ESMF_RegridWeightGen.exe is build on the p-h5devux with the recipe below. added: esmf/ NetCDF ====== module load netcdf/v4.3.2_v4.4.0_intel_14.0.3 ESMF ==== Download from esmf_7_0_0_src 1) export ESMF_DIR=/cygdrive/c/code/esmf/esmf export ESMF_COMM="mpiuni" export ESMF_COMPILER=gfortran export ESMF_NETCDF="split" export ESMF_NETCDF_INCLUDE=/cygdrive/c/code/netcdf/include export ESMF_NETCDF_LIBPATH=/cygdrive/c/code/netcdf/lib INSTEAD OF: # export ESMF_CXXLINKLIBS="-lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz -lcurl -lgfortran -lstdc++" # export ESMF_CXXESMFLINKLIBS="-lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz -lcurl -lgfortran -lstdc++" # export ESMF_F90LINKLIBS="-lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz -lcurl -lgfortran -lstdc++" DO (see esmf\esmf\build\ export ESMF_NETCDF_LIBS="-lnetcdff -lnetcdf_c++ -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz -lcurl -lgfortran -lstdc++" !Watch out! The order is important: first netcdf, then the libraries that netcdf uses (hdf5, curl) 2) (solved in esmf 7.0.0) esmf\build_config\Cygwin.gfortran.default\ Replace: ESMF_F90DEFAULT = gfortran-4 ESMF_CXXDEFAULT = g++-4 With: ESMF_F90DEFAULT = gfortran ESMF_CXXDEFAULT = g++ 3) (solved in esmf 7.0.0) esmf\makefile: disable ranlib: Replace: # Ranlib on the libraries ranlib: $(ESMF_RANLIB) $(wildcard $(ESMF_LIBDIR)/lib*.a) With: # Ranlib on the libraries ranlib: -@echo "A3M: ranlib disabled" 4) (solved in esmf 7.0.0) esmf\src\apps\makefile: skip ESMF_WebServController: (maybe not needed anymore?) Replace: DIRS = ESMF_Info ESMF_InfoC ESMF_RegridWeightGen ESMF_WebServController With: DIRS = ESMF_Info ESMF_InfoC ESMF_RegridWeightGen 5) make build_apps ESMF_RegridWeightGen.exe is in "esmf\apps\appsO\Cygwin.gfortran.64.mpiuni.default"