!! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2012-2022. !! !! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify !! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, !! as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! along with this program. If not, see . !! !! contact: delft3d.support@deltares.nl !! Stichting Deltares !! P.O. Box 177 !! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands !! !! All indications and logos of, and references to registered trademarks !! of Stichting Deltares remain the property of Stichting Deltares. All !! rights reserved. SUBROUTINE DLWQPP ( NOTOT , NOSYS , NOSEG , NOPA , NOSFUN , * ITIME , IMFLAG , IDFLAG , IHFLAG , MONAME , * SYNAME , DUNAME , WANAME , IDUMP , NODUMP , * IWASTE , NOWAST , CONC , CONS , PARAM , * FUNC , SEGFUN , VOLUME , WASTE , BOUND , * NOBND , ITSTRT , ITSTOP , NX , NY , * LGRID , NODISP , NOVELO , NOQ , NOQ1 , * NOQ2 , NOQ3 , DISPER , VELO , ASMASS , * IBFLAG , NOCONS , NOFUN , CONAME , PANAME , * FUNAME , SFNAME , BONAME ) ! ! ! Deltares SECTOR WATERRESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT ! ! CREATED : june 1988 by L. Postma ! ! FUNCTION : Parameter list and header for user supplied ! subroutine for POSTPROCESSING. ! ! LOGICAL UNITS : none explicitly, the user may use any unit ! number if NOT between 10 and 35 !!!!!!!!!! ! ! SUBROUTINES CALLED : none explicitly ! ! PARAMETERS : ! ! NAME KIND LENGTH FUNCT. DESCRIPTION ! ---- ----- ------ ------- ----------- ! NOTOT INTEGER 1 INPUT Total number of substances ! NOSYS INTEGER 1 INPUT Number of active substances ! NOSEG INTEGER 1 INPUT Nr. of computational elements ! NOPA INTEGER 1 INPUT Number of parameters ! NOSFUN INTEGER 1 INPUT Number of segment functions ! ITIME INTEGER 1 INPUT Time in system clock units ! IMFLAG LOGICAL 1 INPUT .TRUE. if DELWAQ sets a ! monitoring step ! IDFLAG LOGICAL 1 INPUT as IMFLAG for dump actions ! IHFLAG LOGICAL 1 INPUT as IMFLAG for history actions ! MONAME CHAR*40 4 INPUT Model and run names ! SYNAME CHAR*20 NOTOT INPUT names of systems ! DUNAME CHAR*20 NODUMP INPUT names of dump locations ! WANAME CHAR*20 NOWAST INPUT names of waste locations ! IDUMP INTEGER NODUMP INPUT dump segment numbers ! NODUMP INTEGER 1 INPUT number of dump locations ! IWASTE INTEGER NOWAST INPUT waste segment numbers ! NOWAST INTEGER 1 INPUT number of waste locations ! CONC REAL NOTOT,NOSEG INPUT Model concentrations ! CONS REAL * IN/OUT Model constants ! PARAM REAL NOPA,NOSEG IN/OUT Model parameters ! FUNC REAL * IN/OUT Model functions at ITIME ! SEGFUN REAL NOSEG,NOSFUN IN/OUT Segment functions at ITIME ! VOLUME REAL NOSEG INPUT Segment volumes ! WASTE REAL NOTOT+1,NOWAST INPUT waste loads ! BOUND REAL NOSYS,NOBND INPUT boundary concentrations ! NOBND INTEGER 1 INPUT number of boundary conditions ! ITSTRT INTEGER 1 INPUT model start time in units ! ITSTOP INTEGER 1 INPUT model stop time in units ! NX INTEGER 1 INPUT width of grid ! NY INTEGER 1 INPUT depth of grid ! LGRID INTEGER NX*NY INPUT grid-layout ! NOQ INTEGER 1 INPUT Total number of exchanges ! NOQ1 INTEGER 1 INPUT number of exchanges 1st direction ! NOQ2 INTEGER 1 INPUT number of exchanges 2nd direction ! NOQ3 INTEGER 1 INPUT number of exchanges 3rd direction ! NOVELO INTEGER 1 INPUT Number of user-flows ! NODISP INTEGER 1 INPUT Number of user-dispersions ! DISPER REAL NODISP*NOQ OUTPUT User defined dispersion ! VELO REAL NOVELO*NOQ OUTPUT User defined flows ! ASMASS REAL NOTOT*NOSEG*? IN/OUT mass balance per comp. elems. ! if IBFLAG = 1 ! IBFLAG INTEGER 1 INPUT if 1 then mass balance p.c.e. ! NOCONS INTEGER 1 INPUT Number of constants used ! NOFUN INTEGER 1 INPUT Number of functions ( user ) ! CONAME CHAR*20 NOCONS INPUT Constant names ! PANAME CHAR*20 NOPA INPUT Parameter names ! FUNAME CHAR*20 NOFUN INPUT Function names ! SFNAME CHAR*20 NOSFUN INPUT Segment function names ! BONAME CHAR*20 NOBND INPUT Boundary names ! ! ================================================================== ! ! ! CHARACTER*40 MONAME(4) CHARACTER*20 SYNAME (NOTOT), DUNAME (NODUMP), WANAME (NOWAST), & CONAME (*) , PANAME (*) , FUNAME (*) , & SFNAME (*) , BONAME (*) DIMENSION IDUMP (NODUMP), IWASTE (NOWAST) DIMENSION VOLUME (NOSEG), CONS (*),FUNC (*), & CONC (NOTOT,NOSEG) ,PARAM (NOPA,NOSEG), & WASTE (0:NOTOT,NOWAST) ,SEGFUN(NOSEG,NOSFUN), & BOUND ( NOSYS, NOBND ) ,LGRID (NX ,NY ), & DISPER( NODISP, NOQ ) ,VELO (NOVELO,NOQ), & ASMASS( NOTOT,NOSEG,*) LOGICAL IMFLAG, IDFLAG, IHFLAG ! ! RETURN END