c======================================================================= c Rijkswaterstaat/RIZA and DELFT HYDRAULICS c One Dimensional Modelling system c S O B E K c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Subsystem: SOBEK c c Programmer: S.L. van der Woude c c Module: Sobek constants c c Module description: Include file with sobek constants c c c c Pre condition: c c Post condition: c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Parameters: c NR NAME IO DESCRIPTION c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Subprogram calls: c NAME DESCRIPTION c======================================================================= c c*********************************************************************** c CVS log information: c c $Id: sobcon.i,v 1.9 1999/03/15 14:08:22 kuipe_j Exp $ c c History: c $Log: sobcon.i,v $ c Revision 1.9 1999/03/15 14:08:22 kuipe_j c devided segmentes added c c Revision 1.8 1998/05/25 19:16:45 kuipe_j c Wendy structures c c Removed on 8-6-96 c c*********************************************************************** c c Definition of the individual constants c c c Normal gridpoint integer cgrdcl c Structure cell integer cstrcl c Internal node integer cintnd c H-boundary integer chbou c Q-boundary integer cqbou c QH-boundary integer cqhbou c HQ-boundary integer chqbou c No layer defined integer cnlayd c Layer defined integer cylayd c Reduction function straight integer crdstr c Sinus reduction function integer crdsin c Exchange in gridpoint integer cexigp c Exchange between gridpoint integer cexbgp c Exchange in node integer cexind c Exchange from Qlat to segment integer cexqlt c Exchange in seperated segment integer cexbsc c Positive pointer integer cpopnt c Negative pointer integer cnepnt c No parallel sections integer cnopar c Main channel integer cmainc c Sub section 1 integer csubs1 c Sub section 2 integer csubs2 c Equally over actual ws integer ceqows c Proportional to local depth integer cprodp c Tabulated cross section integer ccrtab c Circel cross section integer ccrcir c Sedredge cross section integer ccrsed c Only main channel integer c1sec c Main channel + sub section 1 integer c2sec c Main channel + sub section 1 and 2 integer c3sec c Disable slot generation integer csldis c Enable slot generation integer cslena c Simple weir integer csweir c Advanced weir integer caweir c Data base structure integer cdtbst c Pump integer cpump c General structure integer cgenst c Culvert integer cclvrt c Sluice with underflow gate integer cslund c Open Flume integer cflume c Gated culvert with pressure flow integer cculpr c Sluice with bottom hinged gate integer cslubo c Sluice with overflow/underflow gate integer csovun c Bridge piers integer cbridg c Abutment integer cabutm c Structure in branch integer cstbra c Lateral structure integer cstlat c Not controlled integer cnocon c No trigger integer cnotrg c Time trigger integer ctitrg c Hydraulic trigger integer chytrg c Hydraulic and/or timetrigger integer candor c Pump controlled upward integer cpmpup c Pump controlled downward integer cpmpdw c Time controller integer ctimcn c Time controller absolute times integer ctmabs c Time controller relative times zero integer ctmrl0 c Time controller relative times value integer ctmrlv c PID controller integer cpidcn c Hydraulic controller integer chydcn c Interval controller integer cintcn c Control parameter: Crest height integer ccpcrh c Control parameter: Crest width integer ccpcrw c Control parameter: Gate opening heigth integer ccpgat c Water level controlled integer cconh c Discharge controlled integer cconq c Head difference controlled integer cconhd c Velocity controlled integer cconu c Stream direction integer cconsd c Pressure difference integer cconpd c Fixed interval integer cintfx c Variable interval integer cintvr c Fixed deadband integer cdbdfx c Deadband as percentage of discharge integer cdbdpq c Off trigger as function of time integer ctrgof c On trigger as function of time integer ctrgon c Trigger on water level integer ctrgh c Trigger on head difference integer ctrghd c Trigger on discharge integer ctrgdi c Trigger on gate height integer ctrggh c Trigger on crest height integer ctrgch c Trigger on crest width integer ctrgcw c Trigger on level of retention basin integer ctrghlat c Trigger on pressure difference integer ctrgpd c Or trigger integer ctrgor c And trigger integer ctrgan c Equal dispersion of structure integer cdsequ c Different dispersion of structure (1) integer cdsdf1 c Different dispersion of structure (2) integer cdsdf2 c Chezy value constant integer cfrchc c Chezy value function of Q integer cfrchq c Chezy value function of h integer cfrchh c Manning integer cfrman c Strickler-1 (Kn) integer cfrskn c Strickler-2 (Ks) integer cfrsks c Nikuradze integer cfrnik c Engelund predictor integer cfreng c No wind friction defined integer cnwndf c Wind friction defined integer cywndf c boundary = function of time integer cbftim c boundary = function of h or Q integer cbfhoq c boundary = fourier function integer cbfour c boundary = tidal components integer cbtidl c Qlat = function of time integer cqlftm c Qlat = function of water level integer cqlfh c Qlat = function of structure integer cqlfst c Qlat = function of connected station integer cqlret c Qlat = function of retentiebekken integer cqlcon c Point discharge in 1 gridpoint integer cpd1gp c Point discharge in 1 gridcell integer cpd1gc c Traject discharge in 1 gridcell integer ctd1gc c Traject discharge in more gridcells integer ctdmgc c Salt boundary user specified integer csbusr c Salt boundary Thatcher-Harleman integer csbthh c Salt boundary Zero-flux integer csbflx c Morphological boundary S=f(t) integer cmbsft c Morphological boundary S=f(Q) integer cmbsfq c Morphological boundary z=f(t) integer cmbzft c Proportional distribution function integer cdbpro c Lineair distribution function integer cdblin c Ratio distribution function integer cdbrat c Power distribution function integer cdbpow c Engelund & Hansen transport formula integer ctrfeh c Meyer-Peter & Muller transport formula integer ctrfmm c Ackers & White transport formula integer ctrfaw c Van Rijn transport formula integer ctrfvr c Parker & Klingemann transport formula integer ctrfpk c User defined transport formula integer ctrfud c Ripple factor is constant integer crfcon c Ripple factor must be calculated integer crfcal c Dispersion function 1 integer cds1fu c Dispersion function 2 integer cds2fu c Dispersion Thatcher-Harleman integer cdsthh c Dispersion Empirical integer cdsemp c Dispersion is function of time integer cdsftm c Dispersion is function of place integer cdsfpl c No periodical function integer ctbnpf c Periodical function integer ctbpfu c Table Interpolate continuously integer ctbico c Table Interpolate discrete integer ctbidi c Delta check value real cdchk c Value to add or distract to avoid devision c by zero real cdval c c Assign values to constants c c c grid cells types c parameter (cgrdcl = 1, + cstrcl = 2 + ) c c node types c parameter (cintnd = 1, + chbou = 2, + cqbou = 3, + cqhbou = 4, + chqbou = 5 + ) c c Fixed layer constants c parameter (cnlayd = 0, + cylayd = 1 + ) c c Type of reduction function for fixed layers c parameter (crdstr = 1, + crdsin = 2 + ) c c exchange type for water quality c parameter (cexigp = 1, + cexbgp = 2, + cexind = 3, + cexqlt = 4, + cexbsc = 5 + ) c c pointer types c parameter (cpopnt = 1, + cnepnt = -1 + ) c c section types c parameter (cnopar = 0, + cmainc = 1, + csubs1 = 2, + csubs2 = 3 + ) c c Morphology adaption options c parameter (ceqows = 1, + cprodp = 2 + ) c c cross section types c parameter (ccrtab = 1, + ccrcir = 2, + ccrsed = 3 + ) c c sections types c parameter (c1sec = 0, + c2sec = 1, + c3sec = 2 + ) c c Slot disabled or enabled c parameter (csldis = 0, + cslena = 1 + ) c c Structure types c parameter (csweir = 1, + caweir = 2, + cdtbst = 3, + cpump = 4, + cgenst = 5, c Wendy structures added + cclvrt = 6, + cslund = 7, + cflume = 8, + cculpr = 9, + cslubo = 10, + csovun = 11, + cbridg = 12, + cabutm = 13 + ) c c Place of structure c parameter (cstbra = 1, + cstlat = 2 + ) c c trigger types c parameter (cnotrg = 0, + ctitrg = 1, + chytrg = 2, + candor = 3 + ) c c Control directions for pump c parameter (cpmpup = -1, + cpmpdw = 1 + ) c c controller types c parameter (cnocon = 0, + ctimcn = 1, + chydcn = 2, + cintcn = 3, + cpidcn = 4 + ) c c Time controller c parameter (ctmabs = 0, + ctmrl0 = 1, + ctmrlv = 2 + ) c c control parameter types c parameter (ccpcrh = 1, + ccpcrw = 2, + ccpgat = 3 + ) c c controlled variables c parameter (cconh = 1, + cconq = 2, + cconhd = 3, + cconu = 4, + cconsd = 5, + cconpd = 6 + ) c c Interval types c parameter (cintfx = 1, + cintvr = 2 + ) c c Deadband types c parameter (cdbdfx = 1, + cdbdpq = 2 + ) c c Trigger off, trigger on c parameter (ctrgof = 0, + ctrgon = 1 + ) c c Hydraulic trigger types c parameter (ctrgh = 1, + ctrghd = 2, + ctrgdi = 3, + ctrggh = 4, + ctrgch = 5, + ctrgcw = 6, + ctrghlat = 7, + ctrgpd = 8 + ) c c Trigger or, trigger and c parameter (ctrgor = 0, + ctrgan = 1 + ) c c Dispersion for structures c parameter (cdsequ = 1, + cdsdf1 = 2, + cdsdf2 = 3 + ) c c Friction types c parameter (cfrchc = 1, + cfrchq = 2, + cfrchh = 3, + cfrman = 4, + cfrskn = 5, + cfrsks = 6, + cfrnik = 7, + cfreng = 8 + ) c c Wind disabled, enabled c parameter (cnwndf = 0, + cywndf = 1 + ) c c boundary function types c parameter (cbftim = 1, + cbfhoq = 2, + cbfour = 3, + cbtidl = 4 + ) c c Lateral discharge types c parameter (cqlftm = 1, + cqlfh = 2, + cqlfst = 3, + cqlcon = 4, + cqlret = 5 + ) c c Lateral discharge location types c parameter (cpd1gp = 1, + cpd1gc = 2, + ctd1gc = 3, + ctdmgc = 4 + ) c c Salt boundary types c parameter (csbusr = 1, + csbthh = 2, + csbflx = 3 + ) c c Morphology boundary types c parameter (cmbsft = 1, + cmbsfq = 2, + cmbzft = 3 + ) c c Sediment distribution functions c parameter (cdbpro = 1, + cdblin = 2, + cdbrat = 3, + cdbpow = 4 + ) c c Sediment transport formulas c parameter (ctrfeh = 1, + ctrfmm = 2, + ctrfaw = 3, + ctrfvr = 4, + ctrfpk = 5, + ctrfud = 6 + ) c c Ripple factor constant/calculation c parameter (crfcon = 0, + crfcal = 1 + ) c c Dispersion function options c parameter (cds1fu = 1, + cds2fu = 2, + cdsthh = 3, + cdsemp = 4 + ) c c Dispersion function types c parameter (cdsftm = 1, + cdsfpl = 2 + ) c c Table period indicators c parameter (ctbnpf = 0, + ctbpfu = 1 + ) c c Table interpolation options c parameter (ctbico = 0, + ctbidi = 1 + ) c c Values for epsequ (delta check) c parameter (cdchk = 1.E-26 , + cdval = 1.E-25 + )