Deltares, DELWAQ Version, Jul 03 2017, 20:33:35 Execution start: 2017/10/25 16:49:10 found -a command line switch only activated processes are switched on found -p command line switch WARNING reading element ITEM_SN Apparently this processes definition file has not been adapted for NetCDF Ignoring standard names and units NetCDF Using process definition file : d:\delwaq\\win64\\default\proc_def Version number : 5.06 Serial : 2017030901 found -eco command line switch using eco input file:d:\delwaq\\win64\\default\bloom.spe Model : Run : T0: 2014.01.01 00:00:00 (scu= 1s) # scanning input for old process definitions found only_active constant only activated processes are switched on total number of substances with fractions : 0 # Determining which processes can be switched on Input for [DynDepth ] dynamic calculation of the depth Process is activated Input for [TotDepth ] depth water column Process is activated Input for [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) Process is activated Input for [S1_Comp ] Composition sediment layer S1 Process is activated Input for [Compos ] Composition Process is activated Input for [CalVS_IM1 ] Sedimentation velocity IM1 = f (Temp SS Sal) Process is activated Input for [Sed_IM1 ] Sedimentation IM1 Process is activated Input for [Res_DM ] Resuspension total bottom material (dry mass) Process is activated Input for [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 Process is activated # determinig the processes to model the substances. -fluxes for [IM1 ] found flux [dSedIM1 ] sedimentation flux of IM1 towards S1 from proces [Sed_IM1 ] Sedimentation IM1 process is switched on. found flux [dSedIM1S2 ] sedimentation flux of IM1 towards S2 from proces [Sed_IM1 ] Sedimentation IM1 process is switched on. found flux [dResS1IM1 ] resuspension flux IM1 from layer S1 from proces [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 process is switched on. found flux [dResS2IM1 ] resuspension flux IM1 from layer S2 from proces [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 process is switched on. -dispersion for [IM1 ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [IM1 ] found velocity [VxSedIm1 ] sedimentation velocity IM1 from proces [Sed_IM1 ] Sedimentation IM1 process is switched on. -fluxes for [IM1S1 ] found flux [dSedIM1 ] sedimentation flux of IM1 towards S1 from proces [Sed_IM1 ] Sedimentation IM1 process is switched on. found flux [dResS1IM1 ] resuspension flux IM1 from layer S1 from proces [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 process is switched on. found flux [dBurS1IM1 ] burial flux IM1 from layer S1 from proces [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 process is switched on. found flux [dDigS1IM1 ] digging flux IM1 to layer S1 from proces [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 process is switched on. -dispersion for [IM1S1 ] no dispersions found -velocity for [IM1S1 ] no velocity found # locating processes for requested output # determining the input for the processes (in reversed order) Input for [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 [FrIM1S1 ] fraction IM1 in layer S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.000000 [FrIM1S2 ] fraction IM1 in layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.000000 [FrIM1S3 ] fraction IM1 in layer S3 using default value: 0.00000 [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.000000 [fResS1DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fResS2DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fBurS1DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [fBurS2DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [fDigS1DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [fDigS2DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS1 ] switch for digging S1 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS2 ] switch for digging S2 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SedZoneSW ] SWITCH 0=no SWITCH, <0 per segment, >0 per zone using default value: 0.00000 [SWResIM1 ] switch resuspension IM1 (0=resdm, 1=resim1) using default value: 0.00000 [SWResusp ] switch resuspension (0=z+f, 1=min(z,f)) using default value: 0.00000 [IM1S1 ] IM1 in layer S1 Using substance nr 2 [IM1S2 ] IM1 in layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [ZResIM1 ] zeroth-order resuspension flux IM1 using default value: 0.00000 [VResIM1 ] first order resuspension velocity IM1 using default value: 0.00000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using constant nr 1 with value: 0.00000 [TaucRS1IM1 ] critical shear stress for resuspension IM1S1 using default value: 0.200000 [TaucRS2IM1 ] critical shear stress for resuspension IM1S2 using default value: 0.500000 [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension Using constant nr 3 with value: 0.100000E+00 Input for [Res_DM ] Resuspension total bottom material (dry mass) [DMS1 ] total amount of dry matter in layer S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [DMS2 ] total amount of dry matter in layer S2 using default value: 0.100000E-05 [ZResDM ] zeroth-order resuspension flux Using constant nr 12 with value: 0.00000 [VResDM ] first order resuspension velocity DM using default value: 0.00000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using constant nr 1 with value: 0.00000 [TaucRS1DM ] critical shear stress for resuspension DM layer S1 Using constant nr 13 with value: 0.200000 [TaucRS2DM ] critical shear stress for resuspension DM layer S2 using default value: 0.500000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension Using constant nr 3 with value: 0.100000E+00 [Surf ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment Using parameter nr 1 [SWResusp ] switch resuspension (0=z+f, 1=min(z,f)) using default value: 0.00000 Input for [Sed_IM1 ] Sedimentation IM1 [IM1 ] inorganic matter (IM1) Using substance nr 1 [ZSedIM1 ] zeroth-order sedimentation flux IM1 using default value: 0.00000 [VSedIM1 ] sedimentation velocity IM1 Using output from proces [CalVS_IM1 ] [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using constant nr 1 with value: 0.00000 [TaucSIM1 ] critical shear stress for sedimentation IM1 Using constant nr 2 with value: 0.100000E+00 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension Using constant nr 3 with value: 0.100000E+00 [FrIM1SedS2 ] fraction sedimentation IM1 towards S2 using default value: 0.00000 [FrTIMS2 ] fraction TIM in layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [FrTIMS2Max ] maximum fraction TIM in layer S2 pick-up using default value: 1.000000 [PsedminIM1 ] minimum sedimentation probability using default value: 0.00000 [VSedIM1 ] sedimentation velocity IM1 Using output from proces [CalVS_IM1 ] Input for [CalVS_IM1 ] Sedimentation velocity IM1 = f (Temp SS Sal) [V0SedIM1 ] sedimentation velocity IM1 Using constant nr 5 with value: 3.00000 [SS ] suspended solids Using output from proces [Compos ] [CrSS ] crit. susp. solid concentration for flocculation Using constant nr 6 with value: 100.0000 [nIM1 ] coefficient in flocculation function IM1 Using constant nr 7 with value: 0.00000 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using constant nr 8 with value: 15.0000 [TcSED ] temperature coefficient for sedimentation Using constant nr 9 with value: 1.000000 [Salinity ] Salinity Using constant nr 4 with value: 35.0000 [SMax ] salinity at which salinity function is maximal Using constant nr 10 with value: 5.00000 [EnhSedIM1 ] salinity enhanced settling factor for IM1 Using constant nr 11 with value: 1.000000 Input for [Compos ] Composition [NO3 ] Nitrate (NO3) using default value: 0.00000 [NH4 ] Ammonium (NH4) using default value: 0.00000 [PO4 ] Ortho-Phosphate (PO4) using default value: 0.00000 [Si ] dissolved Silica (Si) using default value: 0.00000 [IM1 ] inorganic matter (IM1) Using substance nr 1 [IM2 ] inorganic matter (IM2) using default value: 0.00000 [IM3 ] inorganic matter (IM3) using default value: 0.00000 [Phyt ] total carbon in phytoplankton using default value: 0.00000 [AlgN ] total nitrogen in algae using default value: 0.00000 [AlgP ] total phosphorus in algae using default value: 0.00000 [AlgSi ] total silica in algae using default value: 0.00000 [AlgDM ] total DM in algae using default value: 0.00000 [POC1 ] POC1 (fast decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POC2 ] POC2 (medium decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POC3 ] POC3 (slow decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POC4 ] POC4 (particulate refractory fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [PON1 ] PON1 (fast decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [DOC ] Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) using default value: 0.00000 [DON ] Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) using default value: 0.00000 [DOP ] Dissolved Organic Phosphorus (DOP) using default value: 0.00000 [DOS ] Dissolved Organic Sulphur (DOS) using default value: 0.00000 [AAP ] adsorbed ortho phosphate using default value: 0.00000 [VIVP ] Vivianite-P using default value: 0.00000 [APATP ] Apatite-P using default value: 0.00000 [DMCFIM1 ] DM:C ratio IM1 using default value: 1.000000 [DMCFIM2 ] DM:C ratio IM2 using default value: 1.000000 [DMCFIM3 ] DM:C ratio IM3 using default value: 1.000000 [PON2 ] PON2 (medium decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [PON3 ] PON3 (slow decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [PON4 ] PON4 (particulate refractory fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POP1 ] POP1 (fast decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POP2 ] POP2 (medium decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POP3 ] POP3 (slow decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POP4 ] POP4 (particulate refractory fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POS1 ] POS1 (fast decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POS2 ] POS2 (medium decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POS3 ] POS3 (slow decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POS4 ] POS4 (particulate refractory fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [Opal ] Opal-Si using default value: 0.00000 [DmCfPOC1 ] DM:C ratio POC1 using default value: 2.50000 [DmCfPOC2 ] DM:C ratio POC2 using default value: 2.50000 [DmCfPOC3 ] DM:C ratio POC3 using default value: 2.50000 [DmCfPOC4 ] DM:C ratio POC4 using default value: 2.50000 Input for [S1_Comp ] Composition sediment layer S1 [IM1S1 ] IM1 in layer S1 Using substance nr 2 [IM2S1 ] IM2 in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [IM3S1 ] IM3 in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [DetCS1 ] DetC in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [OOCS1 ] OOC in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [DiatS1 ] Diatoms in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [GreenS1 ] Algae in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [AAPS1 ] adsorbed O-PO4 in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [DMCFIM1 ] DM:C ratio IM1 using default value: 1.000000 [DMCFIM2 ] DM:C ratio IM2 using default value: 1.000000 [DMCFIM3 ] DM:C ratio IM3 using default value: 1.000000 [DMCFDetCS ] DM:C ratio DetCS1 and DetCS2 using default value: 1.70000 [DMCFOOCS ] DM:C ratio POCS1 and POCS2 using default value: 1.70000 [DMCFDiatS ] DM:C ratio DiatS1 and DiatS2 using default value: 1.70000 [DMCFGreenS ] DM:C ratio GreenS1 and GreenS2 using default value: 1.70000 [RHOIM1 ] bulk density IM1 using default value: 0.260000E+07 [RHOIM2 ] bulk density IM2 using default value: 0.260000E+07 [RHOIM3 ] bulk density IM3 using default value: 0.260000E+07 [RHODetC ] bulk density DetC using default value: 0.130000E+07 [RHOOOC ] bulk density OOC using default value: 0.130000E+07 [RHODiat ] bulk density Diatoms using default value: 0.130000E+07 [RHOGreen ] bulk density Greens using default value: 0.130000E+07 [PORS1 ] porosity of sediment layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [Surf ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment Using parameter nr 1 [DetNS1 ] DetN in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [DetPS1 ] DetP in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [DetSiS1 ] DetSi in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [OONS1 ] OON in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [OOPS1 ] OOP in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [OOSiS1 ] OOSi in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [MPB1peliS1 ] MPB epipelic biomass in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [MPB2psamS1 ] MPB n-diat biomass in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [DmCfMPB1 ] DM:C ratio MPB1 algae using default value: 2.50000 [DmCfMPB2 ] DM:C ratio MPB2 algae using default value: 2.50000 [RhoOM ] dry bulk density organic matter using default value: 0.130000E+07 [RhoOM ] dry bulk density organic matter using default value: 0.130000E+07 Input for [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) [VertDisper ] vertical dispersion Using segment function nr 1 [ScaleVdisp ] scaling factor for vertical diffusion Using constant nr 18 with value: 1.000000 Input for [TotDepth ] depth water column [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [Surf ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment Using parameter nr 1 Input for [DynDepth ] dynamic calculation of the depth [Volume ] volume of computational cell Using DELWAQ volume [Surf ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment Using parameter nr 1 # determining the use of the delwaq input info: constant [CLOSE_ERR ] is not used by the proces system info: constant [MaxIter ] is not used by the proces system info: constant [Tolerance ] is not used by the proces system info: constant [Iteration ] is not used by the proces system info: parameter [bottomdept] is not used by the proces system # locating requested output from active processes output [SS ] from proces [Compos ] output [fSedIM1 ] from proces [Sed_IM1 ] output [fResS1IM1 ] from proces [S12TraIM1 ] output [ActThS1 ] from proces [S1_Comp ] output [LocalDepth ] from proces [TotDepth ]