subroutine get_wind(wavetime, windu, windv, mmax, nmax, filnam) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2018. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use wave_data ! implicit none ! ! Local parameters ! integer, parameter :: nelmt = 1 integer, parameter :: nelm = 3 ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: mmax integer , intent(in) :: nmax real, dimension(mmax, nmax), intent(out) :: windu real, dimension(mmax, nmax), intent(out) :: windv type(wave_time_type) :: wavetime ! ! Local variables ! integer :: celidt integer :: timcur integer :: error integer :: ielem integer :: ierr integer :: ifind integer :: m integer :: n integer :: ntcur integer, dimension(1) :: ival integer, dimension(6, nelmt) :: elmdmst integer, dimension(6, nelm) :: elmdms integer, dimension(nelmt) :: nbytst integer, dimension(nelm) :: nbyts real , dimension(:,:), allocatable :: rbuff logical :: wrswch character(10), dimension(nelmt) :: elmuntt character(10), dimension(nelm) :: elmunt character(16) :: grpnamt character(16) :: grpnam character(16), dimension(nelmt) :: elmnmst character(16), dimension(nelm) :: elmnms character(16), dimension(nelmt) :: elmqtyt character(16), dimension(nelm) :: elmqty character(16), dimension(nelmt) :: elmtpst character(16), dimension(nelm) :: elmtps character(37) :: filnam character(64), dimension(nelmt) :: elmdest character(64), dimension(nelm) :: elmdes ! data grpnamt/'CURNT'/, elmnmst/'NTCUR'/, elmtpst/'INTEGER'/, nbytst/4/ ! data grpnam/'WIND'/ data elmnms/'TIMCUR', 'WINDU', 'WINDV'/ data elmtps/'INTEGER', 2*'REAL'/ data nbyts/nelm*4/ ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! call filldm(elmdmst, 1, 1, 1 , 0 , 0, 0, 0) call filldm(elmdms , 1, 1, 1 , 0 , 0, 0, 0) call filldm(elmdms , 2, 2, nmax, mmax, 0, 0, 0) call filldm(elmdms , 3, 2, nmax, mmax, 0, 0, 0) ! ! Allocate array ! allocate (rbuff (nmax,mmax)) ! Note com-file dimensions are nmax,mmax ! ! Set celidt: ! - get ntcur ! - while wavetime%timtscale /= timcur: ! celidt = celidt+1 ! get timcur from cell=celidt ! endwhile ! ! ! ntcur ! ielem = 1 wrswch = .false. celidt = 1 call putgti(filnam , grpnamt , nelmt , elmnmst, elmdmst, & & elmqtyt , elmuntt , elmdest, elmtpst, nbytst , & & elmnmst(ielem), celidt , wrswch , error , ival ) if (error /= 0) goto 1000 ntcur = ival(1) ! ! set celidt ! ielem = 1 wrswch = .false. ifind = 0 celidt = 0 ! => 100 continue celidt = celidt + 1 if (celidt>ntcur .and. ifind==0) then write (*,'(4x,a,f15.3)') 'Specified time not found on com-file, group WIND ', wavetime%timmin error = -100 goto 1000 endif ! ! timcur ! call putgti(filnam , grpnam, nelm , elmnms, elmdms, & & elmqty , elmunt, elmdes, elmtps, nbyts , & & elmnms(ielem), celidt, wrswch, error , ival ) if (error /= 0) goto 1000 timcur = ival(1) if (wavetime%timtscale/=timcur .and. ntcur>1) goto 100 ! <= ! ! windu ! wrswch = .false. ielem = 2 call putgtr(filnam , grpnam, nelm , elmnms, elmdms, & & elmqty , elmunt, elmdes, elmtps, nbyts , & & elmnms(ielem), celidt, wrswch, error , rbuff ) do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax windu(m, n) = rbuff(n, m) enddo enddo ! ! windv ! wrswch = .false. ielem = 3 call putgtr(filnam , grpnam, nelm , elmnms, elmdms, & & elmqty , elmunt, elmdes, elmtps, nbyts , & & elmnms(ielem), celidt, wrswch, error , rbuff ) do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmax windv(m, n) = rbuff(n, m) enddo enddo 1000 continue deallocate (rbuff, stat=ierr) if (error /= 0) then write(*,'(2a)') '*** ERROR: Unable to read wind velocities from file ', trim(filnam) call wavestop(1, '*** ERROR: Unable to read wind velocities from file '//trim(filnam)) endif end subroutine get_wind