# Generated on 2021-05-02 23:25:43 # Deltares, Plugin D-FLOW FM Version, D-Flow FM Version [General] Program = D-Flow FM # Program name Version = # FM kernel Version FileVersion = 1.02 # File format version (do not edit this) GuiVersion = # DeltaShell FM suite version AutoStart = 0 # Autostart simulation after loading MDU (0: no, 1: autostart, 2: autostartstop) PathsRelativeToParent = 1 # Default: 0. Whether or not (1/0) to resolve file names (e.g. inside the *.ext file) relative to their direct parent, instead of to the toplevel MDU working dir. [geometry] NetFile = FlowFM_net.nc # Unstructured grid file *_net.nc BathymetryFile = # Bathymetry points file *.xyb DryPointsFile = # Dry points file *.xyz (third column dummy z values), or dry areas polygon file *.pol (third column 1/-1: inside/outside) GridEnclosureFile = # Enclosure polygon file *.pol (third column 1/-1: inside/outside) WaterLevIniFile = # Initial water levels sample file *.xyz LandBoundaryFile = # Land boundaries file *.ldb, used for visualization ThinDamFile = # Polyline file *_thd.pli, containing thin dams FixedWeirFile = FlowFM_fxw.pliz # Polyline file *_fxw.pliz, containing fixed weirs with rows x, y, crest level, left ground level, right ground level PillarFile = # Polyline file *.pliz, containing bridge pillars with rows x, y, drag coefficient and diameter StructureFile = FlowFM_structures.ini # File *.ini containing list of structures (pumps, weirs, gates and general structures) VertplizFile = # Vertical layering file *_vlay.pliz with rows x, y, Z, first Z, nr of layers, second Z, layer type ProflocFile = # Channel profile location file *_proflocation.xyz with rows x, y, z, profile number ref ProfdefFile = # Channel profile definition file *_profdefinition.def with definition for all profile numbers ProfdefxyzFile = # Channel profile definition file _profdefinition.def with definition for all profile numbers Uniformwidth1D = 2 # Uniform width for channel profiles not specified by profloc ManholeFile = # File *.ini containing manholes WaterLevIni = 0 # Initial water level at missing s0 values Bedlevuni = 0 # Uniform bed level used at missing z values if BedlevType > 2 Bedslope = 0 # Bed slope inclination if BedlevType > 2 BedlevType = 3 # Bathymetry specification (1: at cell centers (from BathymetryFile), 2: at cell interfaces (from BathymetryFile), 3: at nodes, face levels mean of node values, 4: at nodes, face levels min. of node values, 5: at nodes, face levels max. of node values, 6: at cell centers, cell levels mean of node values) Blmeanbelow = -999 # If not -999d0, below this level the cell center bed level is the mean of surrouding net nodes Blminabove = -999 # If not -999d0, above this level the cell center bed level is the min. of surrouding net nodes PartitionFile = # Domain partition polygon file *_part.pol for parallel run AngLat = 0 # Angle of latitude S-N, 0: no Coriolis AngLon = 0 # Angle of longitude E-W, 0: Greenwich, used in solar heat flux computation. Conveyance2D = -1 # -1: R=HU,0: R=H, 1: R=A/P, 2: K=analytic-1D conv, 3: K=analytic-2D conv Nonlin2D = 0 # Non-linear 2D volumes, only used if ibedlevtype=3 and Conveyance2D>=1 Sillheightmin = 0 # Weir treatment only if both sills larger than this value Makeorthocenters = 0 # Switch from circumcentres to orthocentres in geominit (1: yes, 0: no) Dcenterinside = 1 # Limit cell center (1.0: in cell, 0.0: on c/g) Bamin = 1E-06 # Minimum grid cell area, in combination with cut cells OpenBoundaryTolerance = 3 # Search tolerance factor between boundary polyline and grid cells, in cell size units RenumberFlowNodes = 1 # Renumber the flow nodes (1: yes, 0: no) Kmx = 0 # Maximum number of vertical layers Layertype = 1 # Vertical layer type (1: all sigma, 2: all z, 3: use VertplizFile) Numtopsig = 0 # Number of sigma layers in top of z-layer model SigmaGrowthFactor = 1 # Layer thickness growth factor from bed up UseCaching = 1 # Use caching of flow model geometry input (1: yes, 0: no) [numerics] CFLMax = 0.7 # Maximum Courant number AdvecType = 33 # Advection type (0: none, 1: Wenneker, 2: Wenneker q(uio-u), 3: Perot q(uio-u), 4: Perot q(ui-u), 5: Perot q(ui-u) without itself, 33: Perot q(uio-u) fast TimeStepType = 2 # Time step handling (0: only transport, 1: transport + velocity update, 2: full implicit step-reduce, 3: step-Jacobi, 4: explicit) Limtyphu = 0 # Limiter type for waterdepth in continuity eqn. (0: none, 1: minmod, 2: van Leer, 3: Koren, 4: monotone central) Limtypmom = 4 # Limiter type for cell center advection velocity (0: none, 1: minmod, 2: van Leer, 3: Koren, 4: monotone central) Limtypsa = 4 # Limiter type for salinity transport (0: none, 1: minmod, 2: van Leer, 3: Koren, 4: monotone central) Icgsolver = 4 # Solver type (1: sobekGS_OMP, 2: sobekGS_OMPthreadsafe, 3: sobekGS, 4: sobekGS + Saadilud, 5: parallel/global Saad, 6: parallel/Petsc, 7: parallel/GS) Maxdegree = 6 # Maximum degree in Gauss elimination FixedWeirScheme = 9 # Fixed weir scheme (0: None, 6: Numerical, 8: Tabellenboek, 9: Villemonte) FixedWeirContraction = 1 # Fixed weir flow width contraction factor Izbndpos = 0 # Position of z boundary (0: Delft3D-FLOW, 1: on net boundary, 2: on specifiend polyline) Tlfsmo = 3600 # Fourier smoothing time on water level boundaries Slopedrop2D = 0 # Apply drop losses only if local bed slope > Slopedrop2D, (<=0: no drop losses) Chkadvd = 0.1 # Check advection terms if depth < chkadvdp, => less setbacks Teta0 = 0.55 # Theta of time integration (0.5 < theta < 1) Qhrelax = 0.01 # Relaxation on Q-h open boundaries cstbnd = 0 # Delft3D type velocity treatment near boundaries for small coastal models (1: yes, 0: no) Maxitverticalforestersal = 0 # Forester iterations for salinity (0: no vertical filter for salinity, > 0: max nr of iterations) Maxitverticalforestertem = 0 # Forester iterations for temperature (0: no vertical filter for temperature, > 0: max nr of iterations) Turbulencemodel = 3 # Turbulence model (0: none, 1: constant, 2: algebraic, 3: k-epsilon, 4: k-tau) Turbulenceadvection = 3 # Turbulence advection (0: none, 3: horizontally explicit and vertically implicit) AntiCreep = 0 # Include anti-creep calculation (0: no, 1: yes) Maxwaterleveldiff = 0 # Upper bound on water level changes (<=0: no bounds) Maxvelocitydiff = 0 # Upper bound on velocity changes (<=0: no bounds) Epshu = 0.0001 # Threshold water depth for wet and dry cells [physics] UnifFrictType = 1 # Uniform friction type (0: Chezy, 1: Manning, 2: White-Colebrook) UnifFrictCoef = 0.023 # Uniform friction coefficient (0: no friction) UnifFrictCoef1D = 0.023 # Uniform friction coefficient in 1D links (0: no friction) UnifFrictCoefLin = 0 # Uniform linear friction coefficient for ocean models (0: no friction) Umodlin = 0 # Linear friction umod, for ifrctyp=4,5,6 Vicouv = 0.1 # Uniform horizontal eddy viscosity Dicouv = 0.1 # Uniform horizontal eddy diffusivity Vicoww = 5E-05 # Uniform vertical eddy viscosity Dicoww = 5E-05 # Uniform vertical eddy diffusivity Vicwminb = 0 # Minimum viscosity in prod and buoyancy term Smagorinsky = 0.2 # Smagorinsky factor in horizontal turbulence Elder = 0 # Elder factor in horizontal turbulence Irov = 0 # Wall roughness type (0: free-slip, 1: partial-slip using wall_ks, 2: no-slip) wall_ks = 0 # Nikuradse roughness for side walls Rhomean = 1000 # Average water density Idensform = 2 # Density calulation (0: uniform, 1: Eckart, 2: UNESCO, 3: baroclinic case) Ag = 9.813 # Gravitational acceleration TidalForcing = 0 # Tidal forcing, if jsferic = 1 (0: no, 1: yes) Doodsonstart = 55.565 # TRIWAQ: 55.565, D3D: 57.555 Doodsonstop = 375.575 # TRIWAQ: 375.575, D3D: 275.555 Doodsoneps = 0 # TRIWAQ = 0.0 400 cmps , D3D = 0.03 60 cmps Salinity = 0 # Include salinity, (0: no, 1: yes) InitialSalinity = 0 # Uniform initial salinity concentration Sal0abovezlev = -999 # Vertical level above which salinity is set 0 DeltaSalinity = -999 # for testcases Backgroundsalinity = 30 # Background salinity for eqn. of state InitialTemperature = 6 # Uniform initial water temperature Secchidepth = 2 # Water clarity parameter Stanton = -1 # Coefficient for convective heat flux Dalton = -1 # Coefficient for evaporative heat flux Backgroundwatertemperature = 6 # Background water temperature for eqn. of state SecondaryFlow = 0 # Secondary flow (0: no, 1: yes) EffectSpiral = 0 # Weight factor of the spiral flow intensity on transport angle BetaSpiral = 0 # Weight factor of the spiral flow intensity on flow dispersion stresses Temperature = 0 # Include temperature (0: no, 1: only transport, 3: excess model of D3D, 5: composite (ocean) model) [wind] ICdtyp = 2 # Wind drag coefficient type (1: constant, 2: S&B 2 breakpoints, 3: S&B 3 breakpoints, 4: Charnock constant, 5: Whang) Cdbreakpoints = 0.00063 0.00723 # Wind drag coefficient break points Windspeedbreakpoints = 0 100 # Wind speed break points Rhoair = 1.205 # Air density PavBnd = 0 # Average air pressure on open boundaries (only applied if > 0) PavIni = 0 # Average air pressure for initial water level correction (only applied if > 0) [waves] Wavemodelnr = 0 # Wave model nr. (0: none, 1: fetch/depth limited Hurdle-Stive, 2: Young-Verhagen, 3: SWAN) WaveNikuradse = 0.01 # Wave friction Nikuradse ks c , used in Krone-Swart Rouwav = FR84 # Friction model for wave induced shear stress Gammax = 1 # Maximum wave height/water depth ratio [time] RefDate = 20010101 # Reference date [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS] Tzone = 0 # Time zone assigned to input time series DtUser = 300 # Time interval for external forcing update [Dd HH:MM:SS.ZZZ] DtNodal = 21600 # Time interval (s) for updating nodal factors in astronomical boundary conditions [Dd HH:MM:SS.ZZZ] DtMax = 30 # Maximal computation timestep DtInit = 1 # Initial computation timestep Tunit = S # Time unit for start/stop times (H, M or S) TStart = 0 # Start time w.r.t. RefDate (in TUnit) TStop = 86400 # Stop time w.r.t. RefDate (in TUnit) [restart] RestartFile = # Restart netcdf-file, either *_rst.nc or *_map.nc RestartDateTime = 20210502 # Restart date and time when restarting from *_map.nc [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS] [external forcing] ExtForceFile = # Old format for external forcings file *.ext, link with tim/cmp-format boundary conditions specification ExtForceFileNew = FlowFM_bnd.ext # New format for external forcings file *.ext, link with bc-format boundary conditions specification [trachytopes] TrtRou = N # Include alluvial and vegetation roughness (trachytopes) (Y: yes, N: no) TrtDef = # File (*.ttd) containing trachytope definitions TrtL = # File (*.arl) containing distribution of trachytope definitions DtTrt = 60 # Trachytope roughness update time interval [output] WaqInterval = 0 # Interval (in s) between DELWAQ file outputs Wrishp_crs = 0 # Write shape file for cross section Wrishp_weir = 0 # Write shape file for weirs Wrishp_gate = 0 # Write shape file for gates Wrishp_fxw = 0 # Write shape file for fixed weirs Wrishp_thd = 0 # Write shape file for thin dams Wrishp_obs = 0 # Write shape file for observation stations Wrishp_emb = 0 # Write shape file for embankments Wrishp_dryarea = 0 # Write shape file for dry area Wrishp_enc = 0 # Write shape file for enclosure Wrishp_src = 0 # Write shape file for sources Wrishp_pump = 0 # Write shape file for pump OutputDir = output # Output directory of map-, his-, rst-, dat- and timings-files, default: DFM_OUTPUT_. Set to . for current dir. WAQOutputDir = # Output directory of WAQ files, default: DFM_DELWAQ_. Set to . for current dir. FlowGeomFile = # Flow geometry NetCDF *_flowgeom.nc ObsFile = # Points file *.xyn with observation stations with rows x, y, station name CrsFile = # Polyline file *_crs.pli defining observation cross sections HisFile = # History output file *_his.nc in NetCDF format HisInterval = 300 # History output times, given as 'interval' 'start period' 'end period' XLSInterval = # Interval between XLS history [Dd HH:MM:SS.ZZZ] MapFile = # Map file output file *_map.nc in NetCDF format MapInterval = 1200 # Map file output times, given as 'interval' 'start period' 'end period' RstInterval = 0 # Restart file output times, given as 'interval' 'start period' 'end period' S1incinterval = # Interval (m) in incremental file for water levels s1 MapFormat = 4 # Map file format (1: NetCDF, 2: Tecplot, 3: NetCFD and Tecplot) Wrihis_balance = 1 # Write mass balance totals to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_sourcesink = 1 # Write sources-sinks statistics to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_structure_gen = 1 # Write general structure parameters to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_structure_dam = 1 # Write dam parameters to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_structure_pump = 1 # Write pump parameters to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_structure_gate = 1 # Write gate parameters to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_structure_weir = 1 # Write weir parameters to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_turbulence = 1 # Write k, eps and vicww to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_wind = 1 # Write wind velocities to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_rain = 1 # Write precipitation to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_temperature = 1 # Write temperature to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_heat_fluxes = 1 # Write heat fluxes to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_salinity = 1 # Write salinity to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_density = 1 # Write density to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_waterlevel_s1 = 1 # Write water level to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_waterdepth = 0 # Write water depth to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_velocity_vector = 1 # Write velocity vectors to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_upward_velocity_component = 0 # Write upward velocity to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_sediment = 1 # Write sediment transport to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_constituents = 1 # Write tracers to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_waterlevel_s0 = 1 # Write water levels for previous time step to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_waterlevel_s1 = 1 # Write water levels to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_velocity_component_u0 = 1 # Write velocity component for previous time step to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_velocity_component_u1 = 1 # Write velocity component to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_velocity_vector = 1 # Write cell-center velocity vectors to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_upward_velocity_component = 0 # Write upward velocity component on cell interfaces (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_density_rho = 1 # Write flow density to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_horizontal_viscosity_viu = 1 # Write horizontal viscosity to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_horizontal_diffusivity_diu = 1 # Write horizontal diffusivity to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_flow_flux_q1 = 1 # Write flow flux to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_spiral_flow = 1 # Write spiral flow to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_numlimdt = 1 # Write the number times a cell was Courant limiting to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_taucurrent = 1 # Write the shear stress to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_chezy = 1 # Write the Chezy roughness to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_turbulence = 1 # Write vicww, k and eps to map-file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_wind = 1 # Write wind velocities to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_heat_fluxes = 0 # Write heat fluxes to map file (1: yes, 0: no) MapOutputTimeVector = # File (*.mpt) containing fixed map output times w.r.t. RefDate FullGridOutput = 0 # Full grid output mode (0: compact, 1: full time-varying grid data) EulerVelocities = 0 # Euler velocities output (0: GLM, 1: Euler velocities) ClassMapFile = # Class map file *_clm.nc WaterlevelClasses = 0.0 # Water level classes WaterdepthClasses = 0.0 # Water depth classes ClassMapInterval = 0 # Class output interval [Dd HH:MM:SS.ZZZ] StatsInterval = # Interval (in s) between simulation statistics output [Dd HH:MM:SS.ZZZ] Writebalancefile = 0 # Write balance file (1: yes, 0: no) TimingsInterval = # Timings statistics output interval [Dd HH:MM:SS.ZZZ] Richardsononoutput = 1 # Write Richardson numbers (1: yes, 0: no) Wrishp_dambreak = 1