Deltares, DELWAQ Version, Nov 26 2020, 17:46:16 Execution start: 2020/11/26 17:53:41 found -p command line switch Info: This processes definition file does not contain standard names and units for NetCDF files. Using process definition file : c:\checkouts\oss\trunk_partz\src\bin\x64\dwaq\scripts\..\..\..\x64\dwaq\default\proc_def Version number : 5.10 Serial : 2020071601 found -eco command line switch using eco input file:c:\checkouts\oss\trunk_partz\src\bin\x64\dwaq\scripts\..\. Model : Run : T0: 2005.11.30 00:00:00 (scu= 1s) # scanning input for old process definitions no BLOOM algae were found, switching of eco mode. found only_active constant only activated processes are switched on total number of substances with fractions : 0 # Determining which processes can be switched on Input for [DynDepth ] dynamic calculation of the depth Process is activated Input for [TotDepth ] depth water column Process is activated Input for [Emersion ] handle emersion z layers Process is activated Input for [Veloc ] Horizontal flow velocity Process is activated Input for [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) Process is activated # determinig the processes to model the substances. -fluxes for [Continuity ] no fluxes found -dispersion for [Continuity ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [Continuity ] no velocity found # locating processes for requested output # determining the input for the processes (in reversed order) Input for [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) [VertDisper ] vertical dispersion Using segment function nr 1 [ScaleVdisp ] scaling factor for vertical diffusion Using constant nr 5 with value: 1.00000 Input for [Veloc ] Horizontal flow velocity [WSNoseg1 ] workspace array no. 1 Using output from proces [Veloc ] [WSNoseg2 ] workspace array no. 2 Using output from proces [Veloc ] [WSNoseg3 ] workspace array no. 3 Using output from proces [Veloc ] [WSNoseg4 ] workspace array no. 4 Using output from proces [Veloc ] [MaxVeloc ] maximum horizontal flow velocity using default value: 0.00000 [Orient_1 ] orientation of main positive flow direction using default value: -1.00000 [Orient_2 ] orientation of secondary positive flow direct using default value: -1.00000 [SWCalcVelo ] switch averaging (1=lin, 2=Flow, 3=Area, 4=Maxvel) using default value: 1.00000 [SWAvgVelo ] switch (1=Pythagoras, 2=Min, 3=Max) using default value: 1.00000 [XArea ] exchange area Using DELWAQ exchange area [Flow ] flow rate Using DELWAQ flow Input for [Emersion ] handle emersion z layers [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [ZThreshold ] depth threshold for emersion Using constant nr 10 with value: 0.100000E-01 Input for [TotDepth ] depth water column [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [Surf ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment Using parameter nr 1 Input for [DynDepth ] dynamic calculation of the depth [Volume ] volume of computational cell Using DELWAQ volume [Surf ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment Using parameter nr 1 # determining the use of the delwaq input info: parameter [bottomdept] is not used by the proces system # locating requested output from active processes output [Depth ] from proces [DynDepth ] output [LocalDepth ] from proces [TotDepth ] output [TotalDepth ] from proces [TotDepth ] output [Velocity ] from proces [Veloc ]