# # Revision 1.1 2003/02/24 10:05:00 Staakman (MX.Systems) # ARS7925: error 1028 adjusted. # # This is a list of error codes and error messages used by the the # Sobek Simulation Modules # # The error messages are listed per simulation module. Each entry # consists of a combined module code and error code, a mnemonic and # a message text # # The combined error code is a five digit code - the first two digits # indentify the simulation module, the next three digits identify the # error code in this module # # module code module name # # 00 Main module # 01 Flow module # 02 Salt module # 03 Sediment Transport module # 04 Morphology module # 05 Water Quality interface module # 06 Graded Sediment Module # 07 Cross Sectional Table module # 08 Kalman filter (no messages) # 09 Tidal analyses # # The message text contains formal parameters - each formal paramater # is contained between two @ symbols. The name of the formal parameter # is not relevant. It will be substituded by the actual parameter # # Codes Main Module (start with '00') # 00001 einqfg Inquire first group failure on input file @nefis error@ 00002 einqng Inquire next group failure on input file @nefis error@ 00003 eclsdf Unable to close input definition file @nefis error@ 00004 eclsdt Unable to close input data file @nefis error@ 00005 einqgr Inquire group failure on input file @cel name@ @nefis error@ 00006 einqcl Inquire cel failure on input file @cel name@ @nefis error@ 00007 einqel Inquire element failure on input file @element name@ @nefis error@ 00008 egetel Get element failure on input file @element name@ @nefis error@ 00009 eopndf Unable to open definition file @definition file name@ @nefis error@ 00010 eopndt Unable to open data file @data file name@ @nefis error@ 00011 ewrrel Unable to write release number to file @nefis error@ 00012 eelmtp Unknown element type @elmtyp@ 00013 efroce Maximum Froude number in cell =@Froude number@ 00014 efrotl (Time step @number@ Iter. step @number@ Branch @branch@ X=@coordinate@) 00015 efrogr Maximum Froude number in grid point =@Froude number@ 00016 eflncc For zero discharges no stop criterium has been specified 00017 emrbis Too many iterations needed to calculate tidal averaged celerity 00020 evrdec Variable already declared in pool @element name@ 00021 eoutds No more data space in pool @element name@ 00022 eoutns No more space for variable name in pool @element name@ 00023 errovf Too many messages 00030 eflncv Iteration in flow calculation did not converge 00031 emrncv Morphological calculation is not converging 00032 emtsfp Morphological time step became less than one flow period 00033 erdmst @number@ reductions of morphological time step # # Codes Flow Module (start with '01') # 01001 eflhse Water level < bottom 2D morphology branch branch @branch@ 01002 eflstr Unexpected structure type in lateral discharge structure @structure@ 01003 eflmat Nodal administration matrix singular 01004 ewqcre Cannot create WQ-Interface file @nefis error@ 01005 ewqapp Cannot append to WQ-Interface file @Nefis error@ 01006 ewqtim Cannot write time information to WQ-Interface file @nefis error@ 01007 eflmap Cannot write map information of flow module @nefis error@ 01008 eflhis Cannot write history information of flow module @nefis error@ 01009 eflboo Cannot start writing of results of flow module @nefis error@ 01010 efleoo No proper finish of writing of results of flow module @nefis error@ 01011 eflwrd Cannot write restart information of flow module @nefis error@ 01012 eflrrd Cannot read restart information of flow module @nefis error@ 01013 eflbor Cannot start writing of restart information of flow module @nefis error@ 01014 eflrtt Could not find restart time step 01015 eflhci Water level < bottom circular branch 01016 eflmes Messages at time step @yyyymmdd hhmmsshh@ 01017 eflexr Head loss at branch @branch@ X=@coordinate@ undefined for zero discharge 01018 eflcr0 Discharge will not be zero in structure @structure@ when sill becomes dry 01019 efllim @underflow@ in data base of structure @structure@ 01025 eflhbo Water level < bottom at @branch@ X=@Coordinate@ (@water level@ @bottom@) 01026 eflngo Negative gate opening height in structure @structure@ 01027 eflncw Negative crest width in structure @structure@ 01028 eflcpt More than one controller active at @structure@; see UserManual, Sobek-model window, Controllers 01029 eflnib Coordinate of head loss not in branch @branch@ #1030 eflfro - unused - 01031 eflhfn High Froude numbers (See froude file) 01032 efltwc @number@ timesteps without convergence (See residu file) 01033 eflmii Minumum number of iterations @number@ 01034 eflmxi Maximum number of iterations @number@ 01035 eflmni Mean number of iterations @number@ 01036 eflcrl Roughness or hydraulic radius out of limit at branch @branch@ X= @coordinate@ 01037 eflqlt Structure @structure@ (used for retention basin) must be in a grid cell 01038 eflgrn Grain size d90 too small at branch @branch@ X=@coordinate@ 01039 efllag Size of discharge buffer (time lag hydr. controller) changed after restart 01040 eflgsa Flow area general structure @structure@ (@area-str@) greater than flow area branch (@area-br@) 01041 eflcha An attempt was made to change a controllable parameter of structure @structure@ after restart 01042 eflrou Chezy value in @section@ limited (lowest value was @Chezy value@) 01043 eflrof Chezy value in @section@ limited because of low water depth 01044 eflgrh Array for groundwater history data out of bounds # # Codes Salt Module (start with '02') # 02001 esacon Salt concentration at mouth must be positive @branch@ 02002 esaffv Flood volume or maximum flood velocity not positive (@branch@) 02003 esafil After a maximum number of filter steps there are still negative salt concentrations 02004 esaden Cannot calculate density due to negative salt concentrations 02005 esamat Matrix is singular 02006 esames Messages at time step @yyyymmdd hhmmsshh@ 02007 esamap Cannot write map information of salt module @nefis error@ 02008 esahis Cannot write history information of salt module @nefis error@ 02009 esaboo Cannot start writing of results of salt module @nefis error@ 02010 esaeoo No proper finish of writing of results of salt module @nefis error@ 02011 esawrd Cannot write restart information of salt module @nefis error@ 02012 esarrd Cannot read restart information of salt module @nefis error@ 02013 esabor Cannot start writing of restart information of salt module @nefis error@ 02014 esartt Could not find restart time step 02015 esabrm Cannot determine dispersion coefficient. No mouth is related to branch @branch@ # # Codes Sediment Module (start with '03') # 03001 esefro Froude number too large (@Froude@) in branch @branch@ at X=@coordinate@ 03002 eseqdr Q in a sedredge branch must be either positive or negative @branch@ 03003 esemes Messages at time step @yyyymmdd hhmmsshh@ 03004 eseboo Cannot start writing results of sediment module @nefis error@ 03005 esemap Cannot write map information of sediment module @nefis error@ 03006 esehis Cannot write time information of sediment module @nefis error@ 03007 eseeoo No proper finish of writing results of sediment module @nefis error@ 03008 esegrn Grain sizes too small in branch @branch@ at X=@coordinate@ 03009 esefrw Froude number > 0.8 in branch @branch@ starting at X=@coordinate@ # # Codes Morphology Module (start with '04') # 04001 emobou Inflowing boundary does not have boundary condition (@branch@) 04002 emolev Levels not in increasing order after adapting cross sections at @branch@ @Coordinate@ 04003 emohbo Water level < bottom at @branch@ @Coordinate@ (@water level@ @bottom@) 04004 emocrl Cross section level @Level number@ = @level heigth@ m #4005 ...... -not used- 04006 emomes Messages at time step @yyyymmdd hhmmsshhh@ 04007 emomap Cannot write map information of morphology module @nefis error@ 04008 emohis Cannot write history information of morphology module @nefis error@ 04009 emoboo Cannot start writing of results of morhology module @nefis error@ 04010 emoeoo No proper finish of writing results of morphology module @nefis error@ 04011 emowrd Cannot write restart information of morphology module @nefis error@ 04012 emorrd Cannot read restart information of morphology module @nefis error@ 04013 emobor Can't start writing restart information morphology module @nefis error@ 04014 emortt Could not find restart time step of morhology module 04015 emofor Calculation of sediment integral at boundary failed 04016 emcour Maximum Courant number at @branch@ X=@Coordinate@ 04017 embeco Begin coordinate not found @coordinate@ 04018 emenco End coordinate not found @coordinate@ # # Codes Water Quality Module (start with '05') # 05001 ewqodf Unable to open definition file @nefis error@ 05002 ewqodt Unable to open data file @nefis error@ 05003 ewqelm Unable to read element @element name@ @nefis error@ 05004 ewqseg Segment error in grid point @number@ 05005 ewqopn Cannot open Delwaq input file 05006 ewqmod Cannot modify Delwaq input file # # Codes Graded Sediment Module (start with '06') # 06001 egfixs1 Fixed layer about to shift out of multi under layer space, 06002 egfixs2 sedimentation is @dz0e@ m in branch @branch@ at X=@coordinate@ 06003 egsubtp Top level of multi under layer below under layer space at initialization in branch @branch@ at X=@coordinate@ 06004 egfixtp Fixed layer may not be specified at top of multi under layer in branch @branch@ at X=@coordinate@ 06005 egsubbt Bottow of multi under layer too high at initialization in some grid points 06006 egsubtm Too many layers required in under layer at initialization in branch @branch@ at X=@coordinate@ 06007 egfreq Sum of supplied frequencies not equal 1 in all grid points 06008 egunla Multi under layer level outside under layer space in some grid points 06009 egnorm1 Transport layer is empty in branch @branch@ at X=@coordinate@ 06010 egnorm2 Exchange layer is empty in branch @branch@ at X=@coordinate@ 06011 egrest Graded sediment run restarted with flow data. No morphology restart info is available. 06012 eginit Initialization error 06013 egsedw Sediment width not specified in branch @branch@ at X=@coordinate@ 06014 egoutm Too many graded sediment output functions 06015 egsrtt Could not find restart time step of graded sediment module 06016 egswrd Cannot write restart information of graded sediment module @nefis error@ 06017 egsrrd Cannot read restart information of graded sediment module @nefis error@ 06018 egsbor Can't start writing restart information graded sediment module @nefis error@ # # # Codes Cross Sectional Table Module (start with '07') # 07001 ecsslt Unable to create preissmann slot in @branch@ 07002 ecsnik Nikuradse-value is too high due to slot in @branch@ # # Codes Kalman Filter ((start with '08') # #------- # # Codes Tidal Analyses ((start with '09') # 09001 edeall Cannot decrease amount of memory (array @name@) 09002 ealloc Cannot increase @number@ words of memory (array @name@) 09003 egales Too less time steps to make tidal analyses