MATLAB Routines for Unstruc --------------------------- More info/questions: Arthur van Dam * Installation: Add the path /matlab to your matlab path and copy all files and the '+unstruc' directory into it. Also install parseargs: And also add it to your path (Typically put some addpath commands in the file $HOMEDIR\matlab\startup.m). * Usage: All Unstruc-MATLAB routines are in a package 'unstruc' (by means of the directory '+unstruc'). Call all routines prefixed with 'unstruc.'. Example: matlab> udata = unstruc.readNet('') matlab> unstruc.plotNet(udata) matlab> udata = unstruc.readMap('') matlab> unstruc.plotNet(udata,'PlotType','flow') matlab> unstruc.plotNet(udata, 'PlotType','flowcells','XYLim',[0 1200 2000 4000]) matlab> hisdata = unstruc.readHis('') matlab> unstruc.plotHisStations(hisdata, 'testldbfile.ldb') * Documentation: matlab> help unstruc