSTAT > 0 I/O error ! IOSTAT = IENUNF No free unit number found ! IOSTAT = IEUNBD Specified unit number out of bounds ! IOSTAT = IENODD No filename supplied with IUNIT=0 ! IOSTAT = IEDDNM Incorrect filename supplied with IUNIT>0 ! IOSTAT = IEEXST Specified unit number does not exist ! IOSTAT = IEOPEN Specified unit number already opened ! IOSTAT = IESTAT Error in file qualifiers ! IOSTAT = IENSCR Named scratch file ! IOSTAT = IENSIO No specified I/O error ! INTEGER IESUCC, IENUNF, IEUNBD, IENODD, & IEDDNM, IEEXST, IEOPEN, IESTAT, IENSCR PARAMETER (IESUCC= 0,IENUNF= -1,IEUNBD= -2,IENODD= -3, & IEDDNM= -4,IEEXST= -5,IEOPEN= -6,IESTAT= -7, & IENSCR=-12) ! ! EMPTY blank string ! CHARACTER EMPTY*(*) PARAMETER (EMPTY= ' ') ! ! 6. LOCAL VARIABLES ! ! IENT number of entries into this subroutine ! IFO format index ! IFUN free unit number ! II counter ! IOSTTM aux. error index ! IS file status index ! IUTTM aux. unit number ! INTEGER IENT, IFO, IFUN, II, IOSTTM, IS, IUTTM ! ! EXIST if true, file exists ! OPENED if true, file is opened ! LOGICAL EXIST, OPENED ! ! S ! F ! FILTTM auxiliary ! FISTAT file status, values: OLD, NEW, UNKNOWN ! FORM formatting, values: FORMATTED, UNFORMATTED ! DDNAME_L local copy of DDNAME 40.03 ! CHARACTER S, F, FILTTM *(LENFNM), DDNAME_L *(LENFNM) 40.03 CHARACTER *11 FISTAT(4),FORM(2) ! ! 4. SUBROUTINES USED ! ! ! 5. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! and error messages added using MSGERR ! ! ! 6. REMARKS ! ! Free unit number search interval: FUNLO<=IUNIT<=FUNHI ! FUNLO, FUNHI, IUNMIN and IUNMAX were initialized by OCPINI, ! they are transmitted via module OCPCOMM4 ! ! 7. STRUCTURE ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check file qualifiers ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! If IUNIT = 0 ! Then If DDNAME = ' ' ! Then error message ! Else Inquire to find if file exists and is opened, ! and if so, to find correct unit number ! If file is not opened ! Then get a free unit number, assign value to IUNIT ! open the file ! Else assign correct unit number to IUNIT ! Else Inquire to find if file exists and is opened, ! and if so, to find correct filename ! If file with unit nr IUNIT is already open ! Then If filename does not correspond to DDNAME ! Then Close file with old filename and unit IUNIT ! Open file with new filename DDNAME and unit IUNIT ! Else If DDNAME is not empty ! Then Open file with new filename DDNAME and unit IUNIT ! Else Open file with unit IUNIT ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 8. SOURCE TEXT ! SAVE IENT BJXX ! DATA FISTAT(1),FISTAT(2) / 'OLD','NEW'/ & FISTAT(3),FISTAT(4) / 'SCRATCH','UNKNOWN'/ & FORM(1),FORM(2) / 'FORMATTED','UNFORMATTED'/ ! DATA IENT /0/ BJXX CALL STRACE (IENT, 'FOR') ! IFUN = 0 BJXX IF (ITEST.GE.80) WRITE (PRTEST, 2) IUNIT, DDNAME, SF, IOSTAT 2 FORMAT (' Entry FOR: ', I3, 1X, A36, A2, I7) DDNAME_L = DDNAME 40.03 ! ! check file qualifiers ! IF ((IUNIT.NE.0) .AND. & ((IUNIT .LT. IUNMIN) .OR. (IUNIT .GT. IUNMAX))) THEN IF (IOSTAT.GT.-2) CALL MSGERR (3, 'Unit number out of range') IOSTAT= IEUNBD RETURN END IF ! S = SF(1:1) F = SF(2:2) IS = INDEX('ONSU',S) IFO = INDEX('FU',F) IF ((IS .EQ. 0) .OR. (IFO .EQ. 0)) THEN IF (IOSTAT.GT.-2) CALL MSGERR (3,'Error in file qualifiers') IOSTAT= IESTAT RETURN END IF ! IF ((S.EQ.'S').AND.(DDNAME.NE.EMPTY)) THEN IF (IOSTAT.GT.-2) CALL MSGERR (3, 'Named scratch file') IOSTAT= IENSCR RETURN END IF ! IF (DDNAME.NE.EMPTY) THEN 40.00 ! directory separation character is replaced in filenames 40.00 DO II = 1, LEN(DDNAME) IF (DDNAME(II:II).EQ.DIRCH1) DDNAME(II:II) = DIRCH2 40.00 ENDDO ENDIF ! IF (IUNIT .EQ. 0) THEN IF (DDNAME.EQ.EMPTY) THEN IF (IOSTAT.GT.-1) CALL MSGERR (3, 'No filename given') IOSTAT= IENODD RETURN ELSE ! Was the file opened already ? INQUIRE (FILE=DDNAME, IOSTAT=IOSTTM, EXIST=EXIST, & OPENED=OPENED, NUMBER=IUTTM) IF (IOSTTM .NE. IESUCC) THEN IF (IOSTAT.GT.-1) CALL MSGERR (2, & 'Inquire failed, filename: '//DDNAME_L) 40.03 IOSTAT = IOSTTM RETURN ENDIF ! If file does not exist, print term. error IF (IS.EQ.1 .AND. .NOT. EXIST) THEN 30.70 CALL MSGERR (4, & 'File cannot be opened/does not exist: '//DDNAME_L) 40.03 IOSTAT = IEEXST RETURN END IF IF (OPENED) THEN IF (IOSTAT.GT.-1) & CALL MSGERR (2, 'File is already opened: '//DDNAME_L) 40.03 IOSTAT = IEOPEN IUNIT = IUTTM RETURN ENDIF 60 CONTINUE ! Assign free unit number IF (IFUN.EQ.0) THEN IFUN = FUNLO ELSE IFUN = IFUN + 1 ENDIF INQUIRE (UNIT=IFUN, OPENED=OPENED) BJXX IF (OPENED) GOTO 60 BJXX !Casey 160728: Merging the changes from Jason in an earlier version of SWAN. !ADC ! jgf52.30.05: Provide a more comprehensive workaround for 41.20 !ADC ! the issue where ADCIRC opens a file using a unit number 41.20 !ADC ! that SWAN is already using. The long term solution here 41.20 !ADC ! is to have ADCIRC check the unit numbers it is opening 41.20 !ADC ! to see if they are already in use. 41.20 !ADC ! 41.20 !ADC ! FIXME: We still might collide with NWS11, if anyone 41.20 !ADC ! still uses that. 41.20 !ADC SELECT CASE(IFUN) 41.20 !ADC CASE(10:93,98,101,102,111,141,151,164,199,200) 41.20 !ADC GOTO 60 41.20 !ADC CASE(221:224,225,227,301:307,311:322,323,333,400:404,667) 41.20 !ADC GOTO 60 41.20 !ADC CASE(1019:1021,1065:1067) 41.20 !ADC GOTO 60 41.20 !ADC CASE DEFAULT 41.20 !ADC CONTINUE 41.20 !ADC END SELECT 41.20 SELECT CASE(IFUN) 40.88 CASE(411:417) 40.88 GOTO 60 40.88 CASE DEFAULT 40.88 CONTINUE 40.88 END SELECT 40.88 IUNIT = IFUN IF (IUNIT .GT. FUNHI) THEN IF (IOSTAT.GT.-2) CALL MSGERR (3, 'All free units used') IOSTAT= IENUNF ENDIF END IF OPEN (UNIT=IUNIT,ERR=999,IOSTAT=IOSTTM,FILE=DDNAME, 30.82 !/Cray & RECL=1000, 30.82 !/SGI & RECL=1000, 30.82 !CVIS & SHARED, 40.41 & STATUS=FISTAT(IS),ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL',FORM=FORM(IFO)) 30.82 ELSE INQUIRE (UNIT=IUNIT, NAME=FILTTM, IOSTAT=IOSTTM, & EXIST=EXIST, OPENED=OPENED) IF (IOSTTM .NE. IESUCC) THEN IF (IOSTAT.GT.-1) CALL MSGERR (2, & 'Inquire failed, filename: '//FILTTM) IOSTAT = IOSTTM RETURN ENDIF IF (OPENED) THEN IF (IOSTAT.GT.-1) THEN CALL MSGERR (1, & 'File is already opened, filename: '//FILTTM) ENDIF IF (FILTTM.NE.DDNAME .AND. FILTTM.NE.EMPTY) THEN IF (IOSTAT.GT.-2) THEN WRITE (PRINTF, '(A, I4, 6A)') ' unit', IUNIT, & ' filenames: ', FILTTM, ' and: ', DDNAME CALL MSGERR (2, 'filename and unit number inconsistent') ENDIF IOSTAT = IEDDNM ! close old file and open new one with given filename CLOSE (IUNIT) OPEN (UNIT=IUNIT,ERR=999,IOSTAT=IOSTTM,STATUS=FISTAT(IS), !/Cray & RECL=1000, 30.82 !/SGI & RECL=1000, 30.82 !CVIS & SHARED, 40.41 & FILE=DDNAME,ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL',FORM=FORM(IFO)) IF (IOSTTM.NE.IESUCC) IOSTAT = IOSTTM GOTO 80 ENDIF IOSTAT = IEOPEN RETURN END IF IF (DDNAME.NE.EMPTY) THEN OPEN (UNIT=IUNIT,ERR=999,IOSTAT=IOSTTM,STATUS=FISTAT(IS), !/Cray & RECL=1000, 30.82 !/SGI & RECL=1000, 30.82 !CVIS & SHARED, 40.41 & FILE=DDNAME,ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL',FORM=FORM(IFO)) ELSE OPEN (UNIT=IUNIT,ERR=999,IOSTAT=IOSTTM,STATUS=FISTAT(IS), !/Cray & RECL=1000, 30.82 !/SGI & RECL=1000, 30.82 !CVIS & SHARED, 40.41 & ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL',FORM=FORM(IFO)) END IF END IF HIOPEN = IFUN 80 IF (ITEST.GE.30) WRITE (PRINTF, 82) IUNIT, DDNAME, SF 82 FORMAT (' File opened: ', I6, 2X, A36, 2X, A2) RETURN ! ! in case file cannot be opened: ! 999 IF (IOSTAT.GT.-2) THEN CALL MSGERR (3, 'File open failed, filename: '//DDNAME_L) 40.03 WRITE (PRINTF,15) DDNAME, IOSTTM, SF 15 FORMAT (' File -> ', A36, 2X, ' IOSTAT=', I6, 4X, A2) ENDIF IUNIT = -1 IOSTAT= IOSTTM RETURN ! * end of subroutine FOR * END !*********************************************************************** ! * LOGICAL FUNCTION EQREAL (REAL1, REAL2 ) 30.72 ! * !*********************************************************************** ! USE OCPCOMM1 40.41 USE OCPCOMM2 40.41 USE OCPCOMM3 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 30.72 IJsbrand Haagsma ! 30.60 Nico Booij ! 40.04 Annette Kieftenburg ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! 30.72, Oct. 97: Changed from EXCYES to make floating point point comparisons ! 30.60, July 97: new subroutine (EXCYES) ! 40.04, Aug. 00: introduced EPSILON and TINY ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! to determine whether a value (usually a value read from file) ! is an exception value or not ! Later (30.72) used to make comparisons of floating points within reasonable bounds ! ! 3. Method (updated...) ! ! Checks whether ABS(REAL1-REAL2) .LE. TINY(REAL1) or whether this 40.04 ! difference is .LE. then EPS (= EPSILON(REAL1)*ABS(REAL1-REAL2) ) 40.04 ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! REAL1 : input value that is to be tested ! REAL2 : input given exception value ! REAL REAL1, REAL2 ! ! 5. Parameter variables ! ! 6. Local variables ! ! EPS : Small number (related to REAL1 and its difference with REAL2) ! IENT : Number of entries into this subroutine ! REAL EPS INTEGER IENT ! ! 8. Subroutines used ! ! 9. Subroutines calling ! ! SWREAD ! SWDIM ! SIRAY ! SWBOUN ! SWODDC ! SWOEXD ! SWOEXA ! SWOEXF ! SWPLOT ! SWSPEC ! ISOLIN ! SNYPT2 ! INCTIM ! INDBLE ! ! 10. Error messages ! ! 11. Remarks ! ! 12. Structure ! ! 13. Source text ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ CALL STRACE(IENT,'EQREAL') EQREAL = .FALSE. ! EPS = EPSILON(REAL1)*ABS(REAL1-REAL2) 40.04 IF (EPS ==0) EPS = TINY(REAL1) 40.04 IF (ABS(REAL1-REAL2) .GT. TINY(REAL1)) THEN 40.04 IF (ABS(REAL1-REAL2) .LT. EPS) EQREAL = .TRUE. 40.04 ELSE 40.04 EQREAL = .TRUE. 40.04 ENDIF 40.04 RETURN ! end of subroutine EQREAL END !*********************************************************************** ! * LOGICAL FUNCTION EQDBLE (DBLE1, DBLE2) ! * !*********************************************************************** ! USE OCPCOMM4 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. Updates ! ! July 2015: copied from EQREAL, adapted to double precision ! ! 2. Purpose ! ! to determine whether a value is an exception value or not ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! DBLE1 : input value that is to be tested ! DBLE2 : input given exception value ! REAL*8 DBLE1, DBLE2 ! ! 5. Parameter variables ! ! 6. Local variables ! ! IENT : Number of entries into this subroutine ! INTEGER IENT ! ! 8. Subroutines used ! ! 9. Subroutines calling ! ! 10. Error messages ! ! 11. Remarks ! ! 12. Structure ! ! 13. Source text ! SAVE IENT DATA IENT/0/ CALL STRACE(IENT,'EQDBLE') EQDBLE = .FALSE. ! IF ( .NOT. DBLE1 /= DBLE2 ) EQDBLE = .TRUE. RETURN ! end of subroutine EQDBLE END !******************************************************************* ! * SUBROUTINE LSPLIT(RELINE, DATITM, NUMITM) ! * !******************************************************************* ! USE OCPCOMM1 40.41 USE OCPCOMM2 40.41 USE OCPCOMM3 40.41 USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. AUTHORS ! ! 40.00, 40.03: Nico Booij ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. UPDATES ! ! 40.00, Jan. 98: New subroutine for SWAN ! 40.03, Jun. 00: declaration updated, TRIM added for readability ! test output added ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! a line read from a file is separated into single data items ! each data item is found in a string DATITM ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! 4. ARGUMENT VARIABLES ! ! NUMITM : input max number of data items in array ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: NUMITM 40.03 ! ! DATITM : output array of data items ! RELINE : input string (read from an input file) ! CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: DATITM(NUMITM) 40.03 CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: RELINE 40.03 ! ! 5. PARAMETER VARIABLES ! ! 6. LOCAL VARIABLES ! ! CRL : a character of the input line RELINE ! QUOTE : ' i.e. string delimiter ! CHARACTER QUOTE *1, CRL *1 ! ! ICR1 : ?? ! IENT : Number of entries into this subroutine ! ILL : sequence number of character being processed ! IITM : counter of data items ! LENLIN : lenght of an input line ! RITM : type of data, 0: empty string, 2: string enclosed ! in quotes, 1: other ! INTEGER ICR1, IENT, ILL, IITM, LENLIN, RITM ! ! LCHSTR : if True, program is reading a string (enclosed in quotes) ! LOGICAL LCHSTR ! ! 8. SUBROUTINE USED ! ! ------ ! ! 9. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! SWBOUN ! ! 10. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! Too many data items on input line ! ! 11. REMARKS ! ! 12. STRUCTURE ! ! 13. SOURCE TEXT ! SAVE IENT, QUOTE DATA IENT /0/, QUOTE /''''/ CALL STRACE (IENT, 'LSPLIT') ! LENLIN = LEN(RELINE) LCHSTR = .FALSE. RITM = 1 ICR1 = 1 DO IITM = 1, NUMITM DATITM(IITM) = ' ' ENDDO IF (ITEST.GE.150) WRITE (PRTEST,*) ' test LSPLIT ', RELINE ! ! free format: separate the line into data items ! blanks and commas serve as separation between data items ! DATITM is string containing one data item ! IITM = 1 DO 170 ILL = 1, LENLIN CRL = RELINE(ILL:ILL) IF (LCHSTR) THEN ! reading a character string enclosed in quotes IF (CRL.EQ.QUOTE) THEN ! closing quote LCHSTR = .FALSE. RITM = 2 IF (IITM.GT.NUMITM) THEN CALL MSGERR (2, 'too many items on input line') WRITE (PRINTF, *) ' -> ', TRIM(RELINE) ENDIF DATITM(IITM) = RELINE (ICR1:ILL-1) ENDIF ELSE IF (CRL.EQ.',') THEN IF (RITM.EQ.0) THEN ! empty item IITM = IITM + 1 IF (IITM.GT.NUMITM) THEN CALL MSGERR (2, 'too many items on input line') WRITE (PRINTF, *) ' -> ', TRIM(RELINE) 40.03 ENDIF DATITM(IITM) = ' ' ELSE IF (RITM.EQ.1) DATITM(IITM) = RELINE(ICR1:ILL) RITM = 0 ENDIF ELSE IF (CRL.EQ.' ' .OR. CRL.EQ.TABC) THEN IF (RITM.EQ.1) THEN IF (IITM.GT.NUMITM) THEN CALL MSGERR (2, 'too many items on input line') WRITE (PRINTF, *) ' -> ', TRIM(RELINE) 40.03 ENDIF DATITM(IITM) = RELINE(ICR1:ILL) RITM = 2 ENDIF ELSE IF (RITM.NE.1) THEN IITM = IITM + 1 IF (IITM.GT.NUMITM) THEN CALL MSGERR (2, 'too many items on input line') WRITE (PRINTF, *) ' -> ', TRIM(RELINE) 40.03 ENDIF IF (CRL.EQ.QUOTE) THEN ICR1 = ILL+1 LCHSTR = .TRUE. ELSE ICR1 = ILL RITM = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF (ITEST.GE.250) WRITE (PRTEST, 165) CRL, RITM, & IITM, ICR1 165 FORMAT (' test LSPLIT ', A1, 3I3, 2X, A20) 170 CONTINUE IF (ITEST.GE.130) THEN 40.03 DO IITM = 1, NUMITM WRITE (PRTEST, 810) IITM, DATITM(IITM) 810 FORMAT (' LSPLIT data item ', I2, ' is: ', A) ENDDO ENDIF RETURN END !*********************************************************************** ! * SUBROUTINE BUGFIX (FIXABC) ! * !*********************************************************************** ! USE OCPCOMM2 40.41 ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. Authors ! ! 40.03 Nico Booij ! ! 1. UPDATE ! ! 40.03, May 00: new subroutine ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! Adding one character to the version character string ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! ! 4. Argument variables ! ! FIXABC char input character indicating a bugfix CHARACTER (LEN=1), INTENT(IN) :: FIXABC ! ! 5. Parameter variables ! ! 6. Local variables ! ! IC counter of characters ! INTEGER IC ! ! 8. Subroutines used ! ! 9. Subroutines calling ! ! 10. Error messages ! ! 11. Remarks ! ! 12. Structure ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! for characters in VERTXT starting at end, do ! if character is not blank ! then replace previous character by FIXABC ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 13. Source text ! DO IC = LEN(VERTXT), 1, -1 IF (VERTXT(IC:IC) .NE. ' ') THEN VERTXT(IC+1:IC+1) = FIXABC GOTO 80 ENDIF ENDDO 80 RETURN ! end of subroutine BUGFIX END !*********************************************************************** ! * SUBROUTINE COPYCH (STRING, MOVE, IARRAY, LENARR, IERR) 30.81 ! * !*********************************************************************** ! USE OCPCOMM4 40.41 ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! | Delft University of Technology | ! | Faculty of Civil Engineering | ! | Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section | ! | P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands | ! | | ! | Programmers: The SWAN team | ! --|-----------------------------------------------------------|-- ! ! ! SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); a third generation wave model ! Copyright (C) 1993-2020 Delft University of Technology ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at ! http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3 ! or by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ! ! ! 0. AUTHORS ! ! 30.72: IJsbrand Haagsma ! 30.81: Annette Kieftenburg ! 40.03: Nico Booij ! 40.41: Marcel Zijlema ! ! 1. UPDATES ! ! 30.72, Sept 97: INTEGER*4 replaced by INTEGER ! ver 30.01 ! 30.81, Nov. 98: Replaced variable STATUS by IERR (because STATUS is a ! reserved word) ! 30.81, Jan. 99: Replaced variable FROM by FROM_ and TO by TO_ (because ! FROM and TO are reserved words) ! 40.03, Nov. 99: LENS2 removed from WRITE statement (value not yet known) ! 40.41, Oct. 04: common blocks replaced by modules, include files removed ! ! 2. PURPOSE ! ! copy a string into an integer array or vice-versa ! MOVE (TO_ or FROM_) indicates copying direction 30.81 ! ! 3. METHOD ! ! --- ! ! 4. ARGUMENT VARIABLES ! ! IARRAY : output an integer array ! LENARR : input length of array IARRAY ! IERR : output error status: 0=no error, 9=end-of-file 30.81 ! INTEGER IARRAY(*), LENARR, IENT, 30.72 & IERR 30.81 ! ! STRING : i/o a character string ! MOVE : input if MOVE=TO_, STRING is copied to IARRAY 30.81 ! if MOVE=FROM_, STRING is copied from IARRAY 30.81 ! CHARACTER MOVE *1, STRING *(*) ! ! 5. PARAMETER VARIABLES ! ! OPMLFC : largest allowed integer character (ASCII) code + 1 ! OPMNLI : number of characters that can be stored in one integer number ! INTEGER OPMLFC, OPMNLI 30.72 ! PARAMETER (OPMNLI=4, OPMLFC=128) ! ! 6. LOCAL VARIABLES ! ! IC : counter ! IENT : number of entries into this subroutine ! II : counter ! LENS1 : length of a string ! LENS2 : length of a string ! LL : integer representation of a character ! MC1 : integer converted to/from character ! MCHAR : integer converted to/from character ! MM : aux. number ! NSL : position of character in string ! INTEGER IC, II, LENS1, LENS2, LL, MC1, MCHAR, MM, NSL ! ! CC : a single character ! CHAR : intrinsic character function, translates integer to character ! FROM_ : 'F' ! TO_ : 'T' ! CHARACTER CC, TO_, FROM_ 30.81 ! ! 8. SUBROUTINE USED ! ! CHAR, ICHAR (intrinsic functions) ! ! 9. SUBROUTINES CALLING ! ! --- ! ! 10. ERROR MESSAGES ! ! If PINDEX or PPLACE is out of range an error message is printed ! ! 11. REMARKS ! ! --- ! ! 12. STRUCTURE ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 13. SOURCE TEXT ! SAVE IENT, TO_, FROM_ 30.81 DATA IENT /0/, TO_ /'T'/, FROM_ /'F'/ 30.81 CALL STRACE (IENT,'COPYCH') ! LENS1 = LEN(STRING) IF (LENARR.GT.360) THEN CALL MSGERR (2, 'extremely long string in COPYCH') WRITE (PRTEST, *) ' test COPYCH ', & MOVE, LENARR, LENS1, ' ', STRING(1:80) 40.03 LENARR = 360 ENDIF LENS2 = LENARR*OPMNLI ! IF (MOVE .EQ. TO_) THEN 30.81 NSL = 0 DO 60 II = 1, LENARR MCHAR = 0 DO 40 IC = 1, OPMNLI NSL = NSL + 1 IF (NSL .LE. LENS1) THEN CC = STRING(NSL:NSL) ELSE CC = ' ' ENDIF LL = ICHAR(CC) IF (LL.GE.OPMLFC) THEN IERR = 803 30.81 WRITE (PRTEST, 33) CC 33 FORMAT (' character cannot be copied: ', A1) LL = ICHAR ('?') ENDIF MCHAR = OPMLFC*MCHAR + LL ! IF (ITEST.GE.250) WRITE (PRTEST, *) NSL, CC, LL 40 CONTINUE IARRAY(II) = MCHAR 60 CONTINUE IF (LENS1.GT.LENS2) THEN DO 70 II = LENS1+1, LENS2 IF (STRING(II:II) .NE. ' ') THEN IERR = 801 30.81 CALL MSGERR(1, 'string longer than capacity of array') IF (ITEST.GE.50) WRITE (PRTEST, *) ' test COPYCH ', & MOVE, LENARR, LENS1, LENS2, ' ', STRING(1:80) GOTO 165 ENDIF 70 CONTINUE ENDIF ELSE IF (MOVE .EQ. FROM_) THEN 30.81 ! ! character string copied from an array ! ! first the string is filled with blanks STRING = ' ' NSL = 0 DO 160 II = 1, LENARR MC1 = IARRAY(II) DO 140 IC = 1, OPMNLI MM = OPMLFC ** (OPMNLI-IC) LL = MC1 / MM NSL = NSL + 1 IF (NSL .LE. LENS1) THEN STRING(NSL:NSL) = CHAR(LL) ELSE IF (CHAR(LL) .NE. ' ') THEN IF (IERR.NE.802) 30.81 & CALL MSGERR(1, 'string shorter than capacity of array') IF (ITEST.GE.50) WRITE (PRTEST, *) ' test COPYCH ', & MOVE, LENARR, LENS1, LENS2, ' ', STRING IERR = 802 30.81 GOTO 165 ENDIF ENDIF MC1 = MC1 - LL * MM ! IF (ITEST.GE.250) WRITE (PRTEST, *) NSL, LL, STRING(NSL:NSL) 140 CONTINUE IF (MC1.NE.0) WRITE (PRINTF, *) ' Error COPYCH' 160 CONTINUE ELSE CALL MSGERR (2, 'error COPYCH, argument MOVE') ENDIF 165 IF (ITEST.GE.230) WRITE (PRTEST, 167) LENS1, STRING, MOVE, & (IARRAY(II), II=1,LENARR) 167 FORMAT (' exit COPYCH ', I3, 1X, A20, 1X, A1, 4(1X,I12)) RETURN !* end of subroutine COPYCH ** END