# SCCSID @(#)world 1.2 95/08/05 GIE REL # proj +init files for various non-U.S. coordinate systems. # +lastupdate=2016-12-12 # Swiss Coordinate System +proj=somerc +lat_0=46d57'8.660"N +lon_0=7d26'22.500"E +ellps=bessel +x_0=600000 +y_0=200000 +k_0=1. no_defs <> # Laborde grid for Madagascar proj=labrd ellps=intl lon_0=46d26'13.95E lat_0=18d54S azi=18d54 k_0=.9995 x_0=400000 y_0=800000 no_defs <> # New Zealand Map Grid (NZMG) proj=nzmg # Projection unique to N.Z. so all factors fixed no_defs <> # Secondary grids DMA TM8358.1, p. 4.3 # British West Indies proj=tmerc ellps=clrk80 lon_0=62W x_0=400000 k_0=0.9995 no_defs <> # Costa Rica Norte proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=10d28N lon_0=84d20W x_0=500000 y_0=217820.522 k_0=0.99995696 no_defs <> # Costa Rica Sud proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=9dN lon_0=83d40W x_0=500000 y_0=327987.436 k_0=0.99995696 no_defs <> # Cuba Norte proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=22d21N lon_0=81dW x_0=500000 y_0=280296.016 k_0=0.99993602 no_defs <> # Cuba Sud proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=20d43'N lon_0=76d50'W x_0=500000 y_0=229126.939 k_0=0.99994848 no_defs <> # Dominican Republic proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=18d49'N lon_0=71d30'W x_0=500000 y_0=277063.657 k_0=0.99991102 no_defs <> # Egypt proj=tmerc ellps=intl lon_0=25d30'E x_0=300000 k_0=0.99985 no_defs <> # Egypt proj=tmerc ellps=intl lon_0=28d30'E x_0=300000 k_0=0.99985 no_defs <> # Egypt proj=tmerc ellps=intl lon_0=31d30'E x_0=300000 k_0=0.99985 no_defs <> # Egypt proj=tmerc ellps=intl lon_0=34d30'E x_0=300000 k_0=0.99985 no_defs <> # Egypt proj=tmerc ellps=intl lon_0=37d30'E x_0=300000 k_0=0.99985 no_defs <> # El Salvador proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=13d47'N lon_0=89dW x_0=500000 y_0=295809.184 k_0=0.99996704 no_defs <> # Guatemala Norte proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=16d49'N lon_0=90d20'W x_0=500000 y_0=292209.579 k_0=0.99992226 no_defs <> # Guatemala Sud proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=14d54'N lon_0=90d20'W x_0=500000 y_0=325992.681 k_0=0.99989906 no_defs <> # Haiti proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=18d49'N lon_0=71d30'W x_0=500000 y_0=277063.657 k_0=0.99991102 no_defs <> # Honduras Norte proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=15d30'N lon_0=86d10'W x_0=500000 y_0=296917.439 k_0=0.99993273 no_defs <> # Honduras Sud proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=13d47'N lon_0=87d10'W x_0=500000 y_0=296215.903 k_0=0.99995140 no_defs <> # Levant proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=34d39'N lon_0=37d21'E x_0=500000 y_0=300000 k_0=0.9996256 no_defs <> # Nicaragua Norte proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=13d52'N lon_0=85d30'W x_0=500000 y_0=359891.816 k_0=0.99990314 no_defs <> # Nicaragua Sud proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=11d40'N lon_0=85d30'W x_0=500000 y_0=288876.327 k_0=0.99992228 no_defs <> # Northwest Africa proj=lcc ellps=clrk80 lat_1=34dN lon_0=0dE x_0=1000000 y_0=500000 k_0=0.99908 no_defs <> # Palestine proj=tmerc a=6378300.79 rf=293.488307656 lat_0=31d44'2.749"N lon_0=35d12'43.490"E x_0=170251.555 y_0=126867.909 k_0=1 no_defs <> # Panama proj=lcc ellps=clrk66 lat_1=8d25'N lon_0=80dW x_0=500000 y_0=294865.303 k_0=0.99989909 no_defs <> # other grids in DMA TM8358.1 # British National Grid proj=tmerc ellps=airy lat_0=49dN lon_0=2dW k_0=0.9996012717 x_0=400000 y_0=-100000 no_defs <> # West Malaysian RSO Grid proj=omerc a=6377295.66402 rf=300.8017 alpha=323d01'32.846" no_uoff rot_conv lonc=102d15E lat_0=4dN k_0=0.99984 x_0=804670.240 y_0=0 no_defs <> # India Zone I proj=lcc ellps=everest lon_0=68E lat_1=32d30'N x_0=2743185.69 y_0=914395.23 k_0=.998786408 no_defs <> # India Zone IIA proj=lcc ellps=everest lon_0=74E lat_1=26N x_0=2743185.69 y_0=914395.23 k_0=.998786408 no_defs <> # India Zone IIB proj=lcc ellps=everest lon_0=90E lat_1=26N x_0=2743185.69 y_0=914395.23 k_0=.998786408 no_defs <> # India Zone IIIA proj=lcc ellps=everest lon_0=80E lat_1=19N x_0=2743185.69 y_0=914395.23 k_0=.998786408 no_defs <> # India Zone IIIB proj=lcc ellps=everest lon_0=100E lat_1=19N x_0=2743185.69 y_0=914395.23 k_0=.998786408 no_defs <> # India Zone IVA proj=lcc ellps=everest lon_0=80E lat_1=12N x_0=2743185.69 y_0=914395.23 k_0=.998786408 no_defs <> # India Zone IVB proj=lcc ellps=everest lon_0=104E lat_1=12N x_0=2743185.69 y_0=914395.23 k_0=.998786408 no_defs <> # Ceylon Belt proj=tmerc ellps=everest lon_0=80d46'18.160"E lat_0=7d0'1.729"N x_0=160933.56048 y_0=160933.56048 k_0=1. no_defs <> # Irish Transverse Mercator Grid proj=tmerc ellps=mod_airy lat_0=53d30'N lon_0=8W x_0=200000 y_0=250000 k_0=1.000035 no_defs <> # Netherlands East Indies Equatorial Zone proj=merc ellps=bessel lon_0=110E x_0=3900000 y_0=900000 k_0=0.997 no_defs <> # Nord Algerie Grid proj=lcc ellps=clrk80 lon_0=2d42E lat_0=36N x_0=500000 y_0=300000 k_0=0.999625544 no_defs <> # Nord Maroc Grid proj=lcc ellps=clrk80 lon_0=5d24'W lat_0=33d18'N x_0=500000 y_0=300000 k_0=0.999625769 no_defs <> # Nord Tunisie Grid proj=lcc ellps=clrk80 lon_0=9d54E lat_0=36N x_0=500000 y_0=300000 k_0=0.999625544 no_defs <> # Sud Algerie Grid proj=lcc ellps=clrk80 lon_0=2d42E lat_0=33d18'N x_0=500000 y_0=300000 k_0=0.999625769 no_defs <> # Sud Maroc Grid proj=lcc ellps=clrk80 lon_0=5d24W lat_0=29d42'N x_0=500000 y_0=300000 k_0=0.999615596 no_defs <> # Sud Tunisie Grid proj=lcc ellps=clrk80 lon_0=9d54'E lat_0=33d18'N x_0=500000 y_0=300000 k_0=0.999625769 no_defs <> # Gauss Krueger Grid for Germany # # The first figure of the easting is lon_0 divided by 3 # ( 2 for 6d0E, 3 for 9d0E, 4 for 12d0E) # For translations you have to remove this first figure # and convert northings and eastings from km to meter . # The other way round, divide by 1000 and add the figure. # I made 3 entries for the officially used grids in Germany # # # Und nochmal in deutsch : # Die erste Ziffer des Rechtswerts beschreibt den Hauptmeridian # und ist dessen Gradzahl geteilt durch 3. # Zum Umrechnen in Grad muss daher die erste Ziffer des Rechtswertes # entfernt werden und evt. von km auf Metern umgerechnet werden. # Zur Umrechnung in Gauss Krueger Koordinaten entsprechend die # Ziffer fuer den Hauptmeridian vor dem Rechtswert ergaenzen. # Ich hab fuer alle drei in Deutschland ueblichen Hauptmeridiane # jeweils einen Eintrag ergaenzt. # # # added by Michael Goepel # # Gauss Krueger Grid for Germany proj=tmerc ellps=bessel lon_0=6d0E lat_0=0 x_0=500000 no_defs<> # Gauss Krueger Grid for Germany proj=tmerc ellps=bessel lon_0=9d0E lat_0=0 x_0=500000 no_defs<> # Gauss Krueger Grid for Germany proj=tmerc ellps=bessel lon_0=12d0E lat_0=0 x_0=500000 no_defs<>