[program] Ident = #Unstruc 1.00.11# [screen] (screen type on pc, screen dimension on unix) JVGA=2 JVGA = 1, vga: JVGA = 2, supervga: (only on DOS) NXPIX=1600 preferred hor. and ver. resolution of initial screen NYPIX=1000 NTXCOLS=100 number of columns and rows TEXT screen NTXROWS=50 [GRAFCOL] colors in graphic screens NCOLDG=31 DESIGN GRID NCOLRG=212 PREVIOUS STATE GRID NCOLDN=3 DESIGN NET NCOLRN=211 PREVIOUS STATE NET NCOLNN=205 NETNODES NCOLSP=204 SPLINES NCOLLN=120 LAND BOUNDARY OR 203 IF YOU LIKE PINK NCOLTX=210 TEXTLINES NCOLPL=221 POLYGON NCOLCRS=230 CROSS SECTIONS NCOLTHD=231 THIN DAMS NCOLFXW=232 FIXED WEIRS NCOLWARN1=191 WARNING 1 NCOLWARN2=31 WARNING 2 NCOLHL=31 HIGHLIGHT NODES/LINKS KLVEC=4 VECTORS 110 KLAXS=220 AXIS KLSCL=219 ISOSCALE LEGEND KLTEX=3 NUMBERS KLFRA=31 FRAME KLSAM=31 SAMPLE MONOCOLOR KLOBS=227 OBSERVATION POINTS KLZM=31 ZOOMWINDOW KLANK=31 ANCHOR KLPROF=222 PROFILES RGBVALUES=\ # COLORNUMBER RED GREEN BLUE 210 3 3 3 \ 211 1 128 255 \ # NCOLRN = SHOW ALL LINKS/prev net 212 255 160 192 \ # NCOLRG = prev grid 210 200 200 200 \ # NCOLTX = POLYGON 230 32 176 0 \ # NCOLCRS = CROSS SECTIONS 231 255 0 0 \ # NCOLTHD = THIN DAMS 232 255 106 0 \ # NCOLTDK = THIN DYKES 233 255 255 255 \ # NCOLSRC = SORSIN 227 0 200 200 \ # KLOBS = OBS.STATIONS 203 0 255 255 \ # NCOLLN = LAND BOUNDARY 204 255 255 150 # NCOLSP = SPLINES 205 204 255 102 # NCOLSP = SPLINES # KLVEC = VECTORS # RED GREEN, BLUE VALUES FOR SCREEN AND FOR PLOTTING NREDS =100 NGREENS=100 NBLUES =100 NREDP =140 NGREENP=140 NBLUEP =140 [ISOCOL] (for colorscheme isolines) AUTO = 1 (0,1) autoscale off or on NV = 19 number of isolines VMIN = 1 minimum isoline value (only to be used if JAAUTO = 0) VMAX = 0 maximum isoline value (only to be used if JAAUTO = 0) NIS = 46 INDEX FIRST ISOLINE COLOUR <1, 250> NIE = 224 INDEX LAST ISOLINE COLOUR <NIS+NV, 254> [TEXT] (for display of 'numbers') TSIZE=0.50 [HARDCOPYOPTIONS] IHCOPTS = \ 1 1200 \ # bitmap x resolution 2 900 \ # bitmap y resolution 5 1 \ # IHCOPTS(1,I), IHCOPTS(2,I) 0:portrait 1:landscape 7 0 \ # postscript: 0 = coloured lines, 1 =black lines 9 1 \ # thinnest lines 25 1 \ # device fill 0:no, 1:yes 18 0 \ # no hpgl replay info 19 3 \ # hp-gl,pcl,epson escape seqences (0=no,3=yes) 22 1 \ # encapsulated postscript 0:no, 1:yes 23 8 \ # number of bitplanes 26 2 \ # pcx:0, bmp:1,uncompressed, bmp:2,compressed 6 0 # 0:keep colours, 1:invert colours [display] NTEK = 10 # Nr of user timesteps between two redraws PLOTTOFILE = 0 # Produce harcopy (1) or not (0) JAOPENGL = 1 # 1 : use OpenGL, 0 : use Interacter JAFULLBOTTOMLINE = 0 # Full explanation yes/no