substance 'EColi' active description 'E. coli bacteria' concentration-unit 'MPN/m3' waste-load-unit '-' end-substance substance 'OXY' active description 'Oxygen' concentration-unit 'gO2/m3' waste-load-unit '-' end-substance parameter 'RcMrtEColi' description 'user defined first-order mort rate EColi' unit '1/d' value 4.000e+00 end-parameter parameter 'FrUvVL' description 'fraction UV light in visible light' unit '-' value 1.000e+00 end-parameter parameter 'NatTemp' description 'ambient natural background water temperature' unit 'oC' value 1.500e+01 end-parameter parameter 'SWRear' description 'switch for oxygen reaeration formulation <1-11>' unit '-' value 1.000e+00 end-parameter parameter 'KLRear' description 'reaeration transfer coefficient' unit 'm/d' value 1.500e+00 end-parameter parameter 'ExtUvBak' description 'background extinction uv light' unit '1/m' value 5.000e-01 end-parameter parameter 'RadSurf' description 'irradiation at the watersurface' unit 'W/m2' value 4.600e+02 end-parameter parameter 'Latitude' description 'latitude of study area' unit 'degrees' value 2.200e+01 end-parameter parameter 'RefDay' description 'daynumber at start of the simulation' unit 'd' value 0.000e+00 end-parameter output 'Depth' description 'depth of segment' end-output output 'TotalDepth' description 'depth watercolumn' end-output output 'Surf' description 'Surf' end-output output 'Depth' description 'Depth' end-output output 'Rad' description 'Rad' end-output output 'RadSurf' description 'RadSurf' end-output output 'RadBot' description 'RadBot' end-output active-processes name 'EColiMrt' 'Mortality EColi bacteria' name 'RearOXY' 'Reaeration of oxygen' name 'DynDepth' 'dynamic calculation of the depth' name 'Chloride' 'calculation of chloride concentration from salinit' name 'CalcRadUV' 'UV-Radiation at segment upper and lower boundaries' name 'Daylength' 'Daylength calculation' name 'Extinc_UV' 'Extinction of ultraviolet-light (350-480nm)' name 'Veloc' 'horizontal stream velocity' name 'SaturOXY' 'Saturation concentration oxygen' name 'Compos' 'Composition' name 'Extinc_VL' 'Extinction of visible-light (370-680nm)' name 'CalcRad' 'Radiation at segment upper and lower boundaries' name 'TotDepth' 'depth watercolumn' end-active-processes