[SlurryFileInformation] FileCreatedBy = Delft3D-FLOW-GUI, Version: 3.1804 FileCreationDate = 14-03-2018, 8:50:45 FileVersion = 01.00 [Slurry] stressStrainRelation = true # Instead of flag bingham/nonNewtonian # No longer needed (silt is removed): carrierfluid = waterClay rheology = Jacobs_vanKesteren # Winterwerp_Kranenburg , Jacobs_vanKesteren or Thomas, see keyword blocks below shearSettling = true # Instead of default settling formula, only when stressStrainRelation = true vicThresh = 1 # Threshold value for vicmud at the bed to switch on no slip condition vmudToVicuv = true # True: Add min(vicmud,cellsize) to vicuv, only when nonNewtonian = true (only in uzd, not in call to vihrov or cucnp) # # When using rheology = Winterwerp_Kranenburg / Jacobs_vanKesteren / Thomas : # nonNewtonian must be true (see keywords above) # [Winterwerp_Kranenburg] phisim = 0.6 ayield = 729884. frcdim = 2.6426 bety = 0.2752 # watmu = viscou*rhom avic = 931.86 powa = 3.65 betv = 0.2752 shrco = 5.0e6 [Jacobs_vanKesteren] phisim = 0.6 ayield = 67191 powyie = -4.75 bety = 0.2752 #watmu = viscou*rhom avic = 252.38 powvic = -2.6406 betv = 0.2752 shrco = 5.0e6 [Thomas] phissm = 0.6 ayield = 7.45E5 powyie = 5.61 yieldk = 1.5 #watmu = viscou*rhom bvic = 17.7 visck = 1.25 shrco = 5.0e6