module write_extremes_his ! =============================================================================== ! ! Programmer Huib Tanis, Deltares ! ! Copied from: URL: ! Revision: 7035 $, $Date: 2018-09-11 18:43:01 +0200 (di, 11 sep 2018) ! ! COPYRIGHT ! ! Copyright (c) "Rijkswaterstaat". ! Permission to copy or distribute this software or documentation ! in hard copy or soft copy granted only by written licence ! obtained from "Rijkswaterstaat". ! All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be ! reproduced, stored in a retrieval system (e.g., in memory, disk, ! or core) or be transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, ! photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without written permission ! from the publisher. ! ! ******************************************************************************* ! ! DESCRIPTION ! ! Write extreme values including so called max13, max25, etc values to file ! ! ******************************************************************************* implicit none private :: is_above_threshold, write_val2string, write_mean_nloc_2string, & write_mean_range_2string public :: write_extremes_statloop, write_extremes_stat, write_extremes_header contains logical function is_above_threshold(val, threshold) ! Calculate if the value 'val' is above a threshold value 'threshold' real, intent(in) :: val ! input value real, optional, intent(in) :: threshold ! threshold value (optional) is_above_threshold = .true. if (present(threshold)) then if (val < threshold) is_above_threshold = .false. endif end function is_above_threshold subroutine write_val2string(val, str, offset, threshold) ! Write a value to string real, intent(in) :: val ! input value character(len=*), intent(inout) :: str ! input/output string integer, intent(in) :: offset ! string off set real, optional, intent(in) :: threshold ! threshold value (optional) if (is_above_threshold(val, threshold)) then if (abs(val) < 999999.999) then write(str(offset:), '(f12.4)') val ! 'normal' print else if (abs(val) <= 9999999999.0) then write(str(offset:), '(f12.0)') val ! print format: big values else write(str(offset:), '(E12.4)') val ! print format: very big values endif else write(str(offset:), '(a7)') '-' ! write '-' sign to string instead of the value endif end subroutine write_val2string subroutine write_mean_nloc_2string(rdata, iloc, nloc, str, offset, threshold) ! Write the mean of a range values ('nloc') around a certain location ('iloc') to a string ('str') real, intent(in) :: rdata(:) ! input array integer, intent(in) :: iloc ! location index integer, intent(in) :: nloc ! number of locations around the location index character(len=*), intent(inout) :: str ! string integer, intent(in) :: offset ! begin index of the string to write the value real, optional, intent(in) :: threshold ! threshold value (optional) ! local variables integer :: nloc_2 ! half of nloc real :: rmean ! mean nloc_2 = (nloc - 1) / 2 if (iloc <= nloc_2 .or. iloc > size(rdata)-nloc_2) then ! write '-' sign to string write(str(offset:), '(a7)') '-' return endif ! write mean value to string rmean = sum(rdata(iloc-nloc_2:iloc+nloc_2)) / real(nloc) call write_val2string(rmean, str, offset, threshold) end subroutine write_mean_nloc_2string subroutine write_mean_range_2string(rdata, ib, ie, str, offset, threshold) ! Calculate the mean of a vector part (certain range) and write to a string real, intent(in) :: rdata(:) ! input array integer, intent(in) :: ib, ie ! start and end index in an array character(len=*), intent(inout) :: str ! string integer, intent(in) :: offset ! begin index of the string to write the value real, optional, intent(in) :: threshold ! threshold value (optional) ! local variable real :: rmean ! mean if (ib < 1 .or. ie > size(rdata)) then ! write '-' sign to string write(str(offset:), '(a7)') '-' return endif ! write mean value to string rmean = sum(rdata(ib:ie)) / real(ie - ib + 1) call write_val2string(rmean, str, offset, threshold) end subroutine write_mean_range_2string subroutine write_extremes_statloop( rdata, i, iunout, stationsname, minmaxlst, threshold) ! Write extremes for history station real, intent(in) :: rdata(:) ! data history station integer, intent(in) :: i ! station number integer, intent(in) :: iunout ! file unit character(len=*), intent(in) :: stationsname ! station name integer, intent(in) :: minmaxlst(:) ! integer array for the extreme quantities real, optional, intent(in) :: threshold ! threshold value (optional) ! local variables integer :: k ! offset integer :: klen = 12 ! length to next offset integer :: j ! loop counter integer :: nhisf ! number of values in the time series integer :: iloc ! location of the element in an array integer :: nloc ! number of locations character(len=510) :: str_val ! string with 'values' integer :: ib, ie ! start and end index in an array !============================================================================== nhisf = size(rdata) write(str_val,'(i6)') i k = 7 ! write first value to string call write_val2string(rdata(1), str_val, k, threshold) k = k + klen ! write minimum value to string call write_val2string(minval(rdata), str_val, k, threshold) k = k + klen ! write min.. (min13, min25, etc) to string iloc = minloc(rdata, dim=1) do j = 1, size(minmaxlst) nloc = minmaxlst(j) call write_mean_nloc_2string(rdata, iloc, nloc, str_val, k, threshold) k = k + klen end do ! write maximum value to string call write_val2string(maxval(rdata), str_val, k, threshold) k = k + klen ! write max.. (max13, max25, etc) to string iloc = maxloc(rdata, dim=1) do j = 1, size(minmaxlst) nloc = minmaxlst(j) call write_mean_nloc_2string(rdata, iloc, nloc, str_val, k, threshold) k = k + klen end do ! write last value to string call write_val2string(rdata(nhisf), str_val, k, threshold) k = k + klen ! write last.. (last13, last25, etc) to string do j = 1, size(minmaxlst) ib = nhisf - minmaxlst(j) + 1 ie = nhisf call write_mean_range_2string(rdata, ib, ie, str_val, k, threshold) k = k + klen end do ! write station name to string write(str_val(k+2:), '(a)') stationsname ! write string to file write(iunout, '(a)') trim(str_val) end subroutine write_extremes_statloop subroutine write_extremes_header ( iunout, minmaxlst ) ! Write header for extreme quantities integer, intent(in) :: iunout ! file unit integer, intent(in) :: minmaxlst(:) ! integer array for the extreme quantities ! local variables character(len=:), allocatable :: str ! string character(len=12) :: str2 ! string character(len=12) :: str_blanks = ' ' integer :: j ! loop counter integer :: nspaces ! number of spaces allocate(character((6+3*size(minmaxlst))*12) :: str) str = 'nummer first' ! header: minimum and min... (min13, min25, etc) str = str // ' minimum' do j = 1, size(minmaxlst) write (str2, *) minmaxlst(j) nspaces = index( str2, ' ', back=.true. ) - 3 str = str // str_blanks(1:nspaces) // 'min' // trim(adjustl(str2)) end do ! header: maximum and max... (max13, max25, etc) str = str // ' maximum' do j = 1, size(minmaxlst) write (str2, *) minmaxlst(j) nspaces = index( str2, ' ', back=.true. ) - 3 str = str // str_blanks(1:nspaces) // 'max' // trim(adjustl(str2)) end do ! header: last and last... (last13, last25, etc) str = str // ' last' do j = 1, size(minmaxlst) write (str2, *) minmaxlst(j) nspaces = index( str2, ' ', back=.true. ) - 4 str = str // str_blanks(1:nspaces) // 'last' // trim(adjustl(str2)) end do str = str // ' naam' ! write header to file write(iunout,'(a)') str ! deallocate if (allocated(str)) deallocate(str) end subroutine write_extremes_header subroutine write_extremes_stat( rdata, ib, ie, filename, stationsnames, stats_index, minmaxlst, thresholds) real, intent(in) :: rdata(:,:) integer, intent(in) :: ib, ie, stats_index(:) character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename, stationsnames(:) real, optional, intent(in) :: thresholds(:) ! array with threshold values (optional) integer, intent(in) :: minmaxlst(:) ! integer array for the extreme quantities ! ! locals ! integer :: i ! loop counter integer :: iunout ! !============================================================================== open (newunit=iunout, file=filename) call write_extremes_header ( iunout, minmaxlst ) ! loop over stations do i = ib, ie ! for each station if (present(thresholds)) then call write_extremes_statloop( rdata(:,i), i, iunout, trim(stationsnames(stats_index(i))), & minmaxlst, thresholds(stats_index(i)) ) else call write_extremes_statloop( rdata(:,i), i, iunout, trim(stationsnames(stats_index(i))), & minmaxlst ) endif enddo close (iunout) end subroutine write_extremes_stat end module write_extremes_his