@echo off rem Unstruc installer script setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS if [%1]==[] ( echo Usage: echo install.cmd ^ ^ echo echo ^ is the root dir where all files have to be installed to. echo ^ is either Debug or Release ^(optional, defaults to Release^) goto:eof ) rem 1. Check targetdir set targetdir=%1 if not exist %targetdir% ( echo Targetdir %targetdir% does not exist, I'm creating it for you. mkdir %targetdir% if errorlevel 1 goto:eof ) rem 2. Check build dir, based on Configuration if [%2]==[] ( set config=Release ) else ( set config=%2 ) rem 3. Actual installation: copy built files to targetdir copy /Y res\* %targetdir% copy /Y third_party_open\netcdf\lib\win32\release\netcdf.dll %targetdir% copy /Y third_party_open\openmp\lib\win32\libiomp5md.dll %targetdir% copy /Y bin\%config%\unstruc.exe %targetdir%